Why Seats??



  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    um also...

    no one has mentioned that many of the shows on this tour are in outdoor sheds...the chairs are THERE. fastened into the floor. they are ampetheaters.

    I hate shed shows, but um, nonetheless, of course it's not GA.

    i think outdoor amphitheater shows sound much better than arenas.
  • i think outdoor amphitheater shows sound much better than arenas.

    yeah but they're not as loud (which I think is just the fun part of it) and a lot less intimate.
  • xkevvxxkevvx Posts: 348
    I've been to numerous hardcore shows in my day (real hardcore not stupid nu metal crap) where everyone moshes and shit, I've gotten kicked in the head, bloody nose all that garbage from shows @ Valentines in Albany, that was fun when I was 15, 16, 17... I'm not much older now at 25, but I just don't want that when I see PJ, I want to enjoy the music and not worry about people being out of control and immature.

    Right on. I'm 27 and I've been going to hardcore shows for over ten years now, and I still like to go down on the floor and pile on and sing along and shit. But Pearl Jam just isn't that kind of music. I like to have my own spot and stand there and sing along. Plus, Pearl Jam shows would probably have fights because people would think in the "pit" that they own their spot and would start "throwing elbows" to keep people from moving on in. Pearl Jam people are too old for that shit...
  • dangerboydangerboy Posts: 1,569
    well it's just not seen the same way here. arena shows have always been mostly assigned seating throughout the history of rock in this country. cultural differences, period.

    actually, only since about 1979...


    ebay isn't evil people are

    The South is Much Obliged
  • gtrplyrgtrplyr Posts: 115
    xkevvx wrote:
    Right on. I'm 27 and I've been going to hardcore shows for over ten years now, and I still like to go down on the floor and pile on and sing along and shit. But Pearl Jam just isn't that kind of music. I like to have my own spot and stand there and sing along. Plus, Pearl Jam shows would probably have fights because people would think in the "pit" that they own their spot and would start "throwing elbows" to keep people from moving on in. Pearl Jam people are too old for that shit...

    Agreed. If I'm going to see Madball or Earth Crisis or something, thats one thing...its gonna be rowdy. I'm prepared.

    But Pearl Jam is just not that way. It isn't 1992 anymore...we're all older and less angry:)

    Yeah U2 shows are GA but those people are in their 40s and 50s...I saw them a couple years ago and it wasn't all cramped and packed against the rail...those people arent into that...they want to stand still and not spill their $8 glass of wine...its a whole different vibe.
  • jimed14jimed14 Posts: 9,488
    The SF shows in 2006 were GA, and they went *okay*. It was cool to some extent, but shitty in other ways.

    I'm pretty mild-mannered, but I nearly got in fights on two of the three nights with people barging through late in the show when everybody had settled in. I just don't know what goes through people's minds where, two hours into a show, I GOTTA BE UP FRONT RIGHT NOW, I DON'T CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE I HAVE TO PUSH.

    One of these was like a conga line of frat boys. As they shoved past, I grabbed the last dude's ball cap and just chunked it. It was kind of a dickhead move on my part, I'll admit. It was kind of just a reaction. Eight guys pushed me during like, Indifference, and I kind of blacked out and threw a dude's hat.

    Anyway. GA shows were fun when I was 16. Now, I merely tolerate them. The fact is, as close as I got at the SF shows, I've been closer at other shows with seats ... and nobody to shove me around.

    It was intersting as I think a LOT of 10c'ers at the SF shows went for the seated balcony seats right on the side of the stage instead of the GA floor. I did not have 10c seats and got in and walked up to about the 10th "row" or so, both nights I went. (Luckily(?) the posters were so hideous, I didn't have to worry about them getting crushed as I didn't buy them).

    And to the person who posted earlier who said "in principle, GA is good, but not everoyne plays by the rules" (paraphrasing) .... I agree. The only issue with the SF shows was that there was a constant flood of fucktards trying to move up all show long. We made friends with our GA neighbors and formed "walls" so people wouldn't get through, even had one of them get tossed after he intentionally spilled a beer on someone when we wouldn't allow him to move up front. And most of the time, the people trying to move up were just moving up front for the sake of doing so, they weren't even paying attention to the show. Most of the time, they were too drunk to know any better.

    I'd be all for GA if people were respectful to each other, I've been to *many* GA shows where this was the case ... I don't mind dancing and a little swaying / bumping / pushing ... that's energy. But, sadly, there are too many people who suck, who feel entitled, who don't care if someone got there before them, they feel they deserve to be up front and don't care who or how many they have to push, shove, step on to do so. That's what causes most of the issues with GA.
    "You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91

    "I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
  • RoeghmannRoeghmann Posts: 969
    I think we have a result.
    In Europe we are civilized enough to have GA shows - it works out fine here!
    Run away my son. See it all. Oh see the world.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    overall, i have to say i like having seats...mostly for delineating a *space* for each person. especially for BIG shows, such as pearl jam. i've seen plenty of GA shows, including 8 for pj...and yea, the pj shows were the craziest! granted, i also wanted to be close! however, hell yes...being on the rail makes a HUGE difference! don't think i could've taken it otherwise. i too am not tall, and yes...being squished and not being able to se/breathe...not my idea of a good time. other GA shows i've been very close, but not front row....and on the perimeter, far better.

    for pj, it's a toss-up. i've enjoyed the opportunities afforded with GA, meaning, being able to be on the rail. however, i made holidays out of seeing pj, so thus had the time. seeing them close to home, just so happens this time around i already took vacation time for the same week, but otherwise...i would not want to suck up my vacation time to simply queue for first row. assigned seats make that pointless, so i just go about my day. sure, my seats usually aren't great, but they ain't too bad either....and i have a GREAt time wherever i am! it IS really nice to leave a show and not feel battle-wounded and dripping in sweat, can actually go to a bar and feel good. so yea...absolutely can rock out in my small space at a seated gig, just more comfortable.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • RoeghmannRoeghmann Posts: 969
    Originally Posted by smithnic
    You will see chairs at PJ shows from now on for one reason and one reason only...


    dude, that's not the *one* reason. I saw them years before rokslide, and yes, there were chairs.

    Copenhagen 2007 = GA

    Run away my son. See it all. Oh see the world.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Röeghmann wrote:
    I think we have a result.
    In Europe we are civilized enough to have GA shows - it works out fine here!

    not really.

    i remember in italy in particular, countless people being pulled from the crowd b/c they were exhausted/overheated/etc. me, i far rather enjoy the FULL show, and my space...then get pulled out for any reason. now, i did survive the full shows, every time, but that's b/c i was on the rail. if i wasn't i know the same fate would await me.

    btw - let's not make this a europe vs. states thing. it just so happens in the stats that it's pretty much the norm for large arena shows to have seats on the floor. obviously, it's not the norm for europe. also why it took so long for pj to return to europe after rockskilde. i am sure if it were more common for seated euroshows, pj may've come back sooner perhaps. i think they personally needed the time/distance from that tragedy before returning to any GA shows. here in the states, smaller venues have GA shows...irving plaza....borgota...the vic....etc. and they all go well.

    more than anything, i think it's simply what you grow accustomed to and thus learn to appreciate. that's all. :)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    smithnic wrote:
    You will see chairs at PJ shows from now on for one reason and one reason only...


    I've been to three PJ general admission shows since then ... so, um, you're 100 percent wrong.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    btw - let's not make this a europe vs. states thing.

    I think GA works better in Europe because we did all the work in two world wars to save their ass. So they are nice and rested.

    Except for the part of Europe whose ass we kicked.

    And, yes, off course ... this is a joke. :)
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • xkevvxxkevvx Posts: 348
    gtrplyr wrote:
    Agreed. If I'm going to see Madball or Earth Crisis or something, thats one thing...its gonna be rowdy. I'm prepared.

    Funny that you mention Earth Crisis. I saw them two weeks ago and that is EXACTLY what I was thinking of when I wrote that.
  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    gotta admit, I really like this thread.

    mainly b/c the initial post is kind of dumb and it somehow managed to grow to 10 pages.
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    Motown322 wrote:
    Pegasus wrote:
    Call me crazy (I'm sure the usual suspects will ) but even if I was guaranteed front row every seated show (which I get every GA show.), I still would rather have GA!

    And I'm gonna call straight, unadulterated BULLSHIT on that one... :D
    ask anyone who know me, they'll tell you I'm dead serious on that.
    some 6'4" baboon motherfucker always shoves his way to stand in front of my 5ft tall wife.... uncouth, disrespectful ignorant fuck will go down w/in 2 songs as I flick my hot cigarette ashes on the back of his neck.....

    fuck GA shows and fuck you if you are for them.
    thing is, with GA, you're free to move away from the 6'4" baboon.. if you're unlucky enough to have him in the seat in front of you, you're fucked (that's a big thing I'm worried about this tour, more than how far my seat will be: being stuck behind some big football player :()

    as for seats, those things are dangerous!
    seriously, I got giant bruises on my thighs at Verona from constantly banging in the seat in front whilst dancing. didn't get nearly as nasty ones in the rest of the GA shows (though I got a few of course ;)).

    If you want space, you can get it easily at GA show, just stand a little bit further back that's all.
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    Pegasus wrote:
    If you want space, you can get it easily at GA show, just stand a little bit further back that's all.

    I concurreth. Make your way a few feet to either side of you, and you can go get yer beers, go for a piss, whatever and still go back to the spot you were in.

    I love GA - its all I've ever known since I was 15 - gettin the crap beat outta ye by big fat lads, kickin them in the ass, getting around them etc...

    Pearl Jams first festival back in Europe after Roskilde - Ed comes on stage, warns us all to look after ourselves and each other, I was thinkin they'd play a pretty slow set list, and they burst on stage with Go, Animal, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Hail Hail, Severed Hand, Given To Fly, Green Disease, Even Flow etc... think that shows a li'l bit of trust in the crowd!
    This is me:

  • Housing JimHousing Jim Posts: 644
    Hmm....I'm not a big fan of GA shows. Given the choice these days, I'll always get seats for show rather than standing if possible.

    GA was great when I was 17, and didn't mind getting punched, kicked, squashed, bruised etc but these days I'd much rather be able to take a seat before the show, have a bit of room when you do stand up, easily be able to go get a drink. I guess it's just a case of growing up.....either that or I'm just dull now.

    That said, the GA at the London show last year was a very pleasurable experience......you could get a decent view, not too far from the stage and there was no pushing and shoving at all. I like to think it had something to do with being an all 10C floor.
    A democracy on paper, apparently well ordered, regularly subverted by irrational chaos.

    Manchester - 4/6/2000
    London - 20/4/2006
    Dublin - 23/8/2006
    London - 18/6/2007
    New York City - 24/6/2008
    New York City - 25/6/2008 - we will be "what is up" New York
    Manchester - 18/8/2009
    Manchester - 20/6/2012
    Leeds - 6/7/2014
    London - 18/6/2018
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    Hmm....I'm not a big fan of GA shows. Given the choice these days, I'll always get seats for show rather than standing if possible.

    GA was great when I was 17, and didn't mind getting punched, kicked, squashed, bruised etc but these days I'd much rather be able to take a seat before the show, have a bit of room when you do stand up, easily be able to go get a drink. I guess it's just a case of growing up.....either that or I'm just dull now.

    That said, the GA at the London show last year was a very pleasurable experience......you could get a decent view, not too far from the stage and there was no pushing and shoving at all. I like to think it had something to do with being an all 10C floor.
    nope, it was pushing and shoving aplenty upfront (though not was bad as I thought it'd be).
    But as we said, if you move back a bit, or on the sides, there's always plenty of space at GAs.

    actually, PJ pits are amongst the wildest I've been in.
    Only Punk/Metal type ones, were people purposefulness mosh, were tougher.
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,405
    um also...

    no one has mentioned that many of the shows on this tour are in outdoor sheds...the chairs are THERE. fastened into the floor. they are ampetheaters.
    Seats can be removed...at Great Tweeter Woods they have done this for some shows in the past, removing the first dozen rows of section 2 for a GA pit.
    This weekend we rock Portland
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