I find it insane and ludicrous that anyone has the ego to tell two consenting adults that they can't be happy. Especially if that egomaniac is clutching a 2,000 year old book of fiction.
Lol. The bible does mention. Homosexuality. Maybe you and alot of people should read it before making comments you have no clue about. Get educated.
not jesus though, that was the bat shit crazy old testiment, maybe you should read it before making comments you have no clue about. get educated
Homosexuality is mentioned in Leviticus. Leviticus is also the place where we are supposed to stone someone to death for working on Sunday... how come we aren't killing all of the people who works for the NFL or NASCAR?
cause boredom will kill them eventually anyways.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
you're the one disrespectfully dismissing others' opinions and telling them to "get educated" and don't talk about something "you know nothing about". Just because they don't share your belief system. For shame.
You guys treat God and Christianity with no respect what so ever. You talk about it like a biggit that says fag or nigger. No respect for religion in this place and it's messed up. Hipocritz of the worst kind in here. Have a nice life people. I can't stand to be in a place anymore. Take care.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
You guys treat God and Christianity with no respect what so ever. You talk about it like a biggit that says fag or nigger. No respect for religion in this place and it's messed up. Hipocritz of the worst kind in here. Have a nice life people. I can't stand to be in a place anymore. Take care.
i admit i afford religion no respect at all. and have made no secret of that fact.
dont let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. :P :wave:
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I find it insane and ludicrous that anyone has the ego to tell two people that they can't be happy. Especially if that egomaniac is clutching a 2,000 year old book of fiction.
I don't have the right to do so.
just want to change 1 part of your post. "I find it insane and ludicrous that anyone has the ego to tell 2 adults that they cant be happy"
I don't want my 12 year old niece sleeping with a 30 year old. even if she thinks she is happy.
I myself don't believe in gay marriage. I'm not gay so I don't have to worry about it. I don't sit around and hate on gay people I just don't agree with it. I'm a Christian so I gotta side with my father. I love god and believe he is very real and not a crutch like you said. I can't believe we are here for no reason. God the creator ask us to do certain things, we have the choice to do them or not do them.
Whether you agree with it or not is neither here nor there. Gay people should have the same rights as you under the law and should have nothing to do with religion. I will support gays rights to marry and Im not at all gay. What right does an out dated way of thinking that is based on nothing more than fairy stories have to tell me or anyone else what to do and how to think.
You guys treat God and Christianity with no respect what so ever. You talk about it like a biggit that says fag or nigger. No respect for religion in this place and it's messed up. Hipocritz of the worst kind in here. Have a nice life people. I can't stand to be in a place anymore. Take care.
i admit i afford religion no respect at all. and have made no secret of that fact.
dont let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. :P :wave:
Bye bye then, take care and have a good christien life :wave:
I find it insane and ludicrous that anyone has the ego to tell two people that they can't be happy. Especially if that egomaniac is clutching a 2,000 year old book of fiction.
I don't have the right to do so.
just want to change 1 part of your post. "I find it insane and ludicrous that anyone has the ego to tell 2 adults that they cant be happy"
I don't want my 12 year old niece sleeping with a 30 year old. even if she thinks she is happy.
-religion is a club. I am not a part of this club, but nonetheless. clubs can allow members as they wish, and also create the rules within their own club as they wish. this club only allows its members who are of opposite sex to get married. I have no problem with this. abide by the rules of the club, or find another club.
-civil unions are a different matter altogether. anyone who wants to get unified in the eyes of the government has that right, in my opinion.
-government should NOT be part of the aforementioned club, and therefore has no right to deny anyone the right to a civil union, and also guarantee that couple the same rights under the law that they give married couples. therein lies the whole issue.
If we all "educated" ourselves with the bible... could I technically be at risk of my father selling me to slavery?
Well I guess I'm being kind of ignorant because truthfully I've never read the bible I'm just going by what I heard.
Notably I have heard that in the prop 8 musical
You guys treat God and Christianity with no respect what so ever. You talk about it like a biggit that says fag or nigger. No respect for religion in this place and it's messed up. Hipocritz of the worst kind in here. Have a nice life people. I can't stand to be in a place anymore. Take care.
PS... why do we have to respect religion?
Note, don't confuse that with respecting peoples rights to follow any religion they choose,
but why do you expect us to respect religion, and further, respect a God we don't believe in?
Why should I respect a book that says 2 homosexuals can't be wed?
Nothingman54 wrote:
You guys treat God and Christianity with no respect what so ever. You talk about it like a biggit that says fag or nigger. No respect for religion in this place and it's messed up. Hipocritz of the worst kind in here. Have a nice life people. I can't stand to be in a place anymore. Take care.
PROOF that god exists
and you would have an ounce of credibility
do you have respect for darth vader
he is made up character as well
-religion is a club. I am not a part of this club, but nonetheless. clubs can allow members as they wish, and also create the rules within their own club as they wish. this club only allows its members who are of opposite sex to get married. I have no problem with this. abide by the rules of the club, or find another club.
-civil unions are a different matter altogether. anyone who wants to get unified in the eyes of the government has that right, in my opinion.
-government should NOT be part of the aforementioned club, and therefore has no right to deny anyone the right to a civil union, and also guarantee that couple the same rights under the law that they give married couples. therein lies the whole issue.
best post ever on this subject
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I don't have the right to do so.
cause boredom will kill them eventually anyways.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
i admit i afford religion no respect at all. and have made no secret of that fact.
dont let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. :P :wave:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
just want to change 1 part of your post. "I find it insane and ludicrous that anyone has the ego to tell 2 adults that they cant be happy"
I don't want my 12 year old niece sleeping with a 30 year old.
Whether you agree with it or not is neither here nor there. Gay people should have the same rights as you under the law and should have nothing to do with religion. I will support gays rights to marry and Im not at all gay. What right does an out dated way of thinking that is based on nothing more than fairy stories have to tell me or anyone else what to do and how to think.
Bye bye then, take care and have a good christien life :wave:
alright. i saw this alone, didn't see what you posted after. not the end of the world.
edit made
Sorry Commy. I already had to explain once...I let it get the best of me. Anyhow, I agree with you.
best post ever on this subject
Well I guess I'm being kind of ignorant because truthfully I've never read the bible I'm just going by what I heard.
Notably I have heard that in the prop 8 musical
Note, don't confuse that with respecting peoples rights to follow any religion they choose,
but why do you expect us to respect religion, and further, respect a God we don't believe in?
Why should I respect a book that says 2 homosexuals can't be wed?
What else does the bible say shouldn't be allowed...
God its a wonder people don't make CONDOMS illegal!!
You guys treat God and Christianity with no respect what so ever. You talk about it like a biggit that says fag or nigger. No respect for religion in this place and it's messed up. Hipocritz of the worst kind in here. Have a nice life people. I can't stand to be in a place anymore. Take care.
PROOF that god exists
and you would have an ounce of credibility
do you have respect for darth vader
he is made up character as well
i used to... but then he was revealed to be a whiney little bitch boy. my faith in the dark side is now just one more shattered illusion.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014