ive been handing out those beerstaches, everybody loves them. especially bartenders for some reason. ive been getting free drinks all the time b/c of the sweet stache...the ladies love them too, it can turn the ugliest girl into the most desirable girl at the bar
i def need to order more
That is friggin awesome. Bambam...the Master of Ceremonies for the movement.
I guess we need to be stocked on these for the festival. Whats the link again?
i was goin to get personolized ones but i didnt want it to take the focus from the mustache. they are a huge hit, all my friends gf"s dont drink without it which i find hilarious
i was goin to get personolized ones but i didnt want it to take the focus from the mustache. they are a huge hit, all my friends gf"s dont drink without it which i find hilarious
Bambam...you might want to curtail the talk of "gf's"...your fiance is listening
i was goin to get personolized ones but i didnt want it to take the focus from the mustache. they are a huge hit, all my friends gf"s dont drink without it which i find hilarious
Bambam...you might want to curtail the talk of "gf's"...your fiance is listening
i was goin to get personolized ones but i didnt want it to take the focus from the mustache. they are a huge hit, all my friends gf"s dont drink without it which i find hilarious
Bambam...you might want to curtail the talk of "gf's"...your fiance is listening
it says my friends gf"s, not mine
i could never
My mistake. I always pegged you as a faithful and stand-up guy
Nah I'm still in it Heis..just have been in a low lately..
I need to go get one of those plushies for my bunny so she has a man..one that one hump her, the poor traumatised lil heifer that she is..
I apologize in advance if this this WAY over the edge. I also by no means intend to exclude the other approximate one-half of the human race. I can unfortunately only speak for mine ( and maybe that's a good thing ). So back to my first (and this last) apology… I just got a creative itch and felt like writing about something I've been excited about recently …
Every male at some point faces a turning point, where he must either face his manhood, or stand down and let it pass him by. The experiences of the men (or women) who when through (or participated in) these trials have been documented, here, in The Mustache Diaries...
My father was a daily shaver so I never had the opportunity to sit down with him as a young man and learn the ways of The Stache. It also didn't help that my ability to grow anything the cat couldn't lick off blossomed only in my late twenties/early thirties. At that point it would have been somewhat unconventional getting a lesson from my dad (unless we shared a couple bottles of his good wine before hand ).
Since the beginning of my growth career I tended to take the easy way out. Grab the 'lectirc trimmer, set it to 6 or 7 (which seemed like a good professional number - not a mediocre middle of the road, but not trying to stand out either) and run it up, down, and through whatever happened to be sprouting from my follicles at the time. Thinking back I wonder what glory my mo could have bestowed upon me if I had only given it the attention it deserved. But alas, it was not till later that I discovered the true nature of the beast within .
I'll skip through the years of keratinous abuse, to one much closer to the present. I can't cite a specific moment. It may have been seeing the bassist in the band opening for Social Distortion in Milwaukee, WI earlier this year (picture below. I wish I had a better quality image, or I knew what his name was), and thinking to myself, "that is the most fracking awesome porn stash I have ever seen!!! and I want one!"
It may have been one morning looking at myself in the mirror and realizing "I can be more than this!" It could have been reading an inspiring post somewhere (nearby ) months ago, and realizing I needed to take a stand behind something ( quite literally.) Or it could have been something else entirely, searching for a way out…
I've been letting the hair snuggling my upper lip grow unhindered for some time now, trying to make amends for past injustices. It has finally reached the point which hair does, as it grows past previous boundaries, becoming somewhat unmanageable. In an effort to educate myself and become one with the inside coming out, I turned to the wholly sage of advice in this day and age - Google. Having whispered the magic words to the librarian, as if flipping through some card catalog in the Library of Alexandria, I was shared some pieces of devine inspiration that I though worthy of passing on.
Though it appears the intended audience of this site is the transgender individual, it is almost entirely applicable. It covers many questions which one might be afraid to ask, thinking they are "stupid questions" (these have been proven to be a myth, though the evidence supporting this statement is outside the realm of this thread). There are also some great links.
This is just a cool site, and we should all labor to become members. In addition, since I'm 50% Norwegian, I couldn't help but look at that first picture with a child-like envy! (especially the guy on the far left)
Though I cannot yet speak to the virtue of this business, I have found it mentioned numerous times in my web travels. Please be diligent and do your own research before purchasing anything from an unknown vendor.
After my current endeavors I've decided I need a product smiliar to their's. For me, the name sells it!
This brings me to the end of my entry. Hopefully there are other men or women here, who are daring enough, to put their pen to The Mustache Diaries...
Hogan might have the most powerful mustache in history. If his mustache fought Magnum PI's mustache, who would win?
Tough call..personally I'd love to see a Mustache Battle Royal..
and I'd like to throw this stache into the mix...pretty sure he'd be one of the last staches standing
Maybe we should revive the Mustache Movement in March for "Mustache Madness" and have a 64 Stace Tournament to decide the baddest ass stache of them all. All members could vote.
Oh...and come hell or high water I am hoping to have an announcement at some point tomorrow. It might not be a good announcement, but then again...it might be kinda cool Keep your fingers crossed stachers.
@Heisenberg: Do you have any info on the manufacturing/shipping times for the t-shirts? I was hoping to order tomorrow and have it delivered by next Thursday so I could do some recruiting next weekend
My fellow mustachers, I FINALLY have some good news for all of you!
For the last 2 months I have been diligently trying to contact a legitimate charity for us to work with on our little fundraiser. So far I have had very little luck. The Wishlist Foundation responded but seems too busy with their own endeavors (of which they have many so that is understandable), The 10C never got back to me, and Movember said no to us because our event doesn't fall in the month of "Movember" (However, they did invite us to participate with their event in November). I had tried to contact the CCFA as well but had heard nothing back...until today!
I have been working all day with a very nice and incredibly helpful woman named Jane who is actually based in the CCFA's Milwaukee office so she is local for the festival. She is fully on-board with what we are doing and as of today, the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement is officially registered as a 3rd party Fundraiser with the CCFA! We don't have a way for direct online donations yet, but I will continue to speak with our contact and see if we can come up with something. In the meantime, if you would like to "sponsor a stache" and make a donation to the Wisconsin Chapter of the CCFA, give them a call at (414) 475-5520 and tell them you want to make a donation in the name of the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement.
Jane also wanted to make sure that we all knew of Mike's involvement with the CCFA (to which I reassured her...we are fully aware ). Who knows...if we raise enough hell, maybe we can even get Mr. McCready on board now that we are legit. She also mentioned how much she likes the merch store and loves the "Stop Staring" shirt. In fact, she likes the merch so much that she asked me to add the CCFA logo to our gear so next time you check out the shirts on the site, you will notice that the logos are now included (I guess all of you who have already ordered now have original edition collector's items ) With this announcement, we also are unveiling a new t-shirt design.
As always, the color is fully customizable and $10 of each purchase goes to the CCFA. Once again, here is the link to the merch booth:
Lastly, I told our new friends at the CCFA about all of you who have been so enthusiastically participating and contributing to this. Because of that they seem thrilled and excited to work with us (well except for Bambam...they said he kinda scares them ).
So anyway...there ya go. We now have an official association with a legitimate charity. I will be updating everyone as they update me so again, I thank everyone for their patience and dedication to this ridiculous idea that started off as nothing more than a joke. Now we can officially do some good with it. VIVA EL MUSTACHE!
@Heisenberg: Do you have any info on the manufacturing/shipping times for the t-shirts? I was hoping to order tomorrow and have it delivered by next Thursday so I could do some recruiting next weekend
They seem to ship pretty fast. If you order tomorrow, they should be there by next Thursday I would guess.
My fellow mustachers, I FINALLY have some good news for all of you!
For the last 2 months I have been diligently trying to contact a legitimate charity for us to work with on our little fundraiser. So far I have had very little luck. The Wishlist Foundation responded but seems too busy with their own endeavors (of which they have many so that is understandable), The 10C never got back to me, and Movember said no to us because our event doesn't fall in the month of "Movember" (However, they did invite us to participate with their event in November). I had tried to contact the CCFA as well but had heard nothing back...until today!
I have been working all day with a very nice and incredibly helpful woman named Jane who is actually based in the CCFA's Milwaukee office so she is local for the festival. She is fully on-board with what we are doing and as of today, the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement is officially registered as a 3rd party Fundraiser with the CCFA! We don't have a way for direct online donations yet, but I will continue to speak with our contact and see if we can come up with something. I will also find out how to make direct donations to the Milwaukee Chapter of the CCFA as well.
Jane also wanted to make sure that we all knew of Mike's involvement with the CCFA (to which I reassured her...we are fully aware ). Who knows...if we raise enough hell, maybe we can even get Mr. McCready on board now that we are legit. She also mentioned how much she likes the merch store and loves the "Stop Staring" shirt. In fact, she likes the merch so much that she asked me to add the CCFA logo to our gear so next time you check out the shirts on the site, you will notice that the logos are now included (I guess all of you who have already ordered now have original edition collector's items ) With this announcement, we also are unveiling a new t-shirt design.
As always, the color is fully customizable and $10 of each purchase goes to the CCFA. Once again, here is the link to the merch booth:
Lastly, I told our new friends at the CCFA about all of you who have been so enthusiastically participating and contributing to this. Because of that they seem thrilled and excited to work with us (well except for Bambam...they said he kinda scares them ).
So anyway...there ya go. We now have an official association with a legitimate charity. I will be updating everyone as they update me so again, I thank everyone for their patience and dedication to this ridiculous idea that started off as nothing more than a joke. Now we can officially do some good with it. VIVA EL MUSTACHE!
- Heisenberg
Wow, that is AWESOME! Kudos to you, Heisenberg! And I love the new shirt :thumbup: (I'm curious now whether I will get a new one with that logo as replacement for the one that got lost ...) Viva el mustache!
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
My fellow mustachers, I FINALLY have some good news for all of you!
For the last 2 months I have been diligently trying to contact a legitimate charity for us to work with on our little fundraiser. So far I have had very little luck. The Wishlist Foundation responded but seems too busy with their own endeavors (of which they have many so that is understandable), The 10C never got back to me, and Movember said no to us because our event doesn't fall in the month of "Movember" (However, they did invite us to participate with their event in November). I had tried to contact the CCFA as well but had heard nothing back...until today!
I have been working all day with a very nice and incredibly helpful woman named Jane who is actually based in the CCFA's Milwaukee office so she is local for the festival. She is fully on-board with what we are doing and as of today, the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement is officially registered as a 3rd party Fundraiser with the CCFA! We don't have a way for direct online donations yet, but I will continue to speak with our contact and see if we can come up with something. In the meantime, if you would like to "sponsor a stache" and make a donation to the Milwaukee Chapter of the CCFA, give them a call at (414) 475-5520 and tell them you want to make a donation in favor of the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement.
Jane also wanted to make sure that we all knew of Mike's involvement with the CCFA (to which I reassured her...we are fully aware ). Who knows...if we raise enough hell, maybe we can even get Mr. McCready on board now that we are legit. She also mentioned how much she likes the merch store and loves the "Stop Staring" shirt. In fact, she likes the merch so much that she asked me to add the CCFA logo to our gear so next time you check out the shirts on the site, you will notice that the logos are now included (I guess all of you who have already ordered now have original edition collector's items ) With this announcement, we also are unveiling a new t-shirt design.
As always, the color is fully customizable and $10 of each purchase goes to the CCFA. Once again, here is the link to the merch booth:
Lastly, I told our new friends at the CCFA about all of you who have been so enthusiastically participating and contributing to this. Because of that they seem thrilled and excited to work with us (well except for Bambam...they said he kinda scares them ).
So anyway...there ya go. We now have an official association with a legitimate charity. I will be updating everyone as they update me so again, I thank everyone for their patience and dedication to this ridiculous idea that started off as nothing more than a joke. Now we can officially do some good with it. VIVA EL MUSTACHE!
- Heisenberg
Wonderful news Heis! I'm so excited that we'll be working with the CCFA!
I just ordered my "Crohn's Sucks" t-shirt
Got the Don't Gimme No Lip t-shirt about a week ago now, looks great!!!!! My husband loves it, has worn it to death already. Thanks heaps mate, oh and HOW COME I'M NOT ON YOUR LIST YET?? :( J/K!
“ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
Oh crap! Just noticed the new top! Looks great, might have to invest in one of those too. My older brother has Crohns, he was so sick for a long time, your doing a lovely thing mate well done.
“ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
I've had a stache/goatee/beard for about 15 years now (shaving sucks) so I guess it's about time I partake in this movement. That new shirt is mighty nice looking. It's a very great thing that you guys are doing here. My wife hates my facial hair and is always bugging me to shave, now I can tell her I have a good excuse for not shaving it
* Cincinnati, OH 8.20.2000 *
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
I've had a stache/goatee/beard for about 15 years now (shaving sucks) so I guess it's about time I partake in this movement. That new shirt is mighty nice looking. It's a very great thing that you guys are doing here. My wife hates my facial hair and is always bugging me to shave, now I can tell her I have a good excuse for not shaving it
:thumbup: ( I like the "Round out the pack with testosterone-jacked Mustachio plush." line
Long time no see Flutter Girl. I thought maybe we lost you.
Awesome bambam!!
Here's the link Heis:
they can even personalize them
Bambam...you might want to curtail the talk of "gf's"...your fiance is listening
These will be a huge hit at the pre-party
it says my friends gf"s, not mine
i could never
My mistake. I always pegged you as a faithful and stand-up guy
A faithful, stached man...what more could i ask for?
I need to go get one of those plushies for my bunny so she has a man..one that one hump her, the poor traumatised lil heifer that she is..
Every male at some point faces a turning point, where he must either face his manhood, or stand down and let it pass him by. The experiences of the men (or women) who when through (or participated in) these trials have been documented, here, in The Mustache Diaries...
My father was a daily shaver so I never had the opportunity to sit down with him as a young man and learn the ways of The Stache. It also didn't help that my ability to grow anything the cat couldn't lick off blossomed only in my late twenties/early thirties. At that point it would have been somewhat unconventional getting a lesson from my dad (unless we shared a couple bottles of his good wine before hand
Since the beginning of my growth career I tended to take the easy way out. Grab the 'lectirc trimmer, set it to 6 or 7 (which seemed like a good professional number - not a mediocre middle of the road, but not trying to stand out either) and run it up, down, and through whatever happened to be sprouting from my follicles at the time. Thinking back I wonder what glory my mo could have bestowed upon me if I had only given it the attention it deserved. But alas, it was not till later that I discovered the true nature of the beast within
I'll skip through the years of keratinous abuse, to one much closer to the present. I can't cite a specific moment. It may have been seeing the bassist in the band opening for Social Distortion in Milwaukee, WI earlier this year (picture below. I wish I had a better quality image, or I knew what his name was), and thinking to myself, "that is the most fracking awesome porn stash I have ever seen!!! and I want one!"
It may have been one morning looking at myself in the mirror and realizing "I can be more than this!" It could have been reading an inspiring post somewhere (nearby
I've been letting the hair snuggling my upper lip grow unhindered for some time now, trying to make amends for past injustices. It has finally reached the point which hair does, as it grows past previous boundaries, becoming somewhat unmanageable. In an effort to educate myself and become one with the inside coming out, I turned to the wholly sage of advice in this day and age - Google. Having whispered the magic words to the librarian, as if flipping through some card catalog in the Library of Alexandria, I was shared some pieces of devine inspiration that I though worthy of passing on.
Though it appears the intended audience of this site is the transgender individual, it is almost entirely applicable. It covers many questions which one might be afraid to ask, thinking they are "stupid questions" (these have been proven to be a myth, though the evidence supporting this statement is outside the realm of this thread). There are also some great links.
This is just a cool site, and we should all labor to become members. In addition, since I'm 50% Norwegian, I couldn't help but look at that first picture with a child-like envy! (especially the guy on the far left)
Though I cannot yet speak to the virtue of this business, I have found it mentioned numerous times in my web travels. Please be diligent and do your own research before purchasing anything from an unknown vendor.
After my current endeavors I've decided I need a product smiliar to their's. For me, the name sells it!
This brings me to the end of my entry. Hopefully there are other men or women here, who are daring enough, to put their pen to The Mustache Diaries...
The OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day for 7/26 is:
Hulk Hogan
You can learn more about this title winning mustache at:
Say Yor Prayers, Eat Your Vitamins, and Grow Your Stache BROTHA!!!!!!!
I'm convinced it was the power of the stache that enabled him to do this...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_m1qTfJ ... re=related
Tough call..personally I'd love to see a Mustache Battle Royal..
and I'd like to throw this stache into the mix...pretty sure he'd be one of the last staches standing
Oh...and come hell or high water I am hoping to have an announcement at some point tomorrow. It might not be a good announcement, but then again...it might be kinda cool
The OPJ20MM featured mustache of the day for 7/27 is:
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
You can learn more about this storied mustache at:
It's a mystery to me...
For the last 2 months I have been diligently trying to contact a legitimate charity for us to work with on our little fundraiser. So far I have had very little luck. The Wishlist Foundation responded but seems too busy with their own endeavors (of which they have many so that is understandable), The 10C never got back to me, and Movember said no to us because our event doesn't fall in the month of "Movember" (However, they did invite us to participate with their event in November). I had tried to contact the CCFA as well but had heard nothing back...until today!
I have been working all day with a very nice and incredibly helpful woman named Jane who is actually based in the CCFA's Milwaukee office so she is local for the festival. She is fully on-board with what we are doing and as of today, the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement is officially registered as a 3rd party Fundraiser with the CCFA! We don't have a way for direct online donations yet, but I will continue to speak with our contact and see if we can come up with something. In the meantime, if you would like to "sponsor a stache" and make a donation to the Wisconsin Chapter of the CCFA, give them a call at (414) 475-5520 and tell them you want to make a donation in the name of the PJ20 "Don't Gimmie No Lip" Mustache Movement.
Jane also wanted to make sure that we all knew of Mike's involvement with the CCFA (to which I reassured her...we are fully aware
As always, the color is fully customizable and $10 of each purchase goes to the CCFA. Once again, here is the link to the merch booth:
And here is the link to our Facebook page:
Lastly, I told our new friends at the CCFA about all of you who have been so enthusiastically participating and contributing to this. Because of that they seem thrilled and excited to work with us (well except for Bambam...they said he kinda scares them
So anyway...there ya go. We now have an official association with a legitimate charity. I will be updating everyone as they update me so again, I thank everyone for their patience and dedication to this ridiculous idea that started off as nothing more than a joke. Now we can officially do some good with it. VIVA EL MUSTACHE!
- Heisenberg
They seem to ship pretty fast. If you order tomorrow, they should be there by next Thursday I would guess.
Awesome news!!! Thanks for all your hard work!
Wow, that is AWESOME!
I just ordered my "Crohn's Sucks" t-shirt
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
Welcome to the movement!!