Wow.............Does the T in Tea Party stand for Tool?.....
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Post edited by Unknown User on
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Well, let me be a little more PC about it....if one happens to be a moron then they are likely going to be in the Tea party. Sort of like if someone is a racist these days they are more than likely a conservative versus a liberal. That doesn't mean all Tea party folks are in that boat...just that the idiots and radicals are, for the most part, in their boat.
Albuquerque 2000
Denver 2006
Chicago 2009
Seattle 2013
By the way, I hear the Guardian makes great toilet paper.
Good point. There is no such thing as a liberal racist, and there never was. I'm sure the Black Panthers would agree.
they all smell the same to me
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Does that cause anyone to lean towards the opinion that the Tea Party is NOT independent.... rather, Republican?
Hail, Hail!!!
(sing it like Beck)
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
That's why they're astroturf. A completely artificial product designed to mimic real grass roots
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
just look at the quality of candidates that the tea party is supporting. o'dumbel does not even know that separation of church and state is in the first fucking amendment..and look what party those being endorsed claim themselves to be members of...republicans...not one democrat in 138 endorsements...tea partiers are about as independent of the republican party as "joey" was from "friends"...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
all in good fun.
The thing is, if these Tea Party Candidates are elected, they will be easily manipulated when they see how complicaed the office that goes with the seat is. Reality of political life will jump up and bite them in the ass and they will fall into rank and follow the party agenda or risk losing their seat as soon as their term is up. The G.O.P. will makes sure they become un-re-electable if there is dissent and they will do what they are told to do... tow the party line.
If they WERE actual Independents (Libertarian), they could vote as they please.
The Tea Partiers don't realize this and they probably never will.
Hail, Hail!!!
deja vu, man... I think you just described George W. Bush
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
kinda sounds like the obama admin also.
Honestly, I image every president back to Washington would say the same damn thing. But at least Obama makes up for Bush's complete lack of intellectual curiosity.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Actually... it's not being coerced to reciting the 'Pledge Of Alligence' every morning. That's what is destroying our country.
Hail, Hail!!!
and another weird experience, going to six flags and having to realise that everyone else was standing with their hand over their chest singing the national anthem when the park opened
For 2 canadians a german an aussie and an italian... i think we found that pretty strange...
The Tea Party portrays itself as the 'People's Voice', right? They relate more to the Joe The Plumber kind of blue collar working stiff, than the elitist rich few that wield so much influence in our political system. Am I wrong here?
Why is the Tea Party against Unions and for unregulated Capitalism? Because, they are against unions and for unregulated markets... am I right, here?
Well... you know who has a union? Joe the Plumber. The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters have locals all over this country. I thought about this because on the way back from lunch today, I passed by the Long Beach, CA. local. I must have passed that building thousands of time, but, never thought much about it. Plumbers are blue collar, right? I mean, when was the last time you saw a plumber on the job, wearing a coat and tie. For me? NEVER.
You know who doesn't have a union? Douchebag Wall Street hedge fund managers. They got to create the rules by which they operate. Those rules allowed them to create the financial atmosphere that lead to disaster in 2007 and nearly brought this country and the global markets into a depression.
So, my question to the Tea Party members on this board...
Why do you support white collared, Wall Streeters and want them to continue to run with our pension funds... our savings accounts... our 401K plans... and make millions for them in unregulated ponzi schemes... but, want to bust the union blue collar people so it will be easier to hire less skilled workers for lower rates or have union jobs shipped overseas to increase the profits for Wall streeters who make bank on the sale of company stocks?
Please, explain that to me because it seems... well, contradictory to me.
Hail, Hail!!!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
No, because that's eight words, not one word.
But you wouldn't know, because you've never read it, right?
True. Obama is one of the most intelligent, erudite, and well spoken Presidents America has ever had.
Maybe that's why the Tool-Party morons have such a problem with him. They were always much more comfortable with George W. feeding them moronic soundbites like, 'You're either with us, or you're with the evil-doers!', and "Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace."
Actually I have. Also, your first argument did nothing to challenge what I actually said, which doesn't surprise me.
Chomping at the bit, weren't you?
I'll speak out against whomever I feel the threat is to the country. I don't see a bigger one than the Demoncrats. You can laugh all you want, but the Tea Party will be picking up key seats next week and there is nothing you can do to change that.
Yeah, really well spoken. I love how he speaks well, takes constant vacations, hosts parties at the White House, and bows to our enemies while the unemployment rate hangs at ten percent.
But, damn, what a great speaker!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
by far the most important part of this election. One of the most important ideas has always been holding our leaders accountable, and if, as a group, they actually do it in the next election it will have done so much for our country it isn't even funny. It will be the start of getting rid of the lesser of two evils argument that is all too prevalent in our political culture. Say what you want about their politics, but if they hold the people they helped elect accountable they will have done their job. My fear is that too many people claim to be supportive of the tea party but still hold the belief that "he may not be great, but at least our guy isn't as bad as theirs."
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan