The beauty of music is that anyone can have their own personal interpretation.
I use Light Years to get me through something I am going through right now but in a postive way. It doesn't make me sad anymore. It gives me hope.
That is why I love every song created by these gods.... the lyrics and even music may be interpreted so differently by the individual.
Eddie Vedder (Berkeley1) 4/7/08
Eddie Vedder (Santa Cruz) 4/5/08
Bridge School 10/21/06
SF3 07/18/06
SF2 07/16/06
LA2 07/10/06
this is probably wrong cause parting ways was played at soundcheck back in 96
that's true (and that was the most amazing soundcheck ever, which i sadly have never heard...). but have you heard that version?? just wondering if the lyrics are the same. i'd guess that they changed at least somewhat over the course of four years.
that's true (and that was the most amazing soundcheck ever, which i sadly have never heard...). but have you heard that version?? just wondering if the lyrics are the same. i'd guess that they changed at least somewhat over the course of four years.
Yes, they did. From what I recall the '96 version is largely instrumental and certainly didn't have the 2000-era lyrics yet.
Music was old(ish) but the lyrics were new when it went on Binaural.
that's true (and that was the most amazing soundcheck ever, which i sadly have never heard...). but have you heard that version?? just wondering if the lyrics are the same. i'd guess that they changed at least somewhat over the course of four years.
yeah ive heard the 96 version is pretty much the same as binaural except the lyrics are kinda mumbled for most of the song.
light years is one of my favourite songs but ive always preffered puzzles and games it reminds me a lot of given to fly
This song is amazing-minus writers block portion of course.
I have loved this song since the infamous Barcelona Soundcheck circa 96
from 5H
Parting Ways, ? (instrumental), Around the Bend, In My Tree, In My Tree, Hard to Imagine (16m version), Garden, Leaving Here, I'm Open (10m version) [70m = entire soundcheck]
"parting ways" is awesome on Neil Finn's 7 WORLD'S COLLIDE. Phill from radiohead lends his drumming and Ed from Radiohead helps on guitar. Binaural version is great also, but you should check the whole 7 WORLD'S COLLIDE show/cd.
"parting ways" is awesome on Neil Finn's 7 WORLD'S COLLIDE. Phill from radiohead lends his drumming and Ed from Radiohead helps on guitar. Binaural version is great also, but you should check the whole 7 WORLD'S COLLIDE show/cd.
Found it on itunes. Deff PW sounds so much prettier live.
Eddie Vedder (Berkeley1) 4/7/08
Eddie Vedder (Santa Cruz) 4/5/08
Bridge School 10/21/06
SF3 07/18/06
SF2 07/16/06
LA2 07/10/06
doesn't answer your question... but both songs are great, although light years is the one that hits me harder.... a few days after binaural was released my uncle (who was like a brother) died in a car accident, and prior to that he was away for a long time, so light years was my song for a long time, and each time it brought tears to my eyes, now i just appreciate the beauty of the song
That is why I love every song created by these gods.... the lyrics and even music may be interpreted so differently by the individual.
Eddie Vedder (Santa Cruz) 4/5/08
Bridge School 10/21/06
SF3 07/18/06
SF2 07/16/06
LA2 07/10/06
that's true (and that was the most amazing soundcheck ever, which i sadly have never heard...). but have you heard that version?? just wondering if the lyrics are the same. i'd guess that they changed at least somewhat over the course of four years.
Yes, they did. From what I recall the '96 version is largely instrumental and certainly didn't have the 2000-era lyrics yet.
Music was old(ish) but the lyrics were new when it went on Binaural.
yeah I love ligth years too and I agree with you about the meaning
yeah I love ligth years too and I agree with you about the meaning
yeah ive heard the 96 version is pretty much the same as binaural except the lyrics are kinda mumbled for most of the song.
light years is one of my favourite songs but ive always preffered puzzles and games it reminds me a lot of given to fly
just the music. I'm sure the lyrics were totally different, if the soundchecked version even had lyrics at all.
for the least they could possibly do
Eddie Vedder (Santa Cruz) 4/5/08
Bridge School 10/21/06
SF3 07/18/06
SF2 07/16/06
LA2 07/10/06
I have loved this song since the infamous Barcelona Soundcheck circa 96
from 5H
Parting Ways, ? (instrumental), Around the Bend, In My Tree, In My Tree, Hard to Imagine (16m version), Garden, Leaving Here, I'm Open (10m version) [70m = entire soundcheck]
the show was an amazing set too
Found it on itunes. Deff PW sounds so much prettier live.
Eddie Vedder (Santa Cruz) 4/5/08
Bridge School 10/21/06
SF3 07/18/06
SF2 07/16/06
LA2 07/10/06
There's A Fear They'll Soon Be Parting Ways
But You Might Die Trying