Spiritual Evolution



  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Snippet of Tom Shadyac's interview with Oprah. It's what he states in the last part that I connect with.
    http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Tom-Shad ... ile-Home/5

    In a culture that takes more than it needs and gets caught up in the quest for wealth and power, Oprah says that one of the ways we've gotten so off course is the obsession with celebrity.

    Tom: Celebrity should be celebrated. We should celebrate you and others for your talent. For your gift. ... [However,] when we put people on a pedestal, [we get] in the way of our authentic selves.

    Oprah: But look at what we did as a culture. First, there was celebrating people because they did something or had an achievement. And now, this culture celebrates people for doing absolutely nothing.

    Tom: Yes. ... The irony is we call it "reality TV." It's anything but reality.

    Oprah: But aren't we a part of it?

    Tom: Oh, my gosh, yes.

    Oprah: Aren't we the feeder system? Everybody who's watching it? We're the feeder system. You can see how it reflects us, and we reflect it.

    Tom: The audience—you guys have all the power. You see, you have to stop elevating us. I don't want to be your hero. I want to be your brother. You know, I want to be your family member. I want to be your equal. And if you start seeing things as they are, like as the divine sees it...who will celebrate the women who swept this floor as much as any artist because she is an artist too. We're all artists. If you guys start doing that, it will change.
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • juan lesterjuan lester Posts: 321
    http://www.viralviralvideos.com/2010/12 ... s-message/

    oprah says "we've" gotten obsessed with celebrity?

    is the irony of that lost on her?

    billion dollar con artist with a million dollar smile and a captive audience = $$$
    uke can save the world
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505

    oprah says "we've" gotten obsessed with celebrity?

    is the irony of that lost on her?

    billion dollar con artist with a million dollar smile and a captive audience = $$$

    My focus was not on Oprah though...It was on Tom's story...

    Yes, I did watch the link. :lol:

    Just for the record, I am not one who is into acquiring material things. In this life, I travel light. Real light. I know I can't take it with me when I leave.

    Also, if someone is into acquiring things, good for them. Do what makes you happy. I am not here to judge. :mrgreen:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • juan lesterjuan lester Posts: 321
    i know i cant anything with me, just hoping maybe there is a ukulele for me on the other side. and sorry if i bash on oprah, but i just think she is so completely full of shit.
    peace. jc
    uke can save the world
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    i know i cant anything with me, just hoping maybe there is a ukulele for me on the other side. and sorry if i bash on oprah, but i just think she is so completely full of shit.
    peace. jc

    No worries if you bash Oprah, I won't miss her when she's gone.

    It's some of her guests that I am in awe of, the truly incredible people...like the little girl who live in a dog crate in a dark basement, abused and starved by her parents...the boy who was chained in a closet and wrapped in chicken wire and abused by his parents...the little girl locked in a room, barely fed, never cleaned and never held by loving arms...how they all survived such horrible conditions until someone helped them be free...it amazes me how we only see how the soul rises in us to help us survive it and then thrive...it saddens me how some of us take that for granted so easily...
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • Thank you for the dumbed down account. I appreciate it very much. I really do. :P

    I don't know if I am really a "New Ager". I think I may just be incredibly open-minded in a society that may not be that way right now.

    Yes, I did mean that the shift was stunted because it was an attempt at mass elevation. Forcible, I don't know, as it seems people joined Bailey's movement by their own accord.

    I think the shift is personal, and if I wish to share my experience it is up to me. I would hope it would be the same for anyone else. I did not happen on the path because I read books. In fact, my own personal events shifted me, long before I was old enough to understand it was called a spiritual awareness.

    As for my extended spiritual view, matter cannot be destroyed. It can only change form. Same goes with spirit/soul, as it is a form of energy. Science has proven this. So even when we are just dispersed atoms, we are all still here in one form or another. Everything in our world is recycled, and we are part of the recycling process, which may be disconcerting for some people, but we really are.

    Turnabout is fair play. So then, I must ask you how far does your "spiritual" view extend, Drifting? ;)

    "Bailey's movement" claims that it is "the" movement. the "inner government of earth", the heirs of all occult wisdoms of the origins of the race (man) and of the birthright of man, his spiritual heritage, and his alleged future destiny in the New Age to ascend with earth in to the 5th dimension along the incoming spiritual energies of the Seventh Ray (from Sirius, as i understand it), and come in greater contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy, which will physically appear once again on earth (and soon, like 2012 soon, say some) along with the restoration of The Mysteries (ie. the Ancient Mysteries, the Greek Mysteries, the Egyptian Mysteries, the Babylonian Mysteries ... they claim this is all one in origins, and that so are we) ... which, when restored, will reunite man with his previously understood (and lost through time & degredation) origins, his god conscience, some new knowledge of "electricity" and with it new technologies. This Hierarchy is from Sirius. That is what *Bailey* herself says in her books.

    Just wanted to clarify that:
    For those that think this is a "thread hijack" post, I'd just like to Clarify that Alice Bailey is one of *the* pioneers of the "New Age" movement (she uses the term *repeatedly*) ... at least, in modern times, as the alleged\presumed spiritual tradition seems as old as man himself ... and that as one of the pillars of New Age thought, she represents, in some sense, the genesis of the mass conscious fixation with 2012.

    Also, on the topic of the *I AM* movement, and it's intense relation to "all this", i submit the following ... uncovered in a moment of synchronicity today (believe it or not), in the course of my usual "time wasting" wonders-of-the-web searching.

    "I AM a being of violet fire"!
    a *WHOLE* lot more "I AM" and "the violet flame"
    The "I AM" Activity, & St. Germain
    notice this one actually has a trade mark in the "I AM" line. ;)

    Just wanted you to see how *utterly* connected that phrase (I AM) is to the New Age movement.
    I'm sure many think this guy just unintentionally used that phrase, but given the nature of what that film is about (the seeming spiritual crisis facing man as he attempts to reconnect with a past heritage of one-ness in a totally out-of-step materialist culture, using modern technological advances to reinforce a belief in ancient metaphysical precepts) ... it seems almost impossible that he could have picked a phrase *integrally* associated with the New Age movement, meanwhile representing a nearly perfect reduction of some of their core beliefs (one-ness, group consciousness, peace, cooperative problem solving, a global political outlook, etc) ...

    Also, Alice Bailey actually speaks directly on the subject of "The New Group of World Servers" working * separately", but in step with each other in spirit, to elevate consciousness through use ("manipulation") of the media -- she specifically suggests (from back in the 20's & 30's) that one day the group will be very large and should eventually own (individually, but in a collective spirit) news papers, and radio broadcasts (and several other bygone modes of mass communication) and books, etc to reach the masses and spread their spiritual tidings of a New Age, and defacto-indoctrination.

    Just sayin.
    Food for thought, I hope.

    PS -- as for what *I* believe?
    a. I believe the New Age movement is either "correct" in it's world view (angels & demons & reincarnation & Hierarchy from Sirius) ... and we are all hopelessly out of step with reality.

    b. or I believe that they are right in their motives, wrong in their methods, either Siriusly (haha) deluded, misinformed, or outright lying to effect a new global techno-spiritual civilization of harmony & plenty based on a conspiracy of lies and misinformation no worse in theory\practice than those alleged lies & misinformation of the New Testament

    c. or I believe that The New Age movement is *literally* the works of Satan & Lucifer, that the New Testament was a warning against this system and goes on against it at length.

    d. or i believe some combination of the above (except for c.) and that all of those (-c.) are correct and that the New Testament was actually some sort of derivative\interpretation\perversion of the same teachings, & that they all rail against an OTHER spiritual force (Bailey & the New Age speak at length on the Great White Lodge [their lodge of good & peace] and The Dark Brotherhood [the evil ones that control this world])

    e. or i believe that *all* of them including the bible are systems of disinformation, and that *none* of them are correct.

    Honestly, I have no idea. I'm up in the air at this point.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Drifitng, thank you for your post. I don't feel that was a hijack post, and I hope that others did not see it that way. I DID ask for the information, after all. :lol: I am also very glad you shared your spiritual view. Your links are quite fascinating also, I will check them out.

    The spiritual path is limitless journey, in my eyes. It is not where I end up...it's all in how I decide to get there.

    "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." ~Lao Tzu

    Shimmy ;):mrgreen:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    there was a Netflix documentary I just watched that explained the scientific side of all of this. It was titled something like 2012 Myan something or another. Do a search for 2012 on Netflix, you will find it. It talks about space and time and the shifting of the poles and the new Age of Aquarius we are approaching. It was facinating to say the least.
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    yahamita wrote:
    there was a Netflix documentary I just watched that explained the scientific side of all of this. It was titled something like 2012 Myan something or another. Do a search for 2012 on Netflix, you will find it. It talks about space and time and the shifting of the poles and the new Age of Aquarius we are approaching. It was facinating to say the least.

    I did watch that documentary. I agree, it was very fascinating. :D
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    I changed the title because this was more of what I wanted this thread to be about. I just figured out how!! It's Evolution Baby!! :lol:

    Anyway, I see a lot of people posting about the Spirituality and Universal Consciousness, and I would love to hear people's personal POV on those topics. It's absolutely fascinating to me. Thank you in advance for your input. :mrgreen:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    I changed the title because this was more of what I wanted this thread to be about. I just figured out how!! It's Evolution Baby!! :lol:

    Anyway, I see a lot of people posting about the Spirituality and Universal Consciousness, and I would love to hear people's personal POV on those topics. It's absolutely fascinating to me. Thank you in advance for your input. :mrgreen:
    All I know is that after spending some time stargazing over the past several years, I'm astounded with people that are 100% sure of what does / does not control us. There is so little we know.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Jason P wrote:
    I changed the title because this was more of what I wanted this thread to be about. I just figured out how!! It's Evolution Baby!! :lol:

    Anyway, I see a lot of people posting about the Spirituality and Universal Consciousness, and I would love to hear people's personal POV on those topics. It's absolutely fascinating to me. Thank you in advance for your input. :mrgreen:
    All I know is that after spending some time stargazing over the past several years, I'm astounded with people that are 100% sure of what does / does not control us. There is so little we know.

    True. And if we knew it all, would we better or worse for it? I always wonder that.
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    This is really interesting...

  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Jeanwah wrote:
    This is really interesting...


    I will have to check this out in it entirety later...our little guy just woke up while I was half way through it. Thank you Jeanwah. :mrgreen:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    This is really interesting...


    I will have to check this out in it entirety later...our little guy just woke up while I was half way through it. Thank you Jeanwah. :mrgreen:

    :D I have to watch it again myself, the translator is sometimes hard to follow. But very interesting about our spirits and that we need to listen to them and not what society tells us. And to honor our Father and Mother: Father being spirit and Mother being nature.
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    This is really interesting...


    I will have to check this out in it entirety later...our little guy just woke up while I was half way through it. Thank you Jeanwah. :mrgreen:

    :D I have to watch it again myself, the translator is sometimes hard to follow. But very interesting about our spirits and that we need to listen to them and not what society tells us. And to honor our Father and Mother: Father being spirit and Mother being nature.

    Then I am already there. ;):lol: I will still watch it. :mrgreen:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Jeanwah, I did watch the link. It makes complete sense to me. Whenever we try and follow a path that is not our own, we end up more lost than when we started. Our lives show us, through personal coincidences if we are on the right path to enable the expansion of our soul. As he said, each of us are the only needle that can play record of our soul. Also neat how he picked up on the change in capital case in the Bible reference, interesting insight on why it was changed too. :think:

    One comment though, he could have had a nicer diagram. :lol: jk :mrgreen:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • Our dog ate our copy of Celestine Prophecy. That's what he thinks about it.

    FYI, there is also an Experiential Guide to that book ... which our dog has *not* yet eaten.

    My girlfriend is also currently reading some books by Sanaya Roman (author of the Earth Life series), which you (any of youse reading celestine) would probably also be interested in.

    If ya'll be getting deeps in to the New Age-es, I picked up a really neat condensed-soup version of "What-Its-All-About" at a used bookstore the other day: The Mysteries Revealed -- A Practical Handbook for the Path to Soul Consciousness by Andrew Schneider, 1995 ... it reads like a very concise (190pgs) Alice Bailey compilation\primer (since she, imho, has given more "facts" than any other author on the core esoteric "secrets") on topics such as the 7 rays, the 7 chakras, the different bodies, group work, initiation(s), elementals, planes & subplanes, Sirius, etc ... of course, this stuff is more off the "crazy train" deep end than some of the more "pedestrian" (dumbed down to help get the masses on the "probationary path") New Age writings.

    Just to clarify, is the Celestine Prophecy not recognized as FICTION?
    I read some of you talking on this thread like the book was an actual account of actual things that actually happened. I read this book like i *would* have read Carlos Castaneda, if I hadn't already been wary of his dupe-ish nature as an author. But i was interested to learn the tenets of Redfield's system of thought (I was\still am doing a major New Age comparison of the "big" authors thoughts to discern how much of it is at the very least internally cohesive if not reflective of provable reality at all) regardless of the factual nature of the "story".

    Any one interested in the New Age, I of course *always* recommend picking up some Blavatsky or Bailey, both of whom will give you a good (ie. CRAZY NUTS) first impression of what New Age \ New World Order thought *really* (really? i dunno. lots of concealed half truths if you ask me) is ... better than the dumbed down or straight fictionalized stories though. At least you're getting your "facts" in a direct non-fiction prose style, even if the "facts" aren't necessarily so.

    I'm sure some of you are concerned that I seem *stuck* in a *rut*, but I am hitting on these points *anywhere* I seen threads of "New Age" thought emerging, because I'm quite sure that ***many*** people reiterating these thoughts have *no* idea just how far "out there" the backbone authors of the modern (1800's and on) "New Age" movement take this stuff. And at this point, given countless reference to things that seem "too crazy to be made up", I'm not even sure myself, but feel others should at least be aware of it.

    Some "craziness" from my new favorite "nut", Alice Bailey:

    on the topic of what will happen once the New Age ("higher spin of the spiral") gets underway:
    "...it will be possible for the Hierarchy to externalize itself and function openly upon the physical plane. This will indicate a return to the situation which existed in Atlantean days, when (using Biblical symbolism) God Himself walked among men -- divinity was present in physical form, because the Members of the Hierarchy were guiding and directing the affairs of humanity as far as innate free will permitted. On a higher turn of the spiral, this again will happen. The Masters will walk openly among men."


    And you thought that was "far out" ???

    Here is another "gem":
    "This second group will implement the new religion; by the time they come into control, the old theological activities will have been completely broken; Judaism will be fast disappearing; Buddhism will be spreading and becoming increasingly dogmatic; Christianity will be in a state of chaotic divisions and upheavals. When this takes place and the situation is acute enough, the Master Jesus will take certain initial steps towards reassuming control of His Church, the Buddha will send two trained disciples to reform Buddhism; other steps will also be taken in this department of religions and education, over which the Christ rules, and He will move to restore the ancient spiritual landmarks, to eliminate that which is non-essential, and to reorganize the entire religious field -- again in preparation for the restoration of the Mysteries. These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths."

    Again, my point is this:
    if you are at a point of "spiritual development" in your life where you are reading books like "The Celestine Prophecy" (or Carlos Castaneda!) and taking the ideas presented therein to be true (or possibly true) -- ideas like seeing auras, thoughts as conveyable dynamic energy, synchronicity, a "plan", etc -- you would do best to immediately recognize that these stem directly from the *center* of New Age thought and not from the margins. This is the just slightly more palatable\presentable of "their" doctrines, wrapped up in a happy-dappy story to help the masses swallow it. If you're thinking about accepting it as literal "truth", you would do good to read the *rest* of what their (The New Age) major modern authors have to say about "stuff", because it is HARD TO SWALLOW (at least, not without a good helping of FlufferNutter).

    ... still waiting on Buddha to send back his two trained disciples.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Here's a 2012 link for you, Shimmy (notice you took 2012 out of your title, don't be shy!)

    Dis-CERN-Ing The God Particle - Scientists Build Stargate Device, Open A Black Hole, & Fulfill Messianic Prophecy.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Here's a 2012 link for you, Shimmy (notice you took 2012 out of your title, don't be shy!)

    Dis-CERN-Ing The God Particle - Scientists Build Stargate Device, Open A Black Hole, & Fulfill Messianic Prophecy.


    No worries. I wasn't afraid. I just wanted it to be open for all to post on spiritual things, including 2012.

    I did read CP & the 10th when I was 22-ish. Now, the Universe has brought me to the teachings of Buddha and Science through Deepak Chopra. Very much the way I have always "thought". I have read other books/writings in between. I am very open to many things. So yes, you are correct, I guess I am a New Ager. AND I AM PROUD OF IT! :mrgreen::lol::lol:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • Hey lil shimmy ... I think you will *really* groove on the SGP books, i started reading vol 1. there are 2 others. published starting 2002 ... they really get the "mind blowing" operation going in full.

    here's one for you:

    The “I AM” Dispensation

    Knowing full well that those on the earth plane would be engaged in this final
    battle, the Master Sanctus Germanus introduced the “I AM” movement in the
    1930’s. He reminded the West again what the Theosophists had given them fifty
    years before and what the Buddhists had known for centuries: that within each of
    us resides a “piece” of the Creator, and as a drop of water from the ocean has the
    same properties as the ocean itself, each one of us is thus a God or Goddess.
    This radical departure from standard western theology permeates most thinking of
    the New Age movement, for despite human shortcomings in disseminating this
    information, its Truth remains intact. The “I AM” dispensation teachings are a gift
    from God and Brotherhood to help mankind surmount the trials and tribulations of
    this transitional period. That it had its most marked revelation between the two
    great world wars was not an accident.
    Many Masters of the Great Brotherhood of Light who oversee this battle “came up
    from the ranks,” of earth’s tortuous school. Their example serves to illustrate a
    major point in the evolutionary scheme, which each individual soul can decide to
    accelerate its evolution. The individual soul need not conform to the slow
    evolutionary pace of the masses of mankind. Those adepts or luminaries who live
    among us are souls who have broken rank with the rest of mankind and chosen to
    follow the path of evolution at an accelerated pace. How is this possible?
    Of these billions of souls sent to earth, there are no two alike and therefore no two
    human beings are alike. Even identical twins house two different souls, which
    accounts for the difference in their personalities. Some souls evolve faster than
    others. Some will have had more incarnations than others and have spent more
    time on earth than others.

    These obvious differences account for why some are more spiritually evolved than
    others, but it is the nature of free will in earth’s zone that permits the soul to make
    its own decision concerning its own evolution back to the Creator. In other words,
    some souls choose a fast track while others take their time.
    Some souls become so imbibed with earth’s material pleasures and pains that they
    choose not to follow the path of evolution. As the Dark Forces have taken over the
    mass media and propagated their short term views on life, many innocent and weak
    minded have been drawn into their ranks. They become ready victims and tools of
    the Dark Forces primarily in the form of flunkies, fall guys, or petty criminals,
    whose activities are designed “to take the heat,” and distract the public’s attention,
    while they commit greater more heinous crimes against humanity. This of course is
    a temporary condition for all must eventually follow the Path, even if it takes
    millennia to accomplish.
    Those who consciously take the decision to stand on the side of light must come to
    the realization of the divine presence within, the “I AM,” or the soul that resides
    within them. Their protection is immediately assured during these times of tumult
    and the balance between the feminine and masculine aspects of the soul is
    When they come to realize that the “I AM” presence or soul, already perfectly
    balanced with respect to the masculine and feminine energies, is the spark of
    energy linking them directly with God, the Creator, they learn to call upon it as
    something to be adored, to be acknowledged, and to be grateful for. They realize
    that this magic presence of the soul in full balance is the gift of all gifts, the God
    Self of the individual. This is the Self that one must repair to constantly and daily,
    to give all gratitude to the great “I AM” presence. When we meditate, we can ask
    “I AM” to flood our world with all its perfection, and in doing so, we
    systematically set loose the force of light that sweeps away human foolishness,
    blindness, stupidity, and those evils that surround our lives. This simple realization
    is the David that slays the Goliath in the battle of the Armageddon that is before us.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Hi Drifting! Thank you for the post! I will be checking out that too. Sorry I didn't reply sooner... wanted to stay away to keep a clear path during presales. :D
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • markin ballmarkin ball Posts: 1,075
    I am posting because I would love to learn how others are feeling about these topics. It will only take a moment of watch and read the links.

    It is my belief we are each on a personal spiritual journey, and that things like personal circumstances, world events, and beliefs (religious or not) help us navigate our spiritual path.

    Let me state, I am not here to offend or poke people with a big stick. I feel this could be worthwhile to open a new discussion in light of Ms. MacLaine's interview this week.

    Thank you in advance for your input.

    http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Shirley- ... 2012-Video

    http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Hollywoo ... MacLaine/9

    #1. Isn't the solar system always "aligned" with the center of the galaxy? It spins around it. Aren't two points in space always aligned with each other? Is there any reputable evidence to her theory of a magnetic field associated with this "alignment"? Of course not.

    #2. Our calendar is not some universal truth. It is merely a way of dividing up the time it takes for the earth to go around the sun once. The solstice and equinox days are merely markers that appear, based on our location on earth, respective to the earth's tilt (which has changed quite a bit throughout the history of the earth). A martian or venusian calendar has these same attributes. Do we care what happens on any of their arbitrary days, as well? Of course not.

    The earth, our sun, and our solar system are so insignificant to our galaxy it might as well not even exist (100-400 billion stars in our galaxy). Our galaxy is so insignificant to the universe it might as well not even exist (estimated 170 billion galaxies). So where does that leave our arbitrary calendar?
    "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."

    "With our thoughts we make the world"
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Hi markin ball, I agree with your two points. Well said. :thumbup:

    You know, I was just thinking about how we perceive our world to be the macrocosm. When we, in reality, are the microcosm, like a colony of microbes in a petri dish.... :think:
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
    edited May 2011
    I am posting because I would love to learn how others are feeling about these topics. It will only take a moment of watch and read the links.

    It is my belief we are each on a personal spiritual journey, and that things like personal circumstances, world events, and beliefs (religious or not) help us navigate our spiritual path.

    Let me state, I am not here to offend or poke people with a big stick. I feel this could be worthwhile to open a new discussion in light of Ms. MacLaine's interview this week.

    Thank you in advance for your input.

    http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Shirley- ... 2012-Video

    http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Hollywoo ... MacLaine/9

    #1. Isn't the solar system always "aligned" with the center of the galaxy? It spins around it. Aren't two points in space always aligned with each other? Is there any reputable evidence to her theory of a magnetic field associated with this "alignment"? Of course not.

    #2. Our calendar is not some universal truth. It is merely a way of dividing up the time it takes for the earth to go around the sun once. The solstice and equinox days are merely markers that appear, based on our location on earth, respective to the earth's tilt (which has changed quite a bit throughout the history of the earth). A martian or venusian calendar has these same attributes. Do we care what happens on any of their arbitrary days, as well? Of course not.

    The earth, our sun, and our solar system are so insignificant to our galaxy it might as well not even exist (100-400 billion stars in our galaxy). Our galaxy is so insignificant to the universe it might as well not even exist (estimated 170 billion galaxies). So where does that leave our arbitrary calendar?

    Markin, you are *almost* correct in your assertions. And i lean more towards your opinion than that of Shirley & the New Age (et all) regarding the (in)significance of any such "alignment".

    I'm not sure if Shirley omits this in the OP article in question or not, but what actually IS happening in 2012 is the following:

    The piece that someone (shirley?) left out is the SUN. To clarify, the best i can surmise, this IS ACTUALLY happening in 2012. And you (Markin) ARE correct, that it is SOLELY an astrological phenomenon based on perspective from our planet. There IS a *REAL* alignment with the galactic center, and that will not take place for another 26,000 years (i believe) ...
    but this purely relational\astrological phenomenon IS seemingly occurring next year, and there are some speculative reasons based on interpretation on Mayan myth to believe that this was part of what they were on about regarding the end of their calendar.

    I have heard ALL kinds of crazy shit out of the New Age about what we are allegedly going through in 2012, from "photon belts" to the reappearance of the 5th Element (ether), and on right on to the streaming of massive energy "rays" from the galactic center, vis - a - vis the sun, due to the nature of the sun \ center \ earth alignment in 2012.

    To their credit, the new age has an entirely different take on the make up \ functionality of the universe, and although conventional science denies this absolutely, their "revised" assumptions about the nature of the universe would seem to allow for such a phenomenon to entertain at least a modicum of credibility (within their new-physics model only).

    Specifically, and this is right up my alley, the Alice Bailey camp postulates the Electric Universe Theory (or Plasma Cosmology -- both of which you can google) ... and they devote a massive subsection of the Lucis Trust website to a discussion of said.

    This is serious stuff (to them). And regardless of what you make of 2012 theories generally speaking, or Shirley MacLaine specifically, there are very serious esotericists (Blavatsky, Bailey, etc) who believe that modern science is factually off base, and that their explanations for the make up of the universe, matter, their relationship with each other, and their origins are all wrong.

    To their credit, the conventional physics explanation of both gravity light are lacking, and modern quantum physics IS slowly coming around to an (albeit truncated) realization of this. Most of conventional quantum physics breaks down at a super-sub-atomic level (where strange un-predictable phenomenon occur) and the entirety of the field (quantum physics, that is) seems held together in general by "constants" that resolve shortcomings in equations. Planck's constant in particular has *always* been problematic for me because it seems to be a "plug" or a "fudge".

    While i am no physicist and my mind boggles at astrophyscial and quantum equations, here is a link to a page from an actual accredited institution of higher learning (Colorado U @ Bolder) where they acknowledge that Plank himself believed he was "fudging the numbers" and thought it would be corrected later.
    Planck actually didn't realize how revolutionary his work was at the time; he thought he was just fudging the math to come up with the "right answer," and was convinced that someone else would come up with a better explanation for his formula.

    This should throw up warning flags for anyone who religiously adheres to the scientific status quo regarding the makeup and functionality of the universe. The guy (Planck) -- whose constant was then latched on to by Einstein to be used (partially) in the formulation of his own theory of relativity -- did not even believe in good faith in his own thoery. He thought it was merely a scientific stop gap.


    With that in mind,
    i bring you ... THE ELECTRIC BRIDGE.
    This is the Lucis Trust \ Arcane School website. It is Alice Bailey's personal institution, it is the backbone of the modern occult \ new age movement (which Shirley is an adherent of) and they take themselves VERY seriously. I urge anyone with an interest in this stuff to read from this link in depth, as there are *MANY* subsections buried within other subsections of this portion of the site.
    “The true Mysteries will also reveal themselves through science and the incentive to search for them there will be given by the Christ. The Mysteries contain, within their formulas and teachings, the key to the science which will unlock the mystery of electricity—the greatest spiritual science and area of divine knowledge in the world, the fringes of which have only just been touched”.

    The Reappearance of the Christ pp 122-123, Alice A Bailey

    The above link (The Electric Bridge) deals specifically with The Electric Universe Theory, the discrepant nature of our "modern" theory of gravitation, the Occult (and once "scientific", and then -- some would say erroneously -- rejected) notion of "the ether", and a whole lot more. Its good reading, it challenges conventional thought, and I personally think there is some validity behind it.

    Here are some other links that i find interesting and related:

    esotericscience.com -- a part layman \ part physicists-only site that attempts to refute conventional physics and reassert the Mystery School position on Ether\Aether as the fundamental spiritual-energetic construct of the universe.

    Paradox-Paradigm -- Probably of value only to true physicists, as it is deeply mired in equations, this site challenges the Planck-Einstein quantum paradigm, and attempts to restore the credibility of the ether model.

    Edward Leedskalnin - The Anti-Gravity Secret of Coral Castle - a short (25min) video introduction to Leedskalnin, a strange man from the early 20th century who built a whole castle of stones, who claimed to know "the secrets of the masons" and who apparently made stones "fly". He also wrote an entire book attempting to reducate those who care about the "real" nature of electro-magnetism -- Magnetic Current - By E. Leedskalnin (pdf, direct link) ... as far as i can tell, Leedskalnin was the real deal, not some dumb hoaxer.

    Here is a website that i haven't had a chance to check out yet (i just found it) but it seems to give actual video and text accounts of Leedskalnin's experiments: leedskalnin.com.

    Also, just for shits and giggles, this video is pretty cool (though admittedly its "solution" is incomplete) ... it attempts to solve all of the clearly deliberate clues left by Leedskalnin at Coral Castle all while comparing this "solutions" to artwork in the Masonic Temple in Philidelphia. I'm not sure what it all adds up to, but it demonstrates some mathematical relationships between Leedskalnin's clues and some mathematical concepts that are far beyond the probability of random chance (in other words, it simply can NOT be coincidence) ... code144.com ... click on "Secrets of the Universe" to watch video.

    This guy, Paul LaViolette is far out there, but he is right in line with a lot of esoteric\new age thought. He has some things to say about cosmic rays, galactic alignment etc. If you can understand it, knock your self out. Etheric.com \ Sphinx Stargate

    Tree of Life - Sacred Geometry a really cool series of 43 articles in a subsection of this really neat site by Stephen M. Phillips . I dunno. cool-i-o.

    Have fun.
    Knock yourselves out.

    Post edited by DriftingByTheStorm on
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    Hi Drifting! I can't read that fast, man! So many interesting things to read... :think:

    Though, do like how this is getting very interesting indeed! 8-)
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
  • Hi Drifting! I can't read that fast, man! So many interesting things to read... :think:

    Though, do like how this is getting very interesting indeed! 8-)

    i thought you'd dig it. ;)

    Have fun shimmy.

    My girl is yelling at me to go grocery shopping.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317

    Tree of Life - Sacred Geometry a really cool series of 43 articles in a subsection of this really neat site by Stephen M. Phillips . I dunno. cool-i-o.

    Have fun.
    Knock yourselves out.


    This.....almost :ugeek:
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Idris wrote:

    Tree of Life - Sacred Geometry a really cool series of 43 articles in a subsection of this really neat site by Stephen M. Phillips . I dunno. cool-i-o.

    Have fun.
    Knock yourselves out.


    This.....almost :ugeek:

    Is this what the movie you were talking about with the same name, is about?
  • ShimmyMommyShimmyMommy Posts: 7,505
    My spiritual evolution has taught me this:

    “Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgement of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it.” ~ Kathleen Casey Theisen

    I could not have said it better myself.
    Lots of love, light and hugs to you all!
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