I Feel Sorry For George W. Bush

As much as I regard him as a giddy buffoon, with the look of a frat boy on acid, I feel it necessary to say that I never really felt any animosity towards him. I actually feel a bit sorry for him. He was merely nothing more then a patsy anyway, and probably had very little idea what he was saying when reading the speeches given to him by those people in the background pulling his strings.
I expect that when all the big decisions were being made he was upstairs innocently stroking himself off or trying to get to the next level of 'medal of Honour' on his Playstation.
I think all the hatred towards this fool is somewhat misdirected, and I actually feel a certain degree of sympathy for him.
I expect that when all the big decisions were being made he was upstairs innocently stroking himself off or trying to get to the next level of 'medal of Honour' on his Playstation.
I think all the hatred towards this fool is somewhat misdirected, and I actually feel a certain degree of sympathy for him.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Bash Bush: OMG! Never thought of that before.
Better get back to jihad Byrnzie, I don't think intellectualism is for you.
I feel more sorry for all the idiots too dumb to realize that hating one person that much in our large, bloated, corrupt government is foolish.
Imagine if Bush were President now with the oil disaster. People would be burning him in effigy. Obama gets a pass, though. It says a lot.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Says the guy who started a thread entitled "Obama is the Anti-Christ"? Really?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
He was corrupted by power and by those around him. If he hadn't been born into a powerful and privileged family then there's no way he'd have become Commander in Chief. He always struck me as someone who would have been better suited hosting a wacky childrens t.v show, or maybe working as an ice-cream man.
And Israel is the greatest, right?
I wonder why it is that people can't see that there is more than 1 point of view on all topics and at least multiple points of view on every topic that has some validity.
I also feel sorry for the girl that was in Ted Kennedy's car...and chelsea clinton...and the aborted babies...and Elizabeth Edwards...and the parents of all military men & women...and the whole city of Cleveland if Lebron leaves...and anyone involved in the Israel-Palestinian conflict...and all hardworking individuals that have lost their jobs due to companies moving operations overseas or due fiscal irresponsible behavior by business leaders...and every effected by the BP oil spill (I can't believe it's still flowing)....and a lot more.
But honestly, I don't think I feel sorry for GW at all, except for the cheapshots, but that is to be expected.
Not every view point has validity. Evolution comes about by moving beyond falsehoods and delusions, not by entertaining and tolerating falsehoods and delusions.
What's to be expected? The cheap shots?
Do you not think George W. Bush deserved to be ridiculed? Personally I think leaders of any nation should be held to a high standard, and highlighting their faults is one way of trying to maintain these standards. Or maybe you think it's acceptable for any jackass to assume the role of President of the U.S?
Hence "at least multiple viewpoints on all topics have SOME validity"...not all. I agree.
No, again, I said I don't feel sorry for him being ridiculed. Some very valid reasons. By cheapshots I mean stuff like he is so dumb all he does is play games and masterbate. And other stuff like that.
By the way, why are you always looking to start a fight?
And why are you always putting words in other people's mouth? I never said GW shouldn't be criticized...in fact I said the opposite. I just get tired of the stupid stuff.
So please stop making stuff up.
Best comedian from 2000-2008....... :roll:
You go to bed after making an assumption of my opinion?
yup, Israel is gonna save the world one day
W has had everything handed to him since birth.
i have zero sympathy for him.
puppet or not... he is a corrupt bullshit artist.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
have you ever spoken in front of the world? maybe he gets nervous...I don't know, I have come around on him, policy wise I wasn't a fan at all, but I don't think he is the bumbling idiot he was made out to be. He had a lot of moments that would point to the contrary, but he just isn't stupid. And the idea that he was just some little puppet is stupid, but it is so much easier to believe in some sort of conspiracy.
I would like to see anyone on this forum give a speech everyday and have every word they say in public recorded by the media, that would be fantastic.
now watch this drive
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
very well done.
it would kill 99.3% of the ppl on here to give a global speech, let alone a daily global speech.
however, he is a corrupt bullshit artist.
and he is far from stupid.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
but you would think after a few years in office the man would learn how to give a speech without fucking something up.
the guy could never answer a question that wasn't pre-screened (therefore pre-answered) for him ... that is why he was called a puppet ... he didn't have the intelligence nor the knowledge to answer basic questions much like sarah palin ...
it's not so much how articulate you are in giving a speech ... it's whether or not you know the answer and almost just as important whether you understand the question ...
I could be wrong of course, but what is wrong with above average intelligence? doesn't that contradict the idea he was a bumbling goof who was stupid as hell?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
in some intellectual avenues, W, is genius.
he is a genius at corruption and heartlessness.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
but in a time when people vote based on which candidate they would most want to have a beer with, i shouldnt be suprised.
I didn't put words in your mouth. You said you object to the cheapshots aimed at George W. Bush, and I responded to that point.
You responeded by insinuating that I don't believe GW should be criticized. Quite a leap.
But, I do hold him responsible for the decisions and actions he made from 2001-2008 that have lead to consequences that exist today. He can spin his tale anyway he wants, but there was no need to go into Iraq and he should be held responsible for the deaths caused by his decisions. I have this bad habit called 'personal responsibility' that I just can't seem to shake.
And people try to compare Hurricane Katrina with the BP Gulf mess. Nope. Only similarity... the region. If Hurricane Katrina was created by the Casablanca Ceiling Fan corporation and it spun out of control over New Orleans for 40 days while Casablanca execs pondered ways to stop Katrina, I wouldn't feel that his 3 day delayed response was a poor decision/non-action. Just as, if the Gulf oil gusher was the result of a natural occurance and stopped gushing... if Obama waited 3 days while dead bodies lay in the streets of an American city before even acknowledging the disaster... I'd be all over his boney black ass.
Bush keeps thinking that History will vindicate his administration... and it probably will when the Texas board that decides history blurs facts and slants the story. I mean, Joseph McCarthy is going to be vindicated and presented as heroic in upcoming History text books. If a guy like McCarthy can be re-written... why not G.W. Bush?
Hail, Hail!!!