Single mom raised two boys as I worked 2 sometimes 3 jobs....No advantages here...but it’s fine with me, I appreciate everything I have........including my freedoms
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
It's not free dummy. Why do you think everything is so expensive in these other countries that you mention ?
Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free. And what exactly is 'so expensive in these other countries'? I bet you've never set foot outside the U.S. You have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you couldn't even find England on a map.
So I guess all the doctors nurses,and their staff work for free also ? Oh and what about all the hospitals ? I guess they just pay for themselves too. Free food .Free electricity,Free water ect. ect. It's all free right ? :roll:
So just because she doesn't want a hand out she's not that important ? Wow! Sounds like something from the communist manifesto.
It's paid for from taxes. You pay tax in America too, except most of that money goes towards paying for weapons with which to kill people abroad. But then you have no problem with that because your happy to let the t.v tell you what to think.
Every body in America receives handouts every single day of their lives. Your roads were built with tax dollars. Your emergency services are all paid for with tax dollars. Your buses and trains are paid for with tax dollars. So what's your problem with health care being paid for with tax dollars?
Single mom raised two boys as I worked 2 sometimes 3 jobs....No advantages here...but it’s fine with me, I appreciate everything I have........including my freedoms
Because only Americans have freedom right? Including freedom fries and freedom toast.
Sounds like something from the communist manifesto.
As if you've ever seen a copy of the communist manifesto, let alone read it.
And in case you didn't notice, the health care reform bill was passed. I suggest that you and your fellow yahoo's get over it and quit whingeing like babies. If you wanna complain about where your tax dollars are being spent then why don't you complain about the fact the U.S has the biggest military budget of any country in the world?
What a mistake. Nobody likes thugs. And nobody wants to elect a thug or a politician who is going to be beholden to thugs for re-election.
Republicans can't defeat Obama alone. If they could, he'd never have been elected in the first place. The Independents are the ones with the real voting power. And I think these people are mis-calculating if they think vandalism and threats are going to win them supporters or further their cause. Maybe locally, within their like-minded community, they'll be empowered. But overall, on a national level, the victims will get the sympathy. I'd bet anything that the majority of the country will be disgusted by this type of behavior.
What a mistake. Nobody likes thugs. And nobody wants to elect a thug or a politician who is going to be beholden to thugs for re-election.
Republicans can't defeat Obama alone. If they could, he'd never have been elected in the first place. The Independents are the ones with the real voting power. And I think these people are mis-calculating if they think vandalism and threats are going to win them supporters or further their cause. Maybe locally, within their like-minded community, they'll be empowered. But overall, on a national level, the victims will get the sympathy. I'd bet anything that the majority of the country will be disgusted by this type of behavior.
the problem is that most adults don't vote. look at the seniors, they vote in droves and last i saw they are not happy with the health care bill.
the seniors have gov't sponsored healthcare called medicare. wtf are they even worried about? i will bet you that not one of them would trade their medicare for a private insurance plan..i see and hear that every day in the practice i work at...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Sounds like something from the communist manifesto.
As if you've ever seen a copy of the communist manifesto, let alone read it.
And in case you didn't notice, the health care reform bill was passed. I suggest that you and your fellow yahoo's get over it and quit whingeing like babies. If you wanna complain about where your tax dollars are being spent then why don't you complain about the fact the U.S has the biggest military budget of any country in the world?
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Why don't we just remove the Obama logo and instead use the same term but with the American flag? This would be more legitimate and in order with our history and current times.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
it is completely irresponsible for beck, hannity, fox, and fat rush and anyone from either side to continue to stoke the flames of "hatriotism".. i believe we are getting into the territory where freedom of speech is when it suggests and encourages violent reprisals..
Huh? Who has suggested or encouraged violent reprisals? Please list instances, and even quotes if you have them.
And the comparison to Kristallnacht in the first post is just embarrassing and only serves to highlight your lack of knowledge on the subject.
If you want people encouraging violence, look at the people who sent the president death threats after the bill passed.
It's hard to read quotes like "we survived the assassination of Lincoln, we survived the assassination of JFK, we'll survive a bullet to Obama's head" and "if I was in D.C. right now I'd shoot him between the eyes at point blank range" as anything other than encouraging and/or threatening violence.
And to the guy who brought up Obama making the deficit bigger than Bush ever did... Bush wasn't including the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in his budgets, and when Obama took office he did. Of course the debt "skyrocketed" when he took over - what he was doing was showing the public what the government was ACTUALLY spending money on. I'm still not sure why more people weren't pissed at Bush over that - if your significant other went out for groceries and bought a car while they were out, then came home and said "don't worry, I only spent $20" - wouldn't you be pissed to find out they'd actually spent $20,020?
If you're going to knock Obama, at least knock him for something legit...
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
Sounds like something from the communist manifesto.
As if you've ever seen a copy of the communist manifesto, let alone read it.
And in case you didn't notice, the health care reform bill was passed. I suggest that you and your fellow yahoo's get over it and quit whingeing like babies. If you wanna complain about where your tax dollars are being spent then why don't you complain about the fact the U.S has the biggest military budget of any country in the world?
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
So... supporting less fortunate people overseas by loaning them guns = good, but supporting less fortunate people in your own backyard by providing affordable health insurance = a handout that the people haven't earned?
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
spoken like a true conservative ... which is every man for himself ... all about me ... which is completely fine - there's nothing wrong with that and it is sort of refreshing to hear someone admit that ultimately it's themselves that matter most instead of all the other rhetoric ...
in any case - i can tell you that if america didn't involve themselves in foreign countries ... you'd be a third world country ... america's wealth is based on exploitation of other countries resources ... america doesn't make anything anymore ... why would anyone want to buy anything american outside of the US? ... if everyone wants to have a new car and big house - guess what ... it means you'll have to get paid a lot too ...
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
So... supporting less fortunate people overseas by loaning them guns = good, but supporting less fortunate people in your own backyard by providing affordable health insurance = a handout that the people haven't earned?
if that is all you took from it than we cannot have a conversation. We do more than LOAN THEM GUNS!!!! We protect their national sovreignty. We also, like the army corps of engineers, help construct roads, bridge projects, irrigation plans and all sorts of good things. And to me, someone in the next room isn't more important to me than someone in another country. the Healthcare bill as it sits will be very similar to social security, it will be great for a while, but eventually it will start running out of money...This bill will do nothing for the COST of health care, just subsidize the problem until we cannot afford it.
And in the US, people have more opportunities to succeed than say, someone in a refugee camp in Kenya, and yet so many of them come here and carve out a living for themselves. Why can't americans do it?
Entitlement projects don't work. We have tried them, we are a welfare state where I can get fined if my kid isn't wearing a bike helmet and yet the poverty level stays the same or gets worse. Lots of people need help, I am not saying don't give it to them, just make people earn it. Make them do something...pick up pop cans in the streets, sweep gutters, paint over graffiti, there are numorous things people can do for what they get, but instead we just give it. If someone is too proud to do those things, then they should be out getting a different job. I will tell you what, if it meant my kid being insured I would be in the street everyday after my 10hr job sweeping the damn gutters.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
spoken like a true conservative ... which is every man for himself ... all about me ... which is completely fine - there's nothing wrong with that and it is sort of refreshing to hear someone admit that ultimately it's themselves that matter most instead of all the other rhetoric ...
that isn't true. It isn't all about me, it is about myself, my family and my friends, everyone else doesn't matter to me as much. Sorry. I have never in my life voted for a republican or conservative, I weigh all things, fiscally I am just a little more tight fisted than most democrats, that's all. I just don't believe in entitlements.
in any case - i can tell you that if america didn't involve themselves in foreign countries ... you'd be a third world country ... america's wealth is based on exploitation of other countries resources ... america doesn't make anything anymore ... why would anyone want to buy anything american outside of the US? ... if everyone wants to have a new car and big house - guess what ... it means you'll have to get paid a lot too ...
first off, your questions are all based on assumptions so I will make a few of my own. Why wouldn't someone want to buy something from the US?
what happens to all the factories and all the worlds goods when the US...A HUGE consumer, stops buying them? It is a two way street. And I wasn't talking about economic isolationism, the point was about the military and its budget.
And yes, me and my loved ones are the most important things to me in the world. Sometimes I feel like left leaning people care more about others than they do their own families, and I guess that is just a difference in philosophy. And it is easy to make conclusions about something that won't happen but you cannot say with certainty that america would be come a 3rd world country. I can make one too... soon after isolating themselves, the US begins to manufacture goods again and is just fine, in fact after skyrocketing unemployment, as factories begin to replace the goods that we no longer buy from other countries, jobs are more prevelant than ever. Not as large a governmental super power as once they were, but doing just fine, the people have more money for themselves as the government has shrunk and no longer needs ever increasing taxes to pay for itself. You have seen what a down turn in our economy can do to countries around the world, it effects them all and vice versa,
and thanks for being level headed, too many people start calling names on here before really getting into an adult converstation
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
if that is all you took from it than we cannot have a conversation. We do more than LOAN THEM GUNS!!!! We protect their national sovreignty. We also, like the army corps of engineers, help construct roads, bridge projects, irrigation plans and all sorts of good things. And to me, someone in the next room isn't more important to me than someone in another country. the Healthcare bill as it sits will be very similar to social security, it will be great for a while, but eventually it will start running out of money...This bill will do nothing for the COST of health care, just subsidize the problem until we cannot afford it.
And in the US, people have more opportunities to succeed than say, someone in a refugee camp in Kenya, and yet so many of them come here and carve out a living for themselves. Why can't americans do it?
Entitlement projects don't work. We have tried them, we are a welfare state where I can get fined if my kid isn't wearing a bike helmet and yet the poverty level stays the same or gets worse. Lots of people need help, I am not saying don't give it to them, just make people earn it. Make them do something...pick up pop cans in the streets, sweep gutters, paint over graffiti, there are numorous things people can do for what they get, but instead we just give it. If someone is too proud to do those things, then they should be out getting a different job. I will tell you what, if it meant my kid being insured I would be in the street everyday after my 10hr job sweeping the damn gutters.
I'm not disagreeing with you at all - people definitely need to get off their asses and do more for themselves. I live in Louisiana, where there are still people who live in FEMA trailers, and pitch a fit when they're asked to leave, because they haven't had a chance to find a new job and a new home. Almost five years after Katrina. That's completely unacceptable.
But I also think it's misguided when someone says that American intervention overseas to help people less fortunate is a good thing, and in the same breath says Americans domestically need to get off their asses and earn what they get. Helping those less fortunate is always a good thing, whether they speak your language and eat the same food as you, or not.
There are plenty of hard-working Americans who couldn't afford to pay for health insurance before who can now get it. Those people may have crap jobs (like cleaning gutters), but at least, as you pointed out, they have jobs - the only difference now is that they'll be able to afford health care. Are some people going to abuse the system? Probably - though that's hardly exclusive to America. There are lazy people all over the world (including Africa - see the published reports on how the famine projects of the 80s did as much harm as good in Ethiopia). But simply because some people are inherently lazy is no reason to not help those who aren't. Don't punish the gutter cleaners because of the people abusing the FEMA trailer system.
And also don't assume U.S. military involvement is always good. U.S. involvement in Afghanistan led to the formation of the Taliban, and the Corps of Engineers rebuilt New Orleans' levees just as bad as they were before. I worked with a number of members of the U.S. military in Louisiana after Katrina, and to a man they were all here to do one thing - have sex with as many female LSU students as humanly possible. I don't pretend to claim those guys represented the entire U.S. military - I'm not going to write off the armed forces just because the ones who came down after Katrina were just looking to get laid - I'm just saying that sometimes, some of them aren't the heroes they're made out to be.
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
spoken like a true conservative ... which is every man for himself ... all about me ... which is completely fine - there's nothing wrong with that and it is sort of refreshing to hear someone admit that ultimately it's themselves that matter most instead of all the other rhetoric ...
that isn't true. It isn't all about me, it is about myself, my family and my friends, everyone else doesn't matter to me as much. Sorry. I have never in my life voted for a republican or conservative, I weigh all things, fiscally I am just a little more tight fisted than most democrats, that's all. I just don't believe in entitlements.
in any case - i can tell you that if america didn't involve themselves in foreign countries ... you'd be a third world country ... america's wealth is based on exploitation of other countries resources ... america doesn't make anything anymore ... why would anyone want to buy anything american outside of the US? ... if everyone wants to have a new car and big house - guess what ... it means you'll have to get paid a lot too ...
first off, your questions are all based on assumptions so I will make a few of my own. Why wouldn't someone want to buy something from the US?
what happens to all the factories and all the worlds goods when the US...A HUGE consumer, stops buying them? It is a two way street. And I wasn't talking about economic isolationism, the point was about the military and its budget.
And yes, me and my loved ones are the most important things to me in the world. Sometimes I feel like left leaning people care more about others than they do their own families, and I guess that is just a difference in philosophy. And it is easy to make conclusions about something that won't happen but you cannot say with certainty that america would be come a 3rd world country. I can make one too... soon after isolating themselves, the US begins to manufacture goods again and is just fine, in fact after skyrocketing unemployment, as factories begin to replace the goods that we no longer buy from other countries, jobs are more prevelant than ever. Not as large a governmental super power as once they were, but doing just fine, the people have more money for themselves as the government has shrunk and no longer needs ever increasing taxes to pay for itself. You have seen what a down turn in our economy can do to countries around the world, it effects them all and vice versa,
and thanks for being level headed, too many people start calling names on here before really getting into an adult converstation
Be careful with isolationism... it hasn't worked out fantastically well in the past (I'm looking in your direction, North Korea...) lol
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
first off, your questions are all based on assumptions so I will make a few of my own. Why wouldn't someone want to buy something from the US?
what happens to all the factories and all the worlds goods when the US...A HUGE consumer, stops buying them? It is a two way street. And I wasn't talking about economic isolationism, the point was about the military and its budget.
And yes, me and my loved ones are the most important things to me in the world. Sometimes I feel like left leaning people care more about others than they do their own families, and I guess that is just a difference in philosophy. And it is easy to make conclusions about something that won't happen but you cannot say with certainty that america would be come a 3rd world country. I can make one too... soon after isolating themselves, the US begins to manufacture goods again and is just fine, in fact after skyrocketing unemployment, as factories begin to replace the goods that we no longer buy from other countries, jobs are more prevelant than ever. Not as large a governmental super power as once they were, but doing just fine, the people have more money for themselves as the government has shrunk and no longer needs ever increasing taxes to pay for itself. You have seen what a down turn in our economy can do to countries around the world, it effects them all and vice versa,
and thanks for being level headed, too many people start calling names on here before really getting into an adult converstation
for sure i'm hypothesizing ...
the thing with the consumer aspect you mention is that if americans stop buying the cheap goods overseas - guess who owns the parent companies ... it's the US ... whether it be toys or electronics ... you not buying an ipod affects ultimately not only the countries who make the stuff but the parent companies ... and you can then foresee the impact locally ...
also - being a consumer society is fundamentally unsustainable ... hence the requirement for continuous wars ... it's never enuf ... you keep wanting more and more ... you aren't protecting their sovereignty - you are in fact killing democracy ...
i won't speak for all left leaning people ... but for myself, as a lefty, i care for my family but what separates us from conservatives is that we think what is best for our families is also based on the best interests of others ... i support helping a stranger get healthier because eventually he will be back contributing to society ... helping to pay for schools and roads ... it's much easier to build a road with the help of many than by yourself ...
it is completely irresponsible for beck, hannity, fox, and fat rush and anyone from either side to continue to stoke the flames of "hatriotism".. i believe we are getting into the territory where freedom of speech is when it suggests and encourages violent reprisals..
Huh? Who has suggested or encouraged violent reprisals? Please list instances, and even quotes if you have them.
And the comparison to Kristallnacht in the first post is just embarrassing and only serves to highlight your lack of knowledge on the subject.
If you want people encouraging violence, look at the people who sent the president death threats after the bill passed.
It's hard to read quotes like "we survived the assassination of Lincoln, we survived the assassination of JFK, we'll survive a bullet to Obama's head" and "if I was in D.C. right now I'd shoot him between the eyes at point blank range" as anything other than encouraging and/or threatening violence.
And to the guy who brought up Obama making the deficit bigger than Bush ever did... Bush wasn't including the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in his budgets, and when Obama took office he did. Of course the debt "skyrocketed" when he took over - what he was doing was showing the public what the government was ACTUALLY spending money on. I'm still not sure why more people weren't pissed at Bush over that - if your significant other went out for groceries and bought a car while they were out, then came home and said "don't worry, I only spent $20" - wouldn't you be pissed to find out they'd actually spent $20,020?
If you're going to knock Obama, at least knock him for something legit...
how about when you walk into your boss' office and say "I need 70,000 this year, I know I only make 55,000 but I felt like spending 70,000 so just go ahead and give that 15,000 extra to me." That doesn't make sense either but that is what happens when we operate on a deficit, just print more money.
but I agree, I have never liked tricky accounting in politics
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
first off, your questions are all based on assumptions so I will make a few of my own. Why wouldn't someone want to buy something from the US?
what happens to all the factories and all the worlds goods when the US...A HUGE consumer, stops buying them? It is a two way street. And I wasn't talking about economic isolationism, the point was about the military and its budget.
And yes, me and my loved ones are the most important things to me in the world. Sometimes I feel like left leaning people care more about others than they do their own families, and I guess that is just a difference in philosophy. And it is easy to make conclusions about something that won't happen but you cannot say with certainty that america would be come a 3rd world country. I can make one too... soon after isolating themselves, the US begins to manufacture goods again and is just fine, in fact after skyrocketing unemployment, as factories begin to replace the goods that we no longer buy from other countries, jobs are more prevelant than ever. Not as large a governmental super power as once they were, but doing just fine, the people have more money for themselves as the government has shrunk and no longer needs ever increasing taxes to pay for itself. You have seen what a down turn in our economy can do to countries around the world, it effects them all and vice versa,
and thanks for being level headed, too many people start calling names on here before really getting into an adult converstation
for sure i'm hypothesizing ...
the thing with the consumer aspect you mention is that if americans stop buying the cheap goods overseas - guess who owns the parent companies ... it's the US ... whether it be toys or electronics ... you not buying an ipod affects ultimately not only the countries who make the stuff but the parent companies ... and you can then foresee the impact locally ...
also - being a consumer society is fundamentally unsustainable ... hence the requirement for continuous wars ... it's never enuf ... you keep wanting more and more ... you aren't protecting their sovereignty - you are in fact killing democracy ...
SOUTH KOREA, exactly what we are doing is protecting them from the north. I don't like all the installations at all, don't get me wrong, but with some of the shit they do, they also do a lot of good and that is too often overlooked. But for all things good, bad comes along with it.
i won't speak for all left leaning people ... but for myself, as a lefty, i care for my family but what separates us from conservatives is that we think what is best for our families is also based on the best interests of others ... i support helping a stranger get healthier because eventually he will be back contributing to society ... helping to pay for schools and roads ... it's much easier to build a road with the help of many than by yourself ...
I think doing well for your family generally translates to doing well for others. The values I teach my kid will(too young to do it this second) be to treat others how they want to be treated, watch your neighbors house, get involved in society and be kind to everyone you meet. The problem is I don't think giving people something is helping them. I think it is far kinder to make someone learn how to earn what they get, then to simply give it, but that is a simple difference in philosophy and maybe a little bit of a semantics argument.
If you picked up your dog everytime she had to go outside, she would never learn to ask and would never really be potty trained. Same goes for people. If someone doesn't know how to take care of themselves, it is our (society's) job to teach them that, not just solve their problems for them. That just perpetuates people living in this cycle.
That is what has me most upset about health care reform. This bill doesn't completely solve the cost problem so what was the point of passing it? It helps a few more people but doesn't really figure out how to make it affordable.
And just to throw this back at you for fun, if you are building those roads with the help of people who have never been taught how, you will have to do the work of the others to get it done.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I think doing well for your family generally translates to doing well for others. The values I teach my kid will(too young to do it this second) be to treat others how they want to be treated, watch your neighbors house, get involved in society and be kind to everyone you meet. The problem is I don't think giving people something is helping them. I think it is far kinder to make someone learn how to earn what they get, then to simply give it, but that is a simple difference in philosophy and maybe a little bit of a semantics argument.
If you picked up your dog everytime she had to go outside, she would never learn to ask and would never really be potty trained. Same goes for people. If someone doesn't know how to take care of themselves, it is our (society's) job to teach them that, not just solve their problems for them. That just perpetuates people living in this cycle.
That is what has me most upset about health care reform. This bill doesn't completely solve the cost problem so what was the point of passing it? It helps a few more people but doesn't really figure out how to make it affordable.
And just to throw this back at you for fun, if you are building those roads with the help of people who have never been taught how, you will have to do the work of the others to get it done.
that's why us leftys support funding education as well ...
you are not protecting south korea from north korea ... that whole notion of "fighting" communism has long since been debunked as being useless ...
don't get me wrong tho about this so called health care reform ... i think it's a load of crock too ... but that is the result of corporatizing a country ... and has nothing to do with socialistic principles ...
if that is all you took from it than we cannot have a conversation. We do more than LOAN THEM GUNS!!!! We protect their national sovreignty. We also, like the army corps of engineers, help construct roads, bridge projects, irrigation plans and all sorts of good things. And to me, someone in the next room isn't more important to me than someone in another country. the Healthcare bill as it sits will be very similar to social security, it will be great for a while, but eventually it will start running out of money...This bill will do nothing for the COST of health care, just subsidize the problem until we cannot afford it.
And in the US, people have more opportunities to succeed than say, someone in a refugee camp in Kenya, and yet so many of them come here and carve out a living for themselves. Why can't americans do it?
Entitlement projects don't work. We have tried them, we are a welfare state where I can get fined if my kid isn't wearing a bike helmet and yet the poverty level stays the same or gets worse. Lots of people need help, I am not saying don't give it to them, just make people earn it. Make them do something...pick up pop cans in the streets, sweep gutters, paint over graffiti, there are numorous things people can do for what they get, but instead we just give it. If someone is too proud to do those things, then they should be out getting a different job. I will tell you what, if it meant my kid being insured I would be in the street everyday after my 10hr job sweeping the damn gutters.
I'm not disagreeing with you at all - people definitely need to get off their asses and do more for themselves. I live in Louisiana, where there are still people who live in FEMA trailers, and pitch a fit when they're asked to leave, because they haven't had a chance to find a new job and a new home. Almost five years after Katrina. That's completely unacceptable.
But I also think it's misguided when someone says that American intervention overseas to help people less fortunate is a good thing, and in the same breath says Americans domestically need to get off their asses and earn what they get. Helping those less fortunate is always a good thing, whether they speak your language and eat the same food as you, or not.
There are plenty of hard-working Americans who couldn't afford to pay for health insurance before who can now get it. Those people may have crap jobs (like cleaning gutters), but at least, as you pointed out, they have jobs - the only difference now is that they'll be able to afford health care. Are some people going to abuse the system? Probably - though that's hardly exclusive to America. There are lazy people all over the world (including Africa - see the published reports on how the famine projects of the 80s did as much harm as good in Ethiopia). But simply because some people are inherently lazy is no reason to not help those who aren't. Don't punish the gutter cleaners because of the people abusing the FEMA trailer system.
And also don't assume U.S. military involvement is always good. U.S. involvement in Afghanistan led to the formation of the Taliban, and the Corps of Engineers rebuilt New Orleans' levees just as bad as they were before. I worked with a number of members of the U.S. military in Louisiana after Katrina, and to a man they were all here to do one thing - have sex with as many female LSU students as humanly possible. I don't pretend to claim those guys represented the entire U.S. military - I'm not going to write off the armed forces just because the ones who came down after Katrina were just looking to get laid - I'm just saying that sometimes, some of them aren't the heroes they're made out to be.
nicely put, baby ... bathwater I get what your saying.
But I am not talking about how good I think it is that the military gets involved in all these projects, I am just saying they do do ( I don't know why but that always makes me laugh and I am 30 f'n years old) some good.
People who work hard in society should get help, but I think that number is much smaller percentage than those that are doing nothing to better their situation, and i am not talking about just healthcare, I am talking about everything, all entitlement projects. I have done some really shitty(literally) work to get where I am, and it is possible to do it. I have eaten every other day because I couldn't afford anything else, I don't now, and I attribute that to the work ethic instilled in me by my parents. I could have just gotten on unemployment, turned that into welfare and lived pretty comfortably ( I am in minnesota, where it has gotten WAY out of hand) but I got more self worth from working my ass off. It isn't fun, I didn't enjoy those years, but I sure as hell enjoy life now because I did that.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I think doing well for your family generally translates to doing well for others. The values I teach my kid will(too young to do it this second) be to treat others how they want to be treated, watch your neighbors house, get involved in society and be kind to everyone you meet. The problem is I don't think giving people something is helping them. I think it is far kinder to make someone learn how to earn what they get, then to simply give it, but that is a simple difference in philosophy and maybe a little bit of a semantics argument.
If you picked up your dog everytime she had to go outside, she would never learn to ask and would never really be potty trained. Same goes for people. If someone doesn't know how to take care of themselves, it is our (society's) job to teach them that, not just solve their problems for them. That just perpetuates people living in this cycle.
That is what has me most upset about health care reform. This bill doesn't completely solve the cost problem so what was the point of passing it? It helps a few more people but doesn't really figure out how to make it affordable.
And just to throw this back at you for fun, if you are building those roads with the help of people who have never been taught how, you will have to do the work of the others to get it done.
that's why us leftys support funding education as well ...
you are not protecting south korea from north korea ... that whole notion of "fighting" communism has long since been debunked as being useless ...
don't get me wrong tho about this so called health care reform ... i think it's a load of crock too ... but that is the result of corporatizing a country ... and has nothing to do with socialistic principles ...
not fighting communism, dont care about that, but you and I both know that the north would invade in a heartbeat if nothing was going to be done about it and more than likely cause a catastrophe of epic proportions. Some leaders are just bat shit crazy.
I also support funding education, but god damn does it get spent the wrong way a lot
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
If you want people encouraging violence, look at the people who sent the president death threats after the bill passed.
It's hard to read quotes like "we survived the assassination of Lincoln, we survived the assassination of JFK, we'll survive a bullet to Obama's head" and "if I was in D.C. right now I'd shoot him between the eyes at point blank range" as anything other than encouraging and/or threatening violence.
First of all.....was it Beck, Hannity or fat Rush that made those statements above? Originally, it was implied that they were suggesting or encouraging violence. I guess you didn't understand the request when I asked for a list of instances or quotes where they have encouraged violence.
Secondly, without a doubt Obama received death threats before he signed that bill, and even before he became President. Every single President has received death threats since before Lincoln's time. It doesn't make it right, but it's nothing new.
not fighting communism, dont care about that, but you and I both know that the north would invade in a heartbeat if nothing was going to be done about it and more than likely cause a catastrophe of epic proportions. Some leaders are just bat shit crazy.
I also support funding education, but god damn does it get spent the wrong way a lot
uhhh ... they can barely feed their own people - they aren't invading anyone anytime soon ... they put everything into their military simply to stave off being invaded ...
and yeah - the result of the corporatization of a society ...
not fighting communism, dont care about that, but you and I both know that the north would invade in a heartbeat if nothing was going to be done about it and more than likely cause a catastrophe of epic proportions. Some leaders are just bat shit crazy.
I also support funding education, but god damn does it get spent the wrong way a lot
uhhh ... they can barely feed their own people - they aren't invading anyone anytime soon ... they put everything into their military simply to stave off being invaded ...
and yeah - the result of the corporatization of a society ...
edit: reversed some words
I may not be understanding exactly, but what do you mean by the corporatization of a society? I was simply referring to the administrators making way too much money for what they do
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
uhhh ... they can barely feed their own people - they aren't invading anyone anytime soon ... they put everything into their military simply to stave off being invaded ...
Do you honestly believe that North Korea's nuclear capability is strictly defensive? Quite frankly, why would anybody outside of South Korea want to invade? And nuking your neighbor directly to the south isn't a very good tactical maneuver.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
concerning the ten so called threats that have been made ........Media should Stop reporting until they know it is true....stop blaming without proof
I don't even believe it happened....and if it did...prosecute .....If it didn't ....prosecute the liars Last week their phone lines where busy and now threats are answered?
Doesn't even make sense....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
I suppose this is going to be the latest crank conspiracy theory. "The democrats threw bricks at their own offices and tried to blow up their own families by cutting gas lines. And it was secret Dem. operatives that yelled and spat at black congressmen."
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
I may not be understanding exactly, but what do you mean by the corporatization of a society? I was simply referring to the administrators making way too much money for what they do
it means that corporations dictate gov't policy ... it's why so many programs falter ... when every cog in the wheel needs to make a huge profit - it means that the interests of the people are no longer paramount ...
Do you honestly believe that North Korea's nuclear capability is strictly defensive? Quite frankly, why would anybody outside of South Korea want to invade? And nuking your neighbor directly to the south isn't a very good tactical maneuver.
do you honestly think north korea would invade the south?
why are there sanctions against cuba? ... sanctions against north korea? ...
Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free. And what exactly is 'so expensive in these other countries'? I bet you've never set foot outside the U.S. You have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you couldn't even find England on a map.
It's paid for from taxes. You pay tax in America too, except most of that money goes towards paying for weapons with which to kill people abroad. But then you have no problem with that because your happy to let the t.v tell you what to think.
Every body in America receives handouts every single day of their lives. Your roads were built with tax dollars. Your emergency services are all paid for with tax dollars. Your buses and trains are paid for with tax dollars. So what's your problem with health care being paid for with tax dollars?
Because only Americans have freedom right? Including freedom fries and freedom toast.
As if you've ever seen a copy of the communist manifesto, let alone read it.
And in case you didn't notice, the health care reform bill was passed. I suggest that you and your fellow yahoo's get over it and quit whingeing like babies. If you wanna complain about where your tax dollars are being spent then why don't you complain about the fact the U.S has the biggest military budget of any country in the world?
the problem is that most adults don't vote. look at the seniors, they vote in droves and last i saw they are not happy with the health care bill.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
just like the left did during the 2000 elections? I think people can complain how their money is spent, no matter where it goes. I hate that my tax dollars are used to kill people in other countries, but I also hate that they are used to give people things without them having to earn them.
"Yes it is. When you walk into a doctors office or hospital in England you don't pay anything. It's free." Literal much? where does it come from? are the doctors all working without pay? where does all the stuff come from? donations? It all has costs no matter who pays for it.
Just remember, that the budget is large, but so is the scope of what they do(right or wrong is irrelevent)
i would LOVE to see what would happen if the US decided to just protect ourselves and let all the other countries fend for themselves. That would be great. I wonder if there would be a south korea? Whether all the supposed "more enlightened countries" admit or understand it, a lot of places are are very dependant on us for our support militarily. Take israel for example. No matter what you believe about their "right" to the land (personally I think they should be able to co-exist with the palestinians and both use the land), they would be GONE without our help. GONE. I just don't understand how people just pick and choose who they want to defend and what cause they are going to pick up. Here are mine,
I want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones. I feel badly for people who don't have what I have, but I earned everything I have on my own, no one gave me anything. Because of that I suppose I am more inclined to say do it yourself to most people instead of relying on some crappy government to take care of you.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
If you want people encouraging violence, look at the people who sent the president death threats after the bill passed.
It's hard to read quotes like "we survived the assassination of Lincoln, we survived the assassination of JFK, we'll survive a bullet to Obama's head" and "if I was in D.C. right now I'd shoot him between the eyes at point blank range" as anything other than encouraging and/or threatening violence.
And to the guy who brought up Obama making the deficit bigger than Bush ever did... Bush wasn't including the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in his budgets, and when Obama took office he did. Of course the debt "skyrocketed" when he took over - what he was doing was showing the public what the government was ACTUALLY spending money on. I'm still not sure why more people weren't pissed at Bush over that - if your significant other went out for groceries and bought a car while they were out, then came home and said "don't worry, I only spent $20" - wouldn't you be pissed to find out they'd actually spent $20,020?
If you're going to knock Obama, at least knock him for something legit...
So... supporting less fortunate people overseas by loaning them guns = good, but supporting less fortunate people in your own backyard by providing affordable health insurance = a handout that the people haven't earned?
spoken like a true conservative ... which is every man for himself ... all about me ... which is completely fine - there's nothing wrong with that and it is sort of refreshing to hear someone admit that ultimately it's themselves that matter most instead of all the other rhetoric ...
in any case - i can tell you that if america didn't involve themselves in foreign countries ... you'd be a third world country ... america's wealth is based on exploitation of other countries resources ... america doesn't make anything anymore ... why would anyone want to buy anything american outside of the US? ... if everyone wants to have a new car and big house - guess what ... it means you'll have to get paid a lot too ...
if that is all you took from it than we cannot have a conversation. We do more than LOAN THEM GUNS!!!! We protect their national sovreignty. We also, like the army corps of engineers, help construct roads, bridge projects, irrigation plans and all sorts of good things. And to me, someone in the next room isn't more important to me than someone in another country. the Healthcare bill as it sits will be very similar to social security, it will be great for a while, but eventually it will start running out of money...This bill will do nothing for the COST of health care, just subsidize the problem until we cannot afford it.
And in the US, people have more opportunities to succeed than say, someone in a refugee camp in Kenya, and yet so many of them come here and carve out a living for themselves. Why can't americans do it?
Entitlement projects don't work. We have tried them, we are a welfare state where I can get fined if my kid isn't wearing a bike helmet and yet the poverty level stays the same or gets worse. Lots of people need help, I am not saying don't give it to them, just make people earn it. Make them do something...pick up pop cans in the streets, sweep gutters, paint over graffiti, there are numorous things people can do for what they get, but instead we just give it. If someone is too proud to do those things, then they should be out getting a different job. I will tell you what, if it meant my kid being insured I would be in the street everyday after my 10hr job sweeping the damn gutters.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
first off, your questions are all based on assumptions so I will make a few of my own. Why wouldn't someone want to buy something from the US?
what happens to all the factories and all the worlds goods when the US...A HUGE consumer, stops buying them? It is a two way street. And I wasn't talking about economic isolationism, the point was about the military and its budget.
And yes, me and my loved ones are the most important things to me in the world. Sometimes I feel like left leaning people care more about others than they do their own families, and I guess that is just a difference in philosophy. And it is easy to make conclusions about something that won't happen but you cannot say with certainty that america would be come a 3rd world country. I can make one too... soon after isolating themselves, the US begins to manufacture goods again and is just fine, in fact after skyrocketing unemployment, as factories begin to replace the goods that we no longer buy from other countries, jobs are more prevelant than ever. Not as large a governmental super power as once they were, but doing just fine, the people have more money for themselves as the government has shrunk and no longer needs ever increasing taxes to pay for itself. You have seen what a down turn in our economy can do to countries around the world, it effects them all and vice versa,
and thanks for being level headed, too many people start calling names on here before really getting into an adult converstation
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I'm not disagreeing with you at all - people definitely need to get off their asses and do more for themselves. I live in Louisiana, where there are still people who live in FEMA trailers, and pitch a fit when they're asked to leave, because they haven't had a chance to find a new job and a new home. Almost five years after Katrina. That's completely unacceptable.
But I also think it's misguided when someone says that American intervention overseas to help people less fortunate is a good thing, and in the same breath says Americans domestically need to get off their asses and earn what they get. Helping those less fortunate is always a good thing, whether they speak your language and eat the same food as you, or not.
There are plenty of hard-working Americans who couldn't afford to pay for health insurance before who can now get it. Those people may have crap jobs (like cleaning gutters), but at least, as you pointed out, they have jobs - the only difference now is that they'll be able to afford health care. Are some people going to abuse the system? Probably - though that's hardly exclusive to America. There are lazy people all over the world (including Africa - see the published reports on how the famine projects of the 80s did as much harm as good in Ethiopia). But simply because some people are inherently lazy is no reason to not help those who aren't. Don't punish the gutter cleaners because of the people abusing the FEMA trailer system.
And also don't assume U.S. military involvement is always good. U.S. involvement in Afghanistan led to the formation of the Taliban, and the Corps of Engineers rebuilt New Orleans' levees just as bad as they were before. I worked with a number of members of the U.S. military in Louisiana after Katrina, and to a man they were all here to do one thing - have sex with as many female LSU students as humanly possible. I don't pretend to claim those guys represented the entire U.S. military - I'm not going to write off the armed forces just because the ones who came down after Katrina were just looking to get laid - I'm just saying that sometimes, some of them aren't the heroes they're made out to be.
Be careful with isolationism... it hasn't worked out fantastically well in the past (I'm looking in your direction, North Korea...) lol
for sure i'm hypothesizing ...
the thing with the consumer aspect you mention is that if americans stop buying the cheap goods overseas - guess who owns the parent companies ... it's the US ... whether it be toys or electronics ... you not buying an ipod affects ultimately not only the countries who make the stuff but the parent companies ... and you can then foresee the impact locally ...
also - being a consumer society is fundamentally unsustainable ... hence the requirement for continuous wars ... it's never enuf ... you keep wanting more and more ... you aren't protecting their sovereignty - you are in fact killing democracy ...
i won't speak for all left leaning people ... but for myself, as a lefty, i care for my family but what separates us from conservatives is that we think what is best for our families is also based on the best interests of others ... i support helping a stranger get healthier because eventually he will be back contributing to society ... helping to pay for schools and roads ... it's much easier to build a road with the help of many than by yourself ...
how about when you walk into your boss' office and say "I need 70,000 this year, I know I only make 55,000 but I felt like spending 70,000 so just go ahead and give that 15,000 extra to me." That doesn't make sense either but that is what happens when we operate on a deficit, just print more money.
but I agree, I have never liked tricky accounting in politics
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I think doing well for your family generally translates to doing well for others. The values I teach my kid will(too young to do it this second) be to treat others how they want to be treated, watch your neighbors house, get involved in society and be kind to everyone you meet. The problem is I don't think giving people something is helping them. I think it is far kinder to make someone learn how to earn what they get, then to simply give it, but that is a simple difference in philosophy and maybe a little bit of a semantics argument.
If you picked up your dog everytime she had to go outside, she would never learn to ask and would never really be potty trained. Same goes for people. If someone doesn't know how to take care of themselves, it is our (society's) job to teach them that, not just solve their problems for them. That just perpetuates people living in this cycle.
That is what has me most upset about health care reform. This bill doesn't completely solve the cost problem so what was the point of passing it? It helps a few more people but doesn't really figure out how to make it affordable.
And just to throw this back at you for fun, if you are building those roads with the help of people who have never been taught how, you will have to do the work of the others to get it done.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
that's why us leftys support funding education as well ...
you are not protecting south korea from north korea ... that whole notion of "fighting" communism has long since been debunked as being useless ...
don't get me wrong tho about this so called health care reform ... i think it's a load of crock too ... but that is the result of corporatizing a country ... and has nothing to do with socialistic principles ...
nicely put, baby ... bathwater I get what your saying.
But I am not talking about how good I think it is that the military gets involved in all these projects, I am just saying they do do (
People who work hard in society should get help, but I think that number is much smaller percentage than those that are doing nothing to better their situation, and i am not talking about just healthcare, I am talking about everything, all entitlement projects. I have done some really shitty(literally) work to get where I am, and it is possible to do it. I have eaten every other day because I couldn't afford anything else, I don't now, and I attribute that to the work ethic instilled in me by my parents. I could have just gotten on unemployment, turned that into welfare and lived pretty comfortably ( I am in minnesota, where it has gotten WAY out of hand) but I got more self worth from working my ass off. It isn't fun, I didn't enjoy those years, but I sure as hell enjoy life now because I did that.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
not fighting communism, dont care about that, but you and I both know that the north would invade in a heartbeat if nothing was going to be done about it and more than likely cause a catastrophe of epic proportions. Some leaders are just bat shit crazy.
I also support funding education, but god damn does it get spent the wrong way a lot
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
First of all.....was it Beck, Hannity or fat Rush that made those statements above? Originally, it was implied that they were suggesting or encouraging violence. I guess you didn't understand the request when I asked for a list of instances or quotes where they have encouraged violence.
Secondly, without a doubt Obama received death threats before he signed that bill, and even before he became President. Every single President has received death threats since before Lincoln's time. It doesn't make it right, but it's nothing new.
uhhh ... they can barely feed their own people - they aren't invading anyone anytime soon ... they put everything into their military simply to stave off being invaded ...
and yeah - the result of the corporatization of a society ...
edit: reversed some words
I may not be understanding exactly, but what do you mean by the corporatization of a society? I was simply referring to the administrators making way too much money for what they do
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Do you honestly believe that North Korea's nuclear capability is strictly defensive? Quite frankly, why would anybody outside of South Korea want to invade? And nuking your neighbor directly to the south isn't a very good tactical maneuver.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
I don't even believe it happened....and if it did...prosecute .....If it didn't ....prosecute the liars
Last week their phone lines where busy and now threats are answered?
Doesn't even make sense....
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
it means that corporations dictate gov't policy ... it's why so many programs falter ... when every cog in the wheel needs to make a huge profit - it means that the interests of the people are no longer paramount ...
do you honestly think north korea would invade the south?
why are there sanctions against cuba? ... sanctions against north korea? ...