Everything was great. The pre-party fundraiser put together by Mindi and Melissa was very successful. A lot of donations considering it was a last minute thing. A lot of great donations I might add. Thanks to all of you that donated items for the raffle and thanks to all of you that purchased raffle tickets and participated in the auctions. A lot of money was raised. And thanks to Mindi and Melissa for all of their hard work.
The show was awesome. I think everyone is in agreement with that. I didn't know what to expect, but there were no disappointments. It was a very inspiring event...... and fun too. Ed seemed to be the organizer and backbone of the show. He encouraged other performers and and kept the event focused. Fistful of Mercy was awesome. I can't wait to hear more from them. I didn't know Johnny Depp could play guitar and it was fun to watch him..... (of course). Enjoyed all of the performers actually.
It was also great to meet up with old and new PJ friends.
And finally, Little Rock is a good place to visit. We snacked on fruit from the Farmer's Market all weekend and the Riverfront Park was great to walk and run in, and we had a great view of the Arkansas River from our hotel room. Would like to go back one of these days when we have more time.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Pretty cool. Obviously didn't know what to expect as far as the how the evening would progress. Glad there weren't too many speeches or that they weren't too long. Everyone was brief and to the point.
Eddie's voice was in particularly good shape. None of the struggling to hit higher notes or anything. He sounded amazing. Fantastic version of The Times They Are A Changin. Rains on Me and Rise were awesome too.
Of course, the absolute highlight had to be Society with Johnny Depp. Depp handled it pretty well! Great job on the solo!
Fistful of Mercy were phenomenal. I am not the biggest Ben Harper fan in the world but I love those three songs. Natalie was good. What was with the buzz cut?
The only downside to me was Patti Smith. They had an incredible show going on but in my opinion she shot the wheels off of it with those first two songs of hers. She couldn't remember the chords, she sounded terrible, the songs were downers and Eddie and Johnny looked bored. That's just my opinion.
BUT, they saved it with People Have the Power. Great version.
Loved the dog shit story. Just shows you they were there to have fun and it wasn't some depressing funeral like atmosphere or anything. The pirate joke was hilarious, as was the prayer story. Overall, I am glad they went that route. The mood was very light.
On the other hand, coming in as someone who admittedly knows very little about the case, I left knowing just as little. I was hoping there would be a little more detail in the hows and whys people think these boys were innocent. I didn't get that.
Yes, I know, they were selling the books and all that stuff and I could have bought them and read up, but still. I guess I mean they didn't do anything to convince me one way or the other. But I suppose it is assumed you support the cause if you show up so they weren't obligated.
Good time though. I think they took something that was a little awkward and a little fly by the seat of their pants and turned it into a fun, rocking night. Glad I went.
I just wanted to say that I had a blast last night, never in my life did I ever think I would get to experience an event like that. Not only was I in awe of what was going on up on the stage, but I was in disbelief that I was lucky enough to be third row. I knew Johnny was there, but still almost squealed like a little girl when they introduced him. Of course, I was in amazement of seeing Eddie perform that close, such a treat. I have to say the Fistful of Mercy blew everyone away. I'm not sure if three guitars, men, and a lady on violin have ever sounded that beautiful. We got an autograph and picture from Natalie after, she was so sweet. Patti Smith, what can I say? She's a legend. Ed is so wonderful in being a driving force behind this, I hope everyone follows his lead and starts writing some letters before the 9/30 gets here. I also noticed that he was in such an awesome mood up on stage last night. I think they must have all had a blast together backstage and he was really happy at seeing this come together like it did. I also loved his "Johnny is a pirate" joke. Another cool thing was getting to meet many of you guys, I now have some faces to put with avatars, it was a pleasure!
Echols admitted on cross-examination in the penalty phase of the trial that he had an altercation with his father in which a knife was involved and the police were called; where he admitted that he was hospitalized that same day and that when his father came to the hospital, “I told him I would eat him alive”; where headmitted that he tried “to claw the eyes out” of a student; and where a psychologist who testified for Echols admitted that Echols had “an all-powerful God-like image of himself,” that his parents were concerned with his satanism or devil worship, and that Echols’s medical records included notations of statements by Echols pertaining, among other things, to his rage and the drinking of the blood of others….
Does that automatically mean he committed the other crimes? You've never been in a fight? You've never said anything that would be embarrassing if the public found out?
Just curious if you would be defending the guy if Ed didn't like him so much? I have a feeling you wouldn't even know who he is.
I love Natalie Maines I think she has an incredible voice..I cant believe no one has mentioned her duet with Eddie?? Im trying to find a video I hope someone will post one soon. Eddie Vedder and Natalie Maines have always been my dream duet.
For those who attended the show last night you were very very lucky to see them both together.
and a little jack sparrow booty must of been nice too
great show. Eddies voice was amazing and he had a good setlist. Got to meet and shake Eddie's hand after the show. also got to meet some of the board members. great show for a great cause.
Dallas TX 10/17/00
Oklahoma City 4/3/03
Dallas TX 6/9/03
Memphis TN 6/20/09 (Eddie)
Kansas City MO 4/3/10
Little Rock AR 8/28/10 (Eddie, WM3 rally)
St Louis MO 7/1/11 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/18/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/19/12 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/13
Oklahoma City 11/16/13 Tulsa OK 10/8/14 St Louis MO 9/18/22 Oklahoma City 9/20/22 Ft Worth TX 9/13/23 Ft Worth TX 9/15/23
Love reading all the stories, amazing how something that started like small thing in church setting evolved into event like this so fast. Hopefully it will work for those three guys.
Here is the prayer story, I laughed at how fast the prayer was answered. Warning, it gets loud when Ben is introduced http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64UGLBgrvvk
Awesome experience!!! Great mix of performances from everyone!! Song choices were excellent! Highlights for me were: Johnny joining Eddie on guitar, loved Fistful of Mercy, duets with Natalie and Eddie were perfect....really the whole night was just magical The biggest and best surprise of the night for me personally was the duet with Natalie and Eddie, "You can close your eyes". My mom passed away,from cancer, 3 years ago (8/27/07) and this song was played at her service. Her birthday was 8/28...so as you can see very meaningful to me. I honestly couldn't believe it when I heard it....kind of a surreal experience. In fact I was so in shock hearing the song I was only able to record a small portion of it. I really hope someone was able to get a good recording of this. As far as the speakers went, they were short but sweet. I loved Henry Rollins video message and the readings from Damien's journals were very powerful. I am glad Eddie and all the others were able to come together and make this happen. I do hope something good comes from this.
Love reading all the stories, amazing how something that started like small thing in church setting evolved into event like this so fast. Hopefully it will work for those three guys.
Here is the prayer story, I laughed at how fast the prayer was answered. Warning, it gets loud when Ben is introduced http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64UGLBgrvvk
The WM3 Rally was a really cool experience, definitely not your normal concert. It was just a really unique show and cool line up. I would have loved to have heard Ed sing more but I can't complain. He was still on stage and performed more then any of the other artists. I was one of the lucky ones who stuck around after the show and got to meet Ed, it was an amazing experience to be face to face with him. Here are my photo's from the evening, including meeting with Ed and Natalie: http://picasaweb.google.com/11748693053 ... /WM3Rally#
If any else who met Ed that after the rally has any photos or videos from meeting him I'd love to see them. I really wanted to get a picture with Ed but since we couldn't I'm hoping one of you captured a photo with me by him. Please send me a PM or post a link to your photo/video. Thanks!
10.21.00 - Phoenix, AZ
04.18.03 - Nashville, TN
06.07.03 - Phoenix, AZ
06.10.03 - Little Rock, AR
10.28.09 - Philadelphia, PA
05.04.10 - St. Louis, MO
11.15.13 - Dallas, TX
11.16.13 - Oklahoma City, OK
10.14.14 - Memphis, TN
09.16.22 - Nashville, TN 09.22.22 - Oklahoma City, OK
The WM3 Rally was a really cool experience, definitely not your normal concert. It was just a really unique show and cool line up. I would have loved to have heard Ed sing more but I can't complain. He was still on stage and performed more then any of the other artists. I was one of the lucky ones who stuck around after the show and got to meet Ed, it was an amazing experience to be face to face with him. Here are my photo's from the evening, including meeting with Ed and Natalie: http://picasaweb.google.com/11748693053 ... /WM3Rally#
If any else who met Ed that after the rally has any photos or videos from meeting him I'd love to see them. I really wanted to get a picture with Ed but since we couldn't I'm hoping one of you captured a photo with me by him. Please send me a PM or post a link to your photo/video. Thanks!
Nice photo of you and Natalie though, cute!, looks like a super great time!
Echols admitted on cross-examination in the penalty phase of the trial that he had an altercation with his father in which a knife was involved and the police were called; where he admitted that he was hospitalized that same day and that when his father came to the hospital, “I told him I would eat him alive”; where headmitted that he tried “to claw the eyes out” of a student; and where a psychologist who testified for Echols admitted that Echols had “an all-powerful God-like image of himself,” that his parents were concerned with his satanism or devil worship, and that Echols’s medical records included notations of statements by Echols pertaining, among other things, to his rage and the drinking of the blood of others….
Does that automatically mean he committed the other crimes? You've never been in a fight? You've never said anything that would be embarrassing if the public found out?
Just curious if you would be defending the guy if Ed didn't like him so much? I have a feeling you wouldn't even know who he is.
That's cute. Because I post on a board for PJ then I'm a mindless drone. I've been aware of the case since the mid 90's. I am also (for better or worse) graced with a healthy dose of suspicion regarding our legal system and the lynch mob mentality of our fellow citizens.
Will this show be on Itunes for charity? I would love to get some of these songs.
Was this show professionally recorded? I would buy a copy of it in a second on iTunes.
I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
I'm also looking for a picture of myself shacking eddies hand after the show. if anyone could post their pics maybe i am in the background. Here are a couple of pics that have other people in them.
Dallas TX 10/17/00
Oklahoma City 4/3/03
Dallas TX 6/9/03
Memphis TN 6/20/09 (Eddie)
Kansas City MO 4/3/10
Little Rock AR 8/28/10 (Eddie, WM3 rally)
St Louis MO 7/1/11 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/18/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/19/12 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/13
Oklahoma City 11/16/13 Tulsa OK 10/8/14 St Louis MO 9/18/22 Oklahoma City 9/20/22 Ft Worth TX 9/13/23 Ft Worth TX 9/15/23
A fantastic, one of a kind, special event. Great night from start to finish. Started off with an awesome pre-party at Sticky Fingerz that raised some money for the WM3. Ed donated two signed posters just a few minutes before the auction started; very, very cool. Highlights of the show have been covered, and I am still blown away by Society. It is really the only song I wanted to hear before the show. I knew it would be a different type of show so I didn't have any expectations. But to get to hear JD join Ed on guitar playing Society was wicked. He played a great solo and has good rhythym.
Henry Rollins is always a bad ass. I know he would have loved to have been there in person, but his taped message actually allowed him to use his creative wit as only he can do.
Natalie Maines has an amazing voice. She seemed a little up tight at first playing stuff she had never done, but Ed as usual has a way of comforting people and she finally seemed to relax.
Fistful of Mercy is an experience all to itself. Three songs, and you were dying for more. Their album will be unbelievable, and I will definitely go check them out again. Very cool to see their first "payin' gig" as Ed put it.
And what a treat to see the legend that is Patti Smith. Never thought I would get to see her, and she is amazingly powerful with her presence.
One of the things that stuck with me the most though, was Ed's reading of Damien's words regarding Time. I won't do them justice, so try and find them for yourself, but essentially says that with all of his solitary time he has figured out that the past is only a memory, the future is a figment of your imagination, and that all we really have is NOW.
A truely special night. So glad to have been a part of it. And for the record, I have lived in Arkansas my entire life and followed this case since 1993. At the very least, these three men deserve a new trial. Not being political, just stating a fact
Thanks to the artists and fans who showed up and made this event so special.
What an amazing event! I feel so fortunate to have been there and to support the cause.
As soon as Ed took the stage, you knew you were in for something special. His compassion and enthusiasm for this case is so inspiring! So few people today will stand up and raise their voices for injustice. How lucky are we to live in a world with Eddie Vedder and Natalie Maines? Very, very lucky!
The show was awesome. I think everyone is in agreement with that. I didn't know what to expect, but there were no disappointments. It was a very inspiring event...... and fun too. Ed seemed to be the organizer and backbone of the show. He encouraged other performers and and kept the event focused. Fistful of Mercy was awesome. I can't wait to hear more from them. I didn't know Johnny Depp could play guitar and it was fun to watch him..... (of course). Enjoyed all of the performers actually.
It was also great to meet up with old and new PJ friends.
And finally, Little Rock is a good place to visit. We snacked on fruit from the Farmer's Market all weekend and the Riverfront Park was great to walk and run in, and we had a great view of the Arkansas River from our hotel room. Would like to go back one of these days when we have more time.
Eddie's voice was in particularly good shape. None of the struggling to hit higher notes or anything. He sounded amazing. Fantastic version of The Times They Are A Changin. Rains on Me and Rise were awesome too.
Of course, the absolute highlight had to be Society with Johnny Depp. Depp handled it pretty well! Great job on the solo!
Fistful of Mercy were phenomenal. I am not the biggest Ben Harper fan in the world but I love those three songs. Natalie was good. What was with the buzz cut?
The only downside to me was Patti Smith. They had an incredible show going on but in my opinion she shot the wheels off of it with those first two songs of hers. She couldn't remember the chords, she sounded terrible, the songs were downers and Eddie and Johnny looked bored. That's just my opinion.
BUT, they saved it with People Have the Power. Great version.
Loved the dog shit story. Just shows you they were there to have fun and it wasn't some depressing funeral like atmosphere or anything. The pirate joke was hilarious, as was the prayer story. Overall, I am glad they went that route. The mood was very light.
On the other hand, coming in as someone who admittedly knows very little about the case, I left knowing just as little. I was hoping there would be a little more detail in the hows and whys people think these boys were innocent. I didn't get that.
Yes, I know, they were selling the books and all that stuff and I could have bought them and read up, but still. I guess I mean they didn't do anything to convince me one way or the other. But I suppose it is assumed you support the cause if you show up so they weren't obligated.
Good time though. I think they took something that was a little awkward and a little fly by the seat of their pants and turned it into a fun, rocking night. Glad I went.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
12/04/2005 - Rio de Janeiro
Just curious if you would be defending the guy if Ed didn't like him so much? I have a feeling you wouldn't even know who he is.
For those who attended the show last night you were very very lucky to see them both together.
and a little jack sparrow booty must of been nice too
Haven't seen a video pop up yet but they sounded great on Golden State.
Was kind of hoping for Hard Sun.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Can't see much but here is Eddie and Natalie Maines performing Golden State.
Oklahoma City 4/3/03
Dallas TX 6/9/03
Memphis TN 6/20/09 (Eddie)
Kansas City MO 4/3/10
Little Rock AR 8/28/10 (Eddie, WM3 rally)
St Louis MO 7/1/11 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/18/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/19/12 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/13
Oklahoma City 11/16/13
Tulsa OK 10/8/14
St Louis MO 9/18/22
Oklahoma City 9/20/22
Ft Worth TX 9/13/23
Ft Worth TX 9/15/23
Here is the prayer story, I laughed at how fast the prayer was answered. Warning, it gets loud when Ben is introduced
Eddie and Depp, 70% bigger this time:
80% bigger + more screams:
Added: Fistful of Mercy 'Restore Me' w/Ed
If any else who met Ed that after the rally has any photos or videos from meeting him I'd love to see them. I really wanted to get a picture with Ed but since we couldn't I'm hoping one of you captured a photo with me by him. Please send me a PM or post a link to your photo/video. Thanks!
04.18.03 - Nashville, TN
06.07.03 - Phoenix, AZ
06.10.03 - Little Rock, AR
10.28.09 - Philadelphia, PA
05.04.10 - St. Louis, MO
09.22.22 - Oklahoma City, OK
That's cute. Because I post on a board for PJ then I'm a mindless drone. I've been aware of the case since the mid 90's. I am also (for better or worse) graced with a healthy dose of suspicion regarding our legal system and the lynch mob mentality of our fellow citizens.
And any criticism of attendees on this thread because of their opinion of the case will be considered trolling. Thanks!
Awesome. I like that Eddie Vedder guy.
Restore Me (Better view)
http://www.youtube.com/user/unpaintedar ... BTFm7JVtGI
1998: Va Beach VA
2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
2008: Washington DC
2009: Philly 3
2010: Bristow VA
2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
2014: Cincinnati, OH
2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
Oklahoma City 4/3/03
Dallas TX 6/9/03
Memphis TN 6/20/09 (Eddie)
Kansas City MO 4/3/10
Little Rock AR 8/28/10 (Eddie, WM3 rally)
St Louis MO 7/1/11 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/18/12 (Eddie)
Tulsa OK 11/19/12 (Eddie)
Dallas TX 11/15/13
Oklahoma City 11/16/13
Tulsa OK 10/8/14
St Louis MO 9/18/22
Oklahoma City 9/20/22
Ft Worth TX 9/13/23
Ft Worth TX 9/15/23
wow ... thank you unpaintedarizona or whatever the name of the person was!!
Henry Rollins is always a bad ass. I know he would have loved to have been there in person, but his taped message actually allowed him to use his creative wit as only he can do.
Natalie Maines has an amazing voice. She seemed a little up tight at first playing stuff she had never done, but Ed as usual has a way of comforting people and she finally seemed to relax.
Fistful of Mercy is an experience all to itself. Three songs, and you were dying for more. Their album will be unbelievable, and I will definitely go check them out again. Very cool to see their first "payin' gig" as Ed put it.
And what a treat to see the legend that is Patti Smith. Never thought I would get to see her, and she is amazingly powerful with her presence.
One of the things that stuck with me the most though, was Ed's reading of Damien's words regarding Time. I won't do them justice, so try and find them for yourself, but essentially says that with all of his solitary time he has figured out that the past is only a memory, the future is a figment of your imagination, and that all we really have is NOW.
A truely special night. So glad to have been a part of it. And for the record, I have lived in Arkansas my entire life and followed this case since 1993. At the very least, these three men deserve a new trial. Not being political, just stating a fact
Thanks to the artists and fans who showed up and made this event so special.
As soon as Ed took the stage, you knew you were in for something special. His compassion and enthusiasm for this case is so inspiring! So few people today will stand up and raise their voices for injustice. How lucky are we to live in a world with Eddie Vedder and Natalie Maines? Very, very lucky!
This rally was long overdue.
I’ll meet you in the streets!