*** Nijmegen Fanviews Here 6/27/10 ***



  • SpencerSpencer Posts: 867
    edited June 2010
    The consensus seems to be that it wasn't the "It's OK" tag (Dead Moon cover), but rather the more common "hey hey it's okay" tag, which is a portion of Androgynous Mind by Sonic Youth.

    Can anyone confirm?

    Here's the "It's OK" (Dead Moon) tag:

    Post edited by Spencer on
  • KarleyKarley Posts: 506
    I'm all for the "It's okkkkkkkkkkkkk" tag (R.E.M. - Wrong Child). Bring THAT back!
    <object height="305" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1168750&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="305" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1168750&quot; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" favorite tracks!</a> by <a href="
  • ok, it was a bit short perhaps, but i didnt really expect otherwise this being a festival and all.
    for some reason it appeared to me eddie had a bit of throat problems in the beginning but perhaps its just the person smoking pot behind me that warped things :)
    in other words it can be best described as this:
    rince repeat.

    the thing with ben harper under pressure was nice enough i guess, but i hate the song though.

    ow and i like how ordinary stone looks compared to the others:) just long hair a plain black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. u rock stone!

    all in all it was kick ass to see them again.
    now pearl jam if u reading this:

    please please please please headline the pinkpop festival off 2011!!
    we need u!
  • fortyshadesfortyshades Posts: 1,834
    vedderman wrote:
    Only one encore and total of 19 songs?

    Maybe someone else already said this, but I think the festival was only licensed until 10.30pm. I know that Ed Vedder seemed quite surprised about it when he had to shorten the setlist.

    Let me also state, being on the wrong side of the crowd in London; that this was a nice and safe concert for everyone; left/ right and in the middle...
  • fortyshadesfortyshades Posts: 1,834
    Perforator wrote:
    Yeah wtf was going on? I saw them for the fourth time now, and the first three times I saw them the gigs all lasted at least two hours. It also seemed like Eddie wasn't agreeing with the rest of the band at all when they started playing RITFW. Maybe some issues with the organization or something (after all it's Mojo).
    Well, very strange anyhow, totally not Pearl Jam-like to quit after 1,5 hours of playing :s.

    I'm from Holland and I have friends living in Nijmegen. I know for a fact that there were lots of complaints two years ago, because they stopped after eleven. I already heard, through the grapevine, that the organization/festival was keeping a close eye on the curfew for they didn't want to loose their license. They were even willing to "pull the plug". So my take on it, is that not the band disagreed with each other but that someone told Jeff to "wrap it up", Jeff told Ed and everyone was equally surprised. I know that Ed turned, to what I presumed was his manager, and lifted his arms in amazement.

    In the end; it is all small town politics...
  • alfro_jalfro_j Posts: 145
    Alive was on the setlist as closer, with Rockin between brackets, so I don't think they were surprised they had to stop. The Rockin Park website stated that curfew was around 11 pm, so I was a little dissapointed too when they left the stage, but yeah, In My Tree was absolutely fantastic :) great show
  • Indifference10Indifference10 Near Brussels Posts: 34
    Great show, little short but I had a great time!

    Great to hear In my tree and Unthought known. Goosebumps during Just breathe!

    We met some cool fellow Belgians. Girls and guys, I don't know whether you're ever on this board, but I just wanted te say: enjoy Arras and see you all at Werchter!!!

    Thanks PJ, see you next week!
    2006: Antwerp, Paris
    2007: London, Werchter
    2009: Rotterdam, London
    2010: Nijmegen, Werchter
    2012: Amsterdam, Werchter, Amsterdam I & II (Ed solo)
    2013: Chicago
    2014: Amsterdam, Berlin, Werchter
    2017: Amsterdam (Ed solo), Antwerp (Ed solo)
    2018: Amsterdam, Werchter
    2019: Amsterdam I & II (Ed solo), Brussels (Ed solo)
    2022: Werchter, Amsterdam II
  • MurielMuriel Posts: 27
    Hi all,

    Quick introduction, as this is my firts post. Knew some music of Pearl Jam and went to see them live for the first time in Nijmegen (Holland) in 2007, because this was a band I had to see live once (I thought). I WAS BLOWN AWAY! 1 month after I had every studio album, found the fanclubsites and was hooked! Got tickets to Rotterdam 2009 (which was FANTASTIC) and seeing the early entrance for fanclub members made me decide to join last year when rumours about a European tour came up. Have been reading posts, but just did not have anything meaningfull to say before, except that I love this band!

    Yesterday they were again FANTASTIC and I enjoyed every minute of it! Can't believe the energy they spread every time! A Pearl Jam concert is truly the best live experience ever!

    And I don't want to bith, but have to say that normally the 1,5 hours would not have been such a big problem IF it had been communicated by the orginisation beforehand and properly. That was not the case. They promised a full Pearl jam gig on the website and that made me decide (with time and money being a bit tight at this moment with trying to set up my own company) not to go for Dublin, Belfast or Berlin. The organisation did not meet their obligation and (having my own legal firm - starting up) I have sent them an e-mail. Not that it will bring anything, but they should know that you cannot mess with people like that. Especially not when they're Pearl Jam fans!

    Anyway, going to Rock Werchter next Sunday, so still got 2 more hours of Pearl Jam to go and I'm sure I will again enjoy every minute of it! See you there!

    I know I was born and I know that I'll die
    The in between is mine
  • MargoMargo Posts: 256
    Short but sweet :D
    Amsterdam 1996, Arnhem 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Dusseldorf 2007, Rotterdam 2009
    London 2009, Dublin 2010, Belfast 2010, Nijmegen 2010, Manchester I & II 2012, Amsterdam I 2012, Stockholm 2012, EV Amsterdam I 2012
  • QuintQuint Posts: 27
    All in all a good, but short show. The guys took the name of the "festival" quite literally and put the Rock in Rockin' Park, with only a few calmer moments/songs during the set. Still no Garden or Oceans for me unfortunately. Still hoping I get to hear them live some day.

    Despite the good show, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed because of the length of the show. The promotor was promising us a "full, regular show" as early as december, when the date was announced. As soon as they revealed the timeschedule on their website and I saw they were programmed 1,5 hrs, I've emailed the promotor, asking them what they think was a full Pearl Jam show, as a regular PJ show in my book is at least 2 hrs, if not more. Their answer was that although the program said 21.00 hrs - 22.30 hrs, they in fact had a permit to play untill 23.00 hrs and it was up to the band to decide whether they would continue or not. Well, clearly they (Mojo) lied to us again, as they have done so often in the past. Too bad there aren't any other promotors in Holland that can program a band as big as PJ, because I would certainly rather not go to Mojo-concerts again. So guys, if you're reading this: please don't work with Mojo again. It's a Clearchannel (!)moneymilking machine that doesn't give a @#$% about their customers
    Saw things so much clearer
    Once you, were in my...
  • Indifference10Indifference10 Near Brussels Posts: 34
    Hi Muriel

    Your story sounds quite familiar... ;)

    Have fun @ Werchter!
    2006: Antwerp, Paris
    2007: London, Werchter
    2009: Rotterdam, London
    2010: Nijmegen, Werchter
    2012: Amsterdam, Werchter, Amsterdam I & II (Ed solo)
    2013: Chicago
    2014: Amsterdam, Berlin, Werchter
    2017: Amsterdam (Ed solo), Antwerp (Ed solo)
    2018: Amsterdam, Werchter
    2019: Amsterdam I & II (Ed solo), Brussels (Ed solo)
    2022: Werchter, Amsterdam II
  • beeswaxbeeswax Posts: 119
    the show was nice. but still we were bit dissapointed afterwards.

    most of all because we werent allowed to go to the front pit, though there were quite many people without those expensive or early-entry wristbands going out. there were about 10 (!) people waiting to get in and many more going out.. but no. and even the people that went out of the pit werent allowed to re-enter. so in the end, we didnt see anything but the screen surrounded by, ehm, dutch sleepyheads ;-) dont get me wrong, i like them and concerts in netherlands are always relaxed in the front rows. but it was so lame behind the barriers, it was even a bit surreal.

    i wonder why there wasnt a 10C-entry. or were we stupid not to pay 100 extra for a good spot? hmm..?

    and yes, the show was short, i was also expecting them to play til 23, as the website said "Het programma duurt tot uiterlijk 23:00 uur." (dont need to mention that they didnt had the english version online til the day of the concert..). but as we didnt see the band, it wasnt too bad for us that an encore was missing. i was even relieved PJ didnt play any - in my eyes - special songs and just an - in my eyes, good and rocking - B-setlist.

    in the end it was just a festival show anyways. looking forward to berlin :)
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,979
    Comparing the setlists i would have rather had this short setlist than dublins (not saying that the dublin show was bad, but to me there was a lot of songs in Nimjegen that I would have liked to hear and enjoy (animal/dissident/RVM/In my tree).

    But too bad for all of you believeing they would play till 23:00
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • I am a hernia patient and havent been able to walk for two weeks. i went anyway yesterday. My back was aching all day long and i promised my girlfriend (her first PJ concert) a fantastic over two hours concert.

    I was extremely dissapointed about the length of the show....however...the pain and wait was worth every minute, especially during In my tree and Whipping. Next time I will be going to PJ concert again. No band in the world is this good. Thanks again guys!
  • tomasz Mtomasz M Posts: 1
    Yes short set list, but who cares after this concert.
    The festival was it worth in total, such a fine location, such fine acts and wednesday will be the next chance to see a full set. I'll be there :D and I am looking very much forward to it.

    but by the way, what was that in mike's guitar solo's when ed seemed to interrupt mike two times... it was in rvm and another one i do not remember. was it what it was or was it because of the short time?
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    dunno why anyone thought they'd play for longer, I knew that they'd only be on for a short set for weeks, and it was written on the flyers they handed out at the gate :)
    This is me:

  • Seb77Seb77 Amsterdam Posts: 78
    OK let's settle this once and for all:

    1. In december a Pearl Jam - headlined festival was announced, specifically stating that " a full set would be played" (http://www.mpodia.nl/persbericht-1061-P ... C'Park2010)

    2. Tickets started selling and during the spring other bands were announced - but this was always going to be a Pearl Jam evening.

    3. When I saw the schedule (2100 - 2230) I was surprised and emailed MOJO - (dutch)

    Geachte Mojo,
    Ik heb een vraag: Hoe lang zal het concert van Pearl Jam duren? In het eerste persbericht (http://www.mpodia.nl/persbericht-1061-P ... C'Park2010) werd gesteld dat er een VOLLEDIG concert gegeven zou worden. Dit duurt bij deze band ALTIJD 2-2.5 uur en bestaat uit 27-33 nummers. In het online tijdschema staat echter maar 1.5 uur ingepland. Hoe zit dit?

    De kans is inderdaad aanwezig dat Pearl Jam 2 uur gaat spelen. De curfew is om 23:00 dus dan moeten ze uiterlijk stoppen. Helaas kunnen we niet beloven dat ze ook echt 2 uur gaan spelen dat is aan de band. De band bepaalt uiteindelijk. Vandaar dat in het tijdschema 1,5 uur staat.
    Alvast veel plezier de 27ste!
    Groet Team Rockin'Park
    Mojo Concerts A Live Nation Company

    So they said PJ may play for 2 hours but it is up to the band..

    4. Yesterday they played for 1.5 hours and I had the impression (like others) they were requested to stop at 2230. Pearl Jam is ALWAYS generous during their shows so I suspect MOJO is responsible.

    So hey- I had a great evening but I would have enjoyed the extra 30 minutes – as was promised when I bought the ticket.. I may be going to Berlin but not everyone is going to multiple shows...
    Nijmegen 2007 Rotterdam 2009 Philadelphia 4 2009 Nijmegen 2010 Berlin 2010 Amsterdam 1&2 2012 Arras 2012 Amsterdam 1&2 2014
    Amsterdam 1&2 Pinkpop Berlin 2018
  • MaaikeMaaike Posts: 1
    I bought my ticket back in December. Hoping to see Pearl Jam for more than 2 hours in June I was walking around with a big smile on my face for the last 6 months. I was really looking forward to this show. About two weeks ago I was unpleasantly surprised when I saw the time schedule. Keeping in mind that it might eventually be true that the band would only play for 90 minutes I was hoping that in the end this would be extended to 2 hrs.
    The weather was beautiful (to be honest too hot for me), the atmosphere was perfect. I had a perfect spot in the front section. I was ready. I did enjoy Ben Harper, especially when Eddie came along. After Ben, one hour waiting in the burning sun.
    Despite of the fact that I more or less was dehydrated because I did not want to leave the front section (I probably would not be able to return) to get something to drink, I really did enjoy the performance.
    But I am still waiting for the encore 2. Thank god someone took me home, otherwise I would probably still be standing there. Waiting. All of a sudden the band was gone. I needed more!!
    Although the show was way too short to fulfill my needs, I did enjoy it. I really was very pleased with In My Tree.
    Hopefully all the negative issues of the day will be forgotten soon, and the positive things will be remembered.


  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    Pearl Jam were also noted to play "full sets" prior to the shows where they opened for Tom Petty in 2006. At least for the two I went to in St Paul, that meant the equivalent of one main set- no encores. The other four Petty/PJ shows Pearl Jam got a 2-3 song encore along with the "full set". So a full set obviously means that- one set. Now, if they told you different times, then that's one thing, but you can't say that this show didn't have a "full set", even though *we* all know that's BS.
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    ok,can u people please talk about the show?did u watch the show or your watches?was a great show,atmosphere was amazing!!!band on fire...1,5 HOUR?ok thats it and i enjoy any feckin second!!!!!!!
    Did anyone notice in my tree version??and the thing with the tambourine go to Stone head?? :lol:
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • ItsOKaye wrote:


    Hey Scott....its this your sign? I found this picture somewhere and I wanted to use it as my avatar. My user name is 'ItsOKaye" (and has been for a couple of years). If it is your picture I hope you dont mind me using it.
    Thanks Kaye

    Yea no prob pretty badass
    anything to get that song played :)

    10/01/96 9/08/98 9/10/98 9/11/98 8/23/00 8/24/00
    8/25/00 8/27/00 8/29/00 8/30/00 9/01/00 9/02/00
    4/28/03 4/29/03 4/30/03 5/02/03 7/05/03 7/06/03
    7/08/03 7/09/03 7/14/03 <---front row shook hands with ed.
    10/3/05 5/13/06 5/27/06 5/28/06 6/01/06 6/3/06
    6/24/06 6/19/08 6/20/08 6/24/08 6/25/08 10/27/09
    10/28/09 10/30/09 10/31/09 5/15/10 5/18/10 5/20/10
    5/21/10 9/7/11
  • Rossum20Rossum20 Posts: 910
    I was there...Stone's side but quite a ways back...the atmosphere there really was great....very relaxed considering a festival of that size with rock music...Eddie even mentioned some young PJ fans up front being able to enjoy the show safely.

    With that being said, it did feel like a low blow to cut at 1030 when it wasn't even dark yet. One and a half hours is considered a "mainstream" standard for live performances but PJ has set a standard for themselves so anything less than 2 hours can seem like a letdown...in that respect we're spoiled. The venue did have it listed as 1.5 hrs, but earlier on they did specifically note that Pearl Jam would be playing a full show. That was not a full PEARL JAM show. It was a great show though, despite its length...I agree with the credit given to "In My Tree"...maybe I was too high to recall the specifics, but I think we made it through a show without corduroy or alive...bet that doesn't happen too often but Im glad it doesn't...those are two good live tunes.

    Really it was enough for me there at that moment...I hadn't been out there all day, but close to 8 hours in the baking sun within such close proximity to one another takes its toll...I would never have traveled just for a festival show (unless it was the only show for PJ that year) knowing that I would have to fight for a spot with 50,000+ other people...thats why Im here in Berlin right now!

    Now, if they come out Wednesday night and play another 1.5 hr set, I'll be back for a chat.
  • RideRickRideRick Hoorn Posts: 703
    Still it was fantastic show.

    2006/2007/2009 & 2010 Pearl Jam was in The Netherlands.
    One of the smallest countries on this planet but they still visit us 8-)

    I could even live with a show for only 30 minutes.

    @ DIMITRIS... you big Greek.

    nice to meet the face behind the name, cool t-shirt 8-)
    | Pinkpop 1992 *BEST EVER | Rotterdam 1993 | Amsterdam 1996 | Pinkpop 2000 | Arnhem 2006 | Nijmegen 2007 | Rotterdam 2009 | Nijmegen 2010 | Amsterdam I + II 2012 ** | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2012 First European Concert *EPIC*| Amsterdam I + II 2014 | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2016 night I  | Amsterdam I + II 2018 | Amsterdam I -> Canceled  +  II 2022 *EPIC
  • A long day in the sun and bought the tickets for Pearl Jam and it was great!! The Black Keys and Ben Harper & Relentless played a good show. It was a good setlist and screamed my lungs out. The crowd was a little sunburned and mellow. Can't wait to get the bootleg from this gig when it's relaesed by PJ.

    Like a real Dutchman, there's always something to complain about:

    It's almost 30 thirty degrees. The website of the organizer announced that they would make sure there would be enough places to stand in the shade and there was only one small tent fitting 300 people for a crowd of 35.000! You weren't allowed to bring waterbottles so you can fill them with drinkwater. Luckely there where securityguards who didn't bother. And the prices for food and drinks... :evil:

    :D A beautiful memory of PJ...again!
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,979
    Can't wait to get the bootleg from this gig when it's relaesed by PJ.

    maybe it's half price? ;) or they add a short 1992 show at the end :)
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • PearlyOceansPearlyOceans Posts: 156
    Man, I love this band. No matter how long or what they play, they always bring me in a state of euphoria.
    Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a very good spot. It sucks to be small :lol: . Thank god for those screens.
    I hope they come back soon.
  • justdimijustdimi Posts: 256





    Have some more at my website,




    ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  • chidoonechidoone Posts: 327
    einatshaul wrote:
    gecko wrote:
    einatshaul wrote:
    i like to imagine i had something, little, to do with it's ok... "MY 50TH SHOW & IT'S OK" read my sign the other night in Hyde park moments before i was slaughtered in the front :)

    They played it's ok?
    yup, they finally did... but i was 10,000 miles away and couldn't be part of it... oh well, my friends were!

    They played it's OK ?????????????????????????????????????????????? not in Hyde Park !!!!
  • chidoonechidoone Posts: 327
    pdalowsky wrote:
    I would have paid the fee to see In my tree alone

    Fucking Hell ME TOO !!! After 17 times I never had In my Tree and Breath.....I always missed them by a show :evil:
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