bowling for columbine



  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    unsung wrote:
    So make checks in order to do so. Don't make laws that keep people like me from purchasing something. The nutjobs are a tiny fraction of the law abiding citizens.

    Well then, the constitution says I have the right to bear arms. The arms of the day include nuclear bombs. If I can afford it, why does the government keep me from it?

    How about a military jet with tomahawk missiles?

    There always has to be a limit of "arms". I just want a stricter limit than you. People will still have guns for hunting, and if you need a semi-automatic weapon to hunt, you are way too bored and way too unqualified to hunt in the first place.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    unsung wrote:
    So make checks in order to do so. Don't make laws that keep people like me from purchasing something. The nutjobs are a tiny fraction of the law abiding citizens.

    Well then, the constitution says I have the right to bear arms. The arms of the day include nuclear bombs. If I can afford it, why does the government keep me from it?

    How about a military jet with tomahawk missiles?

    There always has to be a limit of "arms". I just want a stricter limit than you. People will still have guns for hunting, and if you need a semi-automatic weapon to hunt, you are way too bored and way too unqualified to hunt in the first place.

    I was about to say this too. Also, at the time of the constitution, I think guns were quite a bit different from 2011. You couldnt hit the broad side of a barn from 50 feet away back then with the guns they had. Did Thomas Jefferson have the ability to imagine an automatic weapon with 30-50 rounds?
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    unsung wrote:
    So make checks in order to do so. Don't make laws that keep people like me from purchasing something. The nutjobs are a tiny fraction of the law abiding citizens.

    Well then, the constitution says I have the right to bear arms. The arms of the day include nuclear bombs. If I can afford it, why does the government keep me from it?

    How about a military jet with tomahawk missiles?

    There always has to be a limit of "arms". I just want a stricter limit than you. People will still have guns for hunting, and if you need a semi-automatic weapon to hunt, you are way too bored and way too unqualified to hunt in the first place.

    Come on now...I posted this back in the Guns & Bullets Thread - Nukes are impossible to use without killing innocent people. The difference between guns and nukes is in kind, not degree. An atom bomb can't be used selectively, in fact it's designed that way to be as indiscriminate as possible, threaten as many people as possible with one button push, so that the whole world can be held hostage by a tiny group of people.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    while i am saddened that people are killed everyday in this country I do not believe that eliminating guns would solve the violence issues. would make it harder to kill I guess, but just in the last two months in the neighborhood I moved out of (bought my first house ...YESSSS) which was fairly nice, has had a rash of strong armed robberies...people simply attacking people for no other reason than to terrify...considering strong armed robbery nets you at most what 100 bucks and maybe some personal electronics...they continued beating the people even after they gave up their stuff...these pussies broke a woman's orbital bone AFTER she gave up her shit...5 attacks in the last two my opinion a bullet in the ass would serve them well...
    personally I would love them to attack myself and a few friends of mine from my gym(cannot wait to unleash my Muay Thai :twisted: , but that is beside the point...i cannot say what would happen if someone had a gun on them and witnessed one of these, I would like to think if I saw it I would do something with mine, but who knows if I would...
    call it irrational fear if you want, I just want to know I can defend myself if I need to
    I do support the idea of stronger rules about who can get guns, at this point I just have to concede that it is important to make sure we are selling weapons to people responsible enough to own them,
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    so ... basically, what i'm hearing is that america can be a violent place ... and people need guns to defend themselves ...
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    so ... basically, what i'm hearing is that america can be a violent place ... and people need guns to defend themselves ...

    that about sums it up for me...I wouldn't necessarily say need...but I would definitely say want...i also use mine for target shooting and bird hunting...I would challenge anyone who is anti-gun to say it isn't fun as hell to shoot clay pigeons...I dare you :shock:
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    polaris_x wrote:
    so ... basically, what i'm hearing is that america can be a violent place ... and people need guns to defend themselves ...
    And also to shoot bunny rabbits.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    that about sums it up for me...I wouldn't necessarily say need...but I would definitely say want...i also use mine for target shooting and bird hunting...I would challenge anyone who is anti-gun to say it isn't fun as hell to shoot clay pigeons...I dare you :shock:

    haha ... i have no problems with guns for sport nor hunting (as long as the game is used and is regulated) ...

    the issue really isn't gun control is it? ... it's why is america a place where one feels the need to have a gun to protect themselves ... it's the violence embedded in the culture that is the issue ...
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    that about sums it up for me...I wouldn't necessarily say need...but I would definitely say want...i also use mine for target shooting and bird hunting...I would challenge anyone who is anti-gun to say it isn't fun as hell to shoot clay pigeons...I dare you :shock:

    haha ... i have no problems with guns for sport nor hunting (as long as the game is used and is regulated) ...

    the issue really isn't gun control is it? ... it's why is america a place where one feels the need to have a gun to protect themselves ... it's the violence embedded in the culture that is the issue ...

    that is my simpleminded take on it all. I have a feeling that eliminating the "drug war" would account for about half of those murders...that is the real issue surrounding the violence in our culture, drug/gang violence... We continue to feed into the notion that somehow keeping drugs off store shelves is going to benefit society when in turn it is simply taking any bad that could come from the legalization of drugs and pushing it into different areas...hopefully that makes sense...I am trying to say that any harm caused by legalization of drugs...which, in Portugal they found the opposite if I am not mistaken, would be dwarfed by the continual harm that IS being caused by the war on drugs.

    Not to mention the level of safety that people would feel with a police force not charged with the overwhelming task of the drug war...I think they say that for crime to be a truly deterred by the criminal justice system the clearance rate needs to be around 30%...I don't know...if the police had time to solve these other cases all of society would benefit from this possible unforeseen positive of eliminating our insane drug laws in this country...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    unsung wrote:
    fife wrote:
    what is the differences between American and Canada?

    East L.A., South side of Chicago, Detroit, Houston, parts of NYC, inner city poverty, poor federal education system (which should be abolished), Mexican drug cartels that spill into the US that are also supplied arms from our very own government... shall I go on?


    Please don't mention dentistry. I need a root canal tomorrow, 5 fillings on Friday, and a tooth extraction next Wednesday, totalling approx £1000. :evil:
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Byrnzie wrote:

    Please don't mention dentistry. I need a root canal tomorrow, 5 fillings on Friday, and a tooth extraction next Wednesday, totalling approx £1000. :evil:

    skittle and nerds diet? jesus...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    that is my simpleminded take on it all. I have a feeling that eliminating the "drug war" would account for about half of those murders...that is the real issue surrounding the violence in our culture, drug/gang violence... We continue to feed into the notion that somehow keeping drugs off store shelves is going to benefit society when in turn it is simply taking any bad that could come from the legalization of drugs and pushing it into different areas...hopefully that makes sense...I am trying to say that any harm caused by legalization of drugs...which, in Portugal they found the opposite if I am not mistaken, would be dwarfed by the continual harm that IS being caused by the war on drugs.

    Not to mention the level of safety that people would feel with a police force not charged with the overwhelming task of the drug war...I think they say that for crime to be a truly deterred by the criminal justice system the clearance rate needs to be around 30%...I don't know...if the police had time to solve these other cases all of society would benefit from this possible unforeseen positive of eliminating our insane drug laws in this country...

    the war on drugs is one thing and the video unsung posted is somewhat related ... but some folks have been talking about armed robberies and violence in their neighbourhoods that don't appear to be related to the war on drugs ...

    don't you think there is a connection between the fact that america has involved itself in so many conflicts and the role of the gun in society? ... let's not get into the merits of those conflicts ... just simply that as a whole - violence seems to be the answer to problems ... for example:

    1. when a violent crime is committed - many want that person to die
    2. when 9/11 happened - many wanted kill everyone related to the people involved (afghanistan)
    3. your semi-wish that the thugs in your neighbourhood would take you and your friends on
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    that is my simpleminded take on it all. I have a feeling that eliminating the "drug war" would account for about half of those murders...that is the real issue surrounding the violence in our culture, drug/gang violence... We continue to feed into the notion that somehow keeping drugs off store shelves is going to benefit society when in turn it is simply taking any bad that could come from the legalization of drugs and pushing it into different areas...hopefully that makes sense...I am trying to say that any harm caused by legalization of drugs...which, in Portugal they found the opposite if I am not mistaken, would be dwarfed by the continual harm that IS being caused by the war on drugs.

    Not to mention the level of safety that people would feel with a police force not charged with the overwhelming task of the drug war...I think they say that for crime to be a truly deterred by the criminal justice system the clearance rate needs to be around 30%...I don't know...if the police had time to solve these other cases all of society would benefit from this possible unforeseen positive of eliminating our insane drug laws in this country...

    the war on drugs is one thing and the video unsung posted is somewhat related ... but some folks have been talking about armed robberies and violence in their neighbourhoods that don't appear to be related to the war on drugs ...

    don't you think there is a connection between the fact that america has involved itself in so many conflicts and the role of the gun in society? ... let's not get into the merits of those conflicts ... just simply that as a whole - violence seems to be the answer to problems ... for example:

    1. when a violent crime is committed - many want that person to die
    2. when 9/11 happened - many wanted kill everyone related to the people involved (afghanistan)
    3. your semi-wish that the thugs in your neighbourhood would take you and your friends on

    1&2 --I am not sure...i think the pioneer/wildwest spirit is probably partly to blame...I mean, a large portion of the white ancestors literally fought to get what they wanted...(again leaving the merits out of it)...and in this same vain, sometimes people think the only way to get your way is to "fight" for things...that mentality is seen everywhere in our country...I think it is probably why I feel like people should earn what they have in life...

    I also think that many in the world feel this same way however...

    I don't think that this phenomenon of wanting to answer violence with violence is exclusive to the US. I don't think i need to give you specific examples but the threats of violence against a Dutch cartoonist come to mind right away...It probably stems more from the biblical principle of eye for an eye, and being that some of our ancestors were puritans (sorry to those folks) but those social norms don't die off that easily...

    3. this goes along with violence being met with violence...I firmly believe that if someone is out committing violent acts the only thing they are going to respond to is being stood up to...the bully syndrome I guess you could call way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him and show him you aren't afraid...and the best way to do it in my opinion is to answer there bullying tactic with the same thing...if it is words, you fire back...if it is violence you punch him in the nose...I don't see that as a problem really...and yes, I would love to kick the shit out of those punks that did that to that poor girl...A few leg kicks and knees to the giblits later they would maybe be rethinking their choice of profession...and if not, at least they got to feel what those others felt, terror from a beating that wouldn't stop, not knowing how far it was going to go...I truly feel that those bullies will only respond to violence...
    why they turned to it in the first place and the entire gang/inner city thug culture is dependent on drugs. The drug trade is what fuels the strength of the gangs...if they were literally just people who stood on a street corner and fought other neighborhoods it wouldn't be nearly as attractive to join the gangs...They have no reason to exist at that point...Bullies will always be bullies, but the culture of gang violence would be dealt a huge blow if drugs went legal. I also think that a large part of why people feel the need to "do it on their own" is because of the clearance rate phenomenon I brought up. If people believed that the cops would be there to help them when they needed it there wouldn't be this idea that we need to protect ourselves as much as their is now.

    I would love for the world to be a place where everyone simply gets along and we all live happily ever after, seriously I would,
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    I would love for the world to be a place where everyone simply gets along and we all live happily ever after, seriously I would,

    there are a lot of places like that ... it's not 100% rosy and utopian ... but there are a lot of countries where people do not feel the need to own a gun for self defense ...
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    polaris_x wrote:
    so ... basically, what i'm hearing is that america can be a violent place ... and people need guns to defend themselves ...

    Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is a notorious anti gun person and refuses to allow law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves, yet he has requested five armed bodyguards to protect his family when he leaves office this month.

    The hypocrisy is blinding.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    unsung wrote:
    Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is a notorious anti gun person and refuses to allow law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves, yet he has requested five armed bodyguards to protect his family when he leaves office this month.

    The hypocrisy is blinding.

    do you think the threat of violence against him is more than the average citizen? ... i hear what you are saying but i don't think it's totally hypocritical ... i'm pretty sure he's had numerous death threats against him ... like most politicians ...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    polaris_x wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is a notorious anti gun person and refuses to allow law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves, yet he has requested five armed bodyguards to protect his family when he leaves office this month.

    The hypocrisy is blinding.

    do you think the threat of violence against him is more than the average citizen? ... i hear what you are saying but i don't think it's totally hypocritical ... i'm pretty sure he's had numerous death threats against him ... like most politicians ...

    He probably wouldn't need the body guards if we got semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of his former constituents that are unhappy with him. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    polaris_x wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is a notorious anti gun person and refuses to allow law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves, yet he has requested five armed bodyguards to protect his family when he leaves office this month.

    The hypocrisy is blinding.

    do you think the threat of violence against him is more than the average citizen? ... i hear what you are saying but i don't think it's totally hypocritical ... i'm pretty sure he's had numerous death threats against him ... like most politicians ...

    He probably wouldn't need the body guards if we got semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of his former constituents that are unhappy with him. ;)

    yup! ... :lol:
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    polaris_x wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is a notorious anti gun person and refuses to allow law abiding citizens the right to defend themselves, yet he has requested five armed bodyguards to protect his family when he leaves office this month.

    The hypocrisy is blinding.

    do you think the threat of violence against him is more than the average citizen? ... i hear what you are saying but i don't think it's totally hypocritical ... i'm pretty sure he's had numerous death threats against him ... like most politicians ...

    He probably wouldn't need the body guards if we got semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of his former constituents that are unhappy with him. ;)


    Please don't attempt insulting the law abiding citizens of Chicago and Illinois with the thug gang members that make Chicago streets unsafe. We know where the real threat to Chicago is.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    unsung wrote:


    Please don't attempt insulting the law abiding citizens of Chicago and Illinois with the thug gang members that make Chicago streets unsafe. We know where the real threat to Chicago is.
    where is the real threat to chicago?

    non-gang members who get guns legally kill people as well.

    let's not forget that fact.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    unsung wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:

    do you think the threat of violence against him is more than the average citizen? ... i hear what you are saying but i don't think it's totally hypocritical ... i'm pretty sure he's had numerous death threats against him ... like most politicians ...

    He probably wouldn't need the body guards if we got semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of his former constituents that are unhappy with him. ;)


    Please don't attempt insulting the law abiding citizens of Chicago and Illinois with the thug gang members that make Chicago streets unsafe. We know where the real threat to Chicago is.

    Did I offend both of you, or just you? ;)

    Man, you need to lighten up a bit if you were offended by that. Jeez...
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    where is the real threat to chicago?

    Rumor has it somewhere in the ocean...eaten by fishes. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    Rumor has it somewhere in the ocean...eaten by fishes. ;)
    Weird fishes?
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    edited May 2011
    where is the real threat to chicago?

    non-gang members who get guns legally kill people as well.

    let's not forget that fact.

    To answer #1, in the Mayor's Office.

    To comment on the 2nd part, not sure if anyone with any device can "legally kill people".
    Post edited by unsung on
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487

    Did I offend both of you, or just you? ;)

    Man, you need to lighten up a bit if you were offended by that. Jeez...

    You can't possibly insult me as much as the politicians in this state have.
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    I found this article interesting. ... /guns.html

    I still believe that getting guns off the streets are important but i also believe that we have to look at the mentality of people and the fascination of weapons and why people use them. I don't believe its just for protection.
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