Flying home Thursday night, was just browsing pearl jam related news and saw the concert for Sat night in Little Rock. Sent a text to my girl back home and threw out the idea that we should just go...had checked out StubHub and found a few tickets for the time I arrived home we decided to do it and take her two kids (ages 7 and 10) since this was a good concert to attend we figured at that age. The eldest had only been to Amerian Idol and Justin Beaver (which she wasnt' impressed) and she had recently been writing about Eddie Vedder in school assignments and the youngest was mad that we went to the KC show and New Orleans festival without him .
So spur of the moment we hit the road Saturday morning and checked in to the hotel next door to the venue, and then after ate fine Pizza from a local place down the street.
Before the start of the show, we had some hotel bar drinks where we heard about maybe Ben Harper and Johnny Depp were specail guests, which we had no clue about. My girlfriend is a big Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Pearl Jam from when she was back in Hawaii in the Navy when they used to play at small clubs. And Depp is one of our favorite actors so I filled her in on the Viper room stories from LA and that he was a musician as well...(chocolat is a beautiful movie, if you have seen 'I love you man' you get that) So its quite cool that we both enjoy this music and musicians together now as neither of us had that before.
The show was amazing, loved the Eddie comments about Hank his dog (doing Bruce impressions) and then calling out Johnny as a pirate when some of the donation baskets were missing. Natalie Maines was imressive too and we enjoyed Harrison's band with Harper too. But Eddie owned the show and we always wanted to see him on stage. Rise was great btw.
So after the show, we go to a bar and have a couple more beers and a brat...we walk back to the hotel just chatting away and we are just oblivious to what is going on around us. Walking by a hotel that I had noted earlier was probably where Eddie was staying, two black vehicles pull up and people are getting out quick and walking into the lobby. My girlfriend almost bumps into someone, and says ‘excuse me’…I'm moving on totally not seeing shit…someone says ‘certainly’ to her and she spins around and says to me…’that’s Vedder!’. It was the voice that tipped her. I am looking at this guy who’s now in the lobby who is wearing denim and a big yellow mesh ballcap (think farmer Joe) talking to a few people, looks to be on his way but still being polite. I brought a camera and also a pamphlet from the EV show in Memphis last summer, which is in her purse with no time to think…and I am debating if I want to chase him down and be ‘that fan’ who is annoying or speechless. I grabbed her and said lets go, heading inside, waiting for someone to stop us and tell us to leave…No one did and by this time Eddie is by the service elevator talking to about 5 persons who are talking about the show they saw him in 2003, and he’s going ‘Yeah sure I remember’ haha.
Well, I just was staring at him in his yellow ballcap thinking ‘wow that’s Eddie’ and he turns to me as he is clearly headed onto the elevator, and all I can do is just smile and sort of wave… he stops, waves back with a flash of the smile, and the eyes you have seen a thousand times but in person its different…and hes gone….I am still smiling at the stupidity of that whole thing but it was pretty cool to just sort of make eye contact from 4 feet away and get a wave…geez its like a man crush.
Nonetheless it’s a highlight!
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
Air Canada Centre - Toronto - Sep 19, 2005 / Air Canada Centre - Toronto - May 09, 2006 / Massey Hall - Toronto - Eddie Vedder Solo - Tour August 12, 2008/ Molson Amphitheatre - Toronto - Aug 21, 2009 / HSBC Arena - Bufallo - May 10, 2010 / Quicken Loans Arena - Cleveland- May 09, 2010 / Robinson Center Music Hall - Little Rock,AR - Voices For Justice - Eddie Vedder Solo - August 28, 2010 / Fox Theatre - Detroit - June 26. 2011
Ok so Ive seen PJ 183 times live and EV solo, give or take about a dozen times live.
My friend n I had 7th row center seats that night. And this was not just any show, this was a show with not only my beloved EV, but JOHNNY FRIEKING DEPP, my favorite actor since 1990. I am one of his biggest fans.
Anyways so i HAD to be there.
the show was amazing, i hurt my voice shrieking so loud when Johnny hit the stage.
So we went outside after the show, went to the hotel room, next door to the venue.. blah blah blah.
we decided to go round the side where we might see them. We ended up waiting about 2 hours.. about 1am.. i was stone cold tired, flying in from Washington DC that day.
but persistence and patience paid of yet again, as I saw Johnny friking Depp walk toward me ,, i couldnt speak, i had my friend take pictures and she pushed me to go meet the one person i have not met who means the world to me, Mr J. Depp. Security pulled me away and pushed Johnny into the car, but i saw his face and he said, no nono, come here!
i said "Johnny says its ok! Johnny says its ok!" about a hundred times, hahah. so i got to tell him how long ive been a fan (20 years!) and hug him and get my picture with him (the 14 year old inside me died!)
he was so sweet and gracious and thanked me for coming. blah blah blah.
He got into the SUV and i cried and hugged my friend. Not one minute later, Eddie comes towards us. DOUBLE FAINT.
The man i travel the world to see, on my dime. Well i have met him many many times before ,but come on. how can you not tremble still?
so we lined up to shake hands with Mr Wonderful. haha.
When ed finally got to us he points to me and says "Hey! i know you!"
"hey eddie, its caroline. yea i go to all your shows"
"Caroline! yea! yea! wow, thats so cool!"
we hugggggggggg. and when i mean hug. i mean, wrap my arms around his body for dear life. and he squeezed me tooooooooo.
then i turned around and showed him my tatt on my back
"eddie i got the picture you made for my birthday tattooed on my back. thank you"
"wow" he looks at it. he touches my back "im glad it turned out ok then!" worlds biggest smile.
"yes thank you eddie" i could not be more of a little girl in his presence. (note: i have met this man many many times, most of which were when i was a teenager, so, i always feel like one when i see him!hahaha)
we hug AGAIN. squeeeze so tight.
"i never wanna let you go. i could hug you forever" i say in his ear. god i know. im sorry, the lameness just SPILLS from within. i really cant help it!
Ed says: "thank you pal." and something like "ill see you again, "(or soon or something to that effect, i cant remember, the blood rushed to my head)
i have pictures of that dream come true night, i just dont know how to post them on this thing. also of note:
if i may be so blunt and ask.
so thats my story!
Ok so Ive seen PJ 183 times live and EV solo, give or take about a dozen times live.
My friend n I had 7th row center seats that night. And this was not just any show, this was a show with not only my beloved EV, but JOHNNY FRIEKING DEPP, my favorite actor since 1990. I am one of his biggest fans.
Anyways so i HAD to be there.
the show was amazing, i hurt my voice shrieking so loud when Johnny hit the stage.
So we went outside after the show, went to the hotel room, next door to the venue.. blah blah blah.
we decided to go round the side where we might see them. We ended up waiting about 2 hours.. about 1am.. i was stone cold tired, flying in from Washington DC that day.
but persistence and patience paid of yet again, as I saw Johnny friking Depp walk toward me ,, i couldnt speak, i had my friend take pictures and she pushed me to go meet the one person i have not met who means the world to me, Mr J. Depp. Security pulled me away and pushed Johnny into the car, but i saw his face and he said, no nono, come here!
i said "Johnny says its ok! Johnny says its ok!" about a hundred times, hahah. so i got to tell him how long ive been a fan (20 years!) and hug him and get my picture with him (the 14 year old inside me died!)
he was so sweet and gracious and thanked me for coming. blah blah blah.
He got into the SUV and i cried and hugged my friend. Not one minute later, Eddie comes towards us. DOUBLE FAINT.
The man i travel the world to see, on my dime. Well i have met him many many times before ,but come on. how can you not tremble still?
so we lined up to shake hands with Mr Wonderful. haha.
When ed finally got to us he points to me and says "Hey! i know you!"
"hey eddie, its caroline. yea i go to all your shows"
"Caroline! yea! yea! wow, thats so cool!"
we hugggggggggg. and when i mean hug. i mean, wrap my arms around his body for dear life. and he squeezed me tooooooooo.
then i turned around and showed him my tatt on my back
"eddie i got the picture you made for my birthday tattooed on my back. thank you"
"wow" he looks at it. he touches my back "im glad it turned out ok then!" worlds biggest smile.
"yes thank you eddie" i could not be more of a little girl in his presence. (note: i have met this man many many times, most of which were when i was a teenager, so, i always feel like one when i see him!hahaha)
we hug AGAIN. squeeeze so tight.
"i never wanna let you go. i could hug you forever" i say in his ear. god i know. im sorry, the lameness just SPILLS from within. i really cant help it!
Ed says: "thank you pal." and something like "ill see you again, "(or soon or something to that effect, i cant remember, the blood rushed to my head)
i have pictures of that dream come true night, i just dont know how to post them on this thing. also of note:
if i may be so blunt and ask.
so thats my story!
Does anybody know if there is a Fan Boot of this show being passed around? If so where can I find a copy?
I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
I know there were many cameras recording this event. I hope that the Arkansas Take Action people will release a dvd of the rally, it would help raise more money! I heard somebody also say that HBO was there? Not sure about this, just wondering if anyone else heard this?
I know there were many cameras recording this event. I hope that the Arkansas Take Action people will release a dvd of the rally, it would help raise more money! I heard somebody also say that HBO was there? Not sure about this, just wondering if anyone else heard this?
HBO is making another documentary and I heard the they were there also.
My dog's name is Hank too....but I don't sound much like bruce when I call for him.
hahahaaaa...see I knew there was a connection..and that must be it...the dog...HAHAAHAaaaaaa
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Ok so Ive seen PJ 183 times live and EV solo, give or take about a dozen times live.
My friend n I had 7th row center seats that night. And this was not just any show, this was a show with not only my beloved EV, but JOHNNY FRIEKING DEPP, my favorite actor since 1990. I am one of his biggest fans.
Anyways so i HAD to be there.
the show was amazing, i hurt my voice shrieking so loud when Johnny hit the stage.
So we went outside after the show, went to the hotel room, next door to the venue.. blah blah blah.
we decided to go round the side where we might see them. We ended up waiting about 2 hours.. about 1am.. i was stone cold tired, flying in from Washington DC that day.
but persistence and patience paid of yet again, as I saw Johnny friking Depp walk toward me ,, i couldnt speak, i had my friend take pictures and she pushed me to go meet the one person i have not met who means the world to me, Mr J. Depp. Security pulled me away and pushed Johnny into the car, but i saw his face and he said, no nono, come here!
i said "Johnny says its ok! Johnny says its ok!" about a hundred times, hahah. so i got to tell him how long ive been a fan (20 years!) and hug him and get my picture with him (the 14 year old inside me died!)
he was so sweet and gracious and thanked me for coming. blah blah blah.
He got into the SUV and i cried and hugged my friend. Not one minute later, Eddie comes towards us. DOUBLE FAINT.
The man i travel the world to see, on my dime. Well i have met him many many times before ,but come on. how can you not tremble still?
so we lined up to shake hands with Mr Wonderful. haha.
When ed finally got to us he points to me and says "Hey! i know you!"
"hey eddie, its caroline. yea i go to all your shows"
"Caroline! yea! yea! wow, thats so cool!"
we hugggggggggg. and when i mean hug. i mean, wrap my arms around his body for dear life. and he squeezed me tooooooooo.
then i turned around and showed him my tatt on my back
"eddie i got the picture you made for my birthday tattooed on my back. thank you"
"wow" he looks at it. he touches my back "im glad it turned out ok then!" worlds biggest smile.
"yes thank you eddie" i could not be more of a little girl in his presence. (note: i have met this man many many times, most of which were when i was a teenager, so, i always feel like one when i see him!hahaha)
we hug AGAIN. squeeeze so tight.
"i never wanna let you go. i could hug you forever" i say in his ear. god i know. im sorry, the lameness just SPILLS from within. i really cant help it!
Ed says: "thank you pal." and something like "ill see you again, "(or soon or something to that effect, i cant remember, the blood rushed to my head)
i have pictures of that dream come true night, i just dont know how to post them on this thing. also of note:
if i may be so blunt and ask.
so thats my story!
caroline, you're so freakin cool
i want pictures of the tat on your back...are they on fb?
love ya,
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Ed is such a great storyteller...I love it to death when he starts off with those little makes a great show so extra you're sitting in his living room having a beer with him, right?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Ed is such a great storyteller...I love it to death when he starts off with those little makes a great show so extra you're sitting in his living room having a beer with him, right?
Ya too bad his solo shows felt nothing like sitting around in his living room.........unless of course he has drones of people screaming "How's Jill or Where's Olivia or I love you Edddie have my baby or Play Porch Pussy". The crowds at those shows were embarrassing at best.
Ed is such a great storyteller...I love it to death when he starts off with those little makes a great show so extra you're sitting in his living room having a beer with him, right?
Ya too bad his solo shows felt nothing like sitting around in his living room.........unless of course he has drones of people screaming "How's Jill or Where's Olivia or I love you Edddie have my baby or Play Porch Pussy". The crowds at those shows were embarrassing at best.
ya i know that's a shame isn't it...have some respect people for pete's sake
what do you think this is, a PJ concert
no really, when ed plays solo, we really should be quiet and listen, unless he asks us to do otherwise, it's only right
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Does anybody know if there is a Fan Boot of this show being passed around? If so where can I find a copy?
It was taped and will be available shortly.
Sweet. I can't wait to get a copy of it. Thanks for the info.
I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
Ya too bad his solo shows felt nothing like sitting around in his living room.........unless of course he has drones of people screaming "How's Jill or Where's Olivia or I love you Edddie have my baby or Play Porch Pussy". The crowds at those shows were embarrassing at best.
i think the 30 seconds after each song is the window the people that need to say something should be allotted ... take a 20 song set ... that's a good 10 mins worth of hooting and hollering ... the worst is when he's trying to tell a story or in the middle of a song ...
Ok so Ive seen PJ 183 times live and EV solo, give or take about a dozen times live.
My friend n I had 7th row center seats that night. And this was not just any show, this was a show with not only my beloved EV, but JOHNNY FRIEKING DEPP, my favorite actor since 1990. I am one of his biggest fans.
Anyways so i HAD to be there.
the show was amazing, i hurt my voice shrieking so loud when Johnny hit the stage.
So we went outside after the show, went to the hotel room, next door to the venue.. blah blah blah.
we decided to go round the side where we might see them. We ended up waiting about 2 hours.. about 1am.. i was stone cold tired, flying in from Washington DC that day.
but persistence and patience paid of yet again, as I saw Johnny friking Depp walk toward me ,, i couldnt speak, i had my friend take pictures and she pushed me to go meet the one person i have not met who means the world to me, Mr J. Depp. Security pulled me away and pushed Johnny into the car, but i saw his face and he said, no nono, come here!
i said "Johnny says its ok! Johnny says its ok!" about a hundred times, hahah. so i got to tell him how long ive been a fan (20 years!) and hug him and get my picture with him (the 14 year old inside me died!)
he was so sweet and gracious and thanked me for coming. blah blah blah.
He got into the SUV and i cried and hugged my friend. Not one minute later, Eddie comes towards us. DOUBLE FAINT.
The man i travel the world to see, on my dime. Well i have met him many many times before ,but come on. how can you not tremble still?
so we lined up to shake hands with Mr Wonderful. haha.
When ed finally got to us he points to me and says "Hey! i know you!"
"hey eddie, its caroline. yea i go to all your shows"
"Caroline! yea! yea! wow, thats so cool!"
we hugggggggggg. and when i mean hug. i mean, wrap my arms around his body for dear life. and he squeezed me tooooooooo.
then i turned around and showed him my tatt on my back
"eddie i got the picture you made for my birthday tattooed on my back. thank you"
"wow" he looks at it. he touches my back "im glad it turned out ok then!" worlds biggest smile.
"yes thank you eddie" i could not be more of a little girl in his presence. (note: i have met this man many many times, most of which were when i was a teenager, so, i always feel like one when i see him!hahaha)
we hug AGAIN. squeeeze so tight.
"i never wanna let you go. i could hug you forever" i say in his ear. god i know. im sorry, the lameness just SPILLS from within. i really cant help it!
Ed says: "thank you pal." and something like "ill see you again, "(or soon or something to that effect, i cant remember, the blood rushed to my head)
i have pictures of that dream come true night, i just dont know how to post them on this thing. also of note:
if i may be so blunt and ask.
so thats my story!
I know this thread is supposed to be reserved for fanviews only, but I just have to comment on this-- your story is amazing! I hope to have the good fortune to meet Ed someday and be able to thank him for what his music has done for me!
You'll never forget that day- very cool!
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
As more and more time passes, I am starting to realize just how special this show really was. Such an amazing event to be a part of and for a measly $25 plus a donation.
I think it's funny to see just how far Ed has come as an individual. From tearing up shit
Straight down the center for a hot chicken dinner!
Ed's a special dude with a special kind of responsibility and he uses it so well, and is so very humble about it.
I can only hope to be that way someday. He is definitely a role model in my life.
I couldn't agree with you more, he is truly an amazing individual. Also, I didn't realize at the time I got up at 8 a.m. to buy those tickets what an important and possibly life-changing event I was going to be a part of. I fully respect and admire Ed, God bless him.
Ed has become the person I'd always hoped I'd become....and I suppose to a degree, we all have, but he has a forum to spread his good works amidst.....and he does so much for so many
including the good works he does here amongst us that he doesn't even have a clue about, right?
I think its really wonderful how he's grown and yet he's still himself...he's a very special dude for sure
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Will there be an official bootleg from this show? (I read some songs were played on PJ radio.) It seems like a special experience, would be great for the people from the other end of the world(like myself) to experience it.
Chorzów 2007, Berlin 2009, Berlin 2010
AMSTERDAM 2012, BERLIN 2012 !!!
Will there be an official bootleg from this show? (I read some songs were played on PJ radio.) It seems like a special experience, would be great for the people from the other end of the world(like myself) to experience it.
I don't know if there will be an official boot of this show, but there are some fan made boots making the rounds which don't sound bad. Yesterday Gremmie had one on their site, but "The Times They are a Changin'" was missing the beginning. I downloaded their copy, but replaced "The Times They are a Changin'" with one I found. I sure hope an official boot will make the rounds. They could make a lot of money for the cause.
I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
During the Larry King interview, Ed mentioned "funds" needed to support the WM3 legal effort several times. One assumes they filmed the event and plan to sell Blu ray discs for $20 to $40 apiece. Then, Eddie and Johnny don't have to keep funneling as much of their own cash into the project.
Also, Fistful of Mercy appears to be just starting and they seemed to be great. Gives the event a bit more luster if it's a band's debut, particularly when it's a supergroup cut from the CSNY mold.
i recorded the show on my dvr tonight. dishnetwork has sirius music channels and it was on. now to get it on a cd.
Dallas TX 10/17/00
Oklahoma City 4/3/03
Dallas TX 6/9/03
Memphis TN 6/20/09 (Eddie)
Kansas City MO 4/3/10
Little Rock AR 8/28/10 (Eddie, WM3 rally)
St Louis MO 7/1/11 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/18/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/19/12 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/13
Oklahoma City 11/16/13 Tulsa OK 10/8/14 St Louis MO 9/18/22 Oklahoma City 9/20/22 Ft Worth TX 9/13/23 Ft Worth TX 9/15/23
I like this one very much.
Flying home Thursday night, was just browsing pearl jam related news and saw the concert for Sat night in Little Rock. Sent a text to my girl back home and threw out the idea that we should just go...had checked out StubHub and found a few tickets for the time I arrived home we decided to do it and take her two kids (ages 7 and 10) since this was a good concert to attend we figured at that age. The eldest had only been to Amerian Idol and Justin Beaver (which she wasnt' impressed) and she had recently been writing about Eddie Vedder in school assignments and the youngest was mad that we went to the KC show and New Orleans festival without him
So spur of the moment we hit the road Saturday morning and checked in to the hotel next door to the venue, and then after ate fine Pizza from a local place down the street.
Before the start of the show, we had some hotel bar drinks where we heard about maybe Ben Harper and Johnny Depp were specail guests, which we had no clue about. My girlfriend is a big Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Pearl Jam from when she was back in Hawaii in the Navy when they used to play at small clubs. And Depp is one of our favorite actors so I filled her in on the Viper room stories from LA and that he was a musician as well...(chocolat is a beautiful movie, if you have seen 'I love you man' you get that) So its quite cool that we both enjoy this music and musicians together now as neither of us had that before.
The show was amazing, loved the Eddie comments about Hank his dog (doing Bruce impressions) and then calling out Johnny as a pirate when some of the donation baskets were missing. Natalie Maines was imressive too and we enjoyed Harrison's band with Harper too. But Eddie owned the show and we always wanted to see him on stage. Rise was great btw.
So after the show, we go to a bar and have a couple more beers and a brat...we walk back to the hotel just chatting away and we are just oblivious to what is going on around us. Walking by a hotel that I had noted earlier was probably where Eddie was staying, two black vehicles pull up and people are getting out quick and walking into the lobby. My girlfriend almost bumps into someone, and says ‘excuse me’…I'm moving on totally not seeing shit…someone says ‘certainly’ to her and she spins around and says to me…’that’s Vedder!’. It was the voice that tipped her. I am looking at this guy who’s now in the lobby who is wearing denim and a big yellow mesh ballcap (think farmer Joe) talking to a few people, looks to be on his way but still being polite. I brought a camera and also a pamphlet from the EV show in Memphis last summer, which is in her purse with no time to think…and I am debating if I want to chase him down and be ‘that fan’ who is annoying or speechless. I grabbed her and said lets go, heading inside, waiting for someone to stop us and tell us to leave…No one did and by this time Eddie is by the service elevator talking to about 5 persons who are talking about the show they saw him in 2003, and he’s going ‘Yeah sure I remember’ haha.
Well, I just was staring at him in his yellow ballcap thinking ‘wow that’s Eddie’ and he turns to me as he is clearly headed onto the elevator, and all I can do is just smile and sort of wave… he stops, waves back with a flash of the smile, and the eyes you have seen a thousand times but in person its different…and hes gone….I am still smiling at the stupidity of that whole thing but it was pretty cool to just sort of make eye contact from 4 feet away and get a wave…geez its like a man crush.
Nonetheless it’s a highlight!
My friend n I had 7th row center seats that night. And this was not just any show, this was a show with not only my beloved EV, but JOHNNY FRIEKING DEPP, my favorite actor since 1990. I am one of his biggest fans.
Anyways so i HAD to be there.
the show was amazing, i hurt my voice shrieking so loud when Johnny hit the stage.
So we went outside after the show, went to the hotel room, next door to the venue.. blah blah blah.
we decided to go round the side where we might see them. We ended up waiting about 2 hours.. about 1am.. i was stone cold tired, flying in from Washington DC that day.
but persistence and patience paid of yet again, as I saw Johnny friking Depp walk toward me ,, i couldnt speak, i had my friend take pictures and she pushed me to go meet the one person i have not met who means the world to me, Mr J. Depp. Security pulled me away and pushed Johnny into the car, but i saw his face and he said, no nono, come here!
i said "Johnny says its ok! Johnny says its ok!" about a hundred times, hahah. so i got to tell him how long ive been a fan (20 years!) and hug him and get my picture with him (the 14 year old inside me died!)
he was so sweet and gracious and thanked me for coming. blah blah blah.
He got into the SUV and i cried and hugged my friend. Not one minute later, Eddie comes towards us. DOUBLE FAINT.
The man i travel the world to see, on my dime. Well i have met him many many times before ,but come on. how can you not tremble still?
so we lined up to shake hands with Mr Wonderful. haha.
When ed finally got to us he points to me and says "Hey! i know you!"
"hey eddie, its caroline. yea i go to all your shows"
"Caroline! yea! yea! wow, thats so cool!"
we hugggggggggg. and when i mean hug. i mean, wrap my arms around his body for dear life. and he squeezed me tooooooooo.
then i turned around and showed him my tatt on my back
"eddie i got the picture you made for my birthday tattooed on my back. thank you"
"wow" he looks at it. he touches my back "im glad it turned out ok then!" worlds biggest smile.
"yes thank you eddie" i could not be more of a little girl in his presence. (note: i have met this man many many times, most of which were when i was a teenager, so, i always feel like one when i see him!hahaha)
we hug AGAIN. squeeeze so tight.
"i never wanna let you go. i could hug you forever" i say in his ear. god i know. im sorry, the lameness just SPILLS from within. i really cant help it!
Ed says: "thank you pal." and something like "ill see you again, "(or soon or something to that effect, i cant remember, the blood rushed to my head)
i have pictures of that dream come true night, i just dont know how to post them on this thing. also of note:
if i may be so blunt and ask.
so thats my story!
I don't know all there is to know about this case, but I do know they deserve a new trial, at the very least.
Thank God there are still people out there advocating for them.
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
It was taped and will be available shortly.
I know there were many cameras recording this event. I hope that the Arkansas Take Action people will release a dvd of the rally, it would help raise more money! I heard somebody also say that HBO was there? Not sure about this, just wondering if anyone else heard this?
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
HBO is making another documentary and I heard the they were there also.
My dog's name is Hank too....but I don't sound much like bruce when I call for him.
hahahaaaa...see I knew there was a connection..and that must be it...the dog...HAHAAHAaaaaaa
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
caroline, you're so freakin cool
i want pictures of the tat on your back...are they on fb?
love ya,
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Ed is such a great storyteller...I love it to death when he starts off with those little makes a great show so extra you're sitting in his living room having a beer with him, right?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Ya too bad his solo shows felt nothing like sitting around in his living room.........unless of course he has drones of people screaming "How's Jill or Where's Olivia or I love you Edddie have my baby or Play Porch Pussy". The crowds at those shows were embarrassing at best.
ya i know that's a shame isn't it...have some respect people for pete's sake
what do you think this is, a PJ concert
no really, when ed plays solo, we really should be quiet and listen, unless he asks us to do otherwise, it's only right
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
i think the 30 seconds after each song is the window the people that need to say something should be allotted ... take a 20 song set ... that's a good 10 mins worth of hooting and hollering ... the worst is when he's trying to tell a story or in the middle of a song ...
You'll never forget that day- very cool!
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
I think it's funny to see just how far Ed has come as an individual. From tearing up shit
Ed's a special dude with a special kind of responsibility and he uses it so well, and is so very humble about it.
I can only hope to be that way someday. He is definitely a role model in my life.
I couldn't agree with you more, he is truly an amazing individual. Also, I didn't realize at the time I got up at 8 a.m. to buy those tickets what an important and possibly life-changing event I was going to be a part of. I fully respect and admire Ed, God bless him.
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
including the good works he does here amongst us that he doesn't even have a clue about, right?
I think its really wonderful how he's grown and yet he's still himself...he's a very special dude for sure
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
AMSTERDAM 2012, BERLIN 2012 !!!
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
Also, Fistful of Mercy appears to be just starting and they seemed to be great. Gives the event a bit more luster if it's a band's debut, particularly when it's a supergroup cut from the CSNY mold.
Anyway, the Blu-ray would sell well.
So would Jennifer Aniston's panties but neither are gonna happen dude.
Oklahoma City 4/3/03
Dallas TX 6/9/03
Memphis TN 6/20/09 (Eddie)
Kansas City MO 4/3/10
Little Rock AR 8/28/10 (Eddie, WM3 rally)
St Louis MO 7/1/11 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/18/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/19/12 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/13
Oklahoma City 11/16/13
Tulsa OK 10/8/14
St Louis MO 9/18/22
Oklahoma City 9/20/22
Ft Worth TX 9/13/23
Ft Worth TX 9/15/23