Ive tried to watch MSNBC, but they make CNN look conservative! Let's just watch who we want.
To your suggestion on immigration. I see that you are from Cali. I too hail from SoCal- Lancaster/Palmdale, although work has brought me to the Bible Belt since '95. I know, I'm old.
You live w/ this issue daily, more than most who post here. It's hard for someone in Vermont or somewhere, to understand the severity of the border state's immigration problems.
You said give citizenship thru a process, 200hrs, 10k fine, and all that. (We're geting close to an agreement here- I can feel it.) Well as a conservative, I'm with you on one thing and it might suprise you. I would be all for granting US citizenship to ALL 12,000,000+ illegals at once- and with or w/out the fine and 200hrs, etc. I don't even care if they speak English (we've figured it out so far.)
All I, and I think most conservatives, want is to secure the border FIRST.
Build a wall, then give amnesty. Without border security, there can be no legalization.
Seriously. It's a compromise that I can live with. How bout you?
Wow... .
Boarder security= #1 - totally agree
I prefer the fine, the community service, and deporting of serious criminals.
My parents were illegal immigrants ....and Reagan really gave them an opportunity. They have never asked anything of the GOV. and they have always worked and paid their taxes... of course not everyone is like that, but many are and many would give their children for this country...
My fiance', who also comes from illegal immigrant parents (who by the way are all US citizens now) Use to be a school psychologist in the Palm dale area... maybe you know her (if you're involved w/ the school dist) .
If i could suggest someone from MSNBC it would be Rachel Maddow - Other then that I agree most are extreme left....We'll Keith is definitely a smart guy and fun to watch....he provides some good laughs...no doubt...
I can't believe you listen to Levin.... wow... He seems evil sometimes.... but I really do listen to him about 2 or 3 times a week... I usually listen to John and Ken.... they get my blood boiling .... I love it!
both of you should check out Jason Lewis. seems to be really into the facts and pretty level headed. He is conservative but not blind to the facts.
Levin is a nut, but not quite as crazy as Michael Savage.
it is too bad the conservatives who are the most popular are the ones who yell the loudest.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
both of you should check out Jason Lewis. seems to be really into the facts and pretty level headed. He is conservative but not blind to the facts.
Levin is a nut, but not quite as crazy as Michael Savage.
it is too bad the conservatives who are the most popular are the ones who yell the loudest.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan