Ed's open letter to fans about the AT&T Daughter censorship

Does anyone have a link or cut and paste of that letter - I tried going back through the "news" here and found nothing.

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2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
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2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
Post edited by Unknown User on
If a company that is controlling a webcast is cutting out bits of our performance — not based on laws, but on their own preferences and interpretations — fans have little choice but to watch the censored version. What happened to us this weekend was a wake-up call, and it's about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band."
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/ ... needs.html
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2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
it's amazing how Ed was so outspoken when Bush was in office and now not a fucking peep since that douche Obama has been in office........i just don't understand it.....it makes me so very,very sad.....it almost feels like i lost a friend.
Yeah True!
BUT aleast our avitars still kick ass!!!
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2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
*high five*
Probably because obama never does anything so u cant speak out about it
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2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
Dude, obviously you don't follow politics very closely . Obama has done a lot. For instance:
- He predicted that the Steelers would beat the Cardinals in the Super Bowl
- He filled out an NCAA Tournament Bracket.
- He congratulated that guy from the White Sox that threw a perfect game.
- He had some Nascar guys drive their cars on the White House lawn.
Now is that isn't the type of resume that wins you the Nobel Peace Prize, then what is?
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
what a bum
I think he has to end this one first
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
now, i admit, i voted for Obama, and would gladly do it again, but it should at least be pointed out that Pearl Jam has played like what, 10, maybe 15? probably less shows since Obama has been President. When Bush was in office they did two-mega tours, including one when Iraq was a hot-topic, and they also played a mini-election themed tour. So while I dont think Ed would be out there trashing Obama every night, he hasn't really had the chance to even if he wanted.
(Edit, I guess they have played 32 shows, with 16 of those being in the US. Still not many, and he hadn't even been President very long for most all of those.)
8.21.00 Columbus | 6.24.03 Columbus | 7.9.03 NYC | 10.2.04 Toledo | 9.11.05 Kitchener | 5.20.06 Cleveland | 8.5.07 Chicago | 5.6.10 Columbus | 5.7.10 Noblesville | 5.9.10 Cleveland | 9.3.11 East Troy | 9.4.11 East Troy | 7.19.13 Chicago | 10.11.13 Pittsburgh | 10.1.14 Cincinnati | 4.8.16 Ft. Lauderdale | 4.9.16 Miami | 8.8.18 Seattle | 8.10.18 Seattle | 9.26.21 Dana Point | 10.1.21 Dana Point | 10.2.21 Dana Point | 9.16.22 Nashville | 9.17.22 Louisville | 9.18.22 St. Louis | 9.2.23 St. Paul | 9.15.23 Ft. Worth | 6.22.24 Dublin | 8.26.24 Noblesville | 9.27.24 Dana Point | 9.29.24 Dana Point
6.26.11 Detroit (EdVed) | 9.23.17 Louisville (EdVed) | 9.25.21 Dana Point (EdVed) | 10.01.22 Dana Point (EdVed) | 2.6.22 Newark (EdVed)
I agree that he has great ideas but then he dosn't try hard enough to get them in motion, hes speaking softly but not by any means carrying his big stick.
yeah i see that a bit but i think the problem is congress not him
Awe whyd you have to say congress, our representitive in my region just died
R.I.P. John Murtha
well for those of us who don't have their heads in the sand, we know Obama is a whore like Bush...we know this "universal health care" is only going to mean more $$ for big pharma, not better health care for us, infact it will get worse!...closing gitmo? it's not closed yet...and even if they do..big fucking deal...they will just torture the innocent somewhere else...i mean you do know that Obama has continued to use torture right?! infact he has continued all of the Bush/Cheney agendas...i can't help but get sick when i hear people say "he didn't start the war, give him some time to clean up Bush's mess" while the whole time Obama is just smearing more shit over the shit Bush left, he ain't cleaning a fucking thing!....you wanna know the difference between Bush & Obama? about 3 shades of brown and a silver spoon.
A silver spoon really? have you anyidea the family that Bush comes from. If Obama was born with a silver spoon then the silver it is made with was purchased from the Bush family. Bush purchased his way through Yale, ducked the military, and failed over and over again at all kinds of different jobs including Pres of US.
I realize this is my first post but I have been reading for some time now, I know your on this board alot and don't mean to pop on and blast you but come on ...really.
The problem is bigger then Obama and Congress both at times appear to be spinning in circles for special interest. So what does everyone think about removing special interest out of the equation.
Special Interest = Large Corps
A silver spoon really? have you anyidea the family that Bush comes from. If Obama was born with a silver spoon then the silver it is made with was purchased from the Bush family. Bush bought and snorted his way through Yale, ducked the military, and failed over and over again at all kinds of different jobs including Pres of US.
I realize this is my first post but I have been reading for some time now, I know your on this board alot and don't mean to pop on and blast you but come on ...really.
The problem is bigger then Obama and Congress both at times appear to be spinning in circles for special interest. So what does everyone think about removing special interest out of the equation.
Special Interest = Large Corps
Large Corps should have no voice in our gov't
i know more about the Bush family than most people do....i know his family history of treason goes back to his grandfather Prescott Bush...when he worked for Brown Brothers Harriman & Co & was arrested for dealing with the enemy (Nazi's) and had his $ taken by the government.
I know about his dad and the drug running he did during his CIA days (with his Skull & bones buddies)
I know that the Bushes are very close to the Bin Ladens and they used to vacation together and they invested in Arbusto oil which was run by Bush...right into the ground!
i could go on and on and on..........but yeah......i read books and i know what's up.
Obama is the fox and Bush is the wolf...the wolf tells you "I'm coming to chomp you bitch"...the fox says "i would never eat you...i'm a vegetarian now...come on out......CHOMP!!!"
Pearl Jam to Obama-
http://blogs.reuters.com/frontrow/2008/ ... eb-issues/
While I don't think this has been completely proven yet and I am an Obama supporter I still kind of like you analogy
Also thanks for not getting all bent with it being my first post. I have seen some strange responses to peoples first posts. I have really enjoyed reading everything on here I'm not really sure why I had yet to post. I would also like to apologize for the double post not really sure how that happened. :oops:
Oh yeah Where are the philly booots
look....i know Ed is no fool.......a big part of why i am a fan of this band is because he is no fool and he is outspoken about shit even when it's not popular with the masses...or a lot of his fans....i fucking love him for that!!..but i was in Philly when he was talking about giving Obama more time to "fix" stuff......and i'm like wtf?!....does Ed know where that bail out money went? does he know about the resigning of the patriot act by Obama? more troops...more war...more death!! where the fuck was "no more"?!?!?!...yeah he sang it Chicago...but that was because it was requested by T. Youngs brother who was in attendance...all i'm saying is....WTF ED?!?!?! i wish i could just get him alone in a room and talk to him for a few!
no problems brother...welcome to the board!!!
I agree with Ed I think it is still hard to pass complete judgment on Obama no president in modern history has faced this much obstruction from members of the other political party. The GOP play is to do nothing in hopes of makeing Obama appear to be this extreme left wing liberal when the fact of the matter is he is far more of a centrist like Clinton. I completely agree the resigning of the Patriot act was a kick to the groin, but I feel there is a lot more to it then I will ever know sitting here in my cube. This makes me hesitate my judgment. Regarding the wars I agree with Obama there too. We need to remove ourselves reasonably you can not just turn around and walk out there is simply a moral imperative that comes with being a country like America values, integrity, and morals are our key. The GOP early on liked to say Obama was on an Apology tour around the world as if this is a bad thing we did have a few things that needed to be cleaned up. I realize other countries may never do this but again we our America and we once again care about our integrity, values and morals and I don’t think that can be quantified
Don't want to get into a debate on this forum- But here is a video of Obama taking questions from the other group of people who help Govern this country - Maybe you can find answers to some of the comments you made above. The bail out discussion is a huge topic, the bottom line is that it had to be done in one way or another. Some of the worlds brightest minds didn't even know WTF was happening or what was going to happen... Some money is being returned ..some money hasn't been used... and the rest of it is still being debated....
mmmmmhhmmmmmmm.......well you see....i don't allow smoke to be blown up my ass....i know all about the "bail out" and where the money went and all i'm saying is there should be blood running through the streets of DC..........but we are now a nation of apathetic dumbed down sheep, so let's all just put the game on and go back to sleep.
public enemy said "don't believe the hype!".....i suggest you do the same.
i think the main thing that hurts america is the two party system but thats how the lay out of your government is designed and i dont think you could get it changed