Don't want to get into a debate on this forum- But here is a video of Obama taking questions from the other group of people who help Govern this country - Maybe you can find answers to some of the comments you made above. The bail out discussion is a huge topic, the bottom line is that it had to be done in one way or another. Some of the worlds brightest minds didn't even know WTF was happening or what was going to happen... Some money is being returned ..some money hasn't been used... and the rest of it is still being debated....
mmmmmhhmmmmmmm.......well you see....i don't allow smoke to be blown up my ass....i know all about the "bail out" and where the money went and all i'm saying is there should be blood running through the streets of DC..........but we are now a nation of apathetic dumbed down sheep, so let's all just put the game on and go back to sleep.
public enemy said "don't believe the hype!".....i suggest you do the same.
So then your problem isn't with Obama and his administration - your problem is with the US Gov, right? Because blood has been flowing in the streets for a long time- and I'm not talking about Bush- I'm talking about our history-
I hope your not simply pointing the finger at Obama- because I would loose all respect for you right now.
it's amazing how Ed was so outspoken when Bush was in office and now not a fucking peep since that douche Obama has been in office........i just don't understand makes me so very,very almost feels like i lost a friend.
Ever thought that, with an infant and another young child at home, he might have another focus right now?
I Know he has been in office for over a year.... and he hasn't started any new wars.
what a bum
no new wars but he has started bombing Pakistan which has displaced millions before winter
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
it's amazing how Ed was so outspoken when Bush was in office and now not a fucking peep since that douche Obama has been in office........i just don't understand makes me so very,very almost feels like i lost a friend.
Ever thought that, with an infant and another young child at home, he might have another focus right now?
you must not have kids...because having a kid is what inspires most people to give a fuck about what is going on!! because their kids have to grow up in this fucked up world! (yeah...i have a daughter)
maybe Ed is going in reverse............but i doubt that.
So then your problem isn't with Obama and his administration - your problem is with the US Gov, right? Because blood has been flowing in the streets for a long time- and I'm not talking about Bush- I'm talking about our history-
I hope your not simply pointing the finger at Obama- because I would loose all respect for you right now. problem is with the whole system....the President doesn't really have any power...he is a fucking puppet slash lightning rod.....but i will not stand by while people try to tell me Obama is good or is trying to do good, when i know that is straight up bullshit!
"AT&T's actions strike at the heart of the public's concerns over the power that corporations have when it comes to determining what the public sees and hears through communications media.
If a company that is controlling a webcast is cutting out bits of our performance — not based on laws, but on their own preferences and interpretations — fans have little choice but to watch the censored version. What happened to us this weekend was a wake-up call, and it's about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band."
it's amazing how Ed was so outspoken when Bush was in office and now not a fucking peep since that douche Obama has been in office........i just don't understand makes me so very,very almost feels like i lost a friend.
breaking news...ed owes you are an adult, you can think for yourself and have your own opinion on the presidents...perhaps ed is a little less angry these days??
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
public enemy said "don't believe the hype!".....i suggest you do the same.
From either side :!:
I have thought about all this stuff for some time now and here is my basic conclusion please tell me why I'm wrong.
Are gov't is fractured and completely broken.
It is fractured and broken because of CORRUPTION. on both sides of the isle.
Corruption occurs becuase of outside money and influence.
Who provided our gov't with this money and influence......well non other the private Corps.
Remove the Corps from or Gov't business and you will finally begin to find solutions to our problems.
The profit motives of the private sector should be the farthest thing from Washingtons mind.
my humble opinion,
this is only part of the problem/ the head of it all are the world bankers(world bank, IMF,rockefellers, rothschilds)...they are where the evil starts!
it's amazing how Ed was so outspoken when Bush was in office and now not a fucking peep since that douche Obama has been in office........i just don't understand makes me so very,very almost feels like i lost a friend.
Ever thought that, with an infant and another young child at home, he might have another focus right now?
you must not have kids...because having a kid is what inspires most people to give a fuck about what is going on!! because their kids have to grow up in this fucked up world! (yeah...i have a daughter)
maybe Ed is going in reverse............but i doubt that.
tell me, Mr. Lahey...what's so fucked up...are you one of those "they're taking our freedom" sort of fellas...?
breaking news...ed owes you are an adult, you can think for yourself and have your own opinion on the presidents...perhaps ed is a little less angry these days??
news fucking shit win obvious post of the day!!!
i didn't say Ed owed me shit! i was saying he was a like minded person and i can't understand why he has gone silent in the past year and a half....shall i color some pictures for you to help in your comprehension???
tell me, Mr. Lahey...what's so fucked up...are you one of those "they're taking our freedom" sort of fellas...?
go fucking read all 300+ pages of just the first Patriot Act...not even Patriot Act II...just I....after you read that then come tell me if you think "they are after your freedom" or not.....the shit hawks are out in full force bubs!!
news fucking shit win obvious post of the day!!!
i didn't say Ed owed me shit! i was saying he was a like minded person and i can't understand why he has gone silent in the past year and a half....shall i color some pictures for you to help in your comprehension???
should have clued in when ed threw his support behind Obama ... there are a bunch of us that realizes that blue/red, R/D are just distractions ...
it's amazing how Ed was so outspoken when Bush was in office and now not a fucking peep since that douche Obama has been in office........i just don't understand makes me so very,very almost feels like i lost a friend
How would Ed speaking negatively about Obama go over with his buddies Sean Penn and Tim Robbins? Ed shudders to think.
And for you feeling like your lost a friend....don't worry because....
tell me, Mr. Lahey...what's so fucked up...are you one of those "they're taking our freedom" sort of fellas...?
go fucking read all 300+ pages of just the first Patriot Act...not even Patriot Act II...just I....after you read that then come tell me if you think "they are after your freedom" or not.....the shit hawks are out in full force bubs!!
this is only part of the problem/ the head of it all are the world bankers(world bank, IMF,rockefellers, rothschilds)...they are where the evil starts!
So I'm just curious - who was a good president, in your opinion?
I see some People's History of the US in your comments-- I enjoyed the book as well-
I am a supporter of Obama, but I have also found myself supporting Ron P. and Nader. Only problem with those guys is that some of there views (not all) are to extreme. I like how Obama has at least attempted to try and negotiate with many, even though he has his firm direction. He can't make everyone happy- and in the year he has been in office - it seems he is planting his seeds...I believe they will blossom towards the end of this year and into the next- There is definitely no one out there who can challenge him, that's for sure. But one person alone can't just go in there and clear out all of the cancer in our government- Not sure he is evening trying to do that- With all that is going on right now- I could imagine he doesn't have that kind of influence right now.
Are you sure? I'm gonna have to check with Carol down in H.R.
There is no Carol in H.R. Half of the employees in this god damn building have been made up.
Great episode
"FF, I've heard the droning about the Sawx being the baby dolls. Yeah, I get it, you guys invented baseball and suffered forever. I get it." -JearlPam0925
Ed is an intelligent guy and he surely must be aware of the fact that giant changes have not happened under Obama, and may not happen at all. The fact that he does not speak out about this does make me wonder if the bigger issue for Ed was Bush himself ... Obama is beyond rapproach if you are a left-leaning celeb, for some strange reason.
"AT&T's actions strike at the heart of the public's concerns over the power that corporations have when it comes to determining what the public sees and hears through communications media.
If a company that is controlling a webcast is cutting out bits of our performance — not based on laws, but on their own preferences and interpretations — fans have little choice but to watch the censored version. What happened to us this weekend was a wake-up call, and it's about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band."
Although I certainly don't like corporations to censor these type of events, it is completely within their right to do so. I would even bet that it was stated in the performance contract between AT&T and all of the artists performing. Ed has it mixed up. He's saying here that censorship is ok if it's through law (again, people wrongfully equate so-called "good intentions" of laws with actual good results), but not OK if a private entity wants control over what they want said at an event that they are footing the bill for, and all of the responsibility / fallout that comes with it.
In fact, it is GOVERNMENT that is not supposed to restrict speech EVER:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The FCC is BULLSHIT and Unconstitutional.
But in the end, Ed and the boys did the right thing in terms of dealing with AT&T and their beef with them... They spoke their minds against it, and ended up partnering up with AT&T's biggest rival, Verizon After all, there IS a choice in whether to deal with or not deal with corporations (unless they have become government assisted and sanctioned cartels-- this is the greatest problem our nation faces), you do NOT have any choice in dealing with government censorship until the people rightfully abolish it.
So many pro-government people are anti-monopoly. The irony is that the government is the biggest and most powerful monopoly there is. If it were immune to special interests, it might operate with some efficiency, but since it never has been, and likely never will be, there is little to benefit to continue to grant it excess power.
look....i know Ed is no fool.......a big part of why i am a fan of this band is because he is no fool and he is outspoken about shit even when it's not popular with the masses...or a lot of his fans....i fucking love him for that!!..but i was in Philly when he was talking about giving Obama more time to "fix" stuff......and i'm like wtf?!....does Ed know where that bail out money went? does he know about the resigning of the patriot act by Obama? more troops...more war...more death!! where the fuck was "no more"?!?!?!...yeah he sang it Chicago...but that was because it was requested by T. Youngs brother who was in attendance...all i'm saying is....WTF ED?!?!?! i wish i could just get him alone in a room and talk to him for a few!
In other words, Eddie Vedder was the balls. until he stopped preaching what you wanted to hear.
So then your problem isn't with Obama and his administration - your problem is with the US Gov, right? Because blood has been flowing in the streets for a long time- and I'm not talking about Bush- I'm talking about our history-
I hope your not simply pointing the finger at Obama- because I would loose all respect for you right now.
From either side :!:
I have thought about all this stuff for some time now and here is my basic conclusion please tell me why I'm wrong.
Are gov't is fractured and completely broken.
It is fractured and broken because of CORRUPTION. on both sides of the isle.
Corruption occurs becuase of outside money and influence.
Who provided our gov't with this money and influence......well non other the private Corps.
Remove the Corps from or Gov't business and you will finally begin to find solutions to our problems.
The profit motives of the private sector should be the farthest thing from Washingtons mind.
my humble opinion,
Ever thought that, with an infant and another young child at home, he might have another focus right now?
no new wars but he has started bombing Pakistan which has displaced millions before winter
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
folks love to bitch just to bitch...
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
you must not have kids...because having a kid is what inspires most people to give a fuck about what is going on!! because their kids have to grow up in this fucked up world! (yeah...i have a daughter)
maybe Ed is going in reverse............but i doubt that. problem is with the whole system....the President doesn't really have any power...he is a fucking puppet slash lightning rod.....but i will not stand by while people try to tell me Obama is good or is trying to do good, when i know that is straight up bullshit!
breaking news...ed owes you are an adult, you can think for yourself and have your own opinion on the presidents...perhaps ed is a little less angry these days??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
this is only part of the problem/ the head of it all are the world bankers(world bank, IMF,rockefellers, rothschilds)...they are where the evil starts!
tell me, Mr. Lahey...what's so fucked up...are you one of those "they're taking our freedom" sort of fellas...?
news fucking shit win obvious post of the day!!!
i didn't say Ed owed me shit! i was saying he was a like minded person and i can't understand why he has gone silent in the past year and a half....shall i color some pictures for you to help in your comprehension???
go fucking read all 300+ pages of just the first Patriot Act...not even Patriot Act II...just I....after you read that then come tell me if you think "they are after your freedom" or not.....the shit hawks are out in full force bubs!!
should have clued in when ed threw his support behind Obama ... there are a bunch of us that realizes that blue/red, R/D are just distractions ...
How would Ed speaking negatively about Obama go over with his buddies Sean Penn and Tim Robbins? Ed shudders to think.
And for you feeling like your lost a friend....don't worry because....
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
he's a regular shit-a-cane out there...
propane propane...
"There is no Pepe Silvia, the man does not exist"
I know Penn was showing up at Nader rallies in 2008 ... not sure who he voted for tho ...
So I'm just curious - who was a good president, in your opinion?
I see some People's History of the US in your comments-- I enjoyed the book as well-
I am a supporter of Obama, but I have also found myself supporting Ron P. and Nader. Only problem with those guys is that some of there views (not all) are to extreme. I like how Obama has at least attempted to try and negotiate with many, even though he has his firm direction. He can't make everyone happy- and in the year he has been in office - it seems he is planting his seeds...I believe they will blossom towards the end of this year and into the next- There is definitely no one out there who can challenge him, that's for sure. But one person alone can't just go in there and clear out all of the cancer in our government- Not sure he is evening trying to do that- With all that is going on right now- I could imagine he doesn't have that kind of influence right now.
Are you sure? I'm gonna have to check with Carol down in H.R.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
There is no Carol in H.R. Half of the employees in this god damn building have been made up.
You're freaking out, Cliffy. Quick Barney, give this guy a cigarette.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Barney, he's the guy who tipped me off to Pepe Silvia.
Possibly my favorite.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Not sure, would imagine they will film this spring/summer and will start back up next fall.
Although I certainly don't like corporations to censor these type of events, it is completely within their right to do so. I would even bet that it was stated in the performance contract between AT&T and all of the artists performing. Ed has it mixed up. He's saying here that censorship is ok if it's through law (again, people wrongfully equate so-called "good intentions" of laws with actual good results), but not OK if a private entity wants control over what they want said at an event that they are footing the bill for, and all of the responsibility / fallout that comes with it.
In fact, it is GOVERNMENT that is not supposed to restrict speech EVER:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The FCC is BULLSHIT and Unconstitutional.
But in the end, Ed and the boys did the right thing in terms of dealing with AT&T and their beef with them... They spoke their minds against it, and ended up partnering up with AT&T's biggest rival, Verizon
So many pro-government people are anti-monopoly. The irony is that the government is the biggest and most powerful monopoly there is. If it were immune to special interests, it might operate with some efficiency, but since it never has been, and likely never will be, there is little to benefit to continue to grant it excess power.
are you a fan or a disciple?