Woman in iran to be executed.



  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    "we are hypocrites."?... in the op I asked WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WOULD DO THIS KIND OF THING ? and so far we have people pointing fingers at the US and using the Bible to counter attack my statement/post, this woman is being hanged in iran not the USA and that's what the story was about and where but the first chance you people get to trash the US some of you are right on top of it and for any other reason then your opinion..real simple guys if you are that unhappy with America move to another country of your liking,all of your forcasted reasoning and ideas of doom really don't add up to a hill of shit,also you guys attacking Christianity every chance you get just baffles me I may as well blame AIDS on the gays and hate them for who they are according to your reasoning right ?...she is being hanged in iran not gitmo,the prisoners of gitmo are there for crimes against the United States of America and grantee non of you know for fact any different but you sit and whine about how inhumane it is....bullshit !
    now go to your rooms your all on time out. :o

    yes we are hypocrites. if we do the same thing, capital punishment, and take a position against another country for the same thing, what is not hypocritical about that??? you ask what kind of people would stone or hang someone, i ask what kind of person would support ANY FORM OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT?? you can not debate little tiny bits of the entire subject, why is lethal injection ok, while hanging or stoning is not?? the result is the exact same, the state acts, and the prisoner is dead. period, end of story. that is morally and ethically wrong in all cases, and most ethics scholars would tell you the same. do you see my point? and if people can not have the open mind and vision to look in the mirror and criticize their own country for the things it does in their name, it is a sign of blind nationalism. you accuse me of attacking christianity? i will attack anything that i feel is retrothinking and holding back my society from progressing and meeting it's full potential.

    and i just wanted to let you know that when you play the "if you don't like it you can get out" card is a sign of a lost argument... this is what it reminds me of....


    on the Christianity issue I was not speaking specifically of you but do you really think Christianity is really retro thinking and holding back our society from progressing and meeting it's full potential. ?
    I think that may be forfit of argument as well.

  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    Where was the massive outcry when the Saudis executed a man for sorcery in 2007?
    Where was the massive outcry when a woman and 3 men were executed together for adultery in Pakistan, 2007?
    I don’t remember a massive outcry when 3 Sri Lankans were sentenced to death for adultery in 2008 in Saudi Arabia.
    I don’t remember a massive outcry when a woman in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to a year in prison and 100 lashes for being impregnated and gang raped by five men.
    I don’t remember a massive outcry when a couple was stoned to death for adultery in Afghanistan just two months ago.

    In five minutes of googling, I was able to determine that Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Bahrain, and Azerbaijan practice some form of Sharia Law. Of those countries, I was able to find examples of executions for adultery in five of them (plus Afghanistan), in the last 3 years. Yet we hear NOTHING about any of these cases, we only hear about the ones that occur in Iran.

    WHY IS THAT????

    Did anyone happen to have a look at the articles I posted earlier in the thread? To me, they are plain evidence of a war propaganda agenda in the US media. Politically motivated influencing of public opinion is the only possible explanation for the imbalance in reporting of nearly identical stories.

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    Godfather. wrote:
    on the Christianity issue I was not speaking specifically of you but do you really think Christianity is really retro thinking and holding back our society from progressing and meeting it's full potential. ?
    I think that may be forfit of argument as well.

    absolutely. yes i believe religion in general, and christianity is just as much to blame as islam for the problems of the world. it is retro thinking instead of thinking ahead and progressing our society. was it not christianity that suppressed scientific research in the times of gallileo? was it not christianity that started the crusades? is it not christianity stifling stem cell research now? i think that anything based on books written thousands of years ago and trying to apply those precepts to present day is absolutely retrothinking. and what part about "love thy neighbor as thyself" has any justification for capital punishment? it seems to me the lesson learned is that "if capital punishment was good enough for jesus it is good enough for me"????? and to me that is extremely wrong no matter what religion you follow or in what country you reside.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    on the Christianity issue I was not speaking specifically of you but do you really think Christianity is really retro thinking and holding back our society from progressing and meeting it's full potential. ?
    I think that may be forfit of argument as well.

    absolutely. yes i believe religion in general, and christianity is just as much to blame as islam for the problems of the world. it is retro thinking instead of thinking ahead and progressing our society. was it not christianity that suppressed scientific research in the times of gallileo? was it not christianity that started the crusades? is it not christianity stifling stem cell research now? i think that anything based on books written thousands of years ago and trying to apply those precepts to present day is absolutely retrothinking. and what part about "love thy neighbor as thyself" has any justification for capital punishment? it seems to me the lesson learned is that "if capital punishment was good enough for jesus it is good enough for me"????? and to me that is extremely wrong no matter what religion you follow or in what country you reside.

    I think and believe differently and at one time I believe you did also so what has changed sense then ?
    don't you have all the same freedoms as I do,did Christianity keep you from your goals in life
    did it stop Columbus from reaching the new world?
    has it stopped all medical advancements, if you believe god has held you back from something in your life maybe you could look a little closer at what happened,I'm not being sarcastic but sometimes people need someone to blame for things that happen in the world or their own lives and God/Jesus are the essayist to blame sometimes and maybe non of this applies to you I don't know but as I always say "believe as you wish".

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    Godfather. wrote:
    absolutely. yes i believe religion in general, and christianity is just as much to blame as islam for the problems of the world. it is retro thinking instead of thinking ahead and progressing our society. was it not christianity that suppressed scientific research in the times of gallileo? was it not christianity that started the crusades? is it not christianity stifling stem cell research now? i think that anything based on books written thousands of years ago and trying to apply those precepts to present day is absolutely retrothinking. and what part about "love thy neighbor as thyself" has any justification for capital punishment? it seems to me the lesson learned is that "if capital punishment was good enough for jesus it is good enough for me"????? and to me that is extremely wrong no matter what religion you follow or in what country you reside.

    I think and believe differently and at one time I believe you did also so what has changed sense then ?
    don't you have all the same freedoms as I do,did Christianity keep you from your goals in life
    did it stop Columbus from reaching the new world?
    has it stopped all medical advancements, if you believe god has held you back from something in your life maybe you could look a little closer at what happened,I'm not being sarcastic but sometimes people need someone to blame for things that happen in the world or their own lives and God/Jesus are the essayist to blame sometimes and maybe non of this applies to you I don't know but as I always say "believe as you wish".

    i am not blaming god or mr jesus for anything. i am blaming the people in government, any government who determine policy, especially with regard to crime and punishment based on texts that are 2000 years old and based on their religious interpretations of those texts.. this punishment is meted out as a direct result of the religious law in iran. don't criticize me if you are against it, criticize that law. if you favor capital punishment here in the US, i just do not see how you can say one form or death over another is better or better fits the crime. just as in the case of war, capital punishment is state sponsored murder.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    "we are hypocrites."?... in the op I asked WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WOULD DO THIS KIND OF THING ? and so far we have people pointing fingers at the US and using the Bible to counter attack my statement/post, this woman is being hanged in iran not the USA and that's what the story was about and where but the first chance you people get to trash the US some of you are right on top of it and for any other reason then your opinion..real simple guys if you are that unhappy with America move to another country of your liking,all of your forcasted reasoning and ideas of doom really don't add up to a hill of shit,also you guys attacking Christianity every chance you get just baffles me I may as well blame AIDS on the gays and hate them for who they are according to your reasoning right ?...she is being hanged in iran not gitmo,the prisoners of gitmo are there for crimes against the United States of America and grantee non of you know for fact any different but you sit and whine about how inhumane it is....bullshit !
    now go to your rooms your all on time out. :o

    You asked, "What Kind Of People Would Do This Kind Of Thing?"
    Answer: Religious people who form the law of the land from the law of thier holy text because thier state and church are one.
    I am saying I am GLAD that the U.S. is not like places like Iran, where the church gets to make the laws... otherwise, there'd be no football this Sunday.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    I think and believe differently and at one time I believe you did also so what has changed sense then ?
    don't you have all the same freedoms as I do,did Christianity keep you from your goals in life
    did it stop Columbus from reaching the new world?
    has it stopped all medical advancements, if you believe god has held you back from something in your life maybe you could look a little closer at what happened,I'm not being sarcastic but sometimes people need someone to blame for things that happen in the world or their own lives and God/Jesus are the essayist to blame sometimes and maybe non of this applies to you I don't know but as I always say "believe as you wish".

    Christianity was only able to hold back the advancements of science for so long. Galileo and his works were condemned by the church... had Galileo lived earlier, he'd probably would have been burned at the stake.
    You were around when Bonnie Bell.. the first 'test tube baby was born... don't you remember the Christian protests about 'playing God'?
    And what about something like abortion, today? If Christianity wrote the laws today... what do you think would happen to a woman who had an abortion? Stoned to death? Maybe not, but surely put in prison, right?
    Don't be so sure about the freedoms that would be allowed if America were a Christian Theocracy. It would look a bit different if it were founded as a Christian Nation.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    I think and believe differently and at one time I believe you did also so what has changed sense then ?
    don't you have all the same freedoms as I do,did Christianity keep you from your goals in life
    did it stop Columbus from reaching the new world?
    has it stopped all medical advancements, if you believe god has held you back from something in your life maybe you could look a little closer at what happened,I'm not being sarcastic but sometimes people need someone to blame for things that happen in the world or their own lives and God/Jesus are the essayist to blame sometimes and maybe non of this applies to you I don't know but as I always say "believe as you wish".

    Christianity was only able to hold back the advancements of science for so long. Galileo and his works were condemned by the church... had Galileo lived earlier, he'd probably would have been burned at the stake.
    You were around when Bonnie Bell.. the first 'test tube baby was born... don't you remember the Christian protests about 'playing God'?
    And what about something like abortion, today? If Christianity wrote the laws today... what do you think would happen to a woman who had an abortion? Stoned to death? Maybe not, but surely put in prison, right?
    Don't be so sure about the freedoms that would be allowed if America were a Christian Theocracy. It would look a bit different if it were founded as a Christian Nation.

    i guess it all depends on which christianity it was founded on and whether it proved possible for that church to evolve from its original convenant.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • also, this is a story about something happening in iran, why bring up the death penalty in america? totally unnecessary.
    it's necessary because the media frenzy over this womans situation is nothing more than propoganda to drum up the image of Iran as a backwards and barbaric state and to further the U.S. agenda for a push for war with Iran.

    the U.S. is so good at sitting on their high horse and demonizing the actions taken by the leaders of other countries who generally have vastly different social norms, cultural attitudes, and ideological differences while in some ways they are no better themselves.

    get off your soap box America. state sanctioned murder under any circumstances is barbaric and backward.


    Barbaric? I guess the murderers are not?
    not sure where you go the idea that i'm defending murderers here and don't think that their actions are barbaric or wrong. you are jumping to the wrong conclusion again. you're really quite good at that.

    bottom line for me is that state-sanctioned murder is murder too. it's that simple. how any country can murder their own citizens and still claim to be civilized is beyond me. most democracies in the world have abandoned the death penalty. but go ahead, keep on killing to show killing is wrong.
  • Where was the massive outcry when the Saudis executed a man for sorcery in 2007?
    Where was the massive outcry when a woman and 3 men were executed together for adultery in Pakistan, 2007?
    I don’t remember a massive outcry when 3 Sri Lankans were sentenced to death for adultery in 2008 in Saudi Arabia.
    I don’t remember a massive outcry when a woman in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to a year in prison and 100 lashes for being impregnated and gang raped by five men.
    I don’t remember a massive outcry when a couple was stoned to death for adultery in Afghanistan just two months ago.

    In five minutes of googling, I was able to determine that Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Bahrain, and Azerbaijan practice some form of Sharia Law. Of those countries, I was able to find examples of executions for adultery in five of them (plus Afghanistan), in the last 3 years. Yet we hear NOTHING about any of these cases, we only hear about the ones that occur in Iran.

    WHY IS THAT????

    Did anyone happen to have a look at the articles I posted earlier in the thread? To me, they are plain evidence of a war propaganda agenda in the US media. Politically motivated influencing of public opinion is the only possible explanation for the imbalance in reporting of nearly identical stories.

    excellent post.

    there is so much hypocrisy from Americans when it comes to Iran. a classic example of the hypocrisy is the recent 60 billion arms deal that the Obama administration recently unveiled with the Saudi's. the Saudis like to cut off peoples heads in public executions and chop off hands and feet for stealing. but apparently that's ok, you don't see people getting all uptight about that like you do over Iran's human rights violations. you should but you don't.

    and why's that again? why dont the Saudis see the same amount of disgust directed at them as Iran does over their punishment methods?

    it's because the warmongers love hearing the drums beating for war with Iran and they are right behind the US Government and their thirst for power at any cost, and are apparently unconcerned with actions ultimately motivated by greed and the insatiable lust for power.

  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    If the US or any other secular country went to a christian theocracy like many want on this board.....watch it go real retro real fast.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Smellyman wrote:
    If the US or any other secular country went to a christian theocracy like many want on this board.....watch it go real retro real fast.

    did you know the pilgrims had the death sentence for adultery?

    but they never did put anyone to death for adultery. not that adultery never happened cause it did. interestingly though, the 'sinners' were lashed instead. and after 22 years the law was rewritten and formalised... the sentence downgraded to 2 severe lashings... the 1st to occur right after conviction and the 2nd at a time determined by the magistrate.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Godfather. wrote:
    Byrnzie..Cosmo you both need a chill pill now go play on the freeway like good boys. ;)


    Hmm, someone just the other day said that I'm agitated and uptight, and at the time I thought 'yeah, sometimes I am' and so kind of agreed with him. But actually, on second thoughts, I say bollocks to that. I don't need a chill pill and I'm no more uptight than anybody else.
    But if people wanna talk shit about something, and if it's a subject that I could give a toss about, then I'll challenge them on it. And that doesn't mean I'm uptight, it just means I don't tolerate bullshit.
  • Godfather. wrote:

    on the Christianity issue I was not speaking specifically of you but do you really think Christianity is really retro thinking and holding back our society from progressing and meeting it's full potential. ?
    I think that may be forfit of argument as well.

    I don't think NOW, but I think in the past yes.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
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