
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    Best of Times: :lol:

    gimmesometruth: :cry:

    I wasn't asserting any opinion, or trying to prove anything. I was asking for sources, and then formed my own opinions about them. Attacks? gimmeabreak.

    Get it straight, gimme. You're better that that.
    again if you are addressing me i ask that you quote the post. i am not going to sit here all day and type longwinded replies that will not be addressed with anything other than an emoticon. especially if i don't know what i am replying to.

    I don't understand why you or anyone keeps responding to this person(best of times)!!??!! This person is annoying and disrespectful. No substance, no real discussions, and a bunch of slander.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    JohnnyNut: Us? Ok. How's the schizophrenia going?

    Ahh, I think we've uncovered the mysterious identity! Is that you Pancakes?! finally released form that anger management class? that waaaas a long ban you got there, huh?

    regardless, I was one of the lucky ones to see your message that wasnt intended to be public, and I immediatly knew who we were dealing with. Tongif is right, and its just a matter of time before the rest stop giving you the time of day. Sadly, you seem intelligent, maybe you should only type things that you would say to someones face? just a suggestion ;)
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • tonifig8 wrote:
    Best of Times: :lol:

    gimmesometruth: :cry:

    I wasn't asserting any opinion, or trying to prove anything. I was asking for sources, and then formed my own opinions about them. Attacks? gimmeabreak.

    Get it straight, gimme. You're better that that.
    again if you are addressing me i ask that you quote the post. i am not going to sit here all day and type longwinded replies that will not be addressed with anything other than an emoticon. especially if i don't know what i am replying to.

    I don't understand why you or anyone keeps responding to this person(best of times)!!??!! This person is annoying and disrespectful. No substance, no real discussions, and a bunch of slander.

    Slander? hahahhahha. You guys are SO sensitive...

    Get smart. Then you wouldn't feel so dumb. :mrgreen:
  • Sounds like you spend a lot of time thinking about the different groups; how you can classify all of us, by race, religion, color.

    Wow, I never thought about different COLORED Christians, and how only the white ones "feel" the "war on Christmas".

    You're a real free-thinker, but I think I'll just keep the friends I have....


    Way to completely and utterly miss the point.


    For the record, as I have already stated, the only people I have ever seen discuss the War on Christmas are white Christians. I never said there aren't Christians of different colors, only that the only people I have ever seen complain about the War on Christmas are white. And Christian.

    All of which is beside the point - my original statement (which wasn't even in this thread), was that saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" is an acknowledgment that America is a multi-cultural society.
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • JohnnyNut: Us? Ok. How's the schizophrenia going?

    Ahh, I think we've uncovered the mysterious identity! Is that you Pancakes?! finally released form that anger management class? that waaaas a long ban you got there, huh?

    regardless, I was one of the lucky ones to see your message that wasnt intended to be public, and I immediatly knew who we were dealing with. Tongif is right, and its just a matter of time before the rest stop giving you the time of day. Sadly, you seem intelligent, maybe you should only type things that you would say to someones face? just a suggestion ;)

    I am guilty of correcting spelling issues, I think... ok...? Mysterious identity? Am I the topic of conversation somewhere? :? I just thought you were kind of "nutty". Clever, huh?
  • cajunkiwi wrote:
    Sounds like you spend a lot of time thinking about the different groups; how you can classify all of us, by race, religion, color.

    Wow, I never thought about different COLORED Christians, and how only the white ones "feel" the "war on Christmas".

    You're a real free-thinker, but I think I'll just keep the friends I have....


    Way to completely and utterly miss the point.


    For the record, as I have already stated, the only people I have ever seen discuss the War on Christmas are white Christians. I never said there aren't Christians of different colors, only that the only people I have ever seen complain about the War on Christmas are white. And Christian.

    All of which is beside the point - my original statement (which wasn't even in this thread), was that saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" is an acknowledgment that America is a multi-cultural society.

    So it's fair to say that you see people in terms of color? Your words...
  • JohnnyNut: Us? Ok. How's the schizophrenia going?

    Ahh, I think we've uncovered the mysterious identity! Is that you Pancakes?! finally released form that anger management class? that waaaas a long ban you got there, huh?

    regardless, I was one of the lucky ones to see your message that wasnt intended to be public, and I immediatly knew who we were dealing with. Tongif is right, and its just a matter of time before the rest stop giving you the time of day. Sadly, you seem intelligent, maybe you should only type things that you would say to someones face? just a suggestion ;)

    I am guilty of correcting spelling issues, I think... ok...? Mysterious identity? Am I the topic of conversation somewhere? :? I just thought you were kind of "nutty". Clever, huh?

    I will concede that reading my posts does make you "one of the lucky ones". :D
  • tonifig8 wrote:

    I don't understand why you or anyone keeps responding to this person(best of times)!!??!! This person is annoying and disrespectful. No substance, no real discussions, and a bunch of slander.

    Yeah - there are plenty of people on this board who I disagree with, but I usually find it easy to debate issues with them. Unsung and Electric_Delta come to mind. I usually disagree with them, but I respect their opinions - more often than not they can back up what they're saying. I don't have to agree with someone to be able to talk to them rationally. This guy, however, has lost the plot completely. He's attacking arguments that don't actually exist. That being said, reading his posts has helped me pass an otherwise slow Tuesday afternoon. I'm quite surprised he's on a Pearl Jam message board though - the way he overreacts to any mention of race you'd think he would've broken up with the band the first time he heard WMA :lol:
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • cajunkiwi wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:

    I don't understand why you or anyone keeps responding to this person(best of times)!!??!! This person is annoying and disrespectful. No substance, no real discussions, and a bunch of slander.

    Yeah - there are plenty of people on this board who I disagree with, but I usually find it easy to debate issues with them. Unsung and Electric_Delta come to mind. I usually disagree with them, but I respect their opinions - more often than not they can back up what they're saying. I don't have to agree with someone to be able to talk to them rationally. This guy, however, has lost the plot completely. He's attacking arguments that don't actually exist. That being said, reading his posts has helped me pass an otherwise slow Tuesday afternoon. I'm quite surprised he's on a Pearl Jam message board though - the way he overreacts to any mention of race you'd think he would've broken up with the band the first time he heard WMA :lol:

    You're so wrapped up in color and race... Relax. God loves us all, even the WHITE ones.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    cajunkiwi wrote:

    No, Angel. you fuckin said it, now own it. Anytime someone disagrees w/ your boy, they're a racist. It's so old. I guess 58% of America is racist b/c that's how many people disapprove of Obama. ... l.html.csp

    It's so old.

    Okay - I'll pose the same questions to you that I posed to Electric_Delta (someone who is magically able to disagree with me on a regular basis in a civil manner).

    Please go down this list, point by point, and explain how none of these issues are race-based:

    1. The Birther Movement claims he was born overseas, despite there being no evidence to support their claim.

    2. Signs carried by Tea Party members at rallies depicted him as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose.

    3. During the election, opponents (both political and in the media) made a point of referring to him by his full name, Barack Hussein Obama, despite the fact that they don't do that for any other candidate.

    4. Fox news referred to his wife as his "Baby Mama" and called a fist pump between he and Michelle Obama a "Terrorist fist-jab."

    5. The FBI reported a sharp increase in the number of people joining hate groups like the KKK after his election, and he gets 4x as many death threats as Bush received in office. Not letters from disgruntled citizens telling him he's doing a bad job - letters from people saying they want to kill him.

    Please feel free to use any language you like, though to me, personally, throwing the word "fuck" around on a regular basis doesn't make me any more likely to be swayed by your argument.

    (and on point No. 3, I personally believe, for what it's worth, that when the local media in Louisiana made a point of referring to Bobby Jindal as Piyush Jindal they were being racist)

    Getting back to the topics at hand, as this thread was slightly derailed by unneccessary banter...

    I am also one to criticize Obama very quickly, but these things that you list ARE concerns. Its not just ONE person either, as some keep saying. Its very disconcerting. But with Obamas racial differences, It is (sadly) to be expected by some who cannot come up with better tihngs to discredit him with.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • cajunkiwi wrote:
    Sounds like you spend a lot of time thinking about the different groups; how you can classify all of us, by race, religion, color.

    Wow, I never thought about different COLORED Christians, and how only the white ones "feel" the "war on Christmas".

    You're a real free-thinker, but I think I'll just keep the friends I have....


    Way to completely and utterly miss the point.


    For the record, as I have already stated, the only people I have ever seen discuss the War on Christmas are white Christians. I never said there aren't Christians of different colors, only that the only people I have ever seen complain about the War on Christmas are white. And Christian.

    All of which is beside the point - my original statement (which wasn't even in this thread), was that saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" is an acknowledgment that America is a multi-cultural society.

    So it's fair to say that you see people in terms of color? Your words...

    Yes, it's true - I can tell the difference between Morgan Freeman and Nicholas Cage just by looking at them (it's easy: Morgan Freeman is the one who can act). I wasn't aware there was something wrong with saying I can tell the difference between Caucasians and African Americans by sight...

    Here's a quick primer on how racism works:

    Saying you can tell the difference between white people and black people = not racist.
    Sending death threats to the president because he's a black guy = racist.
    Making sure you mention his middle name of "Hussein" as often as possible to scare voters away = racist.
    Saying there's a War on Christmas because you find it offensive that an official state celebration insists on including cultures other than your own = racist (though not as racist as threatening to kill someone because of their racial heritage).
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.

  • You're so wrapped up in color and race... Relax. God loves us all, even the WHITE ones.

    Yes, because I'm the one demanding that people explain themselves whenever they mention race in a post. If that's your default setting, you're going to derail a lot of discussions on AMT :lol:
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • cajunkiwi wrote:

    No, Angel. you fuckin said it, now own it. Anytime someone disagrees w/ your boy, they're a racist. It's so old. I guess 58% of America is racist b/c that's how many people disapprove of Obama. ... l.html.csp

    It's so old.

    Okay - I'll pose the same questions to you that I posed to Electric_Delta (someone who is magically able to disagree with me on a regular basis in a civil manner).

    Please go down this list, point by point, and explain how none of these issues are race-based:

    1. The Birther Movement claims he was born overseas, despite there being no evidence to support their claim.

    2. Signs carried by Tea Party members at rallies depicted him as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose.

    3. During the election, opponents (both political and in the media) made a point of referring to him by his full name, Barack Hussein Obama, despite the fact that they don't do that for any other candidate.

    4. Fox news referred to his wife as his "Baby Mama" and called a fist pump between he and Michelle Obama a "Terrorist fist-jab."

    5. The FBI reported a sharp increase in the number of people joining hate groups like the KKK after his election, and he gets 4x as many death threats as Bush received in office. Not letters from disgruntled citizens telling him he's doing a bad job - letters from people saying they want to kill him.

    Please feel free to use any language you like, though to me, personally, throwing the word "fuck" around on a regular basis doesn't make me any more likely to be swayed by your argument.

    (and on point No. 3, I personally believe, for what it's worth, that when the local media in Louisiana made a point of referring to Bobby Jindal as Piyush Jindal they were being racist)

    Getting back to the topics at hand, as this thread was slightly derailed by unneccessary banter...

    I am also one to criticize Obama very quickly, but these things that you list ARE concerns. Its not just ONE person either, as some keep saying. Its very disconcerting. But with Obamas racial differences, It is (sadly) to be expected by some who cannot come up with better tihngs to discredit him with.

    Yep - I have no beef with anyone who dislikes Obama and can provide actual concrete reasons why. Even if I disagree with their reasons, they're at least thinking about it. It's the people who get swept up in the birther argument and the whole Death Panel thing that I find annoying. There's a big difference between disliking the healthcare bill because it forces people to buy coverage and you think the country can't fund it, and disliking it because you heard Sarah Palin say a group of doctors will meet once a week to decide whether or not they pull the plug on your grandmother :lol:
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    cajunkiwi wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:

    I don't understand why you or anyone keeps responding to this person(best of times)!!??!! This person is annoying and disrespectful. No substance, no real discussions, and a bunch of slander.

    Yeah - there are plenty of people on this board who I disagree with, but I usually find it easy to debate issues with them. Unsung and Electric_Delta come to mind. I usually disagree with them, but I respect their opinions - more often than not they can back up what they're saying. I don't have to agree with someone to be able to talk to them rationally. This guy, however, has lost the plot completely. He's attacking arguments that don't actually exist. That being said, reading his posts has helped me pass an otherwise slow Tuesday afternoon. I'm quite surprised he's on a Pearl Jam message board though - the way he overreacts to any mention of race you'd think he would've broken up with the band the first time he heard WMA :lol:

    Exactly - no one has to agree, but this person isn't looking for a debate-Isn't looking for a solution or for facts. I just hate to see all of you guys waste your energy on someone who really doesn't respect what you have to say. You guys are putting legitimate responses and this person is yelling/screaming/and showing no respect. The PM message he/she sent out was totally wrong, i wasn't surprised, you shouldn't waste your energy----
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    yes i saw that pm as well. how feral was that?

    some people are just looking to get a rise out of people like so many other people that show up here for a few weeks and get a few hundred posts only to never be heard from again...

    you guys know me, look at my posts earlier in this thread. i voted for obama and was a big supporter. but i have given heaps of criticism for the most recent few decisions he has made.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • tonifig8 wrote:

    Exactly - no one has to agree, but this person isn't looking for a debate-Isn't looking for a solution or for facts. I just hate to see all of you guys waste your energy on someone who really doesn't respect what you have to say. You guys are putting legitimate responses and this person is yelling/screaming/and showing no respect. The PM message he/she sent out was totally wrong, i wasn't surprised, you shouldn't waste your energy----

    Yeah, that PM was absolutely disgraceful, and pretty much showed exactly the kind of person he is.

    I'm not wasting my energy - like I said, it was a slow afternoon at work. I was happy for the entertainment :lol:
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=200906

    also known as i slept with your mom.

    don't waste your time.
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672

    also known as i slept with your mom.

    don't waste your time.

    Yeah I remember that user! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
    That was one funny name! Loved it!

    Yup- their are a lot of people who I agree with on this board, but that doesn't mean I am not willing to get into a serious debate/discussion with them- I look for solutions in my discussions and many of you guys are here every day and give out a lot of energy/thought, and i think that should be respected, whether you're right or wrong----well, there are some exceptions to that.... ;) .....
    I just got tiered of seeing you guys drop some great posts and then have to deal with some person name calling or hitting/running and totally disrespecting you..... that's frustrating for me, as the reader, I could only imagine how it must of been for you guys.....
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    tonifig8 wrote:

    also known as i slept with your mom.

    don't waste your time.

    Yeah I remember that user! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
    That was one funny name! Loved it!

    Yup- their are a lot of people who I agree with on this board, but that doesn't mean I am not willing to get into a serious debate/discussion with them- I look for solutions in my discussions and many of you guys are here every day and give out a lot of energy/thought, and i think that should be respected, whether your right or wrong----well, there are some exceptions to that.... ;) .....
    I just got tiered of seeing you guys drop some great posts and then have to deal with some person name calling or hitting/running and totally disrespecting you..... that's frustrating for me, as the reader, I could only imagine how it must of been for you guys.....
    it doesn't really bother me toni. it is just pointless sometimes to engage someone when you know you will not get a reasoned response. i am only here to read and learn new things, contribute when i feel i can add a decent point, crack a joke or two or post a funny pic, post an interesting article or whatever. i don't let a few people ruin my time here. you shouldn't either.

    it is interesting to see why people dislike obama. i think of this place as a small cross section of the population, people from all different states and many different countries who have taught me a lot of things.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    it doesn't really bother me toni. it is just pointless sometimes to engage someone when you know you will not get a reasoned response. i am only here to read and learn new things, contribute when i feel i can add a decent point, crack a joke or two or post a funny pic, post an interesting article or whatever. i don't let a few people ruin my time here. you shouldn't either.

    it is interesting to see why people dislike obama. i think of this place as a small cross section of the population, people from all different states and many different countries who have taught me a lot of things.

    You drop some great post Gimme and it was bothering the crap at of me to see this person act like such a fool, not only with you but with other good people. If this user was debating and winning the argument, so be it, but the user was being totally disrespectful (uncalled for) and since you're one of the brighter minds on this board (not by your positions, but by your comments/resources), i didn't want to see you waste that real energy.
    I, like you, learn a whole lot from people on this board- This board is pretty much the only reason why I'm sticking with the 10c....The Community might not be that big, but the amount of information shared/discussed is enormous --- A lot of really smart folks on here(on all sides), and I would hate for those smart folks to disappear because of users like "your mom made me pancakes"!! :lol: (love that name-classic) :lol:

    also, i don't agree with people posting PM messages, but what's done is done.... that's just me....
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    thanks toni. i would not call me a bright poster. i have made mistakes in posts before, have said stupid things in the heat of the moment without properly reading or understanding the meaning of something i was replying to, and have gotten drunk and said some outlandish and downright stupid or personal things at times. i have come to realize that a bright poster does not do those things :oops: i understand what you are saying in your post though about wasting energy. i have done a lot of that at times over the last few years. and it gets difficult to read sometimes when people go back and forth in circles wasting their energy as well. i am figuring out when to let things go and walk away though. and the feeling is mutual. i admire the passion in your posts, and the thought that you put into them. i can tell that you really care about what you post about. sometimes i wish i was not such an emotional poster and that i could be more analytical and professional with my posts... :oops:
    tonifig8 wrote:
    You drop some great post Gimme and it was bothering the crap at of me to see this person act like such a fool, not only with you but with other good people. If this user was debating and winning the argument, so be it, but the user was being totally disrespectful (uncalled for) and since you're one of the brighter minds on this board (not by your positions, but by your comments/resources), i didn't want to see you waste that real energy.
    I, like you, learn a whole lot from people on this board- This board is pretty much the only reason why I'm sticking with the 10c....The Community might not be that big, but the amount of information shared/discussed is enormous --- A lot of really smart folks on here(on all sides), and I would hate for those smart folks to disappear because of users like "your mom made me pancakes"!! :lol: (love that name-classic) :lol:

    also, i don't agree with people posting PM messages, but what's done is done.... that's just me....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • cajunkiwi wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:

    I don't understand why you or anyone keeps responding to this person(best of times)!!??!! This person is annoying and disrespectful. No substance, no real discussions, and a bunch of slander.

    Yeah - there are plenty of people on this board who I disagree with, but I usually find it easy to debate issues with them. Unsung and Electric_Delta come to mind. I usually disagree with them, but I respect their opinions - more often than not they can back up what they're saying. I don't have to agree with someone to be able to talk to them rationally. This guy, however, has lost the plot completely. He's attacking arguments that don't actually exist. That being said, reading his posts has helped me pass an otherwise slow Tuesday afternoon. I'm quite surprised he's on a Pearl Jam message board though - the way he overreacts to any mention of race you'd think he would've broken up with the band the first time he heard WMA :lol:

    Cajun, thanks for the kind words. I often disagree with many posters in AMT, but I do appreciate the debate...however EMPHATIC I may become... ;)
    Bristow, VA (5/13/10)
  • oh shenanigans. this is getting outta control.

    settle petals. there's way too much love going down in here. can you please get back to arguing amongst yourselves? jeez.

    just kidding. carry on.
  • oh shenanigans. this is getting outta control.

    settle petals. there's way too much love going down in here. can you please get back to arguing amongst yourselves? jeez.

    just kidding. carry on.

    Must be Christmas getting closer, Angel. We're starting to treat each other like...people! ;)
    Bristow, VA (5/13/10)
  • Is everyone finished stroking eachother in here?

    This is like group therapy for the relentlessly abused... 8-)
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    oh shenanigans. this is getting outta control.

    settle petals. there's way too much love going down in here. can you please get back to arguing amongst yourselves? jeez.

    just kidding. carry on.

    yes, we can't have an entire page of compliments and good will on the train now can we?

    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    oh shenanigans. this is getting outta control.

    settle petals. there's way too much love going down in here. can you please get back to arguing amongst yourselves? jeez.

    just kidding. carry on.

    yes, we can't have an entire page of compliments and good will on the train now can we?


    That would be something, huh!?
    And on a sidenote, I imagine even McCain will get something nice for Obama for X-mas.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • Is everyone finished stroking eachother in here?

    This is like group therapy for the relentlessly abused... 8-)

    Good way of putting it. :lol:
    Bristow, VA (5/13/10)
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    oh shenanigans. this is getting outta control.

    settle petals. there's way too much love going down in here. can you please get back to arguing amongst yourselves? jeez.

    just kidding. carry on.

    yes, we can't have an entire page of compliments and good will on the train now can we?


    It would be another Festivus miracle! :D
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Jeanwah wrote:
    oh shenanigans. this is getting outta control.

    settle petals. there's way too much love going down in here. can you please get back to arguing amongst yourselves? jeez.

    just kidding. carry on.

    yes, we can't have an entire page of compliments and good will on the train now can we?


    It would be another Festivus miracle! :D
    yes it would lol...

    i actually have a pole set up. i am not dealing with my christmas stuff this year.... :|
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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