Not to make a big deal out of it, because like most males I know, I was circumcised as a baby, but it just seems unnatural. The three Abrahamic faiths go against nature in many other ways too. I once read, and I almost don't want to know if it's true, but I read that for a man, sex without foreskin is like sight without color... that with foreskin, there are sensations that a man would otherwise not experience. I know I certainly wouldn't have it chopped off if I still had it today!
Think how tough it must have been for a circumcised fella before they invented color porno films.
And while we're on the topic...straight from the website of the World Health Organization:
"There is compelling evidence that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%. Three randomized controlled trials have shown that male circumcision provided by well trained health professionals in properly equipped settings is safe. WHO/UNAIDS recommendations emphasize that male circumcision should be considered an efficacious intervention for HIV prevention in countries and regions with heterosexual epidemics, high HIV and low male circumcision prevalence."
But don't listen to the WHO, they are probably just more of those lying circumcision enthusiasts craftily pushing their circumcision agenda, or maybe they're nefarious Jews (or Muslims) unethically trying to impose their religious practices on unsuspecting Africans.
Just think of the risk reduction benefits if we just cut the whole penis off entirely!
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
Ok, no rabbi has ever bitten off the foreskin. First off the ritual is performed by a "mohel," who need not be a rabbi. Second, there was a very rare custom where the mohel would "clean" the affected area by sucking on the site of the incision, but I don't know of anyone who does this anymore.
With regard to the pain the infant feels, I've been to a whole lot of these ceremonies, and the fact is that the baby almost always stops crying pretty quickly after the ritual is completed. I guess babies do have incredibly short attention spans, but still, if the pain was that severe you'd expect (or at least I would expect) a more prolonged response.
As for where the ritual comes from, in the Bible God tells Abraham to circumcise himself and all the males of his household as a symbol of the covenant between them. Think of it in terms of signing a contract in blood, with the added symbolism that God has promised to make Abraham the father of a great nation, and the sign of this covenant is "inscribed" on the very organ that will bring this about.
The babies stop crying pretty quickly not because of a short attention span, but because they are going into fucking SHOCK.
"A recent study conducted by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researcher suggests the number of circumcisions performed dropped from 56% in 2006 to 33% in 2009. So chances are you or someone you know is uncircumcised, a fact that is really none of the business of complete strangers -- government officials and busy-body voters alike. Why someone would sign a petition making it their business is beyond me."
I asked my g/f what she thought of this the other night (and what she would like to do if we were to have kids one day). She hadnt thought about it enough she said. I also wondered if she had seen or dealt with an uncircumcised penis.. she said no. Made me wonder how many women had befriended an uncircumcised unit and if they found it unusual.. women, whaddya think?
also this guy Granderson says: "Besides being an important aspect of some religions, circumcisions improve hygiene, which is effective in limiting urinary tract infections and the transference of STDs. And speaking of sex, having a circumcised penis saves the young man of the potential embarrassment of having a new partner look at his nude body and say "What in the hell is wrong with your... penis.""
I thought the hygiene thing was a myth.. but is it embarrassing to unleash it to a partner?
Made me wonder how many women had befriended an uncircumcised unit and if they found it unusual.. women, whaddya think?
Unusual? The unadulterated penis? The way nature intended?
Nothing unusual, perfectly nice and normal. Note that an erect penis looks more or less the same circumcised or not (but can't play the same way with a circumcised one ) I guess 'back in the days' it would seem approx 65% of american males were circumcised (from 1985 stats - in 1979 it was still 80%), a 'current' young adult woman may not have had much the opportunity to 'sample' both, I guess, especially if she sticks to white, american males and doesn't have a too disolute sex life.. In Europe, a circumcised penis is the 'odd one out' (unless you look at males from muslim countries).
also this guy Granderson says: having a circumcised penis saves the young man of the potential embarrassment of having a new partner look at his nude body and say "What in the hell is wrong with your... penis."
:shock: I can't believe this! Someone who writes columns for CNN!
When it comes to hygiene... if you are a filthy bugger, you will be one, circumcised or not....
I asked my g/f what she thought of this the other night (and what she would like to do if we were to have kids one day). She hadnt thought about it enough she said.
What would you do? Personally, I don't believe there is much thought that needs to be put in it. Do you inflict immeasurable pain and mutilation of a perfectly healthy (and useful!) part of your newborn baby (who you should be protecting and nurturing) or do you let him grow up 'whole' and let him experience pleasure as it is meant to be? If he chooses circumcision when he is old enough to make that kind of decision, that's fine - lots of people self-mutilate for cosmetic purposes.... Of course, if it's what appears to be a religious dictate as with the jews, you will have other considerations....
I wonder if most of those extreme circumcision proponents are ok with female genital mutilation... you know... especially if they only cut off parts of the female genitalia...
is any amount of FGM ok?
If not... then why is male genital mutilation ok.... ??
It's so silly, it's not even worth me debating the issue. I'm just fascinated with those that are taking serious amounts of time and effort to push / stop this "issue".
Think how tough it must have been for a circumcised fella before they invented color porno films.
Just think of the risk reduction benefits if we just cut the whole penis off entirely!
"With our thoughts we make the world"
The babies stop crying pretty quickly not because of a short attention span, but because they are going into fucking SHOCK. ... shock.html ... 1&iref=NS1
"A recent study conducted by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researcher suggests the number of circumcisions performed dropped from 56% in 2006 to 33% in 2009. So chances are you or someone you know is uncircumcised, a fact that is really none of the business of complete strangers -- government officials and busy-body voters alike. Why someone would sign a petition making it their business is beyond me."
I asked my g/f what she thought of this the other night (and what she would like to do if we were to have kids one day). She hadnt thought about it enough she said. I also wondered if she had seen or dealt with an uncircumcised penis.. she said no. Made me wonder how many women had befriended an uncircumcised unit and if they found it unusual.. women, whaddya think?
also this guy Granderson says:
"Besides being an important aspect of some religions, circumcisions improve hygiene, which is effective in limiting urinary tract infections and the transference of STDs. And speaking of sex, having a circumcised penis saves the young man of the potential embarrassment of having a new partner look at his nude body and say "What in the hell is wrong with your... penis.""
I thought the hygiene thing was a myth.. but is it embarrassing to unleash it to a partner?
Unusual? The unadulterated penis? The way nature intended?
Nothing unusual, perfectly nice and normal. Note that an erect penis looks more or less the same circumcised or not (but can't play the same way with a circumcised one
When it comes to hygiene... if you are a filthy bugger, you will be one, circumcised or not....
What would you do? Personally, I don't believe there is much thought that needs to be put in it. Do you inflict immeasurable pain and mutilation of a perfectly healthy (and useful!) part of your newborn baby (who you should be protecting and nurturing) or do you let him grow up 'whole' and let him experience pleasure as it is meant to be? If he chooses circumcision when he is old enough to make that kind of decision, that's fine - lots of people self-mutilate for cosmetic purposes.... Of course, if it's what appears to be a religious dictate as with the jews, you will have other considerations....
is any amount of FGM ok?
If not... then why is male genital mutilation ok.... ??
FGM is usually done for religious purposes too...
I find this whole debate very amusing.
This picture is priceless!
It's so silly, it's not even worth me debating the issue. I'm just fascinated with those that are taking serious amounts of time and effort to push / stop this "issue".
Where is Moonbeam when you need her?