I think what we were trying to say is that by 2030 we hope that we are all TRYING to think about choosing energy efficient options and think before we buy a new appliance. Maybe I'm too used to a country giving a damn about the future of our planet and maybe I am lucky that our government subsidises people when buying energy efficient heating appliances and solar. I know that there are people that can't afford the likes (I being one of them) but I try my hardest to keep my household carbon foot print as small as I can for two reasons: out of respect for the environment, and to save money.
I think what we were trying to say is that by 2030 we hope that we are all TRYING to think about choosing energy efficient options and think before we buy a new appliance.
I think by 2030 it won't even be a matter of choosing, since I would think that in 20 years even the most basic appliances would be significantly more efficient then the basic (cheap) models they have now. I mean the basic refrigerator from 20 years ago would have been less efficient then the basic refrigerator of today.
As far as apartment heating goes, pretty much every apartment I have ever lived in had free heating provided by a hot water heating system, heated by a central boiler. Those boilers are heated by natural gas, and even if those rates were to increase at the same rate as electricity, I could totally see higher efficiency boilers becoming more and more common to the point where standard efficiency boilers are rarely if never used.
the green folk of which i consider myself to be part of have a value system that is based on everyone including future generations ... we believe in a sustainable future - the likes of which we are currently NOT living ...
we don't get hung up on partisanship labels
you think conservatives care whether you breathe clean air, have clean water, or aren't poisoned by large scale multi-nationals!??
My appliance's are energy efficient, but you do realize that some people can't afford to replace their appliance's every time there are newer standards, plus some people have to rent apartments that have hydro heat. But hey those folks don't, gotta keep the green folks happy.
You realize that you pay more money whether you update your appliances or not don't you? More money goes to inefficiently run energy than to energy star appliances, or any green energy. Except the difference is that that money is paid for heat escaping more than anything.
That's right most landlords don't care that you waste your money on inefficient appliances or heat. It's up to you to care, but obviously you think that thinking renewable energy is bad is just ignorance on the subject. And reading political bullshit is not learning anything.
i would be interested in learning about the scam associated with compact flourescents ...
CFL bulbs are pretty much only made in China. There is not one company making them in the US. There is a law getting away from incandescent lighting here in the US (I can't quote it now as I am on my phone typing this).
Granted CFLs use less energy and you will save money on your electric bill but at what cost? They are filled with poison (Mercury) and they are not supposed to be thrown in the garbage. They are supposed to be taken to a special waste recycler.
So if they have mercury in them I can only imagine the problems they are causing the Chinese environment, well we all know that China is the model country for protecting the environment.
Green technology in theory is great but I only see the loss of US jobs.
I don't understand your point. What is your point?
As for florescent light disposal... it isn't all that difficult... you can drop them off at the Home Depot. I just did that with a case of spent tubes I originally bought in 1989. And you can't just throw anything in the garbage... batteries and paint come to mind. Besides, you shouldn't just toss everything in the landfills just for the convienience, should you?
As far as jobs go... we lost those jobs a long time ago and they are not coming back. Your clothing is primarily made in China... as is most of the electronics you buy. Even if you buy clothing assembled in the U.S. (at higher costs).... where are the textile mills that made the fabrics? You can thank good ol' Capitalism and the markets for finding ways to cut costs and boost stock prices by re-locating to cheaper job markets... not environmentalists.
There are, however, jobs in the development of green technologies.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
So you think landlords sre going to upgrade appliance's and heat? I doubt landlords much care.
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
So you think landlords sre going to upgrade appliance's and heat? I doubt landlords much care.
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
ok so this guy came to my house not that long ago and said he was working on behalf of the govt and that he was there to replace my showerhead for an energy efficient one. so incredibly i let him in to do it. it was the first and last time i ever let some energy efficient apparatus toting stranger in my house again...he totally fucked the shower. so now im back to raping the environment.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
So you think landlords sre going to upgrade appliance's and heat? I doubt landlords much care.
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
ok so this guy came to my house not that long ago and said he was working on behalf of the govt and that he was there to replace my showerhead for an energy efficient one. so incredibly i let him in to do it. it was the first and last time i ever let some energy efficient apparatus toting stranger in my house again...he totally fucked the shower. so now im back to raping the environment.
Unfortunately you Aussies haven't had much luck with your govt. run schemes - what with house fires due to cowboys installing foil (WTF) insulation in ceilings. Tip foil + exposed electrical wires = DANGER!
ok so this guy came to my house not that long ago and said he was working on behalf of the govt and that he was there to replace my showerhead for an energy efficient one. so incredibly i let him in to do it. it was the first and last time i ever let some energy efficient apparatus toting stranger in my house again...he totally fucked the shower. so now im back to raping the environment.
Unfortunately you Aussies haven't had much luck with your govt. run schemes - what with house fires due to cowboys installing foil (WTF) insulation in ceilings. Tip foil + exposed electrical wires = DANGER!
until the city doesnt sparkle like a xmas tree every night of the year im not playing their game. until the govt insists on more energy efficient housing to be built instead of the mcmansions they now allow to be built im not playing their game. i do what i do but if industry and business arent gonna play why should we?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
So you think landlords sre going to upgrade appliance's and heat? I doubt landlords much care.
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
I believe there are programs in place, I believe one of them is you can get something called an energy audit, then when you upgrade you can get rebates or something like that, I'm not all that familiar with the program, I'm about as energy efficient as I'm going, my furnace and A/C is high efficiency, all my appliance are new energy efficient and I leave no unnecessary lights on and only used my AC this past summer a handful of times, furnace goes down when I go to work.
I know people who work in the rental business and I know the damage caused by some tenants that the landlords have to pay to bring the units up to standards. I highly doubt they are interested in energy efficient anything if the tenant is responsible for the utilities.
Personally the whole green movement goes way over the top at times. The way I see do what you can. But I don't really care if someone recycles, drives and SUV or a Hummer, leaves their lights on or whatever, that's their choice or my favorite plastic bags, they got us buying plastic bags now, I do most of my grocery shopping states side, no charge for bags.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Each to their own. I don't want to push my green beliefs on anyone, just as I don't wish others to push their religious views on me (although one is fact driven and the other well....)
It sounds like you are doing a great deal more than a lot of others.
... But I don't really care if someone recycles, drives and SUV or a Hummer, ...
SUVs and hummers are a pain in the arse. you cant see around them or over them or past them, so you cant see what the flow of traffic is doing up ahead. all you can see is their backend. so you cant react til they do. i consider this a safety issue.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
So you think landlords sre going to upgrade appliance's and heat? I doubt landlords much care.
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
I believe there are programs in place, I believe one of them is you can get something called an energy audit, then when you upgrade you can get rebates or something like that, I'm not all that familiar with the program, I'm about as energy efficient as I'm going, my furnace and A/C is high efficiency, all my appliance are new energy efficient and I leave no unnecessary lights on and only used my AC this past summer a handful of times, furnace goes down when I go to work.
There used to be the federal eco-energy program which was as described, where you had an audit done and got money back for making improvements. There is still a provincial one, at least in ontario, that used to go hand in hand with the federal one. But they killed the federal on last year so without it you really have spend a ton of money to make the provincial one worthwhile (and even cover the cost of the audit). It is kind of annoying since I bought a house in Ottawa this past summer, and this year they cancelled that program, the home renovation tax credit. Plus the city of Ottawa used to give you aa $60 rebate if you replaced your old toilet with a new low flow model, but they found too many people took advantage, and water use decreased to the point where the water department wasn't making enough money to cover their budget.
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
I believe there are programs in place, I believe one of them is you can get something called an energy audit, then when you upgrade you can get rebates or something like that, I'm not all that familiar with the program, I'm about as energy efficient as I'm going, my furnace and A/C is high efficiency, all my appliance are new energy efficient and I leave no unnecessary lights on and only used my AC this past summer a handful of times, furnace goes down when I go to work.
There used to be the federal eco-energy program which was as described, where you had an audit done and got money back for making improvements. There is still a provincial one, at least in ontario, that used to go hand in hand with the federal one. But they killed the federal on last year so without it you really have spend a ton of money to make the provincial one worthwhile (and even cover the cost of the audit). It is kind of annoying since I bought a house in Ottawa this past summer, and this year they cancelled that program, the home renovation tax credit. Plus the city of Ottawa used to give you aa $60 rebate if you replaced your old toilet with a new low flow model, but they found too many people took advantage, and water use decreased to the point where the water department wasn't making enough money to cover their budget.
The toilet situation is funny, They'll probably raise rates to cover the short fall. I'm not about to get an energy audit, I can figure out my energy deficiencies on my own without paying xxx amount of $$$ to someone. But I do believe in Ontario you now have to get an energy audit when selling.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
[Personally the whole green movement goes way over the top at times. The way I see do what you can. But I don't really care if someone recycles, drives and SUV or a Hummer, leaves their lights on or whatever, that's their choice or my favorite plastic bags, they got us buying plastic bags now, I do most of my grocery shopping states side, no charge for bags.
i find it both sad and funny that someone can rip a gov't for wrecking the economy but then claims they shop in a different country for basic items because they aren't interested in bringing their own reusable bags ... also, i'll have you know that loblaws instituted the charge for plastic bags on their own and not by some gov't mandate ... they did it because it would reduce the amount of bags that goto landfill ...
[Personally the whole green movement goes way over the top at times. The way I see do what you can. But I don't really care if someone recycles, drives and SUV or a Hummer, leaves their lights on or whatever, that's their choice or my favorite plastic bags, they got us buying plastic bags now, I do most of my grocery shopping states side, no charge for bags.
i find it both sad and funny that someone can rip a gov't for wrecking the economy but then claims they shop in a different country for basic items because they aren't interested in bringing their own reusable bags ... also, i'll have you know that loblaws instituted the charge for plastic bags on their own and not by some gov't mandate ... they did it because it would reduce the amount of bags that goto landfill ...
I'll spend my money where I want!!!!! I don't care who instituted it's fucking stupid.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Yes they made a big announcement here in Windsor. Supposedly Samsung will be building a plant that could create 300 jobs and 400 spin off jobs. I found it curious that no one from Samsung was present, and very few details like are they going to use an existing vacant plant or build a new one, and it won't be operational till 2012, we'll see, I remain skeptical. This could be more about politics than real jobs considering Duncan and Pupatello are both in trouble in their own ridings and could swing to the NDP in a year.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Yes they made a big announcement here in Windsor. Supposedly Samsung will be building a plant that could create 300 jobs and 400 spin off jobs. I found it curious that no one from Samsung was present, and very few details like are they going to use an existing vacant plant or build a new one, and it won't be operational till 2012, we'll see, I remain skeptical. This could be more about politics than real jobs considering Duncan and Pupatello are both in trouble in their own ridings and could swing to the NDP in a year.
it is definitely political in nature ... it should be noted that the deal struck with the gov't with samsung required them to open by 2015 so, they would be well in advance of that opening in 2012 ...
either way, there is definitely some politics being played here ... but at the end of the day, it's a recognition of the requirement to diversify the economy ... and although you may not care for environmental issues - many people do and those numbers will only increase - so, why not try and diversify into an industry that should continue to grow ...
[Personally the whole green movement goes way over the top at times. The way I see do what you can. But I don't really care if someone recycles, drives and SUV or a Hummer, leaves their lights on or whatever, that's their choice or my favorite plastic bags, they got us buying plastic bags now, I do most of my grocery shopping states side, no charge for bags.
i find it both sad and funny that someone can rip a gov't for wrecking the economy but then claims they shop in a different country for basic items because they aren't interested in bringing their own reusable bags ... also, i'll have you know that loblaws instituted the charge for plastic bags on their own and not by some gov't mandate ... they did it because it would reduce the amount of bags that goto landfill ...
I'll spend my money where I want!!!!! I don't care who instituted it's fucking stupid.
it's far from stupid. plastic bags are a terrible waste of resources and energy.
there's this small state in Australia that was the first to outlaw plastic bags. they have removed over 400 million plastic bags from their waste each year. that's just one state. high five to them for being the first to initiate it in Australia.
it's not that hard to take your own reusable bags when you go to the stores. really, it's not.
I'll spend my money where I want!!!!! I don't care who instituted it's fucking stupid.
You realize that there's so much plastic waste that it could wrap the globe 5 times, right? There's trash (more plastic) covering the ocean floor. Most sand on the coasts are not sand; it's bits of plastic ground up and washed ashore. We don't have one Garbage Patch anymore floating in the Pacific (that's roughly the size of Texas), there is at least one for each ocean now, just sitting on the top of the water, drifting because plastic does not break down. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... -pictures/
Keep up the attitude, for it's people who like you who think the world is nothing but your trash can.
Yes they made a big announcement here in Windsor. Supposedly Samsung will be building a plant that could create 300 jobs and 400 spin off jobs. I found it curious that no one from Samsung was present, and very few details like are they going to use an existing vacant plant or build a new one, and it won't be operational till 2012, we'll see, I remain skeptical. This could be more about politics than real jobs considering Duncan and Pupatello are both in trouble in their own ridings and could swing to the NDP in a year.
it is definitely political in nature ... it should be noted that the deal struck with the gov't with samsung required them to open by 2015 so, they would be well in advance of that opening in 2012 ...
either way, there is definitely some politics being played here ... but at the end of the day, it's a recognition of the requirement to diversify the economy ... and although you may not care for environmental issues - many people do and those numbers will only increase - so, why not try and diversify into an industry that should continue to grow ...
Agreed we need to diversify. The announcement to me would have been more credible if Samsung was at the announcement. So what happens if some other coountry comes along and offers them a better deal before they are built? I hope this happens. I just remain skeptical, mainly because the 2 cabinet ministers are not a lock to win the next election. Let's hope though.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I'll spend my money where I want!!!!! I don't care who instituted it's fucking stupid.
You realize that there's so much plastic waste that it could wrap the globe 5 times, right? There's trash (more plastic) covering the ocean floor. Most sand on the coasts are not sand; it's bits of plastic ground up and washed ashore. We don't have one Garbage Patch anymore floating in the Pacific (that's roughly the size of Texas), there is at least one for each ocean now, just sitting on the top of the water, drifting because plastic does not break down. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... -pictures/
Keep up the attitude, for it's people who like you who think the world is nothing but your trash can.
Ya its stupid. You target plastic bags, all you have to do is observe carts at the grocery store loaded with bottled water, pop in plastic, in the states beer in plastic other assorted items in plastics, packaging of many items in most retail stores are in plastic, but we target the plastic bag. If they really wanted to make a difference why not ban plastic bags and packing material altogether? That I would approve of, no problem. That would take the hypocrisy out of it. Many of those items that are pack in non recyclable plastic. Ban plastic use altogether I support no problem.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Ya its stupid. You target plastic bags, all you have to do is observe carts at the grocery store loaded with bottled water, pop in plastic, in the states beer in plastic other assorted items in plastics, packaging of many items in most retail stores are in plastic, but we target the plastic bag. If they really wanted to make a difference why not ban plastic bags and packing material altogether? That I would approve of, no problem. That would take the hypocrisy out of it. Many of those items that are pack in non recyclable plastic. Ban plastic use altogether I support no problem.
bottled water is horrible but that's besides the point ...
this isn't a BAN on plastic bags ... it's simply a fee for using one when there are perfectly good reusable options elsewhere ... although i agree, there should be a fee associated with everything in a plastic container ... but to say the fee is stupid is extremeley short-sighted especially in light of the facts ...
since these charges have been implemented - they've cut the amount of plastic used and going to landfill by a ton ... how can you argue that's a bad thing? ... there isn't one miracle solution to all our environmental problems ... it'll require creative and innovative thinking at all levels ... making people consider whether they "need" a plastic bag has made people more aware of the excessiveness and waste culture we live in ...
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
there's this small state in Australia that was the first to outlaw plastic bags. they have removed over 400 million plastic bags from their waste each year. that's just one state. high five to them for being the first to initiate it in Australia.
it's not that hard to take your own reusable bags when you go to the stores. really, it's not.
I always choose paper bags and then I recycle them myself. I would use the reusable ones but most, that I've seen, are made in China. So I quit using them sometime back. Now I recently read an article that said many were found containing lead.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I think by 2030 it won't even be a matter of choosing, since I would think that in 20 years even the most basic appliances would be significantly more efficient then the basic (cheap) models they have now. I mean the basic refrigerator from 20 years ago would have been less efficient then the basic refrigerator of today.
As far as apartment heating goes, pretty much every apartment I have ever lived in had free heating provided by a hot water heating system, heated by a central boiler. Those boilers are heated by natural gas, and even if those rates were to increase at the same rate as electricity, I could totally see higher efficiency boilers becoming more and more common to the point where standard efficiency boilers are rarely if never used.
what the cuss!?? ... is this supposed to mean!?
the green folk of which i consider myself to be part of have a value system that is based on everyone including future generations ... we believe in a sustainable future - the likes of which we are currently NOT living ...
we don't get hung up on partisanship labels
you think conservatives care whether you breathe clean air, have clean water, or aren't poisoned by large scale multi-nationals!??
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
That's right most landlords don't care that you waste your money on inefficient appliances or heat. It's up to you to care, but obviously you think that thinking renewable energy is bad is just ignorance on the subject. And reading political bullshit is not learning anything.
I don't understand your point. What is your point?
As for florescent light disposal... it isn't all that difficult... you can drop them off at the Home Depot. I just did that with a case of spent tubes I originally bought in 1989. And you can't just throw anything in the garbage... batteries and paint come to mind. Besides, you shouldn't just toss everything in the landfills just for the convienience, should you?
As far as jobs go... we lost those jobs a long time ago and they are not coming back. Your clothing is primarily made in China... as is most of the electronics you buy. Even if you buy clothing assembled in the U.S. (at higher costs).... where are the textile mills that made the fabrics? You can thank good ol' Capitalism and the markets for finding ways to cut costs and boost stock prices by re-locating to cheaper job markets... not environmentalists.
There are, however, jobs in the development of green technologies.
Hail, Hail!!!
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"The planet is fine...the people are fucked."
What's wrong with trying to make us less fucked by polluting our habitat as little as possible?
"With our thoughts we make the world"
Maybe not in Canada but here the government has incentivized landlords to think more about the health and well being of their tenants. Landlords can get up to 60% off the cost of installing Insulation and $500 off cleaning heating ie. heat pumps (aircon), pellet fires or log burners for their rentals, this also applies to home owners. Speaking as someone who works in this programme it has been a great success and it is amazing to see the response from landlords to want to do something for their loyal tenants.
ok so this guy came to my house not that long ago and said he was working on behalf of the govt and that he was there to replace my showerhead for an energy efficient one. so incredibly i let him in to do it. it was the first and last time i ever let some energy efficient apparatus toting stranger in my house again...he totally fucked the shower. so now im back to raping the environment.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Unfortunately you Aussies haven't had much luck with your govt. run schemes - what with house fires due to cowboys installing foil (WTF) insulation in ceilings. Tip foil + exposed electrical wires = DANGER!
until the city doesnt sparkle like a xmas tree every night of the year im not playing their game. until the govt insists on more energy efficient housing to be built instead of the mcmansions they now allow to be built im not playing their game. i do what i do but if industry and business arent gonna play why should we?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I believe there are programs in place, I believe one of them is you can get something called an energy audit, then when you upgrade you can get rebates or something like that, I'm not all that familiar with the program, I'm about as energy efficient as I'm going, my furnace and A/C is high efficiency, all my appliance are new energy efficient and I leave no unnecessary lights on and only used my AC this past summer a handful of times, furnace goes down when I go to work.
I know people who work in the rental business and I know the damage caused by some tenants that the landlords have to pay to bring the units up to standards. I highly doubt they are interested in energy efficient anything if the tenant is responsible for the utilities.
Personally the whole green movement goes way over the top at times. The way I see do what you can. But I don't really care if someone recycles, drives and SUV or a Hummer, leaves their lights on or whatever, that's their choice or my favorite plastic bags, they got us buying plastic bags now, I do most of my grocery shopping states side, no charge for bags.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
It sounds like you are doing a great deal more than a lot of others.
SUVs and hummers are a pain in the arse. you cant see around them or over them or past them, so you cant see what the flow of traffic is doing up ahead. all you can see is their backend. so you cant react til they do. i consider this a safety issue.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
There used to be the federal eco-energy program which was as described, where you had an audit done and got money back for making improvements. There is still a provincial one, at least in ontario, that used to go hand in hand with the federal one. But they killed the federal on last year so without it you really have spend a ton of money to make the provincial one worthwhile (and even cover the cost of the audit). It is kind of annoying since I bought a house in Ottawa this past summer, and this year they cancelled that program, the home renovation tax credit. Plus the city of Ottawa used to give you aa $60 rebate if you replaced your old toilet with a new low flow model, but they found too many people took advantage, and water use decreased to the point where the water department wasn't making enough money to cover their budget.
The toilet situation is funny, They'll probably raise rates to cover the short fall. I'm not about to get an energy audit, I can figure out my energy deficiencies on my own without paying xxx amount of $$$ to someone. But I do believe in Ontario you now have to get an energy audit when selling.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
i find it both sad and funny that someone can rip a gov't for wrecking the economy but then claims they shop in a different country for basic items because they aren't interested in bringing their own reusable bags ... also, i'll have you know that loblaws instituted the charge for plastic bags on their own and not by some gov't mandate ... they did it because it would reduce the amount of bags that goto landfill ...
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Yes they made a big announcement here in Windsor. Supposedly Samsung will be building a plant that could create 300 jobs and 400 spin off jobs. I found it curious that no one from Samsung was present, and very few details like are they going to use an existing vacant plant or build a new one, and it won't be operational till 2012, we'll see, I remain skeptical. This could be more about politics than real jobs considering Duncan and Pupatello are both in trouble in their own ridings and could swing to the NDP in a year.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
of course you will! :roll:
it is definitely political in nature ... it should be noted that the deal struck with the gov't with samsung required them to open by 2015 so, they would be well in advance of that opening in 2012 ...
either way, there is definitely some politics being played here ... but at the end of the day, it's a recognition of the requirement to diversify the economy ... and although you may not care for environmental issues - many people do and those numbers will only increase - so, why not try and diversify into an industry that should continue to grow ...
there's this small state in Australia that was the first to outlaw plastic bags. they have removed over 400 million plastic bags from their waste each year. that's just one state. high five to them for being the first to initiate it in Australia.
it's not that hard to take your own reusable bags when you go to the stores. really, it's not.
You realize that there's so much plastic waste that it could wrap the globe 5 times, right? There's trash (more plastic) covering the ocean floor. Most sand on the coasts are not sand; it's bits of plastic ground up and washed ashore. We don't have one Garbage Patch anymore floating in the Pacific (that's roughly the size of Texas), there is at least one for each ocean now, just sitting on the top of the water, drifting because plastic does not break down.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... -pictures/
Keep up the attitude, for it's people who like you who think the world is nothing but your trash can.
Agreed we need to diversify. The announcement to me would have been more credible if Samsung was at the announcement. So what happens if some other coountry comes along and offers them a better deal before they are built? I hope this happens. I just remain skeptical, mainly because the 2 cabinet ministers are not a lock to win the next election. Let's hope though.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
bottled water is horrible but that's besides the point ...
this isn't a BAN on plastic bags ... it's simply a fee for using one when there are perfectly good reusable options elsewhere ... although i agree, there should be a fee associated with everything in a plastic container ... but to say the fee is stupid is extremeley short-sighted especially in light of the facts ...
since these charges have been implemented - they've cut the amount of plastic used and going to landfill by a ton ... how can you argue that's a bad thing? ... there isn't one miracle solution to all our environmental problems ... it'll require creative and innovative thinking at all levels ... making people consider whether they "need" a plastic bag has made people more aware of the excessiveness and waste culture we live in ...
I always choose paper bags and then I recycle them myself. I would use the reusable ones but most, that I've seen, are made in China. So I quit using them sometime back. Now I recently read an article that said many were found containing lead.
Hey that's too heavy to lug around!