What does everyone think of this season? I think it has really gone downhill. I enjoyed the first season a lot, but this season they are spending a lot of time trying to strengthen the characters and really doing a poor job of it. I'm not expecting the show to be Mad Men or The Sopranos with regard to writing and characterization, but it seems like they are trying to make it that way and failing. The whole prisoner storyline just dragged and was stupid to begin with...why save the guy and then kill or let him go? Just leave him there in the first place! They need to get off that farm.
Why do I keep watching, you ask? Honestly, I'm not sure. I find myself checking the time left on my DVR'd copy a lot and hoping for the end. Part of me hopes it will get good again (though I doubt it, I think Darabont had a lot to do with it being good) and another part of me watches because it has entered the "so bad it's good" arena.
I tend to agree. A bit of a snooze after the first season.
This season has removed the adventure, the survival-horror, the spookiness, and the mystery of the whole zombie apocalypse and made it into a silly drama. I'm going to still watch because at this point, I'm still entertained. But I can see that changing...
I'm not getting this whole "the second season is boring" stuff. I mean, yeah, the first season was intense. But think about it; anything that lasts only 6 episodes is bound to leave you wanting more. People are misunderstanding this show, It think. This is not a show about zombies; it's a show about human survival, and what happens to the human condition in the face of a global disaster. The zombies just add the adventure/suspense element to it.
Look at the show 24. In my opinion, easily one of the most intense shows on television. But there were 24 episodes each season. Yeah, were there a couple snoozing shows? Yep.
And I mean, come on, how many people have to die to make this show exciting for you? Is it because it's not all just 60 minutes of "unnnngggg..........brains.............BRAINS........unnnnnngggggg". That would be immensely boring to me.
I have a feeling that the finale and season 3 are going to make everyone quite happy.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I hope it is ok to ask this, but does anyone who does not have AMC know of a way to watch current Walking Dead episodes without visiting a seedy website that might damage my computer? We are looking at cutting our cable package down, which means we will lose AMC (but we will be paying $25/month vs. $70). If I absolutely have to, I can wait for DVDs, but if I could stay up to date, that would be awesome.
itunes, you can buy the whole season for $23 or $3 an episode.
Awesome, thanks. I also just checked Amazon, they are $1.99 on that site. However, I am not very techie, can you sync stuff bought on Amazon to a iPod/iPad? I think I could purchase it per episode and still save a lot of money compared difference between cable packages for just one month.
I'm not getting this whole "the second season is boring" stuff. I mean, yeah, the first season was intense. But think about it; anything that lasts only 6 episodes is bound to leave you wanting more. People are misunderstanding this show, It think. This is not a show about zombies; it's a show about human survival, and what happens to the human condition in the face of a global disaster. The zombies just add the adventure/suspense element to it.
Look at the show 24. In my opinion, easily one of the most intense shows on television. But there were 24 episodes each season. Yeah, were there a couple snoozing shows? Yep.
And I mean, come on, how many people have to die to make this show exciting for you? Is it because it's not all just 60 minutes of "unnnngggg..........brains.............BRAINS........unnnnnngggggg". That would be immensely boring to me.
I have a feeling that the finale and season 3 are going to make everyone quite happy.
IMO, the seasons' length (ie. 6 episodes at a time) kind of reflect the length of the comics (issue-wise). I also look at the episodes kind of like those old serials from the 50s (always leaving the audience wanting more).
Ottawa 2011
London 2013 "The Dundas Hookers on Crack" Show
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
I'm not getting this whole "the second season is boring" stuff. I mean, yeah, the first season was intense. But think about it; anything that lasts only 6 episodes is bound to leave you wanting more. People are misunderstanding this show, It think. This is not a show about zombies; it's a show about human survival, and what happens to the human condition in the face of a global disaster. The zombies just add the adventure/suspense element to it.
Look at the show 24. In my opinion, easily one of the most intense shows on television. But there were 24 episodes each season. Yeah, were there a couple snoozing shows? Yep.
And I mean, come on, how many people have to die to make this show exciting for you? Is it because it's not all just 60 minutes of "unnnngggg..........brains.............BRAINS........unnnnnngggggg". That would be immensely boring to me.
I have a feeling that the finale and season 3 are going to make everyone quite happy.
i want zombie killings...i want gore....i want people running and survivng, not walking around in woods stressing about stupid shit.
after seeing nothing but pure zombie gore from romero for the past 30 years ..i like this element in my zombie show..its developing the characters and trying to have them live a life..( as much as u can in a zombie world)
sure their have been a few letdown episodes....but these past few episodes have been off the charts
sunday night the farm is done...so chill everyone 81 will show u his map of next seson
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
I love how we have been referring to a group of walkers as a "herd".
That's how they called in the comics :ugeek:
and there's my "something new" I learned today!
That's the term they used on the show also. It's been a while since they used it, but it's been a while since they saw the herd, but it was the term they decided best described what they saw on the highway that day.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
I think the second half of season two has picked things up. I don't need a ton of gore but i do like the tension created by the need to survive and i felt in season 2 a lot of this was lost as well as the creepiness factor.
they use it in the opening credits but for example in season 1 when they are hiding out in the house and they show them trying to be quiet and you just see the dor knob turning. That was cool and creepy.
I want moer of that
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
i want zombie killings...i want gore....i want people running and survivng,
for 60 minutes a week, 13 times over? :yawn:
in fairness the show is only about 40 mintues...but yes, i want more zombies..more attacks, more fear and a whole lot less wandering around in the woods.
i'd also like to know where the brand spanking new car came from. it just showed up on the farm one day.
that too....but they don't drive much...so i haven't questioned that just yet
before long tho...gas is going to go stale and gum up everything.....i'd be switching to diesel.
anouther question....why does nobody have a CB or walkie talkie?
81 is now off the air
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
and why are they just now boarding up the house...they have been living in tents outside, but all of a sudden, it's...lets all move inside and board the lower level up? hmm...
and why are they just now boarding up the house...they have been living in tents outside, but all of a sudden, it's...lets all move inside and board the lower level up? hmm...
Yeah I didn't understand that either...they are panicked because of 1 walker that got through to kill Dale? That's the only reason I can think.
Also that herd at the end, where they come from? just random city?
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
and why are they just now boarding up the house...they have been living in tents outside, but all of a sudden, it's...lets all move inside and board the lower level up? hmm...
Yeah I didn't understand that either...they are panicked because of 1 walker that got through to kill Dale? That's the only reason I can think.
Also that herd at the end, where they come from? just random city?
i can see heards of walkers just roaming...and they are just happening to roam this way now.
and why are they just now boarding up the house...they have been living in tents outside, but all of a sudden, it's...lets all move inside and board the lower level up? hmm...
Yeah I didn't understand that either...they are panicked because of 1 walker that got through to kill Dale? That's the only reason I can think.
Also that herd at the end, where they come from? just random city?
Food from the cities is gone, zombies now forced to scavenge the hill sides/towns for food.
And so you see, I have come to doubt All that I once held as true I stand alone without beliefs The only truth I know is you.
and why are they just now boarding up the house...they have been living in tents outside, but all of a sudden, it's...lets all move inside and board the lower level up? hmm...
Yeah I didn't understand that either...they are panicked because of 1 walker that got through to kill Dale? That's the only reason I can think.
Also that herd at the end, where they come from? just random city?
Food from the cities is gone, zombies now forced to scavenge the hill sides/towns for food.
They're all migrating from the latest locked thread on The Porch, in search of new victims to terrorize.
Ohh good work team!
What about Randall then (the captive that Shane killed)? Broken neck, no bite marks when Daryl checked him out. He still came back. :shock:
It's airborne, everybody is "infected" but it doesn't take hold until after they die. I don't think the knife has anything to do with it. Just like the two cops they found (and killed) when they first tried to drop off Randall hadn't been bitten, but were walkers.
That's most likely what Jenner told Rick at the CDC. And remember, he gave them all blood tests even though nobody had been bitten, and said the results were what he expected. Then when Rick came into the main room all drunk, Jenner hid the piece of paper he was reading, presumably with the test results.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
I'm not getting this whole "the second season is boring" stuff. I mean, yeah, the first season was intense. But think about it; anything that lasts only 6 episodes is bound to leave you wanting more. People are misunderstanding this show, It think. This is not a show about zombies; it's a show about human survival, and what happens to the human condition in the face of a global disaster. The zombies just add the adventure/suspense element to it.
Look at the show 24. In my opinion, easily one of the most intense shows on television. But there were 24 episodes each season. Yeah, were there a couple snoozing shows? Yep.
And I mean, come on, how many people have to die to make this show exciting for you? Is it because it's not all just 60 minutes of "unnnngggg..........brains.............BRAINS........unnnnnngggggg". That would be immensely boring to me.
I have a feeling that the finale and season 3 are going to make everyone quite happy.
Glad you like it. I think those of us who are down on this season aren't asking for 60 minutes of zombies, but the show is called The Walking Dead so we would like more of it. I wouldn't even mind going away from the zombies if the humans were more interesting, the writing was better, or the acting was better. Since it's not, give me more zombies!
This is not a dig at you, but this defense of "the show is not about <blank>, it's about <blank>" happens quite a bit as a defense of a show when others think it has gone downhill. I remember the Lost creators used that when people complained at the end saying "the show is not about the mysteries and the questions (they continued to throw out there and never really answered), it's about the characters". Ok, well make the characters more interesting. But in reality most people were watching for the mysteries.
I don't disagree with you that the show is about human survival, but make the storylines and the writing better when you go away from the zombies. They also need to make things clearer, especially things that are essential to the show like how one becomes a zombie. I have had and heard (one on Howard Stern this morning) a few conversations this week about why Shane became a zombie. Something this essential to the show should not be so vague. And with all the plot holes others have pointed out in this thread, it's hard for me to take it seriously as a character-driven show. But again, that's fine, just give me a zombie show!
I'm glad you're enjoying it and hope it does get better next season because I'm sure I will still be watching!
"We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
I tend to agree. A bit of a snooze after the first season.
This season has removed the adventure, the survival-horror, the spookiness, and the mystery of the whole zombie apocalypse and made it into a silly drama. I'm going to still watch because at this point, I'm still entertained. But I can see that changing...
and there's my "something new" I learned today!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Look at the show 24. In my opinion, easily one of the most intense shows on television. But there were 24 episodes each season. Yeah, were there a couple snoozing shows? Yep.
And I mean, come on, how many people have to die to make this show exciting for you? Is it because it's not all just 60 minutes of "unnnngggg..........brains.............BRAINS........unnnnnngggggg". That would be immensely boring to me.
I have a feeling that the finale and season 3 are going to make everyone quite happy.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Awesome, thanks. I also just checked Amazon, they are $1.99 on that site. However, I am not very techie, can you sync stuff bought on Amazon to a iPod/iPad? I think I could purchase it per episode and still save a lot of money compared difference between cable packages for just one month.
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
IMO, the seasons' length (ie. 6 episodes at a time) kind of reflect the length of the comics (issue-wise). I also look at the episodes kind of like those old serials from the 50s (always leaving the audience wanting more).
London 2013 "The Dundas Hookers on Crack" Show
i want zombie killings...i want gore....i want people running and survivng, not walking around in woods stressing about stupid shit.
sure their have been a few letdown episodes....but these past few episodes have been off the charts
sunday night the farm is done...so chill everyone 81 will show u his map of next seson
for 60 minutes a week, 13 times over? :yawn:
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
That's the term they used on the show also. It's been a while since they used it, but it's been a while since they saw the herd, but it was the term they decided best described what they saw on the highway that day.
they use it in the opening credits but for example in season 1 when they are hiding out in the house and they show them trying to be quiet and you just see the dor knob turning. That was cool and creepy.
I want moer of that
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Even has his own theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnSdjIpMVsc
in fairness the show is only about 40 mintues...but yes, i want more zombies..more attacks, more fear and a whole lot less wandering around in the woods.
i'd also like to know where the brand spanking new car came from.
We noticed that too, brand new, totally clean ... maybe next week they'll discover a lorry load of pepsi
If I remember rightly, if anyone dies, from anything, they come back as a zombie.
Ohh good work team!
that too....but they don't drive much...so i haven't questioned that just yet
before long tho...gas is going to go stale and gum up everything.....i'd be switching to diesel.
anouther question....why does nobody have a CB or walkie talkie?
Yeah I didn't understand that either...they are panicked because of 1 walker that got through to kill Dale? That's the only reason I can think.
Also that herd at the end, where they come from? just random city?
i can see heards of walkers just roaming...and they are just happening to roam this way now.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
They're all migrating from the latest locked thread on The Porch, in search of new victims to terrorize.
What about Randall then (the captive that Shane killed)? Broken neck, no bite marks when Daryl checked him out. He still came back. :shock:
It's airborne, everybody is "infected" but it doesn't take hold until after they die. I don't think the knife has anything to do with it. Just like the two cops they found (and killed) when they first tried to drop off Randall hadn't been bitten, but were walkers.
That's most likely what Jenner told Rick at the CDC. And remember, he gave them all blood tests even though nobody had been bitten, and said the results were what he expected. Then when Rick came into the main room all drunk, Jenner hid the piece of paper he was reading, presumably with the test results.
Glad you like it. I think those of us who are down on this season aren't asking for 60 minutes of zombies, but the show is called The Walking Dead so we would like more of it. I wouldn't even mind going away from the zombies if the humans were more interesting, the writing was better, or the acting was better. Since it's not, give me more zombies!
This is not a dig at you, but this defense of "the show is not about <blank>, it's about <blank>" happens quite a bit as a defense of a show when others think it has gone downhill. I remember the Lost creators used that when people complained at the end saying "the show is not about the mysteries and the questions (they continued to throw out there and never really answered), it's about the characters". Ok, well make the characters more interesting. But in reality most people were watching for the mysteries.
I don't disagree with you that the show is about human survival, but make the storylines and the writing better when you go away from the zombies. They also need to make things clearer, especially things that are essential to the show like how one becomes a zombie. I have had and heard (one on Howard Stern this morning) a few conversations this week about why Shane became a zombie. Something this essential to the show should not be so vague. And with all the plot holes others have pointed out in this thread, it's hard for me to take it seriously as a character-driven show. But again, that's fine, just give me a zombie show!
I'm glad you're enjoying it and hope it does get better next season because I'm sure I will still be watching!
that was a trap thread....