President Obama releases long-form birth certificate

Now some Teabagger's are saying it's fake! :roll:
I believe this has to be about race.... what a shame.
President Obama releases long-form birth certificate
President Obama hopes to finally end questions about his citizenship with the release of his long-form Hawaiian birth certificate.
Obama said in a brief appearance before the cameras Wednesday morning that he decided on the release because the conspiracy theory over where he was born had eclipsed the debate on the budget.
“We do not have time for this kind of silliness,” Obama told reporters. “I’ve got better stuff to do.”
Obama said that while the parties debate their fiscal policies, people can’t be “making stuff up” and providing “sideshows and carnival barkers.”
Saying the “fake issue” had become a distraction, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer earlier said the White House hopes to defeat the issue by addressing it directly.
“At a time of great consequence for this country — when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue,” Pfeiffer said.
Questions about Obama’s birthplace surfaced during the 2008 campaign. The subsequent release of Obama’s certificate of live birth failed to satisfy those who believed he was born in Kenya or elsewhere.
Since then, the issue has percolated — mostly on conservative blogs — but lately resurfaced with the emergence of Donald Trump as a possible 2012 Republican candidate for president. Trump has made the question of Obama’s birth his signature issue.
Trump began his trip to New Hampshire with a victory lap over Obama’s release of his birth certificate.
“I’ve accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish,” he said. “I want to look at it, but I hope it’s true so we can get onto much more important matters so the press can stop asking me questions.”
He added, “I am really honored frankly to have played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully, getting rid of this issue.”
“I’m taking great credit,” he said, calling it “rather amazing” that it “suddenly materializes.”
Conservative author Jerome Corsi has a book coming out next month that is the result of years of investigation into the issue.
The White House has tried various strategies over the years to defeat the issue — laughing at it, addressing it directly, trying to kill it with scorn.
CNN this week did an investigation into the issue, and questions about the birth certificate recently began popping up at the daily White House briefing.
In an effort to finally end the speculation and move on, Obama dispatched his legal team to Hawaii to obtain special copies of his long form birth certificate, which the White House released today ahead of his morning statement on the matter.
Read more: ... z1Kjc7oY4j
I believe this has to be about race.... what a shame.
President Obama releases long-form birth certificate
President Obama hopes to finally end questions about his citizenship with the release of his long-form Hawaiian birth certificate.
Obama said in a brief appearance before the cameras Wednesday morning that he decided on the release because the conspiracy theory over where he was born had eclipsed the debate on the budget.
“We do not have time for this kind of silliness,” Obama told reporters. “I’ve got better stuff to do.”
Obama said that while the parties debate their fiscal policies, people can’t be “making stuff up” and providing “sideshows and carnival barkers.”
Saying the “fake issue” had become a distraction, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer earlier said the White House hopes to defeat the issue by addressing it directly.
“At a time of great consequence for this country — when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue,” Pfeiffer said.
Questions about Obama’s birthplace surfaced during the 2008 campaign. The subsequent release of Obama’s certificate of live birth failed to satisfy those who believed he was born in Kenya or elsewhere.
Since then, the issue has percolated — mostly on conservative blogs — but lately resurfaced with the emergence of Donald Trump as a possible 2012 Republican candidate for president. Trump has made the question of Obama’s birth his signature issue.
Trump began his trip to New Hampshire with a victory lap over Obama’s release of his birth certificate.
“I’ve accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish,” he said. “I want to look at it, but I hope it’s true so we can get onto much more important matters so the press can stop asking me questions.”
He added, “I am really honored frankly to have played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully, getting rid of this issue.”
“I’m taking great credit,” he said, calling it “rather amazing” that it “suddenly materializes.”
Conservative author Jerome Corsi has a book coming out next month that is the result of years of investigation into the issue.
The White House has tried various strategies over the years to defeat the issue — laughing at it, addressing it directly, trying to kill it with scorn.
CNN this week did an investigation into the issue, and questions about the birth certificate recently began popping up at the daily White House briefing.
In an effort to finally end the speculation and move on, Obama dispatched his legal team to Hawaii to obtain special copies of his long form birth certificate, which the White House released today ahead of his morning statement on the matter.
Read more: ... z1Kjc7oY4j
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Because for all the blathering on about how it's the greatest country in the world and how it's a melting pot... if your name isn't John Smith, people call you a "foreigner" and say you're a Muslim terrorist.
This isn't going to prove anything. The birthers have NEVER cared about facts and they've never cared about truth. They care about how a black man won a national election and are now crying like babies about how it wasn't fair.
That being said people who literally care about this issue are retarded...not in a sense that they are actually handicapped, more in the sense that they have the capability to think but are choosing to do so VERY slowly and like idiots.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
the guy is growing on me
but I'd rather vote for VINNY GOOMBA !!
Had this happened before Trump, the right would bitch about "our economy is in the shitter and he's worried about his birth certificate and getting re-elected.".
Like I said, let these groups cut their throat and expose them for what they really are...nutjobs. It's why the Bush administration took on 9/11 conspiracy's ludacris and there are more pressing issues than pleasing assholes who weren't going to vote for you no matter what.
Oh, and here's Trump this morning...
TRUMP on MSNBC JUST NOW: "I have just accomplished something nobody else has been able to accomplish." (He portrayed himself as relieved that he can move onto other issues and press will stop talking about it.
"I am really honored ot have played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue. Now. we have to look at it. is it real? Is it proper? What's on it? Hopefully it checks out properly."
Yeah you have a point. The thing about nutjobs is that they always find something to focus on, so if it wasn't for the birth certificate, they would have (and now will) focused on some other ridiculous notion about Obama that they don't like. Like the authenticity of the birth certificate... :roll:
I agree with the polls. A friend of mine made a great point that seniors were starting to buy into this and you can't have that going into 2012. However, the "he is a secret muslim" or "he is the anti-Christ" crowd will still be loud.
Also, we have to see Donald Duck's taxes.
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I'm guessing that nobody EVER thought something so ridiculous could go on for so long. ITs just something that spiraled out of control and it really is a waste of time.
me reading that.
I didn't know Conneticut was issued SSN's actually...Conneticut. Awesome civic skills.
He should never have had to. End of story. All the other presidents didn't have to publicly do it. Now that he has done it, every president after should have to, also. What's good for one, is good for all. :think:
What is it about? The President has to show his proof of citizenship before running, right? The extremist just couldn't accept that as enough evidence.
The issue is race and the issue is religion. Most of these people were hoping a religion would be shown... They wanted to see Muslim on the certificate, but didn't get that either..... Now it's time to move on to his Grades! :roll:
Is the President innocent now? What a shame.
If only Obama was white...and had a different last name. Then this wouldn't be such a big issue and our President wouldn't have to stand in front of the White Judge to prove he is an American Citizen.
best post on here in a very long time. of the day!!
And as expected, some crazies are already starting to say that this long-form birth certificate is a fake.
Well, it involves a black man so it has to be, right? :roll:
I believe it is far more about the fact that people can no longer admit they were wrong and move on. The Al Gore election bs sped us down this path.
my asshat boss comes in this morning saying that Obama is scare of Trump. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me