Woman in iran to be executed.

this is wrong..what kind of people would do this ?
http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/11/ ... tml?hpt=T2
http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/11/ ... tml?hpt=T2
Post edited by Unknown User on
Don't do the crime against God, if you can't do the punishment as defined by God in the Holy Text.
Hail, Hail!!!
The same people who support the death penalty in America?
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
since when do you get the death penalty in america for adultery?
also, this is a story about something happening in iran, why bring up the death penalty in america? totally unnecessary.
well cause the death penalty is barbaric no matter what the crime.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I think the point is... a Death Penalty is a Death Penalty.
You may not think adultery is a crime... but, to religious people, it is. It is in the Ten Commandments and the punishment is spelled out in the Bible, death. In Iran... there is no separation of church and state... church and state are one.
Exodus 20:14
"You shall not commit adultery."
Deuteronomy 22:22
"If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
Leviticus 20:10
"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."
Matthew 19:9
"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
Mark 10:11
"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her."
Mark 10:12
"And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery."
Luke 16:18
"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
Aren't you glad you live in a country where church and state are separated and we don't form our laws from the Bible?
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm a real stickler for a bit of perspective.
Yeah, and China.
The death penalty is pointless and barbaric no matter who's pulling the trigger, or switch.
Iran stoning case woman to be 'hanged'
Human rights group claims Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is to be executed for murder instead of adultery
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/no ... i-ashtiani
An Iranian woman whose sentence of execution by stoning for adultery provoked a worldwide outcry will instead be hanged for murder on Wednesday, a human rights group has said.
"The authorities in Tehran have given the go-ahead to Tabriz prison for the execution … Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani," the International Committee Against Stoning (Icas), a German-based campaign group, said on its website.
"It has been reported that she is to be executed this Wednesday, 3 November."
Officials in Iran were unavailable to confirm or deny the report.
Ashtiani's stoning was suspended after prominent political and religious figures called the sentence "medieval", "barbaric" and "brutal". Brazil, a close ally of Iran's, offered to grant asylum to the 43-year-old mother of two.
A government spokesman said in September that Ashtiani's adultery conviction was under review but the charge of being complicit in the murder of her husband was still pending.
Under the law in force in Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution, murder is punishable by hanging, and adultery by stoning.
The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, fended off questions about the case from reporters when he attended the UN general assembly in September, condemning what he called the fabrications of hostile western media and denouncing the US as hypocritical for its capital punishment record.
The case has worsened relations between Iran and the west, which are locked in a dispute over Tehran's nuclear programme and were further complicated last month when two Germans were arrested in Iran while conducting an interview with Ashtiani's son.
The pair entered Iran with tourist visas and were not authorised to act as journalists, judicial officials said. The German government is trying to secure their release.
In August, Iranian television aired an interview with a woman it said was Ashtiani admitting a relationship with a man who had gone on to murder her husband. Icas called the TV show "toxic propaganda".
The US has imposed sanctions on eight senior Iranian officials, including the commander of the Revolutionary Guards and several cabinet ministers, for human rights abuses.
That is in addition to the sanctions over Iran's nuclear activities, which it fears are aimed at making an atomic bomb, something Tehran denies.
According to Amnesty International, Iran is second only to China in the number of executions it carries out, having put to death at least 346 people in 2008.
An image of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani held during a rally in support of her in front of the Iranian embassy in Rome in September
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Lets put a stop to practices like this without killing another million?
sound good?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
There is an undeniable agenda in Western media to demonize Iran, that's why.
From the well-documented, MULTIPLE, and endlessly repeated misquotes of Ahmadinejad, to the misleading reports on their nuclear program, to the bullshit spewed at us throughout their elections...
Food for thought:
The Iran Threat in the Age of Real-Axis-of-Evil Expansion
Iran and Honduras in the Propaganda System:Part 1 Neda Agha-Soltan versus Isis Obed Murillo
Iran and Honduras in the Propaganda System:Pt 2 2009 Iranian and Honduran Elections
I'm just pointing out that to them, adultery is spelled out in their religion as a crime that is punishable by death. They live in a theocracy where the church and state are one. They take their religion seriously.
Turns out, the Christian Bible says the exact same thing, but we, here in American know that the Seventh Commandment is complete bullshit and don't follow it. It's a good thing we don't take our religion seriously.
I am GLAD we aren't a Christian nation that builds it laws on Christian texts, otherwise we'd all have to follow those bullshit commandments like adultery and working on Sunday. Give me the Ten Amendments over the Ten Commandments, any day.
Hail, Hail!!!
the U.S. is so good at sitting on their high horse and demonizing the actions taken by the leaders of other countries who generally have vastly different social norms, cultural attitudes, and ideological differences while in some ways they are no better themselves.
get off your soap box America. state sanctioned murder under any circumstances is barbaric and backward.
as you wish
time to check that moral compass and make sure it works in all directions ...
Yeah, I agree. Our society used to have principles. Now that it doesn't things are so much better.
I especially like how our kids have The Situation and Lady Gaga to look up to.
Barbaric? I guess the murderers are not?
America may do it
China may do it.....
it may be religious
it may be law.
but at the end of the day it pure stupidity, and it is absolutely right for anyone with a brain to demonise the crazy fucking loons who are handing out this womans punishment and it seems threatening to carry it through behind closed doors.
I think everyone strives for a civilised society.....this is backwards beyond belief....and the fact its so shrouded in secrecy speaks for itself.
I wouldnt step foot in Iran if you paid me too. Call me a bigot, call me uncultured, call me what you like, but i dont get it, and they seem utterly bonkers when they start talking nonsense about the wests desire to interfere.....i think anyone who thinks clearly will see how devestatingly wrong this is.
Now if the wests involvement in Irans nuclear is wrong who knows, but anyone capable of stoning a defenceless woman to death on a dodgy conviction for sleeping with another human, is definitely capable of lying over its nuclear intentions....
Religions great isnt it? all based on mythical ideology and fantasy, and causes evil daily around the world....I'll opt out ta
T/A makes a valid point. how can americans and the american media be outraged over this case when most states still allow state sanctioned murder (capital punishment)?? is a lethal iv more humane than hanging more humane than stoning?? the end result is still the same, death at the hands of the state...
the us claims to have the moral high ground over iran in all cases, yet in this case they are on the same level. the us claims to be so much more highly evolved than the rest of the world, our superiority complex if you will...yet when it comes to punishing our citizens, as well as others in gitmo, we are not better than anyone else..and that is a fact. we are hypocrites.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
In both cases, the torture is atrocious and wrong, but it my opinion that these are two cases that are hard to compare. Kahdr is not being put to death, he is in trouble because he was associated with al-queada. Whether or not he killed that US soldier -- I have no idea. Obviously the way things are handled by the US military in that area is sketchy as hell... for arguments sake, if he did kill that soldier, then he is in prison where he belongs.
but this Iranian woman is going to be slowly tortured TO DEATH for banging some other guy.
like is said though, the torture is WRONG in both cases, but the circumstances for their misguided treatments are far from similar.
as far as the question of the level of 'humaneness' of method, I always just imagine what I would chose if I was on death row. Leathal injection, hanging, electric chair...even firing squad... i'd take any one of these before i'd take STONING. I'm not sure of the procedure, but I imagine it is long, drawn out and painful as a mutherfucker. Maybe thats why they do it though... that would scare the shit out of me if I lived in Iran.
I disagree with the death penalty in all cases, but I have to say, I see why there is all this attention on the Iranina woman. The punishment is nowhere fitting of the crime. AS was stated earlier by Cosmo, thankfully most of us arent governed by religion (except maybe bush jr
"we are hypocrites."?... in the op I asked WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WOULD DO THIS KIND OF THING ? and so far we have people pointing fingers at the US and using the Bible to counter attack my statement/post, this woman is being hanged in iran not the USA and that's what the story was about and where but the first chance you people get to trash the US some of you are right on top of it and for any other reason then your opinion..real simple guys if you are that unhappy with America move to another country of your liking,all of your forcasted reasoning and ideas of doom really don't add up to a hill of shit,also you guys attacking Christianity every chance you get just baffles me I may as well blame AIDS on the gays and hate them for who they are according to your reasoning right ?...she is being hanged in iran not gitmo,the prisoners of gitmo are there for crimes against the United States of America and grantee non of you know for fact any different but you sit and whine about how inhumane it is....bullshit !
now go to your rooms your all on time out.
There is a media frenzy over this woman, first brought to light when stoning was the choice method of execution. Whether we agree or not with the laws of the country, it is the law in Iran. What I would like to see is the same media frenzy for ANY state sanctioned murder in ANY country. Every time it happens/it's going to happen.
no ... omar khadr is serving time for "war crimes" ... ie killing a US soldier ... i'm not sure how hanging is slow torture and i'm not really interested in defending it any way ... the point is tho that these cases are similar in that both defendants denied their accusations and both finally confessed only through torture ... by all accounts omar khadr did not commit the acts he was charged and sentenced with ... the only reason they were able to convict him is because he finally broke ...
again - is torture a reasonable way of obtaining a confession!??
No, obviously torture and confessions should not go together.
And by slow, torturous death, I was still talking about the stoning. I forgot that it was changed to hanging. I feel they reduced the barbaricity (haha, made up my own word here), but you're right -- in the end its all the same. but it goes to show that (by changing the method) they are aware of how demented it is to stone someone to death.
I think there is a lot of press because people are drawn to sick, twisted shit. There was a buzz about the guy who recently got put to death by firing squad in the US because it is grizzly gross. People are fucked up. By I agree with Redrock here, its too bad that EVERY death penalty case isnt protested with vigor.
and i just wanted to let you know that when you play the "if you don't like it you can get out" card is a sign of a lost argument... this is what it reminds me of....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
when we talked about the death penalty it pretty much a life for a life debate not death for sex,just seems unjust to a westerner like myself.
I don't understand the complaints of state sanctioned execution it would be faster and cheaper if there were still vigilante Justis in America ,we might get a few Innocent people killed but hay we'd get all the bad guy's right ? so instead we have due process of the law and state sanctioned executions lowering the number of Innocent victims and unfortunately it also free some bad guys but in the end what is the better choice?
btw thanks for your reply and explaining things in a kind manner.
There is just no justification for what they tried to do here.....
the parrallels are irrelevant to this case
focusing on whats at hand, its just deranged......anyone who can even try to defend or support this type of 'justice' needs sectioning themselves.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/no ... -execution
Sign the petition to save her here;