What to do with my vinyl once i get it



  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Manimal wrote:
    Almost zero? Lots of people wanted this but got shut out. Plus if he bought it from the ten club, I'm pretty sure they would not look too kindly onto him flipping it. I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of Pearl Jam, I'm not just collecting their stuff to turn around and sell it on ebay. I bought the record to listen to and enjoy. IMO anyone considering to flip the record should drawn and quartered by 4 horses then their quarters should be drawn and quartered by four smaller horses and thoses quarters should be drawn and quartered by four frogs.

    Why? People buy things like that, limited editions (of whatever type), rare items, etc. for investment purposes. Why would PJ albums be any different? People invest in art, property, antiques, land, etc., vinyl can be the same.
  • ManimalManimal Posts: 152
    Lots of things get sold for more than they are bought for. Do all of those things bother you too? If I sell my house for more than I bought it for does that bother you? Since that might shut some people out of buying my house. Yes some might say that people making a profit are greedy, but on the flip side of that aren't the people who want something for less than it is worth greedy as well.

    Yes you are right things do increase in value like houses.. And yes people do buy houses to flip. But that is completely different.
    Pearl Jam is a band. Artist
    They have fans who respect their artistic vision and work. There artistic vision does NOT include people buying their merchandise to make profit. They have made that clear. So why would a fan post on the band's message board asking if he/she should keep their record or sell it to make profit? I know people do this across a variety of mediums. It doesn't make it right. For me i respect Pearl Jam and am a loyal fan, therefore i do not support people making a killing off what the band has made available to us for so cheap.

    I also believe that it was a stupid decision for 10c to release this limited edition record. It's only going to create this situation of people flipping them.

    And the record is only worth what you are willing to pay for it. So not wanting to pay $150 does't make a person greedy imo.
    DVD: http://db.etree.org/Manimal
    Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
  • roll it up and smoke it
    "You would be punctilious in assuming that."
  • Manimal wrote:
    Yes you are right things do increase in value like houses.. And yes people do buy houses to flip. But that is completely different.
    Pearl Jam is a band. Artist
    They have fans who respect their artistic vision and work. There artistic vision does NOT include people buying their merchandise to make profit. They have made that clear. So why would a fan post on the band's message board asking if he/she should keep their record or sell it to make profit? I know people do this across a variety of mediums. It doesn't make it right. For me i respect Pearl Jam and am a loyal fan, therefore i do not support people making a killing off what the band has made available to us for so cheap.

    I also believe that it was a stupid decision for 10c to release this limited edition record. It's only going to create this situation of people flipping them.

    And the record is only worth what you are willing to pay for it. So not wanting to pay $150 does't make a person greedy imo.

    all that stuff about the band not wanting people flipping their work is great and all but if they really felt that way they would increase supply of all this crap. Posters ect. As the warehouse goes empty, make some more. They don't do that though..... why would you say that is? If they took all the extra value out of it by printing more than enough than only the true fans would buy this stuff as it would not make a very good investment.
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    Manimal wrote:
    Yes you are right things do increase in value like houses.. And yes people do buy houses to flip. But that is completely different.
    Pearl Jam is a band. Artist
    They have fans who respect their artistic vision and work. There artistic vision does NOT include people buying their merchandise to make profit. They have made that clear. So why would a fan post on the band's message board asking if he/she should keep their record or sell it to make profit? I know people do this across a variety of mediums. It doesn't make it right. For me i respect Pearl Jam and am a loyal fan, therefore i do not support people making a killing off what the band has made available to us for so cheap.

    I also believe that it was a stupid decision for 10c to release this limited edition record. It's only going to create this situation of people flipping them.

    And the record is only worth what you are willing to pay for it. So not wanting to pay $150 does't make a person greedy imo.

    But as far as houses go, the same argument could be made that the Architect, or the builder had a vision for a house they built, but people still sell them, and when I sell my place I really won't care what the architect thinks. Hell art and antiques get auctioned off all the time and no one seems to feel bad for the people that made them.

    I do agree with you though that the people who decided this would be a limited edition basically caused this whole thing. Which is why it bugs me that 10 club takes such a big stand against people flipping, when they are basically creating that type of market.

    I don't think you are greedy for not wanting to pay $150 for a record, but I think there are people who act like because they are huge fans someone somehow owes it to them to charge them less than what it is really worth (and to me that is greedy).
  • ManimalManimal Posts: 152
    redrock wrote:
    Why? People buy things like that, limited editions (of whatever type), rare items, etc. for investment purposes. Why would PJ albums be any different? People invest in art, property, antiques, land, etc., vinyl can be the same.

    See above. The drawn and quartered thing was a joke. Phil Hartman - SNL.
    Yeah I know people do that, but do I have to agree or support someone who does that and posts about possibly doing it? For me it's a bit different if you've had the record for a while, don't listen to it anymore and want to get rid of it. Then it makes sense to sell it for the amount it's worth. Unless you are a super nice person like a lot of PJ fans and give someone a good deal. But just the idea of buy the record for the sole purpose of making money, I don't support.
    DVD: http://db.etree.org/Manimal
    Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
  • I can't even believe I am responding to this thread, but for some reason it bothers me.

    #1 The act of flaunting something you have in a space where YOU KNOW people want it (some quite desperately) is nothing short of low class.

    #2 The fact that you frame your thread under some bullshit premise (“my daddy said I should sell it at Sotheby’s”), I find to be insulting to my intelligence as well as everyone else’s.

    The fact of the matter is that you want to flaunt what you have and you somehow think you are special because you got the new Eddie Vedder record. "Oh look everyone talking about my new record, how special it is, how special I am. Mmmmm, come here sparky and lick this peanut butter off my ball sack. Mmmmm."

    OK, maybe I crossed the line there, but fuck it. I don't like you.
    "Goddamn Romans. Sure know how to make a ... drum room." --Matt Cameron
  • ManimalManimal Posts: 152
    But as far as houses go, the same argument could be made that the Architect, or the builder had a vision for a house they built, but people still sell them, and when I sell my place I really won't care what the architect thinks. Hell art and antiques get auctioned off all the time and no one seems to feel bad for the people that made them.

    I do agree with you though that the people who decided this would be a limited edition basically caused this whole thing. Which is why it bugs me that 10 club takes such a big stand against people flipping, when they are basically creating that type of market.

    I don't think you are greedy for not wanting to pay $150 for a record, but I think there are people who act like because they are huge fans someone somehow owes it to them to charge them less than what it is really worth (and to me that is greedy).

    Well I don't follow architecture much. But I get the feeling that architects don't really care that people make money off their buildings like Pearl Jam does. I agree that markets do get created and when it comes time to sell something you own, it only makes sense to sell it for what it's worth.

    I've never come across someone wanting a deal because they are a huge PJ fan. Yeah i agree I don't think that person would have an advantage over anyone else wanting to buy it.

    You should check out the forum at http://www.expressobeans.com - a poster website. People always debate about flipping posters an artist asks his/her fans not too.
    DVD: http://db.etree.org/Manimal
    Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
  • Manimal wrote:
    But I get the feeling that architects don't really care that people make money off their buildings like Pearl Jam does.

    See my last response pertaining to Pearl Jam not wanting peeps making money off their wares.
  • ManimalManimal Posts: 152
    all that stuff about the band not wanting people flipping their work is great and all but if they really felt that way they would increase supply of all this crap. Posters ect. As the warehouse goes empty, make some more. They don't do that though..... why would you say that is? If they took all the extra value out of it by printing more than enough than only the true fans would buy this stuff as it would not make a very good investment.

    I agree with you on this. Especially with the record. Posters are a little more complicated when it comes to numbers the artist can print (I've thought that before but looked into why people like Klausen and Sheppard don't do runs or 3000 or something, there are lots of people involved with the posters and they are contracted to only make a certain number and other stuff I can't remember now)
    DVD: http://db.etree.org/Manimal
    Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    Manimal wrote:
    Well I don't follow architecture much. But I get the feeling that architects don't really care that people make money off their buildings like Pearl Jam does. I agree that markets do get created and when it comes time to sell something you own, it only makes sense to sell it for what it's worth.

    I've never come across someone wanting a deal because they are a huge PJ fan. Yeah i agree I don't think that person would have an advantage over anyone else wanting to buy it.

    You should check out the forum at http://www.expressobeans.com - a poster website. People always debate about flipping posters an artist asks his/her fans not too.

    Maybe houses were a bad example, what about comic books? Do you think a comic artist gets pissed off if something he drew gets auctioned off for thousands of dollars and he doesn’t see a penny of it?

    It is not so much people wanting a deal because they are fans, it is more like people who seem to think you are burning other fans because you are auctioning off something to the highest bidder when you should be giving it away on this board or selling it privately for $20. Although in reality auctioning is fair in a different way since it gives everyone a chance. If someone were to sell their copy of Into the Wild privately they would be reducing the number of people who have the chance to buy it.

    Personally I don't really care what people want to do with what they own, whether it is their car, their house or their rare PJ items. As for myself right now I am living comfortably, but if there was any a time when I had to choose between some basic necessity and pearl jam stuff you better believe that I would be trying to get as much money as possible for my Fan Club singles, my copy of Deep Six my posters and any other item I could think of.
  • ManimalManimal Posts: 152
    Maybe houses were a bad example, what about comic books? Do you think a comic artist gets pissed off if something he drew gets auctioned off for thousands of dollars and he doesn’t see a penny of it?

    It is not so much people wanting a deal because they are fans, it is more like people who seem to think you are burning other fans because you are auctioning off something to the highest bidder when you should be giving it away on this board or selling it privately for $20. Although in reality auctioning is fair in a different way since it gives everyone a chance. If someone were to sell their copy of Into the Wild privately they would be reducing the number of people who have the chance to buy it.

    Personally I don't really care what people want to do with what they own, whether it is their car, their house or their rare PJ items. As for myself right now I am living comfortably, but if there was any a time when I had to choose between some basic necessity and pearl jam stuff you better believe that I would be trying to get as much money as possible for my Fan Club singles, my copy of Deep Six my posters and any other item I could think of.

    With regards to comics or whatever. I dont' knwo what every artist personal opinion on peopel flippign there stuff. i know certain artists who don't care, but Pearl Jam as we all know is outspoken against it. That's the difference.

    I don't see why anyone would want to get rid of their copy right now. Well over half the people don't even have it yet. Anyone getting rid of it at this point is looking as bought it with the point to make money on it.
    i don't see much difference between this and scalping tickets for concerts. Scalping is illegal...kinda..

    Anyways back to the point I had. The guy who started this thread is an idiot. Wether or not he sells it. Does he really have to ask us (lots of us who didn't get the record) what to do?
    DVD: http://db.etree.org/Manimal
    Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    All I have to say is track #2 on Vitaolgy...

    SPIN THAT BITCH!!!!!!!! I spin mine all the time!!! It's PJ! Like you would ever sell something you loved from PJ anyway. So spin it....
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    Manimal wrote:
    With regards to comics or whatever. I dont' knwo what every artist personal opinion on peopel flippign there stuff. i know certain artists who don't care, but Pearl Jam as we all know is outspoken against it. That's the difference.

    Anyone know why the band cares so much what people do with stuff once they have bought it? Have they ever gone on record with a reason? Since to me the whole flipping market is kind of like the Frankenstein's monster that they created. Like people have said if it wasn't so rare it wouldn't be so expensive. I mean there is a reason that you can get a copy of Ten on CD off of ebay for under 5 bucks.
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    I can't even believe I am responding to this thread, but for some reason it bothers me.

    #1 The act of flaunting something you have in a space where YOU KNOW people want it (some quite desperately) is nothing short of low class.

    #2 The fact that you frame your thread under some bullshit premise (“my daddy said I should sell it at Sotheby’s”), I find to be insulting to my intelligence as well as everyone else’s.

    The fact of the matter is that you want to flaunt what you have and you somehow think you are special because you got the new Eddie Vedder record. "Oh look everyone talking about my new record, how special it is, how special I am. Mmmmm, come here sparky and lick this peanut butter off my ball sack. Mmmmm."

    OK, maybe I crossed the line there, but fuck it. I don't like you.

    I lOVE IT!!! This gets the response of the week!!!!!
  • soclosesoclose Posts: 628
    I think it's unfortunate to reduce a work of art to its dollar value rather than enjoying the music for music's sake. We should all focus on being music lovers rather than collectors.

    Do as you please, but think about what drove you to buy the record in the first place. If you did it for money or bragging rights you may want to reexamine your priorities. If you bought it for love of the music - I think you have your answer right there.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Doesn't seem to me that they are THAT against it. I mean they were against people bootlegging their music and they went to the trouble to record and put every show on a CD to eliminate the situation.
    Pressing more vinyl would be a lot easier and then the flipping wold go away.

    Eddie doesn't seem to care too much. He is a big advocate of vinyl and it would seem that he wold want everyone to have a copy. Guess not.
  • hidinghiding Posts: 290
    i bought a second copy of no code LP. from a store today. is it ok if i sell it or trade it for something else????

    I THINK SO! it's mine, and if someone wants to give me 1000million dollars for it would eddie be mad? i am sure eddie and the boys have rare vinyl that they paid more than the original price for.
    one love

  • hiding wrote:
    i bought a second copy of no code LP. from a store today. is it ok if i sell it or trade it for something else????

    I THINK SO! it's mine, and if someone wants to give me 1000million dollars for it would eddie be mad? i am sure eddie and the boys have rare vinyl that they paid more than the original price for.

    1000million dollars is 1 billion..... That is all.
  • I can't even believe I am responding to this thread, but for some reason it bothers me.

    #1 The act of flaunting something you have in a space where YOU KNOW people want it (some quite desperately) is nothing short of low class.

    #2 The fact that you frame your thread under some bullshit premise (“my daddy said I should sell it at Sotheby’s”), I find to be insulting to my intelligence as well as everyone else’s.

    The fact of the matter is that you want to flaunt what you have and you somehow think you are special because you got the new Eddie Vedder record. "Oh look everyone talking about my new record, how special it is, how special I am. Mmmmm, come here sparky and lick this peanut butter off my ball sack. Mmmmm."

    OK, maybe I crossed the line there, but fuck it. I don't like you.

    The fact that you judge how i am by one thread makes you much lower class than I. Some of you have no respect. at all. I just wanted opinions. what i was going to end up doing, for those who care, is let the vinyl sit, and then play it once i could stand it no longer, that way it will make the first time i play it mean something. it will make the experience better than it would if i play it as soon as i get it. some of you are ridiculous. thanks to those who actually gave me opinion, instead of saying im one of "them". You make it seem as if i don't respect or enjoy my favorite band, which isn't at all true. Have you not been 17 years old once, and had a decision to make, wanted to do one thing, but had 30 other people pressuring you to do the other? It bothered me enough to ask some of the people on here, who i consider to be good people, and you have to try insult me by acting like youre three? Anyway, thanks for the help. It sucks being a teenager, ya?
  • Guitarhero27Guitarhero27 Posts: 2,146
    i melt my rare vinyls and post the videos of it on youtube
    9/29/96, 8/29/98, 9/8,11/98, 7/28/99, 8/23,24,25/00, 10/13/00, 4/15/03, 4/30/03, 7/8,9,12,14/03, 10/1/04, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 5/4,5,13,27,28/06, 6/1,3/06, 6/19,20,22,24,25,27/08, 7/1/08, 8/4,5,7,16/08, 8/21/09, 10/27,28,30,31/09, 5/15,17,18,20,21/10, 9/2/12, 10/18,19,21,22,25/13
  • I apoligize if my last post was rude or anything. It just bothers me because some people have no idea, you know? They just judge. which is kinda dumb. They don't know how excited i was when i was actually able to get one of the vinyl. Eh. Sorry
  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    i melt my rare vinyls and post the videos of it on youtube

    I love it! :D
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • i melt my rare vinyls and post the videos of it on youtube

    ha ha ha.. that is like snuff film around here. People would cry.
  • Guitarhero27Guitarhero27 Posts: 2,146
    10 Basketball vinyl
    5 Tracks from New Album (VS promo)
    ITW Soundtrack

    and good ol' classics like
    No Code
    Riot Act

    and everything i've got on http://www.recordnerd.com/lists/Guitarhero27

    yea, all melted.
    9/29/96, 8/29/98, 9/8,11/98, 7/28/99, 8/23,24,25/00, 10/13/00, 4/15/03, 4/30/03, 7/8,9,12,14/03, 10/1/04, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 5/4,5,13,27,28/06, 6/1,3/06, 6/19,20,22,24,25,27/08, 7/1/08, 8/4,5,7,16/08, 8/21/09, 10/27,28,30,31/09, 5/15,17,18,20,21/10, 9/2/12, 10/18,19,21,22,25/13
  • Have you not been 17 years old once, and had a decision to make, wanted to do one thing, but had 30 other people pressuring you to do the other?

    I will admit, I do feel bad for you as you struggle on your plight. And I will feel even worse for you when you actually have to grow up and make REAL decisions for yourself.

    If this actually causes as much mental anguish as you claim, you are gonna get eaten alive in the real world.
    "Goddamn Romans. Sure know how to make a ... drum room." --Matt Cameron
  • I've been through worse. haha. Yeah, so you've made me feel like an idiot now. You win. I apoligize. I don't know, the crap you said just bothered me as much as my original post bothered you i suppose. anyway, whether it means anything, or you care, i apoligize.
  • HinnyHinny Posts: 1,610
    When you buy an apple, do you eat it?
    When you buy a beer, do you drink it?
    When you buy a book, do you read it?
    When you buy a bed, do you sleep on it?
    When you buy a tv, do you watch stuff on it?

    A record is made so it gets played. Bit of a no-brainer, really.
    Binary solo..000000100000111100001110
  • lol. i am gonna play it
  • mini_tbmini_tb Posts: 420
    I don't like the original poster's MO all that much either. He didn't buy the record because he loves vinyl. He didn't buy the record because he loves Pearl Jam. He didn't buy the record to support Pearl Jam. He didn't buy the record because he collects everything Pearl Jam. He bought the record because it is limited edition and likely to be worth $$$ right away or in the future. To me, that is the wrong reason to buy it, but I would be naive to think there aren't a lot of these that were snapped up solely for this purpose.

    Unfortunately, anything limited edition is going to attract people looking to make a quick buck. I do think it's a shame, if this guy turns around and sells it, that his primary intention was to make profit on something that, to me, has only one or two purposes - to have the living shit played out of it or to save it because it is damn cool. In a perfect world, this record would have gone to an owner interested in playing it.

    And, yes, this diary seems totally unnecessary.
    Glorified version of a pelican
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