Oh snap!!!! Is Michelle Obama a birther ?

Oh man the birthers are going to have a feild day with this one. 
http://www.examiner.com/x-19673-Michell ... untryVideo

http://www.examiner.com/x-19673-Michell ... untryVideo
Post edited by Unknown User on
WASHINGTON–In the continuing controversy surrounding the president's U.S. citizenship, a new fringe group informally known as "Afterbirthers" demanded Monday the authentication of Barack Obama's placenta from his time inside his mother's womb. "All we are asking is that the president produce a sample of his fetal membranes and vessels—preferably along with a photo of the crowning and delivery—and this will all be over," said former presidential candidate and Afterbirthers spokesman Alan Keyes, later adding that his organization would be willing to settle for a half-liter of maternal cord plasma. "To this day, the American people have not seen a cervical mucus plug, let alone one that has been signed and notarized by a state-certified Hawaiian health official. If the president was indeed born in the manner in which he claims, then where is his gestation sac?" Keyes said that if Obama did not soon produce at least a bloody bedsheet from his conception, Afterbirthers would push forward with efforts to exhume the president's deceased mother and inspect the corpse's pelvic bone and birth canal.
the onion,
Well in a small way it is his home country. It's home country of his father, I wonder what's going to be said when the day comes when Obama visits Africa. I'm sure there will be fireworks then.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Yeah you're probably right, My only question is this. Why wont he just show his actual birth certificate and put this issue behind him.
He doesn't have to, he's already in the Executive Office this is your issue and problem. I don't think he's thought one bit about it and if I was in his shoes I wouldn't either. There's much more important things to deal with in this country.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008 ... e_usa.html
http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn22 ... ficate.jpg
http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/bi ... ficate.asp
whether people like it or not, the evidence of Obama's birth in Hawaii is overwhelming. what logical reason is there for you to completely refuse to accept factual evidence that Obama is a natural born citizen of the US? we've been over this time and time and time again. why are you so hell bent on continuing with the accusations that have been completely debunked?
what is it that you are really upset about? What is so different about Obama compared to previous Presidents that we've had? Is it his ancestry that gets to you? is it the fact that his mom is Kansan, his dad is Kenyan and Obama is African American?
is it that it's more pleasant for you to say you don't like someone because they are not a citizen of the United States, than it is to admit that you hate someone because you are a racist?
unless i'm missing something, there is no other explanation that makes any sense. if you see it any differently, what other explanation could there be?
and i'm not saying it is racist to question something about the President. what i am saying, is that when you have overwhelming evidence about something, what logical reason is there to keep saying otherwise?
if race is not the issue, what is it?
Jesus did I say I was refusing it ? :roll: :roll: NOOOOOOO I didn't. All I said was why doesn't he just show his actual birth certificate ? Not a certificate of live birth. There is a difference is there not ? I was not aware that he showed his actual BIRTH CERTIFICATE. It's about damn time.
You know you better have some damn proof before you call someone a racist. It has nothing to do with race I have grown up around more black people and have a lot of black friends than you will ever know. The schools I attended had more blacks than whites. I love Reggae music is another example. I have already said many times That Im not a birther. I don't give a fuck if he was lilly ass white if someone isn't a NATRUAL BORN CITEZEN they cannot serve as our commander in Cheif.
Would it be fair if I called you an anti semite ? I mean hey look at all the anti Isreal and anti jew things you post on here.
and asking how it is possible that Israel is continually allowed to be above international law, and asking why no body seems to care about the welfare of the ordinary Palestinian people, does not make me anti-semite.
i dare you to prove me otherwise. show me where i have acted in an anti-semite manner. if you had bothered to actually participate in one of those threads instead of acting like a dirty troll and only coming in to call people anti-semite then pissing off and NEVER returning, you will see that my ONLY concern is for the welfare and well being of the 1.5 million ordinary Palestinians who are victims of Israels illegal and brutal occupation.
that is NOT anti-semite.
did Bush show his birth certificate? did Reagan? hmmmmmm but you want to see the black guys certificate even though all evidence shows that he was born in the USA?
and i laughed at the reggae music example...
one thing is for certain... even if Obama was born in a hut in Kenya, his fucking spelling is far superior to that of yours... and its even more ironic considering the last 'commander in Cheif' was unable to pronounce nuclear correctly.
right on
right on
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
But to then candidate Obama's credit (and Hillary Clinton's too) they came out in full support of John McCain's candidacy, declaring it to be a moot point considering McCain's service in the Navy and the Senate.
No they didn't ,but don't you think if they weren't born in the states we would have known ? I mean Regan was like 71 when he was elected president and if Bush wasn't I think we would have known. The left tried to destory him every chance they could. And for what it's worth the man who started the whole thing is a registered democrat. Not that facts ever matter to people like you. And besides why the hell do you even care you don't even live in America. And I don't give a rats ass if you laughed at my example. I know Im not a racist. and that's all that matters. Yeah bush wasn't the most articulate personI'll give you that,but when you take away Obama's TelePrompTer he's nothing but a stuttering bafoon and he can never answer a damn question with out turning it into a campaign speech.
Yes, he's such a stuttering buffoon that he totally and completely PWNED the Republicans during a LIVE Q&A session at the House Republican retreat.
So what does that say about the GOP?
Really ?
Then what the hell is that suppose to mean ?
And I never said that I didn't like someone becuase they are not a U.S. citizen. I never said anything of that nature. and I never said Obama wasn't born here all I did was ask Goddamn question. So stop putting words in my mouth. You know that Document that people like you don't like ? That thing we Conservatives call the Constitution ? Well it says this:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Obama was born in the States. So why do you want to see his birth certificate? Would you have wanted to see McCains if he had won... you know, considering he was born outside the 50 states? Did you vote for him... cos he's even less of an American... would you have been shouting for his birth certificate.. or just the black guys?
It has nothing to do with being American... I have grown up around more American people and have a lot of American friends than you will ever know. The schools I attended had more Americans than Scots. I love fanny packs and eating my own body weight in one sitting is another example.
:lolno: Oh you mean the retreat where he did all the damn talking as usual ? Please.... :roll: Or how about the other day when a woman asked him a question about why he was raisnig taxes and he gave a 17min answer.
I never said that I did want to see It. How many fucking times do I have to say it!!!!!! All I said was why doesn't he just show it TO ALL THE BIRTHERS SO HE CAN PUT IT TO REST. Why is that so hard for you to understand ? Jesus christ man !! and I love how you mocked me, Such class. and maturity. Such skills you have. :roll:
he's proved he is american to the people that matter. I believe that for him to run for Presidency in the first place meant that he would have had to have went through all the necessary checks... so why should he show his birth certificate to a bunch of loudmouth inbreds who are to fucking stupid to think about anything else in their life other than a black guy running their country?
yeah, that one...sorry if he used too many words to answer a question...I know too many words makey teabaggers heady hurty too much....
We have a constitution that says so, that's why. It's pointless tyring to have an actual discussion with you. When you acuse people of being stupid,inbred, or racist,just becuase they have a queston that you in your own opinion think is stupid.
:eh: :lolno:
Yeah whatever, grow up dork.
really...? dork...?
what grade are you in...?
Seriously, you're whining about Obama taking too long to answer a question....and you ignore the fact that he kicked the shit out of the repubs and their taking points at that meeting...($20 buck says you didn't watch it)...
$100 bucks says I did. and that's your opinion. You just didnt like their ideas.
But what ever agree to disagree ?
I have to go to work.
the constitution says a person must be a born citizen to run for president, yet is also says the power to make and declare war rests only in the congress, which bush and cheney bypassed with these undeclared wars that they started...if you are going to argue the constitution can we please keep it consistent, either enforce the whole thing or don't. don't cherry pick the things that you want adhered to and let the others go as if to say "oh well"...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
He was invited to the meeting by Republicans, and it was a Q&A meeting. The fact that the Republicans couldn't stump the guy they considered the architect of a "government takeover of health care" was quite telling.
Even the Republicans admitted they got pwned by a "teleprompter-less" Obama.
but my point is no old white fuckers moaned about the constitution when Bush was in, or Reagan... they wouldnt have asked for McCains certificate cos he's white... ignoring the fact he was born on Panama... but now there is a black guy in they bring it up cos it might be a way to oust him from his democratically elected post...