What to do with my vinyl once i get it

I'm kinda in a dilema here. My parents and friends aren't as big as pj fans as i am. not even close actually. and they see how much the vinyl is going for on ebay and stuff right now, and they want me to basically sit on the vinyl to make money. That really isn't what i wanted to do with it originally. I guess what im wanting is your opinions, or what you all are going to do with your vinyl.
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Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Vinyls are made to be palyed, not to stay sealed or sold on ebay.
If you didn't need it, you shouldn't have bought it.
If you have it and don't need it anymore, sell it for face value to someone who wasn't lucky enough to have one. my 2 cents.
2007: Copenhagen, Werchter
2009: Rotterdam, London
2010: MSG, Arras, Werchter
2012: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin
2014: Amsterdam, Stockholm
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Don't just sit on the albums, play them! Keep them for yourself. I have most of their records, I play them. They never stay sealed. I guess one day whichever of my kids wants them will have them for themselves. I have a feeling whoever wants them will keep them also....along with all of the other albums we have.
If you went into it with an investing type of idea, then you've already answered your own question and will some day part with them. I couldn't part with any of my albums, doesn't matter what band or artist it is..
what do you want to do deep down inside?
My mom just brought down some more of her black gold on her last visit during the holidays, 2 of the albums were old Dave Brubeck....so kick ass and believe me, they hit the turntable.
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
Well, nobody needs a vinyl nowadays, so I guess this release was intended to be something cool-to-have-hard-to-find thing, and as you are one of the few lucky who own this record and realy likes PJ then you should keep it of course!
Play it! It must fell very nice to hear PJ with that little dirt noise from the needle.
Pardon my english!
have you ever listened to a record?
I say SPIN IT!
or give it to someone who will
vinyl is meant to be played
the record will actually disintegrate over time, so youd better start playing it as soon as you receive it!
spin, spin.....spin the black cirlce!
Darn it...you took the words right outta my mouth!
Everything you've imagined...needn't be stuck in your mind.
Me, too. I was surprised it took that long for someone to say it!
Maybe you should make record bowls out of them
Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
why are they idiots?
those could be crappy albums and at least they will be used for something.
not like there beny hall albums...
I meant the person who started this thread was an idoit. Should have been clearer on that. Is it that tough a decision either keep a record you really like or go against what your favourite band stands for and sell it on ebay.
I think record bowls are cool..
Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I can't believe the audacity to start a thread with the idea you may sell it on Ebay someday.
Why does it bother you so much that someone is selling something they own? It is not like they broke into your house, stole your copy and then tried to sell it. I don't get why people get so upset about something that has almost zero affect on them.
Almost zero? Lots of people wanted this but got shut out. Plus if he bought it from the ten club, I'm pretty sure they would not look too kindly onto him flipping it. I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of Pearl Jam, I'm not just collecting their stuff to turn around and sell it on ebay. I bought the record to listen to and enjoy. IMO anyone considering to flip the record should drawn and quartered by 4 horses then their quarters should be drawn and quartered by four smaller horses and thoses quarters should be drawn and quartered by four frogs.
Posters: www.expressobeans.com/trader.php?id=Manimal&view=4
Lots of things get sold for more than they are bought for. Do all of those things bother you too? If I sell my house for more than I bought it for does that bother you? Since that might shut some people out of buying my house. Plus you say people got shut out, but those people are still shut out no matter what this guy does to his copy. If he keeps it, sells it or uses it to play catch with his dog, the people who are shut out are still don't have one. Yes some might say that people making a profit are greedy, but on the flip side of that aren't the people who want something for less than it is worth greedy as well. Yes greed is bad, but so is the entitlement some people have where they feel that since they are big fans of something people owe it to them to sell them things for less than what they are actually worth.