HBO: Boardwalk Empire



  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Los Pollos Hermanos Posts: 4,957
    I love this show, but the last 2 episodes have been pretty bad. If not for Richard Harrow I would really be losing interest. I didn't think losing Jimmy would hurt the show that bad but then again, I didn't plan on them completely ignoring Van Alden, Chalky, Rothstein, and Capone. This season has been a big disappointment so far.
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    Heisenberg wrote:
    I love this show, but the last 2 episodes have been pretty bad. If not for Richard Harrow I would really be losing interest. I didn't think losing Jimmy would hurt the show that bad but then again, I didn't plan on them completely ignoring Van Alden, Chalky, Rothstein, and Capone. This season has been a big disappointment so far.
    I actually enjoy this season much more than last years.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    Heisenberg wrote:
    I love this show, but the last 2 episodes have been pretty bad. If not for Richard Harrow I would really be losing interest. I didn't think losing Jimmy would hurt the show that bad but then again, I didn't plan on them completely ignoring Van Alden, Chalky, Rothstein, and Capone. This season has been a big disappointment so far.

    You know what, I agree with this Heisenberg...earlier in the thread I said I was disappointed with this season as there are too many characters being introduced and then forgotten about...then a few great episodes happened...then a few duds...
    Jimmy not being in this show definitely hurts
    Where the heck is Van Alden and Chalky? Two complex and awesome characters virtually ignored this season
    More Capone and less Margaret...PLEASE
    This whole storyline with Nucky and the singer chick is stupid
    I like Gyp Rosetti actually, but I want more "Sopranos" type violence and pace...
    Eli? Where's his balls? They've been cut off...

    I like this show, a lot. Season 1 had me glued and season 2 - especially toward the end had me psyched for this season. This season has been a letdown (imo)...some great episodes and some real duds...
    Lets hope Sunday is as great as the previews make it out to be
    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    Ya, offing Jimmy was not a good call imo.
    He was the only really sympathetic character on the show. Feels like there is no one to root for. If not for Harrow, I'd probably dislike every character on the show. Owen's alright I guess....
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    Excellent episode tonight. Lots going on.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    Excellent episode tonight. Lots going on.
    +1 - excellent episode...
    Love having a little bit more of Van Alden, confrontation between Gillian & Nucky, Nucky/Gov't scenes, more Capone and the blast at the end - setting up a great final few episodes.
    When this show is good, man is it good.
    1 complaint: enough with Margaret. The whole love affair/womans clinic is not moving this show forward at all, that story is bland & predictable at best and takes screen time away from Chalky, Rothstein, Gyp & Van Alden. if Nucky wasn't screwing around and super devoted to her, them maybe this would play out ok. For me it just grinds the show to a halt.
    Super episode all and all last eve. Lots of great drama/action and violence to look forward to!
    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    The Van Alden scene with the iron(while predictable) was fantastic.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Gillian is a shrewd bitch !

    Loved Van Alden as the florists " muscle "

    Looks like Nuckys cummare' Billie Kent is 6 ft under too .

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    last night's episode was great

    gillian continues to show how ruthlessly evil she is. so did harrow really think jimmy was 'in hiding' all that time or was he just playing along with her ruse?

    when van alden ironed that asshat's face was well done albeit disturbing. then as he was fixing to get the family outta town.... sigred shows him her smarts :thumbup:

    i was expecting to hear gunshots at the end....what happened instead :shock: its' fairly clear that billie's a for the others!?

    imo, the character developement and portraying other issues of the 20's does alot to make this show interesting. yeah it's drama but also many of the characters are based on real the writers have to walk a fine line not to go too far over the top. so i don't get how some seem to think the show needs more violence to be interesting...if they turn it into just another blood & guts action that'd be boring

    angels share laughter
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    prism wrote:
    last night's episode was great

    gillian continues to show how ruthlessly evil she is. so did harrow really think jimmy was 'in hiding' all that time or was he just playing along with her ruse?

    when van alden ironed that asshat's face was well done albeit disturbing. then as he was fixing to get the family outta town.... sigred shows him her smarts :thumbup:

    i was expecting to hear gunshots at the end....what happened instead :shock: its' fairly clear that billie's a for the others!?

    imo, the character developement and portraying other issues of the 20's does alot to make this show interesting. yeah it's drama but also many of the characters are based on real the writers have to walk a fine line not to go too far over the top. so i don't get how some seem to think the show needs more violence to be interesting...if they turn it into just another blood & guts action that'd be boring

    Its an era piece, so showing all the different subjects, sch as the Suffarage Movement and the beginnings of birth control add to the quality of the show. Sure, I'll vbe tuning in to see Rosetti eventually get snubbed, but the other small storylines add to the overall content of this series.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    Prism & Bathgate66 --> I am very grateful that you both contribute to this thread. I like the fact we all like the show alot, and seemingly for all different reasons. I don't believe I ever said per se that it needs more violence on the show to make it more interesting, just stated that the Margaret/Owen storyline as well as the Margaret and her morality stuff slows it down (in my opinion)...please know that I mean no disrespect...I do happen to enjoy the tension and violence on this show - usually the "holy cow!" moments - such as:
    -Season 2 finale with the offing of Jimmy
    -Van Aldens baptism murder
    -This season's early offing of Manny by Richard
    -Nucky handling Roland
    -Capone busting up Joe Miller
    - and Billie perishing in the blast
    - etc...

    Scenes like the aforementioned - not to mention sicko Gyp's scene (dog collar and torching the cop alive) and the like, just do "vengenace" better than most on TV. In the end, while it is a period piece, it is period piece about gangsters and usually they involve violence and shocking (in some cases) deaths.

    What I am definitely intrigued by: Will Richard off Gillian? How will Nucky & Rothstein dispose of Gyp? What will become of Daugherty? What role will Van Alden (and his super cool wife) play going forward? Is Nucky going to get Chalky involved in taking out Gyp? Is Richard going to be Tommy's dad? Will Nucky and Esther get together (great chemistry there)...

    All of these things excite me and make me want to watch Boardwalk. Sadly, the Owen affair with Margaret and her work with the woman's clinic, and her diaphragm do very little to excite me, and when I watch the show those scenes seem to zap the flow, for me...

    Thanks again for watching, commenting and making this thread so fun to read and comment in. This show is very good and we only have 4 more episodes left this season - should be a doozy last few!
    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    a couple of other possible questions:

    Does Rosetti look to Harrow to help take out Nucky? They met last episode.

    Will the explosion affect the relationship between Nucky and Rothstein/Lucciano?
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    a couple of other possible questions:

    Does Rosetti look to Harrow to help take out Nucky? They met last episode.

    Will the explosion affect the relationship between Nucky and Rothstein/Lucciano?

    excellent questions - what do you think of this scenario re your first question:
    Richard wants to do right by Tommy and hates Gillian (especially after that 'Jimmy deserved better" comment last episode... Richard is approached by Nucky, who now knows of Owen's dalliances with Margaret, and makes Richard his bodyguard? Maybe Nucky kills Owen or sends him back to Ireland? I personally like Richard, would like to see him have a bigger role...

    That explosion HAS to have a negative effect on Nucky from the Lucciano/Rothstein camp, no?

    (Wish it was Sunday :lol: )
    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    still waiting to view the scenes they ffilmed
    on my lovely former hometown of Rockaway Beach.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • YardenYarden Posts: 820
    PJFAN13 wrote:
    1 complaint: enough with Margaret. The whole love affair/womans clinic is not moving this show forward at all, that story is bland & predictable at best and takes screen time away from Chalky, Rothstein, Gyp & Van Alden. if Nucky wasn't screwing around and super devoted to her, them maybe this would play out ok. For me it just grinds the show to a halt.
    Super episode all and all last eve. Lots of great drama/action and violence to look forward to!

    i really like watching Margaret's character. i think the actress playing her is superb and i don't really see it as Owen/Margaret but more Margaret/Nucky and their screwed up relationship..
    i really liked the episode when they went over to Eli's for Easter because it was going into their relationship as a couple and a family..
    i do get where you're coming from, though, because boardwalk can be slow sometimes but, honestly, for a couple episodes i was getting a little bored with Gyp because it felt like his whole thing was "you don't know if i'm reaching into my jacket to pull out a cigarette or a gun" and i think people miss Jimmy because we knew him so much more than we know Gyp.
    if this show was all about the action/ violence and not about great writing/characters too, i don't know if i would be watching or enjoying it as much..
    anyway, i hope this isn't coming off as belligerent or aggressive or anything because that's totally not what i mean.. :)
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Los Pollos Hermanos Posts: 4,957
    PJFAN13 wrote:
    1 complaint: enough with Margaret. The whole love affair/womans clinic is not moving this show forward at all, that story is bland & predictable at best and takes screen time away from Chalky, Rothstein, Gyp & Van Alden.

    Chalky? Who the hell is Chalky? They have wasted that character this year. What's he been in? 2 episodes?
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,534
    Heisenberg wrote:
    PJFAN13 wrote:
    1 complaint: enough with Margaret. The whole love affair/womans clinic is not moving this show forward at all, that story is bland & predictable at best and takes screen time away from Chalky, Rothstein, Gyp & Van Alden.

    Chalky? Who the hell is Chalky? They have wasted that character this year. What's he been in? 2 episodes?

    such a great character and he's been in maybe a total of about 8 minutes worth of screen time this season. i don't understand. same with van alden and capone--though this week's episode was great with them featured more prominently.
  • madtowndavemadtowndave Minneapolis, MN Posts: 4,013
    I loved watching Van Alden lose his shit!! It had been coming all season!
    E.V. Milwaukee-08
    Chicago 1 & 2-09
    Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
    St. Paul-14
    St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    brilliant episode tonight- for sure.

    I'd like to see Nucky get together with Richard Harrow

    Only 3 more left !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,534
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    brilliant episode tonight- for sure.

    I'd like to see Nucky get together with Richard Harrow

    Only 3 more left !

    nucky's world is crashing down all around him again. even though it makes no sense, i always kinda root for nucky and margarette to patch things up. :lol: guess that is not likely at this point.

    yeah i would like to see that too.
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    Really solid episode last night...bummer there are only 3 left...
    Great to see Chalky, albeit to be confused for hired help :lol: I'm hoping he has a larger role, and he will be counted on since everyone seems to be bailing on Nucky...
    Rothstein, Luicano & Lansky = gone. Do they try to pal up w/ Gyp now that they've declined Nucky's offer?
    Margaret = gone, right? After seeing the "evil" side of Nucky up close & personal, she told Owen she's ready to bail quickly...which leads to:
    Owen - he's got to be a goner somehow, right? Either killed by Rosetti, found out by Eli or Nucky, or bails w/ Margaret back to Ireland (which I highly doubt, btw)...
    You know this "can't be half a gangster" theme that's being on all season...maybe it refers to Margaret? She seemed unnaturally strong and composed for someone who had to leave their house, live at a hotel, have hired hands all over the place...when she was pep talking Nucky, prior to his big meeting, I felt like she kind of enjoyed being a gangsters wife for a sec...
    Nucky only has the Remus arrest as a victory, really. This dude is backed into a corner for sure, the last 3 episodes should be interesting. This pending showdown with Gyp is great TV. Gyp putting on "Anthony's" colonel hat was silly - reminded me when Paulie Walnuts had the Pie O Mine picture altered and the colonel hat put on Tony in The Sopranos.
    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
  • davidtriosdavidtrios Posts: 9,732
    i have a feeling torio/capone are going to team up with nuck and lay the smackdown on all the other double-crossers.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,534
    davidtrios wrote:
    i have a feeling torio/capone are going to team up with nuck and lay the smackdown on all the other double-crossers.

    great call!
  • davidtriosdavidtrios Posts: 9,732
    davidtrios wrote:
    i have a feeling torio/capone are going to team up with nuck and lay the smackdown on all the other double-crossers.

    great call!

    thanks juggs.
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    last night episode was great. tho when they showed Rosetti at the end was anyone else thinking "what an Asshat!" :lol:

    it's gonna be interesting to see how it'll all pan out... so many possibilities the show can take with each character...
    angels share laughter
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    This show has such great character development. Another very good episode.

    Gotta love Harrow and you can be sure that both he and van Alden will have a say as to how this all shakes out.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Los Pollos Hermanos Posts: 4,957
    Finally back on track. The last two episodes have been outstanding. I sincerely hope we don't have to go too many more episodes before Harrow puts a bullet in Jimmy's mom's skull.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    It will be interesting to see if Owen,Margaret or Gillian make it thru the rest of the season alive.
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Los Pollos Hermanos Posts: 4,957
    It will be interesting to see if Owen,Margaret or Gillian make it thru the rest of the season alive.

    Margaret - 3:2 odds
    Gillian - 4:1 odds
    Owen 50:1 odds
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