Held at the historic(?) Stubb's BBQ, the Crowes tossed out one of the electric only shows but this was quite a different animal. Out of 16 songs, 7 were covers and three featured special guests. They hardly ever do that. Stubb's is such a great venue. Tiny outdoor stage with a dirt floor GA area and trees, etc. I would LOVE for PJ to play here. You know, if they ever take time out of their busy schedules to ever play in Texas again, but I digress.
Got there early so got right up front again. Again, no pictures allowed.
If Houston was the Rich Robinson show, Austin was the Luther Dickinson show. It was almost like he took it is a challenge. He absolutely shredded all night, taking most of the solos. And his volume was pumped up so you could hear him a lot more clearly this time.
Feelin' Alright is another one I've been dying to hear and like Driving Wheel the night before, I got my wish this night! I thought this was a pretty good set, but Ballad though Remedy was basically a repeat from the previous night. But the band was in high spirits. They looked like they were having a great time and the crowd was 100 times better than the Houston crowd. I think they feel that.
Of course the highlight was having Ian McLagen from Faces join in for the encore and jam to some Faces songs. He was very gracious and thanked Chris and Rich, but to them, they were having one of their idols on stage playing piano and singing with them so both of them were all smiles throughout the encore. Great, great night.
- encore -
* w/ Ian McLagen Vocals
** w/ Ian McLagen
*** w/ Ian McLagen & Gordi Johnson
At the House of Blues downtown. This time I was determined to get the rail so we showed up right after the Cowboys kicked Houston's ass. Ended up 5th in line so we were stoked. When they opened the doors, made a bee line to the rail (padded too!) and took our spot directly between Chris and Rich's spots. HOB did something I have never seen. They had waitstaff walk between the rail and stage taking drink orders, not during the set though. How cool is that?!
Opening band was Band of Heathens, a kind of country/rock band. They were fantastic and the sold-out crowd was mostly in the building already so they benefited from that. The last Dallas show the Crowes played was almost empty (the Texas/OU game was that day as was an Allman Brothers concert literally down the street), but this one was sold out and packed to the rafters.
The set was pretty much a greatest hits package with one or two exceptions, but this was the best Dallas crowd I have ever been a part of at any show. They were rocking the fuck out and the band fed of that shit. I haven't seen Chris grab his mike stand and dance around the stage with in years. Haven't seen Rich jumping up and down in years. They were rocking out like the old days!!
Set was only 14 songs, but a little over 2 hours. Lots of long jams.
Best part: You all know Rich is a little dour at shows. He almost never smiles and barely acknowledges your existence outside of a nod maybe. But he makes good eye contact. Anyway, after the phenomenal Oh Sweet Nuthin, with Rich on vocals, my wife, who loves that song, looked at Rich and said "Nice job". Get this. He looked right at her, winked, said "Thank you" and gave her his pick. UNBELIEVABLE!!
She loves Rich to death so she told me she was going to put it under her pillow that night. LOL!!
Energetic show, hopping crowd, contact with the band. I couldn't ask for anything more in what is likely my final Black Crowes show. At least for the foreseeable future. I have seen every show in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area since 1990. Brings my total to 27? I think? And over the years I could always count on one or two Crowes shows a year, like an old friend that drops by every so often to see how you are doing and always leaving you with a smile on your face and a "See you next time buddy". But there is no next time this time and I am incredibly, very sad about that.
They have meant as much or more to me over the years as Pearl Jam has. Maybe more. I know one thing, Pearl Jam has a lot to learn from these guys about engaging your fan base. Ignoring an entire geographical area for whatever reason is ridiculous and petty. Like we are too much trouble for them or whatever. It really pisses me off sometimes.
The Black Crowes are the very definition of a road band and have worked hard at that. I'll miss them.
- encore -
Damn dude. You made me really sad. Hopefully it won't be forever.
You should pack your shit and head to biloxi friday. It probably isn't that long of a trip on I-10
And what's the word on the t-shirts? Any cool 20th anniversary ones or anything?
I really needing a good new Crowes shirt. My warpaint is pretty dingy and the one from the Lions tour is still pretty cool...just a little old.
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Damn dude. You made me really sad. Hopefully it won't be forever.
You should pack your shit and head to biloxi friday. It probably isn't that long of a trip on I-10
And what's the word on the t-shirts? Any cool 20th anniversary ones or anything?
I really needing a good new Crowes shirt. My warpaint is pretty dingy and the one from the Lions tour is still pretty cool...just a little old.
I wish I could.
Yeah the shirts are cool. There is one with an old crow sitting on a giant XX. There is one that looks like the Croweology cover. And another with an old skinny crow leaning on a tree or somethig. And one with a peace sign with made with a crow's foot and some pot leaves.
I honestly think the Hiatus is only going to be a year or two. I agree with you these guys make their rounds in the touring circut many times. I am sorry to say I have only seen 1 live show, but it was 3hrs and 15 minutes?? maybe I clocked it in at 3:15. I do look forward to seeing them again. Still bummed we had to leave early for that stockyards/ Billy Bob's show in Ft worth in 2007.
I agree on the PJ touring thing. It's a bummer seeing recent tours be 3 weeks with multiple stops in 2-3 cities on the east and west coast though mostly. Really wish PJ would tour like back in 2000, 2003 again. They are my fave band, but yeah, the Crowes touring is awsome in the last 3 years, Houston has gotten like 4 shows. Everything that I have heard from the Crowes is amazing. "Warpaint, and Before the frost were amazing, also only have Shake your money maker in terms of full albums, after that it's just songs and a live album.
Shows in Dallas rock too, love that city and miss it so much. I do miss my days at UNT too sometimes.
Damn dude. You made me really sad. Hopefully it won't be forever.
You should pack your shit and head to biloxi friday. It probably isn't that long of a trip on I-10
And what's the word on the t-shirts? Any cool 20th anniversary ones or anything?
I really needing a good new Crowes shirt. My warpaint is pretty dingy and the one from the Lions tour is still pretty cool...just a little old.
You got a good show!!
First Kickin' My Heart Around in 5 years. Sister Luck. Another Roadside Tragedy!
I have a midterm the day of and the day after the shows I was looking at going to... I'm beyond upset.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
I have a midterm the day of and the day after the shows I was looking at going to... I'm beyond upset.
If the times don't clash and you are able to make it go!!
The show is a 4 hr drive... Not gonna work.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
ahhh thats a bummer.....if it was doable and all the consequence was, was being really tired the next day for your midterm...i'd go
Yeah I know, the problem is it really isn't, especially with all the study time I need.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
I never reported on the show I went to in Biloxi, but it was great. Wasn't the most epic show I don't guess but checked in a little over 2 hrs with several extended jams of course. I thought the set list might have been a tad heavy on Moneymaker songs, but I certainly wasn't complaining. A greatest hits show ain't all bad and it certainly wasn't that night.
We had general admission tickets so we lined up with a few others about an hour before doors and we got a spot dead center, right in front of chris. From there we could easily watch Rich and Luther tear it up and they did. They divided up the solos fairly evenly, but I think Luther took a few more. My friend who had never known of Luther was blown away by him...I was blown away by the whole thing.
At one point Chris stopped and said "it's nice to see a bunch of people who still come to a show to actually listen music. Thanks for not sticking your technology in our faces all night." Something like that. I did sneak a picture with my phone early on though. Being right there in front of chris, I waited until he was dancing around and wasn't looking...I didn't want to get called out like a couple of dudes apparently have this tour.
Anyway, it was damn good. Exactly what I expected.
One question though....I had always had the impression that all the shows are released through Liveblackcrowes.com but that doesn't seem to be the case...unless they really far behind. Anyone know if only select shows are being released?
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
as far as I know, they release all the shows. It just takes longer. We pretty much have the pearl jam shows in a couple of days after they happen.
Regardless, looking forward to getting the Houston show.
Well that's exactly what I had been thinking, but I have never really kept a close watch on that when looking around the site.
I'm sure houston will be great
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
as far as I know, they release all the shows. It just takes longer. We pretty much have the pearl jam shows in a couple of days after they happen.
Regardless, looking forward to getting the Houston show.
Well that's exactly what I had been thinking, but I have never really kept a close watch on that when looking around the site.
I'm sure houston will be great
yeah, I just checked and the site still has South carolina as the latest addition. I wonder why their production takes longer?
One cool thing is that you can preview tracks before you buy the mp3s or cd. I have read that the sound quality is hit or miss though. From what I have previewed from past shows, I think they sound fine. Some instuments do seem to be turned up and mixed in more than others.
I've bought mp3 versions of a few shows in the past and while the sound wasn't exceptional (to my ears) I really was fine I suppose. I really can't imagine why it takes them so long to get them ready but obviously it does.
It is cool you can preview the songs and also that you don't have to buy an entire album if you don't want to...you can pick and choose the rarities and what not if you choose which I like.
Oh well, guess I'm going to have to patient for my show.
In the meantime I think I might go ahead and get a couple....don't I remember reading that St. Louis has been a big standout show?? For length, set list and quality of the bootleg?
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
as far as I know, they release all the shows. It just takes longer. We pretty much have the pearl jam shows in a couple of days after they happen.
Regardless, looking forward to getting the Houston show.
Well that's exactly what I had been thinking, but I have never really kept a close watch on that when looking around the site.
I'm sure houston will be great
They don't release all the shows. I know because I've been to several and none have been made an official release.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
as far as I know, they release all the shows. It just takes longer. We pretty much have the pearl jam shows in a couple of days after they happen.
Regardless, looking forward to getting the Houston show.
Well that's exactly what I had been thinking, but I have never really kept a close watch on that when looking around the site.
I'm sure houston will be great
They don't release all the shows. I know because I've been to several and none have been made an official release.
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Tell me about it. Not sure why, but last year's Portland show wasn't released and it flat fucking kicked ass. The boys were awesome and the crowd was off the hook. None of the Idaho shows have ever been done either.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
What do you think of the song "I Ain't Hiding" from their Before the Flood album? That was the first single I heard of this album and I thought the DJ screwed up at first announcing it as a Black Crowes song. It sounded like their take on disco. :? Kinda like when KISS tried it.
They had been working on about a two week delay in recent years - meaning you could expect a show to be up about two weeks after the performance.
For some reason it has been awhile since they updated.
There is some chatter on the one of the BC boards that the recording company somehow screwed up and has actually lost or accidentally destroyed a chunk of shows from September, but I have nothing official.
Officially, they did say that archive (or vault) shows would return after this tour ends. In the past, the released archive shows every Monday.
I have to say, I have been VERY disappointed in the live releases over the past 3 years. The sound quality, when compared to Pearl Jam, is very substandard. There are audience recordings that blow the official ones away.
But the vault shows (anything from 2006 and before) are awesome!! The 2006 shows sound amazing. So, I don't know what happened or why a change was made but it sucks.
What do you think of the song "I Ain't Hiding" from their Before the Flood album? That was the first single I heard of this album and I thought the DJ screwed up at first announcing it as a Black Crowes song. It sounded like their take on disco. :? Kinda like when KISS tried it.
KISS is the first thing I thought of. For a band that is so entrenched in the 70s sound it only made sense for them to try a disco song. But it doesn't really fit the theme of BTF/UTF.
I didn't like it at first, but grew to. It is was it is, a fun little song they threw out there.
I will say this, that song probably contains Rich Robinson's best solo on a BC record.
Update straight from the horse's mouth at liveblackcrowes.com
September 1 - 15 shows have been lost due to a "flaw in the masters" as they called it, so they will not be released.
Also, no show from any House of Blues will be released. That is a House of Blues rule, not Black Crowes. And that sucks because Dallas was at the House of Blues.
Update straight from the horse's mouth at liveblackcrowes.com
September 1 - 15 shows have been lost due to a "flaw in the masters" as they called it, so they will not be released.
Also, no show from any House of Blues will be released. That is a House of Blues rule, not Black Crowes. And that sucks because Dallas was at the House of Blues.
So is there I hope for me getting the Oct. 1 Biloxi show?
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Update straight from the horse's mouth at liveblackcrowes.com
September 1 - 15 shows have been lost due to a "flaw in the masters" as they called it, so they will not be released.
Also, no show from any House of Blues will be released. That is a House of Blues rule, not Black Crowes. And that sucks because Dallas was at the House of Blues.
So is there I hope for me getting the Oct. 1 Biloxi show?
I hope so. They didn't mention specific shows, just that two week run in September was lost.
that rule about HOB sucks so bad. That is why I couldn't film the candlebox show last year.
One weird thing regarding this is that I swear the Crowes show for Houston in October 2009 was at the House of Blues and it is up on the Crowes site. I just find that strange they are omitting HOB shows this tour.
Still holding out hope for the Houston show. Since it was just after the 2 week shows that were lost hopefully there is still a good chance it gets released.
that rule about HOB sucks so bad. That is why I couldn't film the candlebox show last year.
One weird thing regarding this is that I swear the Crowes show for Houston in October 2009 was at the House of Blues and it is up on the Crowes site. I just find that strange they are omitting HOB shows this tour.
Still holding out hope for the Houston show. Since it was just after the 2 week shows that were lost hopefully there is still a good chance it gets released.
might be why they never did release that show from the 2003 pearl jam tour there....ohwell there was always that webcast rip I really hope this hiatus isnt for to long i want to atleast go to maybe 3 or 4 or 40 black crowes shows in the near future.....if i had the money i'd make the trip to california for those final ones this year
Held at the historic(?) Stubb's BBQ, the Crowes tossed out one of the electric only shows but this was quite a different animal. Out of 16 songs, 7 were covers and three featured special guests. They hardly ever do that. Stubb's is such a great venue. Tiny outdoor stage with a dirt floor GA area and trees, etc. I would LOVE for PJ to play here. You know, if they ever take time out of their busy schedules to ever play in Texas again, but I digress.
Got there early so got right up front again. Again, no pictures allowed.
If Houston was the Rich Robinson show, Austin was the Luther Dickinson show. It was almost like he took it is a challenge. He absolutely shredded all night, taking most of the solos. And his volume was pumped up so you could hear him a lot more clearly this time.
Feelin' Alright is another one I've been dying to hear and like Driving Wheel the night before, I got my wish this night! I thought this was a pretty good set, but Ballad though Remedy was basically a repeat from the previous night. But the band was in high spirits. They looked like they were having a great time and the crowd was 100 times better than the Houston crowd. I think they feel that.
Of course the highlight was having Ian McLagen from Faces join in for the encore and jam to some Faces songs. He was very gracious and thanked Chris and Rich, but to them, they were having one of their idols on stage playing piano and singing with them so both of them were all smiles throughout the encore. Great, great night.
- encore -
* w/ Ian McLagen Vocals
** w/ Ian McLagen
*** w/ Ian McLagen & Gordi Johnson
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
At the House of Blues downtown. This time I was determined to get the rail so we showed up right after the Cowboys kicked Houston's ass. Ended up 5th in line so we were stoked. When they opened the doors, made a bee line to the rail (padded too!) and took our spot directly between Chris and Rich's spots. HOB did something I have never seen. They had waitstaff walk between the rail and stage taking drink orders, not during the set though. How cool is that?!
Opening band was Band of Heathens, a kind of country/rock band. They were fantastic and the sold-out crowd was mostly in the building already so they benefited from that. The last Dallas show the Crowes played was almost empty (the Texas/OU game was that day as was an Allman Brothers concert literally down the street), but this one was sold out and packed to the rafters.
The set was pretty much a greatest hits package with one or two exceptions, but this was the best Dallas crowd I have ever been a part of at any show. They were rocking the fuck out and the band fed of that shit. I haven't seen Chris grab his mike stand and dance around the stage with in years. Haven't seen Rich jumping up and down in years. They were rocking out like the old days!!
Set was only 14 songs, but a little over 2 hours. Lots of long jams.
Best part: You all know Rich is a little dour at shows. He almost never smiles and barely acknowledges your existence outside of a nod maybe. But he makes good eye contact. Anyway, after the phenomenal Oh Sweet Nuthin, with Rich on vocals, my wife, who loves that song, looked at Rich and said "Nice job". Get this. He looked right at her, winked, said "Thank you" and gave her his pick. UNBELIEVABLE!!
She loves Rich to death so she told me she was going to put it under her pillow that night. LOL!!
Energetic show, hopping crowd, contact with the band. I couldn't ask for anything more in what is likely my final Black Crowes show. At least for the foreseeable future. I have seen every show in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area since 1990. Brings my total to 27? I think? And over the years I could always count on one or two Crowes shows a year, like an old friend that drops by every so often to see how you are doing and always leaving you with a smile on your face and a "See you next time buddy". But there is no next time this time and I am incredibly, very sad about that.
They have meant as much or more to me over the years as Pearl Jam has. Maybe more. I know one thing, Pearl Jam has a lot to learn from these guys about engaging your fan base. Ignoring an entire geographical area for whatever reason is ridiculous and petty. Like we are too much trouble for them or whatever. It really pisses me off sometimes.
The Black Crowes are the very definition of a road band and have worked hard at that. I'll miss them.
- encore -
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
You should pack your shit and head to biloxi friday. It probably isn't that long of a trip on I-10
And what's the word on the t-shirts? Any cool 20th anniversary ones or anything?
I really needing a good new Crowes shirt. My warpaint is pretty dingy and the one from the Lions tour is still pretty cool...just a little old.
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
I wish I could.
Yeah the shirts are cool. There is one with an old crow sitting on a giant XX. There is one that looks like the Croweology cover. And another with an old skinny crow leaning on a tree or somethig. And one with a peace sign with made with a crow's foot and some pot leaves.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
I agree on the PJ touring thing. It's a bummer seeing recent tours be 3 weeks with multiple stops in 2-3 cities on the east and west coast though mostly. Really wish PJ would tour like back in 2000, 2003 again. They are my fave band, but yeah, the Crowes touring is awsome in the last 3 years, Houston has gotten like 4 shows. Everything that I have heard from the Crowes is amazing. "Warpaint, and Before the frost were amazing, also only have Shake your money maker in terms of full albums, after that it's just songs and a live album.
Shows in Dallas rock too, love that city and miss it so much. I do miss my days at UNT too sometimes.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
You got a good show!!
First Kickin' My Heart Around in 5 years. Sister Luck. Another Roadside Tragedy!
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
If the times don't clash and you are able to make it go!!
We had general admission tickets so we lined up with a few others about an hour before doors and we got a spot dead center, right in front of chris. From there we could easily watch Rich and Luther tear it up and they did. They divided up the solos fairly evenly, but I think Luther took a few more. My friend who had never known of Luther was blown away by him...I was blown away by the whole thing.
At one point Chris stopped and said "it's nice to see a bunch of people who still come to a show to actually listen music. Thanks for not sticking your technology in our faces all night." Something like that. I did sneak a picture with my phone early on though. Being right there in front of chris, I waited until he was dancing around and wasn't looking...I didn't want to get called out like a couple of dudes apparently have this tour.
Anyway, it was damn good. Exactly what I expected.
One question though....I had always had the impression that all the shows are released through Liveblackcrowes.com but that doesn't seem to be the case...unless they really far behind. Anyone know if only select shows are being released?
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Regardless, looking forward to getting the Houston show.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
I'm sure houston will be great
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
One cool thing is that you can preview tracks before you buy the mp3s or cd. I have read that the sound quality is hit or miss though. From what I have previewed from past shows, I think they sound fine. Some instuments do seem to be turned up and mixed in more than others.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
It is cool you can preview the songs and also that you don't have to buy an entire album if you don't want to...you can pick and choose the rarities and what not if you choose which I like.
Oh well, guess I'm going to have to patient for my show.
In the meantime I think I might go ahead and get a couple....don't I remember reading that St. Louis has been a big standout show?? For length, set list and quality of the bootleg?
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
They don't release all the shows. I know because I've been to several and none have been made an official release.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Tell me about it. Not sure why, but last year's Portland show wasn't released and it flat fucking kicked ass. The boys were awesome and the crowd was off the hook. None of the Idaho shows have ever been done either.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
What do you think of the song "I Ain't Hiding" from their Before the Flood album? That was the first single I heard of this album and I thought the DJ screwed up at first announcing it as a Black Crowes song. It sounded like their take on disco. :? Kinda like when KISS tried it.
For some reason it has been awhile since they updated.
There is some chatter on the one of the BC boards that the recording company somehow screwed up and has actually lost or accidentally destroyed a chunk of shows from September, but I have nothing official.
Officially, they did say that archive (or vault) shows would return after this tour ends. In the past, the released archive shows every Monday.
I have to say, I have been VERY disappointed in the live releases over the past 3 years. The sound quality, when compared to Pearl Jam, is very substandard. There are audience recordings that blow the official ones away.
But the vault shows (anything from 2006 and before) are awesome!! The 2006 shows sound amazing. So, I don't know what happened or why a change was made but it sucks.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
KISS is the first thing I thought of. For a band that is so entrenched in the 70s sound it only made sense for them to try a disco song. But it doesn't really fit the theme of BTF/UTF.
I didn't like it at first, but grew to. It is was it is, a fun little song they threw out there.
I will say this, that song probably contains Rich Robinson's best solo on a BC record.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
September 1 - 15 shows have been lost due to a "flaw in the masters" as they called it, so they will not be released.
Also, no show from any House of Blues will be released. That is a House of Blues rule, not Black Crowes. And that sucks because Dallas was at the House of Blues.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
I hope so. They didn't mention specific shows, just that two week run in September was lost.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
One weird thing regarding this is that I swear the Crowes show for Houston in October 2009 was at the House of Blues and it is up on the Crowes site. I just find that strange they are omitting HOB shows this tour.
Still holding out hope for the Houston show. Since it was just after the 2 week shows that were lost hopefully there is still a good chance it gets released.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
The songs rocks indeed and it is RR's best album solo. I was just a rockin' to it in fact.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
might be why they never did release that show from the 2003 pearl jam tour there....ohwell there was always that webcast rip