Police: Soldiers looted flotilla ship



  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    I'd say it's a little worse than just "sucking." At least some people here can recognize it.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    yosi wrote:
    I have no problem with Jews making light of antisemitism. That is our right. The same does not hold for you.

    Antisemitism still exists. I'm not talking about 60 years ago. I'm talking about now.

    Have you ever seen Nazi propaganda about Jews? Have you ever noticed that it relies heavily on themes relating to Jews controlling wealth, Jews being cheap, Jews stealing, Jews cheating, etc.? I get to make light of shit like that. So do your Jewish friends. Maybe, with their permission, you two can do the same with your Jewish friends. You two sure as shit don't get to make light of antisemitism in a public forum. That isn't going to fly. And if you said this shit to my face you'd be gagging on your teeth right now. This is not a fucking joke. This is racism. I have family that I have never met because they were fucking gassed and burned, because of shit like this. IT IS NOT A FUCKING JOKE. STOP TELLING ME THAT IT IS.
    you're equating blond jokes with hating blondes, for some reason.

    you're logic is flawed, so i'm going to stop you here.

    what the nazi's did was fucked, and i am in no way supporting that. don't pretend i am.

    and that you would resort to violence so quick maybe opens a microcosm into the mentality behind the jewish state, maybe explains a bit as to why they are so hysterically violent.

    you need to chill the fuck out.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    I'm not going to chill out. If you walked up to a black man and called him a "ni**er," would you be surprised if he punched you in the face? Same here.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    yosi wrote:
    I'm not going to chill out. If you walked up to a black man and called him a "ni**er," would you be surprised if he punched you in the face? Same here.
    never once did i do anything close to that.
    some people are pretty hostile when it comes to humour about their own people.
    Pretty nasty to generalise anout a whole race of people isnt it
    sorta like saying because a few use violence against you. you will go out and persecute a whole country because of it.

    Pretty stupid really

    And saying that jokesagainst blondes is funny when talking about jews being tight with the coin. well thats racial stereotyping. You are deliberatly using a particular look, style.
    I remember a talk I have heard about . Aguy who does this gets the whole room to divide based on eye color
    those with blue eyes are chosen as the subject of the talk, they are told they are less then everyone else, the must do this or that, their rights are taken away.
    all because their eyes are blue
    all because their hair is blond
    all because they are born Jew
    all because they are born in palestine

    persecution of ANY difference is wrong isnt it.
    or is it just Jews Yosi
  • yosi wrote:
    I have no problem with Jews making light of antisemitism. That is our right. The same does not hold for you.

    Antisemitism still exists. I'm not talking about 60 years ago. I'm talking about now.

    Have you ever seen Nazi propaganda about Jews? Have you ever noticed that it relies heavily on themes relating to Jews controlling wealth, Jews being cheap, Jews stealing, Jews cheating, etc.? I get to make light of shit like that. So do your Jewish friends. Maybe, with their permission, you two can do the same with your Jewish friends. You two sure as shit don't get to make light of antisemitism in a public forum. That isn't going to fly. And if you said this shit to my face you'd be gagging on your teeth right now. This is not a fucking joke. This is racism. I have family that I have never met because they were fucking gassed and burned, because of shit like this. IT IS NOT A FUCKING JOKE. STOP TELLING ME THAT IT IS.
    don't threaten me yosi. i've done nothing wrong. you are the one equating blonde jokes with hating blondes for some reason. making jokes about jews does not = hating jews.

    and my family has a child that we have come to love as much as if he was our own, that we have never met either. every day we wonder how he is doing, if he's being mistreated, if he's got enough to eat and drink, or someone to give him a hug so i know how you feel. he's a little Palestinian boy and he's very precious.

    so stop acting like the victim all the time yosi. you've have gone way overboard with this.

    and as usual, have done a good job at defelcting away from the thread title.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    No. It is not just Jews. I agree with you entirely. Racism is racism regardless of the target. I have never said otherwise.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • i have never and would never support what the Nazis did to the Jews. it was terrible. no words to even describe how revolting and disgusting their actions were.

    but i'll tell you something else, i, unlike others, am not prepared to give Israel a free ride for the future and not hold them accountable for their actions that they do in this day and age because of what has happened to them in the past.

    and back on topic, this thread is about soldiers who stole items, sold them and that is wrong.

    i think we can all agree on that.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    Oh stop. I'm not going to sit by silently and let racist remarks go by without comment. It doesn't matter to me whether this was only a joke. A joke can still be racist. And it doesn't matter if there was no malicious intent. A lot of racism slips through in society because it isn't clearly motivated by hatred. That doesn't mean it isn't still racism. And I'm not threatening you. I'm almost certain never to meet you face to face in my life, and even if I did I wouldn't know it was you. I'm just saying that you don't make jokes about Jews and money, the same way you don't make jokes about black men and white women. You're liable to offend somebody, and if you make the joke to someone's face you're liable to get punched.

    And I never said you supported Nazis. Where the hell did you get that from?! I'm just saying that this "joke" has a theme, and the theme has a history, and that history is really, really, brutally shitty.

    And I'm not talking about Israel. I'm talking about Commy recognizing that he crossed a line, and it is not fucking cool.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    i have never and would never support what the Nazis did to the Jews.

    to even bring the 'debate' to that is just ridiculous.

    he's so mad he is ready to get violent agaisnt us, because of what some crazies did 60 years ago. is that the mentality of the jewish state....becuase it explains a lot. that he resorts to violence so quickly (never mind how it would turn out for him ). now we see the hysteria behind jewish mentality. holocaust, holocaust, holocaust.

    yeah it was fucked. yeah it was terrible, tragic, unimaginable. but no one is even coming near suggesting that. it is ridiculous.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    Would you suggest that black people not get upset about racism cause slavery ended well over a century ago? Get it through your thick skull. This isn't about the Holocaust. This is about you recognizing that you made a racist comment and got called out for it.

    An apology would be appropriate.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    yosi wrote:
    And I'm not talking about Israel. I'm talking about Commy recognizing that he crossed a line, and it is not fucking cool.

    you're talking about violence and i'm the one who should apologize? don't think so.

    yosi said...

    And if you said this shit to my face you'd be gagging on your teeth right now

    nevermind how it would turn out for you....you are missing a key fucking point. and its gradeschool, its fucking obvious to anyone not under holocaust hysteria...

    telling blonde jokes does not mean i hate them.......can you understand that simple point?>
  • yosi wrote:
    And I'm not threatening you.

    yes you are.
    yosi wrote:
    And if you said this shit to my face you'd be gagging on your teeth right now.

    thing is yosi, you have deliberately tried to make something there that is not. you replied to Commy a few days ago, you were looking for a fight and he ignored you. and rightly so.

    you come back tonight ranting and raving and your first post was all in CAP locks, looking for a fight, and you didn't get it. you don't want to listen to reason. it's Yosis way or the highway.

    you always want to play the victim. you're not reasonable. the only one firing up here is you. i mean you just threatened to have me gagging on my teeth and i'm not firing up. it's impossible to reason with you. you twist words, threaten violence and then say you don't.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    You didn't tell a blond joke. You told a Jews-are-cheap-and-they-steal-and-cheat joke (also known as an antisemitic joke). And it doesn't make any difference whether you hate Jews or not. What you said was racist.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    I'm angry because I'm Jewish and proud of it, and somebody said something that is overtly antisemitic. And yes, I'm looking for a fight, because racism should never be allowed to go unchallenged. If I said something racist about Palestinians would you let it slide? Even if I said I was only joking?
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    Catholics like little boys.
  • yosi wrote:
    I'm angry because I'm Jewish and proud of it, and somebody said something that is overtly antisemitic. And yes, I'm looking for a fight, because racism should never be allowed to go unchallenged. If I said something racist about Palestinians would you let it slide? Even if I said I was only joking?
    no body said anything racist about Jews.

    that's your perception Yosi. and i'm sorry to break it to you, but you're not always right.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    Smellyman wrote:
    Catholics like little boys.
    i am going to punch you in the face.

  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    Commy wrote:
    wait. let me get this straight. Jews sold something they got for free?

    this is news indeed.

    The above quoted statement is antisemitic. It plays off classic antisemitic tropes about Jews being cheap, cheaters, money-grubbing, thieves, etc. Just because it was meant as a joke doesn't make it any less racist.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    yosi wrote:
    Commy wrote:
    wait. let me get this straight. Jews sold something they got for free?

    this is news indeed.

    The above quoted statement is antisemitic. It plays off classic antisemitic tropes about Jews being cheap, cheaters, money-grubbing, thieves, etc. Just because it was meant as a joke doesn't make it any less racist.
    This blonde cop stops a blonde driver and asks for identification.

    The blonde driver looks all around in her purse and can’t find her license. “I must have left it at home, officer.”

    “Well, do you have any kind of identification on you?” asks the cop.

    The blonde takes out a pocket mirror and says, “I do have this picture of me.”

    “Let me see it,” says the cop. She holds up the mirror and looks in it. Then she says, “Sorry. If I had known you were a police officer, I wouldn’t have stopped you.”
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    I'm done with this. Triumphant, you're a hypocrite. Commy, I'm sure you weren't lying about having Jewish friends. Tell them what you said, word for word, and see what they say. In my book your comments were antisemitic.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • yosi wrote:
    I'm done with this. Triumphant, you're a hypocrite. Commy, I'm sure you weren't lying about having Jewish friends. Tell them what you said, word for word, and see what they say. In my book your comments were antisemitic.
    how am i a hypocrite?

    i like how you have attacked all night and yet i have not attacked you once. i've tried to stay reasonable and i think with what you have thrown at me i've done a reasonable job.

    according to you i'm racist a hypocrite AND your going to smash my teeth.
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    This is your final solution to the thread huh? When will we ever learn? :twisted:
    yosi wrote:
    I'm done with this. Triumphant, you're a hypocrite. Commy, I'm sure you weren't lying about having Jewish friends. Tell them what you said, word for word, and see what they say. In my book your comments were antisemitic.
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    Triumphant, it just seems to me that you are very quick to point out prejudice, but only when it suits you. I've encountered a lot of antisemitism in my life (thank god most of it not directed at me personally). I know it when I see it. But please, since you are so convinced that this is not antisemitic. please explain to me how that is so.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • yosi wrote:
    Triumphant, it just seems to me that you are very quick to point out prejudice, but only when it suits you. I've encountered a lot of antisemitism in my life (thank god most of it not directed at me personally). I know it when I see it. But please, since you are so convinced that this is not antisemitic. please explain to me how that is so.
    yosi, i already have explained. many times in this thread. if you need anymore clarification, please read back.


    blonde jokes doesn't mean people hate me because i'm blonde or that they think i'm dumb.
    irish jokes, doesn't mean people hate Irishman or they think Irish are stupid.
    catholic jokes doesn't mean people hate catholics or they think all priests molest children.
    jewish jokes doesn't mean people hate jews or that all jews are tight with money.

    it's that simple Yosi. nothing more, nothing less. please don't turn it into something it's not,
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,309
    yosi wrote:
    There are 132 views for this thread. Can someone please help me. Seriously. I know there are other people reading this. This isn't right. Can someone please help me explain why you can't just go around spouting racism and then hide behind "I was only making a joke."
    i have read this entire thread, and you have made no comment either condemning or backing the soldiers stealing these items, which was the original point of the thread. you have done a nice job talking about everything but that. to my eyes, you are saying that all jews are victims, including the soldiers in this case, and that is simply not right in this case. i am sure many people have read this thread and see things like i do so they are not willing to go out of their way to back your position. in my opinion the actions of these soldiers is indefensable. i know i am not interested in backing someone claiming victimhood, and there is absolutely no possible way that i can think of to defend these soldiers or their actions. to kill 9 people AND THEN steal and use their credit cards and other items confiscated illegally is simply adding insult to injury. israeli or not, american or not, black or not, their actions were clearly wrong and there is nothing you can say that is going to persuade anyone to defend their actions. if people were interested in jumping in to help you i am sure they would have by now.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    Forgive me, but it is not that simple. If a Jew makes antisemitic jokes, fine, I have no problem with that. If a comedian makes antisemitic jokes I have no problem with that so long as their general schtick is to be insulting to everyone (Lisa Lampanelli, for example) so that it is understood that the joke is only a joke. This is not either of those situations. Here a guy that I don't know made an antisemitic joke in a public forum. That isn't cool. I would imagine that if I started talking about "camel jockeys," and making jokes about how much they like fucking their goats, that Arab readers on this site might get offended, and it wouldn't much matter to them if I said I was just joking. And they would be right to be offended, because they don't know me, and I would have said something really offensive about them in public. That is how I view the situation.

    (I in know way mean to insult Arabs. I'm just trying to illustrate a point.)
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    yosi wrote:
    There are 132 views for this thread. Can someone please help me. Seriously. I know there are other people reading this. This isn't right. Can someone please help me explain why you can't just go around spouting racism and then hide behind "I was only making a joke."
    i have read this entire thread, and you have made no comment either condemning or backing the soldiers stealing these items, which was the original point of the thread. you have done a nice job talking about everything but that. to my eyes, you are saying that all jews are victims, including the soldiers in this case, and that is simply not right in this case. i am sure many people have read this thread and see things like i do so they are not willing to go out of their way to back your position. in my opinion the actions of these soldiers is indefensable. i know i am not interested in backing someone claiming victimhood, and there is absolutely no possible way that i can think of to defend these soldiers or their actions. to kill 9 people AND THEN steal and use their credit cards and other items confiscated illegally is simply adding insult to injury. israeli or not, american or not, black or not, their actions were clearly wrong and there is nothing you can say that is going to persuade anyone to defend their actions. if people were interested in jumping in to help you i am sure they would have by now.

    I'm not talking about the soldiers. I do not intend to cast them as victims. If they stole people's credit cards they should be arrested for theft.

    I'm talking about the fact that nobody here aside from me seems to be at all bothered by off-hand racism. I'm not even saying that Commy is a racist (never met him, couldn't say, but very willing to take his word that he isn't), but what he wrote is racist, and I would just like for that to be acknowledged.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    yosi wrote:
    Forgive me, but it is not that simple. If a Jew makes antisemitic jokes, fine, I have no problem with that. If a comedian makes antisemitic jokes I have no problem with that so long as their general schtick is to be insulting to everyone (Lisa Lampanelli, for example) so that it is understood that the joke is only a joke. This is not either of those situations. Here a guy that I don't know made an antisemitic joke in a public forum. That isn't cool. I would imagine that if I started talking about "camel jockeys," and making jokes about how much they like fucking their goats, that Arab readers on this site might get offended, and it wouldn't much matter to them if I said I was just joking. And they would be right to be offended, because they don't know me, and I would have said something really offensive about them in public. That is how I view the situation.

    (I in know way mean to insult Arabs. I'm just trying to illustrate a point.)
    so if i get paid to make jokes its ok? not sure i follow your logic.

    or do i have to make fun of everyone for it to be ok? like T/A said, the irish drink, catholics rape and blondes are stupid....because we've been over that. i made a blonde joke too. or what is the criteria....do i have to say x number of jokes about x people in order to make a joke about...something specific, jew/asian/illegal/cracker/mexican/whatever...
This discussion has been closed.