OMG the Tea Party...



  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    MellowCat wrote:
    Can somebody explain to me what exactly it is that the Tea Party people are doing that is so "offensive" to liberals?

    I'm sorry, but I see nothing wrong with telling our government to read the fucking bills, quit wasteful spending, lower our taxes, quit bailing out corrupt-ass insurance companies and banks and to stop growing our government. Is B.S.NBC persuasive enough to convince people these things are bad? I'm just not getting it.

    I like the fact that the Tea Party doesn't give a fuck whether you have a (D) or an (R) in front of your name. They think all the politicians suck. I can't understand how this movement has so many American citizens' panties in a wad. I've been hoping for at least 10 years that this type of movement would happen because I'm sick and tired of everything coming down to the (D) and the (R), clouding all common sense. Fuck 'em all, I say.


    I haven't actually participated in any tea parties but i feel the same way. I'm sure the tea party would welcome any democrat if they just participated in these beliefs. But i'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree on this web site. Most people here are hard core liberals and they support large government, wasteful spending(except for war), and socialism. What happened to Americe is the land where you create your own wealth and happiness instead of everyone else creating it for you?
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    haffajappa wrote:
    I think a lot of people are still trying to figure out who it is that you guys need to "take your country back" from... :?

    If you haven't figured it out by's from people like you. 8-)
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    MellowCat wrote:
    Can somebody explain to me what exactly it is that the Tea Party people are doing that is so "offensive" to liberals?

    I'm sorry, but I see nothing wrong with telling our government to read the fucking bills, quit wasteful spending, lower our taxes, quit bailing out corrupt-ass insurance companies and banks and to stop growing our government. Is B.S.NBC persuasive enough to convince people these things are bad? I'm just not getting it.

    I like the fact that the Tea Party doesn't give a fuck whether you have a (D) or an (R) in front of your name. They think all the politicians suck. I can't understand how this movement has so many American citizens' panties in a wad. I've been hoping for at least 10 years that this type of movement would happen because I'm sick and tired of everything coming down to the (D) and the (R), clouding all common sense. Fuck 'em all, I say.
    Not (D) or (R)? Do you really believe that?
    If that is the case... then, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU FROM 2000 to 2008?!?!?! The government grew to an enormous size... became intrusive... adapted tactics that are associated with Soviet Gulags and Nazi Gestapo... inflated the government spending... let the Wall Street douchebags make their own rules... and only protect the richest citizens and allowed the middle class to slide further from them.
    Don't give me this bullshit about 'Caring for America' because if you really DID give a fuck about America... you would have come online way before 2009.
    The Tea Party is a part of the Republican Party... PERIOD. You are NOT Independent, otherwise you would be voting in the Independents, not more Republicans. Your mouthpiece is FOX News, which sponsors your rallys and your spokes people are Glenn beck, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. The sweetheart of the Tea Party is Sarah Palin.
    Now... all that being said... please, what part of you embraces the Democratic agenda.
    My guess is NONE. Because the Tea Party is Republican.

    Is that you ever have to say about the tea party? When the Tea Party is still active for the reasons in the OP and the reps are running the show what are you going to say then???

    Better late then never. If the tea Party was around 6 years ago i believe you would be a strong supporter. You just have a hard time with it because it happened during a democrats run. People were upset during the Bush years. People were expecting better things to happen when Obama stepped in. But all he did was spend spend spend. That, I believe, is what threw people over the edge. The straw that broke the cammels back sort of speak. If democrats would just suck it up and realize that our government spends too much money, drives us deeper in debt over stupid bullshit, and we all joined forces, we could actually get something done about this.

    I had a thought today. What if we put our congress on a commision type salary. The better they take care of the economy, and the better they keep us out of debt, and the less money they borrow or print, means the more they would make on their paycheck. Sounds reasonable to me. I bet that would give them a little incentive to turn things around. it would force them to think a little more about us, for their own benifit.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Is that you ever have to say about the tea party? When the Tea Party is still active for the reasons in the OP what are you going to say then???
    I'm guessing you are asking me if that is all I ever say about the Tea Party...
    If so, then the answer is 'only when someone tries to pass off that non-partisan/Independent bullshit'.
    And what am I going to say if the Republicans take over the government and the Tea Party is still active? I don't think I am going to have to say anything because the Tea Party will dissolve and revert back to making up excuses for the government. My guess... Blaming President Obama and the Democrats for everything, and pretending that the Bush administration never occurred.
    I was actually excited when the Tea Party first started because it initally WAs an independent movement that looked to displace the incumbants with qualified INDEPENDENT (mostly Libertarian Party) Candidates. I was hoping that it would be the beginning of a viable third party. But, when the FOX News crew that includes Karl Rove took over and it became the militant wing of the republican party.. I was out.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Is that you ever have to say about the tea party? When the Tea Party is still active for the reasons in the OP what are you going to say then???
    I'm guessing you are asking me if that is all I ever say about the Tea Party...
    If so, then the answer is 'only when someone tries to pass off that non-partisan/Independent bullshit'.
    And what am I going to say if the Republicans take over the government and the Tea Party is still active? I don't think I am going to have to say anything because the Tea Party will dissolve and revert back to making up excuses for the government. My guess... Blaming President Obama and the Democrats for everything, and pretending that the Bush administration never occurred.
    I was actually excited when the Tea Party first started because it initally WAs an independent movement that looked to displace the incumbants with qualified INDEPENDENT (mostly Libertarian Party) Candidates. I was hoping that it would be the beginning of a viable third party. But, when the FOX News crew that includes Karl Rove took over and it became the militant wing of the republican party.. I was out.

    My guess... Blaming President Obama and the Democrats for everything, and pretending that the Bush administration never occurred.

    And the wheels go round and round.

    You may be right about the tea party desolving when the parties change.....but i hope not.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Is that you ever have to say about the tea party? When the Tea Party is still active for the reasons in the OP and the reps are running the show what are you going to say then???

    Better late then never. If the tea Party was around 6 years ago i believe you would be a strong supporter. You just have a hard time with it because it happened during a democrats run. People were upset during the Bush years. People were expecting better things to happen when Obama stepped in. But all he did was spend spend spend. That, I believe, is what threw people over the edge. The straw that broke the cammels back sort of speak. If democrats would just suck it up and realize that our government spends too much money, drives us deeper in debt over stupid bullshit, and we all joined forces, we could actually get something done about this.

    I had a thought today. What if we put our congress on a commision type salary. The better they take care of the economy, and the better they keep us out of debt, and the less money they borrow or print, means the more they would make on their paycheck. Sounds reasonable to me. I bet that would give them a little incentive to turn things around. it would force them to think a little more about us, for their own benifit.
    If the Tea Party was around 6 years ago, it would have been a viable movement with credibility... and I may have been onboard. But, in it's current form, my assessment is that they probably WOULD have supported the wars and ballooning deficits would have been rationalized as a necessary side effect. The growth of government would probably have been justified in the name of security... unregulated Wall Streeters as 'Free Market Capitalism'. And I would be out.
    And you are wrong it your assessment of my opposition because of Democratic ideology. I am not as anti-tax as you because i understand that taxes are required. Taxes pay for our military, our highways, our national parks. Government needs to be in place because the greed of business has proven that when left to make the rules they must adhere to... no rules are made and the result is false economic growth where they are the one who get rich and the rest of us pay for it.
    Because of the situation we were in, we had two choices... try to save the markets or let the entire system crash. No good choices, difficult choices. As much as I didn't like it... I felt that saving the markets was painful, but letting them crash was death.
    Now let me ask you... would you have let the major investment house crash... let General Motors and Chrysler fail? Why?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    edited October 2010
    The Original tea party was started up by Ron Paul. But many "conservatives" didn't like the idea of pulling our troops out of the Middle East. Many "conservatives" didn't like the idea of ending the cash flow to all of these special interest groups! That's why so many of you current tea baggers/ republican's couldn't be a part of the original tea party movement. Ron Raul was/ is the real deal tea party movement...... but these new so-called "tea baggers/conservatives" are part of the same old shit!! Look at heads of the tea bagger movement...tell me those old white guys currently running the t. party aren't the same old guys who have been around for years(republican-extreme right)? what a freaking joke!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
    Post edited by Boxes&Books on
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    i could get behind, at least respect a ron paul based movement, he is the real deal. but the movement swept towards partisanship, pushed along by fox, and now might as well be an arm of the republican party.

    the hypocrisy surrounding the tea party is too much for me.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Is that you ever have to say about the tea party? When the Tea Party is still active for the reasons in the OP and the reps are running the show what are you going to say then???

    Better late then never. If the tea Party was around 6 years ago i believe you would be a strong supporter. You just have a hard time with it because it happened during a democrats run. People were upset during the Bush years. People were expecting better things to happen when Obama stepped in. But all he did was spend spend spend. That, I believe, is what threw people over the edge. The straw that broke the cammels back sort of speak. If democrats would just suck it up and realize that our government spends too much money, drives us deeper in debt over stupid bullshit, and we all joined forces, we could actually get something done about this.

    I had a thought today. What if we put our congress on a commision type salary. The better they take care of the economy, and the better they keep us out of debt, and the less money they borrow or print, means the more they would make on their paycheck. Sounds reasonable to me. I bet that would give them a little incentive to turn things around. it would force them to think a little more about us, for their own benifit.
    If the Tea Party was around 6 years ago, it would have been a viable movement with credibility... and I may have been onboard. But, in it's current form, my assessment is that they probably WOULD have supported the wars and ballooning deficits would have been rationalized as a necessary side effect. The growth of government would probably have been justified in the name of security... unregulated Wall Streeters as 'Free Market Capitalism'. And I would be out.
    And you are wrong it your assessment of my opposition because of Democratic ideology. I am not as anti-tax as you because i understand that taxes are required. Taxes pay for our military, our highways, our national parks. Government needs to be in place because the greed of business has proven that when left to make the rules they must adhere to... no rules are made and the result is false economic growth where they are the one who get rich and the rest of us pay for it.
    Because of the situation we were in, we had two choices... try to save the markets or let the entire system crash. No good choices, difficult choices. As much as I didn't like it... I felt that saving the markets was painful, but letting them crash was death.
    Now let me ask you... would you have let the major investment house crash... let General Motors and Chrysler fail? Why?

    Let me ask you this. I am at the verge of financial ruin from carelessness in my past.....should I get a bailout from the government to keep my life from crashing?
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Commy wrote:
    i could get behind, at least respect a ron paul based movement, he is the real deal. but the movement swept towards partisanship, pushed along by fox, and now might as well be an arm of the republican party.

    the hypocrisy surrounding the tea party is too much for me.

    With all due respect...i do not see this. I see Fox covering the real issues of the Tea Party while Obama sponsored media networks puts a spin on it to make it look racial..... or like a bunch of ignorant rednecks. By posting and publishing only certain atributes of the party to serve their own agenda.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    Now let me ask you... would you have let the major investment house crash... let General Motors and Chrysler fail? Why?

    Let me ask you this. I am at the verge of financial ruin from carelessness in my past.....should I get a bailout from the government to keep my life from crashing?
    You still failed to answer mty questions... that is the typical response of Sarah Palin, to avoid answering questions and skirt around it.
    I WILL answer your question... If you fail... one person and his family fails and does NOT bring down our national economy or the global markets. Are you really comparing yourself to General Motors? Seriously?
    Now... please, if you are able to... answer my question:
    Would you have let the major investment house crash... let General Motors and Chrysler fail? Why?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Where were they when bush was in office?
    Pissed because the spending was out of control, but playing the game of American politics, which is lesser of two evils voting. I think the tea party is a great thing. You may not agree with what they say, you may not agree with the tenants they hold, but you cannot be pissed that people are getting involved.
    The primaries had many long time reps lose their jobs because of the tea party.
    What I am hoping is that this movement, whatever you want to call it, will start a trend of actually challenging the people in office to do what they say and hold them accountable when they screw up. And not falling back into the lesser of two evils voting that has caused the apathy in our country.

    Say what you want about them, but at least people are getting involved because of them, both for their cause and against it.
    I actually thought about writing this post today, if someone didn't know what the tea party movement was and just read this forum you would think they wear hoods to meetings, beat up poor single mothers, and only do what fox news tells them. It couldn't be further from the truth, but it is a political season and agendas need to be pushed.
    It is sad that many people cannot move past their HATRED of bush and republican establishment to realize that finally a grass roots organization is having an impact on party politics. I would love for a democratic group to start up too.
    I know this is the pipe dream I have, but I hope that these people are still pissed off when the republicans get in office and don't do anything different. I want to get back to a country that VALUES states rights over all else. To a country where people are free to walk down the god damn street and smoke a cigarette.
    It makes me sad that people are arguing the validity of this group instead of focusing on the idea that FINALLY AMERICANS ARE GETTING INVOLVED.
    fyi. 2009 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficit and now a 2010 1.25 trillion dollar deficit. That is outrageous and dangerous. Your dollar isn't worth anything and at this point it isn't solely the bush administrations fault.
    What this time has shown me, and really changed me for that matter, is that Government is not the solution to problems. No matter what they have done the economy isn't turning around. WE CANNOT RELY ON THEM FOR ANYTHING. We as americans need to change our culture of spend more. Not just with Government but with our lives. Take responsibility and start saving. Put god dman money in the bank. cannot afford that tv from best buy, don't open a card. That is what I want my government to do, cannot afford something, don't do it.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    Where were they when bush was in office?
    Pissed because the spending was out of control, but playing the game of American politics, which is lesser of two evils voting. I think the tea party is a great thing. You may not agree with what they say, you may not agree with the tenants they hold, but you cannot be pissed that people are getting involved.
    The primaries had many long time reps lose their jobs because of the tea party.
    What I am hoping is that this movement, whatever you want to call it, will start a trend of actually challenging the people in office to do what they say and hold them accountable when they screw up. And not falling back into the lesser of two evils voting that has caused the apathy in our country.

    Say what you want about them, but at least people are getting involved because of them, both for their cause and against it.
    I actually thought about writing this post today, if someone didn't know what the tea party movement was and just read this forum you would think they wear hoods to meetings, beat up poor single mothers, and only do what fox news tells them. It couldn't be further from the truth, but it is a political season and agendas need to be pushed.
    It is sad that many people cannot move past their HATRED of bush and republican establishment to realize that finally a grass roots organization is having an impact on party politics. I would love for a democratic group to start up too.
    I know this is the pipe dream I have, but I hope that these people are still pissed off when the republicans get in office and don't do anything different. I want to get back to a country that VALUES states rights over all else. To a country where people are free to walk down the god damn street and smoke a cigarette.
    It makes me sad that people are arguing the validity of this group instead of focusing on the idea that FINALLY AMERICANS ARE GETTING INVOLVED.
    fyi. 2009 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficit and now a 2010 1.25 trillion dollar deficit. That is outrageous and dangerous. Your dollar isn't worth anything and at this point it isn't solely the bush administrations fault.
    What this time has shown me, and really changed me for that matter, is that Government is not the solution to problems. No matter what they have done the economy isn't turning around. WE CANNOT RELY ON THEM FOR ANYTHING. We as americans need to change our culture of spend more. Not just with Government but with our lives. Take responsibility and start saving. Put god dman money in the bank. cannot afford that tv from best buy, don't open a card. That is what I want my government to do, cannot afford something, don't do it.
    I would be onboard... I WAS onboard... when it was about the people using the legal system created by our Constitution to to invoke term limits on our leaders.
    But... it is no longer a grass roots movement and has morphed into a wing of the Republican Party. Proof of that? Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, William Kristol, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh. These may be your people, but I am not getting onboard with them.
    Had they remained a grass roots operation and backed a truely Independent candidate, such as a Ron Paul or a Dennis Kucinich, then, I would be onboard. But, i'm not going to hoist and wave the elephant flag of the Republican Party... just as I would never swear an alligence to the Democratic Party.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    I think the tea party is a great thing. You may not agree with what they say, you may not agree with the tenants they hold, but you cannot be pissed that people are getting involved.

    i dont' fault the tea party for getting involved, more the opposite. dissent is a GOOD thing.

    where they stand and what they stand for....i can respect a movement that stands up for what they believe in. but what gets me is when fox news is deciding that agenda they are fighting so hard to produce. fox has its own agenda, they support the status quo, they ARE the status quo. i can't pretend to support that kind of movement.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    Where were they when bush was in office?
    Pissed because the spending was out of control, but playing the game of American politics, which is lesser of two evils voting. I think the tea party is a great thing. You may not agree with what they say, you may not agree with the tenants they hold, but you cannot be pissed that people are getting involved.
    The primaries had many long time reps lose their jobs because of the tea party.
    What I am hoping is that this movement, whatever you want to call it, will start a trend of actually challenging the people in office to do what they say and hold them accountable when they screw up. And not falling back into the lesser of two evils voting that has caused the apathy in our country.

    Say what you want about them, but at least people are getting involved because of them, both for their cause and against it.
    I actually thought about writing this post today, if someone didn't know what the tea party movement was and just read this forum you would think they wear hoods to meetings, beat up poor single mothers, and only do what fox news tells them. It couldn't be further from the truth, but it is a political season and agendas need to be pushed.
    It is sad that many people cannot move past their HATRED of bush and republican establishment to realize that finally a grass roots organization is having an impact on party politics. I would love for a democratic group to start up too.
    I know this is the pipe dream I have, but I hope that these people are still pissed off when the republicans get in office and don't do anything different. I want to get back to a country that VALUES states rights over all else. To a country where people are free to walk down the god damn street and smoke a cigarette.
    It makes me sad that people are arguing the validity of this group instead of focusing on the idea that FINALLY AMERICANS ARE GETTING INVOLVED.
    fyi. 2009 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficit and now a 2010 1.25 trillion dollar deficit. That is outrageous and dangerous. Your dollar isn't worth anything and at this point it isn't solely the bush administrations fault.
    What this time has shown me, and really changed me for that matter, is that Government is not the solution to problems. No matter what they have done the economy isn't turning around. WE CANNOT RELY ON THEM FOR ANYTHING. We as americans need to change our culture of spend more. Not just with Government but with our lives. Take responsibility and start saving. Put god dman money in the bank. cannot afford that tv from best buy, don't open a card. That is what I want my government to do, cannot afford something, don't do it.

    :clap: I wish i could put my thoughts into words like you can. But for some reason I can't. Therefore....I love post like this one.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    Now let me ask you... would you have let the major investment house crash... let General Motors and Chrysler fail? Why?

    Let me ask you this. I am at the verge of financial ruin from carelessness in my past.....should I get a bailout from the government to keep my life from crashing?
    You still failed to answer mty questions... that is the typical response of Sarah Palin, to avoid answering questions and skirt around it.
    I WILL answer your question... If you fail... one person and his family fails and does NOT bring down our national economy or the global markets. Are you really comparing yourself to General Motors? Seriously?
    Now... please, if you are able to... answer my question:
    Would you have let the major investment house crash... let General Motors and Chrysler fail? Why?

    I'll do my best to answer your question. No, I would not have bailed them out. They dug their grave so they can lie in it. Although, I do not believe they would have shut down and put people out of work. Who was the most profitable motors company during this stimulus fiascle? FORD! And they accepted no bailout. To put it in Eddie language......They agreed to a greed.

    Kinda ironic how eddies writings backfire on his beliefs. I love you Eddie, but I don't love your ideaoligy
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    I'll do my best to answer your question. No, I would not have bailed them out. They dug their grave so they can lie in it. Although, I do not believe they would have shut down and put people out of work. Who was the most profitable motors company during this stimulus fiascle? FORD! And they accepted no bailout. To put it in Eddie language......They agreed to a greed.
    Then... General Motors and Chrysler fails. What happens to those auto workers? Not just the union UAW assemblers... the office workers... secretarys, human resources employees, accountants, clerks... They all join the ranks of the unemployed. What happens to the G.M. and Chrysler dealers... mangers, mechanics, loan officers, clerical? They join them. What about the vendor companies... those companies that make parts, such as the seats, steering wheels, stereo components, rims, tires... AC Delco... what happens at those companies? Layoffs. Millions of Americans added to the unemployment lines. And what about those retired Americans recieving pensions from G.M. and Chrysler. No more pension checks and forced to live solely on Social Security checks. What happens to all of those Americans?
    What about letting the Inventment houses fail... the ones whose holdings are pension and 401k plans for millions and millions of working Americans. Those houses go down and the 401ks vaporize... retirement funds... gone. Personally, my 401k took a hit of over $200,000.00 when the markets tanked.
    How can that type of economic devistation... lost retirements, 20something% unemployment... helped our country? Difficult problems have extremely difficult solutions that require tough decisions that need to be thought out thoroughly. These problems did not suddenly pop up in 2009. The crash of the markets took place in 2007 and was the result of Free Markets allowed to run, unchecked... unregulated.
    Yeah.. the bailouts were extremely painful... but, the alternative would have been crippling.
    Also... G.M. has been paying back some of the bail out... so has some of the banking institutes. That money DID do some good and we are beginning to get it back. As for my 401k that is primary to my retirement... has recouped the $200,000.00 that was lost in 2007/2008. We did NOT 'Nationalize the Banking and Financial Community'.... we did NOT 'Nationalize the Auto Industry'. We bailed them out to avoid a catasthropy. Had we failed to do anything... today, we would be more like Mexico than Mexico.
    Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck may tell you it's okay to let them fail... they are millionaire. The failure of the banks and auto industry would have reached out from their graves and dragged you down, too... unless you are a millionaire like Limbaugh.
    Footnote... G.M. is one of the military's suppliers... not so much prime contractors, but they and/or their subsidiaries supply sub-assemblies and parts to companies such as Lockheed/Martin and Boeing as sub-contractors. The failure of G.M. would have been far reaching.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    why do poor and lower middle class people root for the rich to win?

    honestly, how can these people that can not pay their bills want tax cuts extended to the richest 2% when the richest 2% are the ones that will not miss that money?? and they are not creating jobs, like so many conservatives argue that they do...

    i am single and comfortably middle class, and my feelings are screw those billionaire bastards. why is their tax rate at about 15% when mine is nearly 30%??? because they make their money on dividends, where the tax rates are low, and i make my money by showing up to work and working whatever hours because i am on salary. why is my tax rate higher?? the conservatives will argue for a "fair tax", so how is it fair when the ultra rich are paying 15% when i am paying nearly 30%?? it would seem to me that the teabaggers would be trying to defend the middle and lower classes instead of selling them out by opposing what obama is trying to do is completely illogical how they would want tax cuts extended to the richest 2% when they are paying less percentagewise than we just goes tp show that people are so partisan that they will vote against their own interests time and again....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    I think a lot of people are still trying to figure out who it is that you guys need to "take your country back" from... :?

    If you haven't figured it out by's from people like you. 8-)
    Canadians? :shock:
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Cosmo wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    That’s right you can’t win an argument when your wrong.. :lol:
    I hate to break the news to you... but, only stupid people think arguements are about winning or losing.
    Arguements (debate, open discussion) is supposed to be a means of communicating ideas.
    A word of advice... stick to sports.
    Only stupid people think there is no wrong or right...
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    aerial wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    That’s right you can’t win an argument when your wrong.. :lol:
    I hate to break the news to you... but, only stupid people think arguements are about winning or losing.
    Arguements (debate, open discussion) is supposed to be a means of communicating ideas.
    A word of advice... stick to sports.
    Only stupid people think there is no wrong or right...

    I don't ever want to argue with either one of you, you guys are tuff. :lol:

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    That’s right you can’t win an argument when your wrong.. :lol:
    I hate to break the news to you... but, only stupid people think arguements are about winning or losing.
    Arguements (debate, open discussion) is supposed to be a means of communicating ideas.
    A word of advice... stick to sports.
    Only stupid people think there is no wrong or right...
    See... there you go again...
    Do you know there is a difference between winning and losing... and right and wrong? You can win or lose a baseball game... a simple concept that even the simplest of minds can comprehend... but, when discussing complicated, multi-faceted issues that have several solutions that lead to more complicated consequences there is no right or... oh, forget it.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    is it possible to out think your self cosmo ? :lol:

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    is it possible to out think your self cosmo ? :lol:

    I'm certain it is.
    Look... I don't claim to be some sort of expert on anything, but I do understand one thing... no one knows for sure what the truth is. With that very simple concept, I apply logic that fits that premise.
    Especially when it comes to politics. Simply replacing Democrats with Republicans is not going to solve anything. We will STILL have a two party system where the opposition is demonized and nothing gets done. Doing nothing simply compounds the existing problems. Fixing the problems is extremely difficult because for every political solution, several other complex problems are created... I used the bailouts as an example of this. Letting those big institutions fail would have created disasterous consequences that would require even tougher decisions to come up with viable solutions.
    The Tea Party claims to have simple solutions to complex political issues. That is not going to solve anything and perhaps, create even greater problems. I have been following politics for the better part of the last 30 years and have witnessed the results. I don't have any 'right' answers. But, I do believe that at the core of our problems is the belief that politics is about winning or losing. It is more about coming up with solutions to limit future problems and limit risk to our way of life. Politics is not a game... not a sport. But, it has become just that. Where there are only 2 teams in the political arena and people with limited knowledge of the complexities of governing have all of a sudden tossed their opinions into the mix, offering up simple solutions.
    Anyway.. in political discussion... it is NOT about winning or losing. It is about thinking about the best path to take by discussion possible solutions, assessing the risk and working out the hundreds of scenarios to limit the long term effects of those solutions. People who think it is about winning or losing tend to be those with little understanding of what all is involved with governing a country of 300 million people.
    That's all.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • UpSideDownUpSideDown Posts: 1,966
    Cosmo wrote:
    Simply replacing Democrats with Republicans is not going to solve anything. We will STILL have a two party system where the opposition is demonized and nothing gets done.

    This. The notion of Democrat and Republican is fucking ridiculous.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    haffajappa wrote:
    I think a lot of people are still trying to figure out who it is that you guys need to "take your country back" from... :?
    from the black lawyer



    yes i went there

    and if the tea party does want to be critical on both sides then how come on their website it's nothing but liberal and democrat bashing. explain that to me.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    haffajappa wrote:
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    I think a lot of people are still trying to figure out who it is that you guys need to "take your country back" from... :?

    If you haven't figured it out by's from people like you. 8-)
    Canadians? :shock:

    LMAO.....Sorry, didn't take notice to that small issue. :lol: :oops:
    That shocked face cracks me up every time.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    aerial wrote:
    I hope they get it soon….They (Obama sheep) have been so brain washed they make up things to hate about the Tea Party…such as the Tea Party is racist but just look at gimmesometruth’s post why put people in your little groups
    “ polling badly among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Muslim Americans”.
    The Tea Party has always said everyone is more than welcomed to participate…..we don’t say come African Americans oh and you Hispanics can come also….The Tea Party does not care about the colour of skin as they do….. Yet we are the racist. :roll:

    the funny thing about them is how sadly misinformed some of them are....

    and aerial, i welcome you to provide me with evidence that these voting blocks have not been key the last several election cycles. also can you show me a poll where these groups support the tea party or the gop? nobody is dividing anyone up into groups, that is just demographic information...can you disprove my post?

    Misinformed is the appropriate word. But, can I add stupid and uneducated? This sign - the fact that someone constructed it - shows how uneducated and sheeplike people can be. I guarantee 100% that the jackass that made this sign has no clue about the people on it, and has no clue about the theories written on it.

    We live in a society of misinformed, uneducated, intellectually lazy zombies. It is sad and pathetic. People look up Socialism on wikipedia and think they are political theorists.


    P.S. I have been to 2 tea party "rallies" or meetings, and I have not seen one drop of intelligence. it is just a group of individuals spouting the rhetoric of hate and nonsense. They are pawns in the propaganda machine of the right. They did not say anything original, they had no clue about what the constitution states - though they referenced it many times - and I read it before I went. It was a circus.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    UpSideDown wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    Simply replacing Democrats with Republicans is not going to solve anything. We will STILL have a two party system where the opposition is demonized and nothing gets done.

    This. The notion of Democrat and Republican is fucking ridiculous.

    +1. Reminds me of recess. Everyone HAD to be a Mets or Yankees fan. There was no room for any other opinion. And yes, I think comparing our current system to a bunch of 9 year olds is accurate.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    as someone said before, calling obama a socialist is offensive to socialists...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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