Wow " theserialthrilla " i had to dig for this thread . did it slow down ??
Yep :(
to bad this was a good thing .
I stopped cause . people was cleaning out there closet of the shit they didn't want . lol .
I always sent a Brand New LP . Or an older one with a New LP . something i wanted someone to check out .
Will say i have about two LP's sent to me that made my collection .
the rest were shit . lol
I'd love a Brand New (the band) LP!!!!!
2000: Manchester
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes 2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
I stopped cause . people was cleaning out there closet of the shit they didn't want . lol .
I always sent a Brand New LP . Or an older one with a New LP . something i wanted someone to check out .
Will say i have about two LP's sent to me that made my collection .
the rest were shit . lol
To be honest, the first post on the thread stated:
send someone a vinyl you love/like/hate/dont play any more its up to you.
send the person below you an lp/12"/7" or all of them.
try to send them something you think they might not have..
so we get to hear new music (even if its old) on vinyl for free
So, the idea was to send a vinyl, something old new borrowed or whatever, just for fun.
I think that the thread has died off for the exact opposite reason. People who have jsut a few vinyl might join just for fun but when they see the same 5 people sending each other huge packages full of vinyls, they feel that they are not able to give back what they might receive, so they don't join. It looks like a very clicky group to an outsider, whilst it was intended to be something else entirely, IMO>
I send a couple of vinyl each time but I'm not going to go crazy as this was not inteded to be a quality vinyl trade thread... the idea was to have some fun, get rid of some stuff and maybe the next person will like it more than you. And, all gifts are appreciated, so I don't really care wat I receive, it is the thuoght that counts.
Sending out boxes of expensive stuff just puts off part time collectors who might otherwise join.
I stopped cause . people was cleaning out there closet of the shit they didn't want . lol .
I always sent a Brand New LP . Or an older one with a New LP . something i wanted someone to check out .
Will say i have about two LP's sent to me that made my collection .
the rest were shit . lol
To be honest, the first post on the thread stated:
send someone a vinyl you love/like/hate/dont play any more its up to you.
send the person below you an lp/12"/7" or all of them.
try to send them something you think they might not have..
so we get to hear new music (even if its old) on vinyl for free
So, the idea was to send a vinyl, something old new borrowed or whatever, just for fun.
I think that the thread has died off for the exact opposite reason. People who have jsut a few vinyl might join just for fun but when they see the same 5 people sending each other huge packages full of vinyls, they feel that they are not able to give back what they might receive, so they don't join. It looks like a very clicky group to an outsider, whilst it was intended to be something else entirely, IMO>
I send a couple of vinyl each time but I'm not going to go crazy as this was not inteded to be a quality vinyl trade thread... the idea was to have some fun, get rid of some stuff and maybe the next person will like it more than you. And, all gifts are appreciated, so I don't really care wat I receive, it is the thuoght that counts.
Sending out boxes of expensive stuff just puts off part time collectors who might otherwise join.
i never started this thread with the intention of sending or receiving vinyls with big $£$£$£ value but only value in spinnig..and this i have done ..i have played every record i have been sent some multiple times.maybe its my fault for sending big packages but i was just giving away items i didnt play any more.
the gifts were not meant to be the pride and joy of any record collection.just spin it once if you like it great if not give it to the pound/dollar shop..
but i argee i think its run its race..maybe its time to but it too bed for a year or so..
it was fun
thanks to everyone who joined in and bigger thank to all the people i got vinyl from and i sent too.
i ain't giving up! been waiting for one from greece for a while now :x
When I sent vinyl I certainly didn't send a bunch but I tried to pick out something they would enjoy. And to get the vinyl is such a treat to hear something you may have never come across. This is a good thing I wouldn't close the door on it just yet.
i ain't giving up! been waiting for one from greece for a while now :x
When I sent vinyl I certainly didn't send a bunch but I tried to pick out something they would enjoy. And to get the vinyl is such a treat to hear something you may have never come across. This is a good thing I wouldn't close the door on it just yet.
nothing yet?wtf?...damn..i must sent u another one..must be lost after 2 months?maybe more
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
i ain't giving up! been waiting for one from greece for a while now :x
When I sent vinyl I certainly didn't send a bunch but I tried to pick out something they would enjoy. And to get the vinyl is such a treat to hear something you may have never come across. This is a good thing I wouldn't close the door on it just yet.
I agree on not closing the door. I just came across a collection of 150 vinyl some guy gave me for almost nothing and there is plenty in there that I may not enjoy but will happily pass along.
I just wanted to comment on jtts comment about people clearing out their crap. I mean, crap to one person is gold to another. You may hate Kate Bush and think her old vinyls are worthless junk but to me a copy of Lionheart would be a gem. And I'm not into Depeche Mode but for some people their first albums on vinyl on a Polish label would be like a treasure.
I say just start another thread and/or freshen the idea up somehow.
ok ok we will not drive the stake into its heart yet
I loved this thread . best one in a long time . sure beats those holy grail threads at least everyone that wants to can join in on this . and i don't mean donating money . lol
Will give you that KEV, hands down . Great Thread .
I'm in again! I love this thread and don't want it to die! I always received nice lps. My collection isn't very big yet, so I always went to my local record store to dig something out that I liked a lot and thought the other person would like. My record store dealer helps me a lot and we are always talking about music. That's a good thing I mostly sent only one lp, cause I don't have a lot of money to spend, but I got nice responses so far, although not everybody got back on this thread to post what they got from me So who's going to be the receiver of the next vinyl I'm sending? I'm sending to everywhere
Edit: I just saw that dpmay is only sending to the US, so the next person posting will have to get back to dpmay and I take on the next one who is willing to send vinyl across the world, okay?
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
I'll get in on this. Not sure what I have to do though...
If you're willing to send stuff outside the US, put your name in on position #67 and send dpmay your address so that he can send you something. I will then send you my address and you will have to send me something If you only send to the US that's also fine with me, then I will take the position after the position after your position
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
I'll get in on this. Not sure what I have to do though...
If you are willing to send anywhere in the world, put your name on the list in the post above yours before Leeze at number 67. dpmay will then PM you and send you something from his vinyl collection and you should send something to Leeze.
People generally send anything from 1 vinyl to a few. Whatever you think is appropriate.Whatever you like. It can be a wonderful gift or nothing special, that is the beauty of it. And one man's crap is another man's gold, so if you send something you don't love, you never know, she might love it.
Just one thing, postage can be a killer, so some people prefer just to send within the US. If you are prepared to send anywhere in the world, put your name before leeze and put 'world' in brackets. If you just wanna send in the US, put it after leeze and put 'US' in brackets.
Oh, and enjoy.
I'm considering getting in on this as well. I don't want to be cheap and only send to US, but not sure I have the extra cash to ship anywhere at the moment. Anybody have a rough estimate of how much it costs to send a vinyl across the world?
* Cincinnati, OH 8.20.2000 *
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
I'm considering getting in on this as well. I don't want to be cheap and only send to US, but not sure I have the extra cash to ship anywhere at the moment. Anybody have a rough estimate of how much it costs to send a vinyl across the world?
You'll have to ask a US poster but I believe about $15.
I really just wanted to chip in and say (probably in relation to your user name, but put me straight if it isn't) that the pride of my vinyl collection is a copy of 'vivadixie...' which Mark signed and wrote "Captian Howdy says hello" on. Such a shame that he cracked.
I'm considering getting in on this as well. I don't want to be cheap and only send to US, but not sure I have the extra cash to ship anywhere at the moment. Anybody have a rough estimate of how much it costs to send a vinyl across the world?
I'm considering getting in on this as well. I don't want to be cheap and only send to US, but not sure I have the extra cash to ship anywhere at the moment. Anybody have a rough estimate of how much it costs to send a vinyl across the world?
You'll have to ask a US poster but I believe about $15.
I really just wanted to chip in and say (probably in relation to your user name, but put me straight if it isn't) that the pride of my vinyl collection is a copy of 'vivadixie...' which Mark signed and wrote "Captian Howdy says hello" on. Such a shame that he cracked.
No I just got the name from Dee Snider's movie Strangeland which he got the name from The Exorcist.
* Cincinnati, OH 8.20.2000 *
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
No I just got the name from Dee Snider's movie Strangeland which he got the name from The Exorcist.
Either way, it's a cool board name.
Ok so now I'm on the list what do I do? Sorry I'm still confused haha.
pm the guy above you.
wait for someine's name to appear directly below you, then pm that person.
then send them a package and wait for yours.
by the way, i know vdub finally received my package but who else is still waiting for something from me? just so i can make alternative plans in case nothing arrives.
With snow_borad_rider in, the list ist like that now:
Okay, so is the liste like this now:
55) jshin (world)
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
66) dpmay (US)
67)EZ1221C (US)
68)capthowdy1027 (US)
69)snow_board_rider (US)
71) Leeze (world)
The person below you has to send you their address details and you will send them a record. Since everyone directly in before me only sends to the US, I'll leave that spot before me blank for the next person who is willing to send across the world Have fun, everyone :wave:
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
by the way, i know vdub finally received my package but who else is still waiting for something from me? just so i can make alternative plans in case nothing arrives.
:wave: No worries though! I might have a small favor to ask of you if you have and are able to copy the bootleg (timecoded) Pearl Jam Unplugged DVD that I promised to someone local to you.
As far as the list, I'm going to double up as I've lucked out and only had to ship domestically so far, so...
2000: Manchester
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes 2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
:wave: No worries though! I might have a small favor to ask of you if you have and are able to copy the bootleg (timecoded) Pearl Jam Unplugged DVD that I promised to someone local to you.
I'll have a did around. I have the one from the Ten box set but maybe that is lying around too.
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
Back on. Deleted the "54" entry as I know jshin received from me.
And how! #66... got something for ya!
to bad this was a good thing .
I stopped cause . people was cleaning out there closet of the shit they didn't want . lol .
I always sent a Brand New LP . Or an older one with a New LP . something i wanted someone to check out .
Will say i have about two LP's sent to me that made my collection .
the rest were shit . lol
I'd love a Brand New (the band) LP!!!!!
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes
2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Bootleg Reviews:
To be honest, the first post on the thread stated:
send someone a vinyl you love/like/hate/dont play any more its up to you.
send the person below you an lp/12"/7" or all of them.
try to send them something you think they might not have..
so we get to hear new music (even if its old) on vinyl for free
So, the idea was to send a vinyl, something old new borrowed or whatever, just for fun.
I think that the thread has died off for the exact opposite reason. People who have jsut a few vinyl might join just for fun but when they see the same 5 people sending each other huge packages full of vinyls, they feel that they are not able to give back what they might receive, so they don't join. It looks like a very clicky group to an outsider, whilst it was intended to be something else entirely, IMO>
I send a couple of vinyl each time but I'm not going to go crazy as this was not inteded to be a quality vinyl trade thread... the idea was to have some fun, get rid of some stuff and maybe the next person will like it more than you. And, all gifts are appreciated, so I don't really care wat I receive, it is the thuoght that counts.
Sending out boxes of expensive stuff just puts off part time collectors who might otherwise join.
i never started this thread with the intention of sending or receiving vinyls with big $£$£$£ value but only value in spinnig..and this i have done ..i have played every record i have been sent some multiple times.maybe its my fault for sending big packages but i was just giving away items i didnt play any more.
the gifts were not meant to be the pride and joy of any record collection.just spin it once if you like it great if not give it to the pound/dollar shop..
but i argee i think its run its race..maybe its time to but it too bed for a year or so..
it was fun
thanks to everyone who joined in and bigger thank to all the people i got vinyl from and i sent too.
viva la vinyl
<img src="" align="left">
<img src="" align="left">
<img src="" align="left
<img src="" align="left">
When I sent vinyl I certainly didn't send a bunch but I tried to pick out something they would enjoy. And to get the vinyl is such a treat to hear something you may have never come across. This is a good thing I wouldn't close the door on it just yet.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I agree on not closing the door. I just came across a collection of 150 vinyl some guy gave me for almost nothing and there is plenty in there that I may not enjoy but will happily pass along.
I just wanted to comment on jtts comment about people clearing out their crap. I mean, crap to one person is gold to another. You may hate Kate Bush and think her old vinyls are worthless junk but to me a copy of Lionheart would be a gem. And I'm not into Depeche Mode but for some people their first albums on vinyl on a Polish label would be like a treasure.
I say just start another thread and/or freshen the idea up somehow.
<img src="" align="left">
<img src="" align="left">
<img src="" align="left
<img src="" align="left">
I loved this thread . best one in a long time .
Will give you that KEV, hands down . Great Thread .
i'll help keep it going by getting my kicks...
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
66) dpmay (US)
68) Leeze (world)
I'm in again! I love this thread and don't want it to die! I always received nice lps. My collection isn't very big yet, so I always went to my local record store to dig something out that I liked a lot and thought the other person would like. My record store dealer helps me a lot and we are always talking about music. That's a good thing
Edit: I just saw that dpmay is only sending to the US, so the next person posting will have to get back to dpmay and I take on the next one who is willing to send vinyl across the world, okay?
If you're willing to send stuff outside the US, put your name in on position #67 and send dpmay your address so that he can send you something. I will then send you my address and you will have to send me something
If you are willing to send anywhere in the world, put your name on the list in the post above yours before Leeze at number 67. dpmay will then PM you and send you something from his vinyl collection and you should send something to Leeze.
People generally send anything from 1 vinyl to a few. Whatever you think is appropriate.Whatever you like. It can be a wonderful gift or nothing special, that is the beauty of it. And one man's crap is another man's gold, so if you send something you don't love, you never know, she might love it.
Just one thing, postage can be a killer, so some people prefer just to send within the US. If you are prepared to send anywhere in the world, put your name before leeze and put 'world' in brackets. If you just wanna send in the US, put it after leeze and put 'US' in brackets.
Oh, and enjoy.
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
You'll have to ask a US poster but I believe about $15.
I really just wanted to chip in and say (probably in relation to your user name, but put me straight if it isn't) that the pride of my vinyl collection is a copy of 'vivadixie...' which Mark signed and wrote "Captian Howdy says hello" on. Such a shame that he cracked.
don't be shy - i'm being cheap!
No I just got the name from Dee Snider's movie Strangeland which he got the name from The Exorcist.
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
Either way, it's a cool board name.
55) jshin (world)
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
66) dpmay (US)
67)EZ1221C (US)
68)capthowdy1027 (US)
70) Leeze (world) ?
I'd still wait till someone pops up who is willing to send across the world
Ok so now I'm on the list what do I do? Sorry I'm still confused haha.
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
55) jshin (world)
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
66) dpmay (US)
67)EZ1221C (US)
68)capthowdy1027 (US)
69)snow_board_rider (US)
70) Leeze (world) ?
Key Arena - Nov 05, 2000
Gorge Amphitheater - Sep 01, 2005, Jul 22,23, 2006
Key Arena - Sept 21,22, 2009
Alpine Valley - Sept 3, 4 2011
pm the guy above you.
wait for someine's name to appear directly below you, then pm that person.
then send them a package and wait for yours.
by the way, i know vdub finally received my package but who else is still waiting for something from me? just so i can make alternative plans in case nothing arrives.
Okay, so is the liste like this now:
55) jshin (world)
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
66) dpmay (US)
67)EZ1221C (US)
68)capthowdy1027 (US)
69)snow_board_rider (US)
71) Leeze (world)
The person below you has to send you their address details and you will send them a record. Since everyone directly in before me only sends to the US, I'll leave that spot before me blank for the next person who is willing to send across the world
As far as the list, I'm going to double up as I've lucked out and only had to ship domestically so far, so...
55) jshin (world)
56) theserialthrilla (world)
57) Wilds (world)
58) dpmay (US)
59) AndySlash (parallel universes)
60) i shit and i stink (world)
61) boyo79 (world)
62) vduboise (world)
63)i shit & i stink
65) jamburger (world)
66) dpmay (US)
67)EZ1221C (US)
68)capthowdy1027 (US)
69)snow_board_rider (US)
70) jamburger (world)
71) Leeze (world)
Leeze... sned me your address.
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes
2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Bootleg Reviews:
I'll have a did around. I have the one from the Ten box set but maybe that is lying around too.
I've listened through only half of them, as I've been too busy and out of town for nearly a month.
It's been a long time coming to thank him. THANKS!!!!!
Here is a pic.
Haven't listened to these yet either.....
been away..... sorry about the delay in posting what I got.