I believe the prior presidents knew how many states there were.
he realised his mistake and corrected himself... Bush still can't pronounce 'nuclear' correctly... big difference.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Why does everything have to be "all those libs"... do you really think Obama doesn't know how many states are in the US? I'm sure he mispoke or got tongue tied for a moment, but let's not let a rational or logical thought into a pretty mindless discussion right? And if people are so truly worried about how many states are in the US, perhaps we should have a talk about our educational system where children and adults really do not know this answer. But I suppose it is more important to discuss nonsense and partisan crap right?
I gotta say, I find it strange nobody has anything to say about this. Especially all those libs that claim they don't have a problem pointing out Obama flaws.
It's just like ALL THOSE TEABAGGERS are Racist, rednecks and all the other lies the left try to pass as fact....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Anyone who frames any argument or idea in the form of broad generalizations for large groups is ridiculous. Yes there are some basic commonalities in any group which can be legitimately discussed and in any group, some nuts and extremists... but when all people do is say "all the libs", "all the left", "all the right", "all the cons", it merely under minds any rationality to the discussion and debate. It makes us all dumber... which is why I called that poster out on it... and yes I find it equally offensive and dumb from the left. But like most things in this forum and in our society, I don't find honest, nonpartisan, unbiased discussion... all we see is partisan nonsense which divide people and no one discusses issues. The messenger is more important than the message. The remedy is not as important as the person curing it.
It's just like ALL THOSE TEABAGGERS are Racist, rednecks and all the other lies the left try to pass as fact....
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I believe the prior presidents knew how many states there were.
he realised his mistake and corrected himself... Bush still can't pronounce 'nuclear' correctly... big difference.
It's just like?????
There is a big diference in not being able to pronounce a word correctly and not knowing how many states are in the country that you are the president of. I goota laugh at your attempt to justify this.
Anyone who frames any argument or idea in the form of broad generalizations for large groups is ridiculous. Yes there are some basic commonalities in any group which can be legitimately discussed and in any group, some nuts and extremists... but when all people do is say "all the libs", "all the left", "all the right", "all the cons", it merely under minds any rationality to the discussion and debate. It makes us all dumber... which is why I called that poster out on it... and yes I find it equally offensive and dumb from the left. But like most things in this forum and in our society, I don't find honest, nonpartisan, unbiased discussion... all we see is partisan nonsense which divide people and no one discusses issues. The messenger is more important than the message. The remedy is not as important as the person curing it.
It's just like ALL THOSE TEABAGGERS are Racist, rednecks and all the other lies the left try to pass as fact....
I believe "all the libs" is a pretty accurate statement in the context of the issue. Clearly Obama had a hard time remembering or knowing something that should be very very very very simple. But yet, the only ones that it doesn't affect is "all the libs". The ones that say they have no problem with disagreeing with Obama. The fact is the only time they openly disagree with him is when it comes to the war. As far as anything else it seems he can't do no wrong. They all play the "mopping up the mess card". That's how it seems to be to me anyway.
Let's face it. If Sarah Palin, Orielly, Beck, or Hanity said there was 57 states there would be endless pages of discusions about it.
I believe the prior presidents knew how many states there were.
he realised his mistake and corrected himself... Bush still can't pronounce 'nuclear' correctly... big difference.
It's just like?????
There is a big diference in not being able to pronounce a word correctly and not knowing how many states are in the country that you are the president of. I goota laugh at your attempt to justify this.
Why are you insisting on applying a double standard here? There's a big difference between the occasional flub and a long, consistent history of malaprops and mistakes. By your standard, you're an idiot because you can't spell "gotta" correctly.
I mean, do we really need to go into the long history of ridiculous statements that George W. Bush AND Sarah Palin have made?
"It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it's yours, and then be willing to let it go." - Neil Gaiman, "Stardust"
The point is that all these generalizations are mere nonsense. Whether on one side or the other... talk issues with facts backing you up, not nonsense... you do that, people may not agree with you, but they'll respect you. We live in an ignorant society where no one has self-respect, not to mention respect for others or opposing viewpoints.. and this disconnect polarizes and tears problems into bigger issues with no resolve in sight.
I believe "all the libs" is a pretty accurate statement in the context of the issue. Clearly Obama had a hard time remembering or knowing something that should be very very very very simple. But yet, the only ones that it doesn't affect is "all the libs". The ones that say they have no problem with disagreeing with Obama. The fact is the only time they openly disagree with him is when it comes to the war. As far as anything else it seems he can't do no wrong. They all play the "mopping up the mess card". That's how it seems to be to me anyway.
Let's face it. If Sarah Palin, Orielly, Beck, or Hanity said there was 57 states there would be endless pages of discusions about it.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
he realised his mistake and corrected himself... Bush still can't pronounce 'nuclear' correctly... big difference.
It's just like ALL THOSE TEABAGGERS are Racist, rednecks and all the other lies the left try to pass as fact....
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
It's just like?????
There is a big diference in not being able to pronounce a word correctly and not knowing how many states are in the country that you are the president of.
I believe "all the libs" is a pretty accurate statement in the context of the issue. Clearly Obama had a hard time remembering or knowing something that should be very very very very simple. But yet, the only ones that it doesn't affect is "all the libs". The ones that say they have no problem with disagreeing with Obama. The fact is the only time they openly disagree with him is when it comes to the war. As far as anything else it seems he can't do no wrong. They all play the "mopping up the mess card". That's how it seems to be to me anyway.
Let's face it. If Sarah Palin, Orielly, Beck, or Hanity said there was 57 states there would be endless pages of discusions about it.
Why are you insisting on applying a double standard here? There's a big difference between the occasional flub and a long, consistent history of malaprops and mistakes. By your standard, you're an idiot because you can't spell "gotta" correctly.
I mean, do we really need to go into the long history of ridiculous statements that George W. Bush AND Sarah Palin have made?
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis