We can legalize weed....
Everyone who wants to, can get stoned.....
Then you can go to work a week later, and fail your random drug tests.....
You will get fired......
Then people who are out of work, and drug free, can take those positons.....
And the rest of you can sit and home and continue to get stoned....
You will be out of work, and wont be able to afford your weed.
This from the truck driver. Let us all learn from the wise truck driver. How much schoolin' did that take again?
So you decided you wanted to play the insult game with me this morning??
Bring on the personal insults my friend....It only makes you look like a childish fucking asshole.
I'll trade barbs with a half-wit any day. Like I said, how about you actually educate yourself on a subject before speaking about it. All sorts of crazy information can be found in books and whatnot.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
We can legalize weed....
Everyone who wants to, can get stoned.....
Then you can go to work a week later, and fail your random drug tests.....
You will get fired......
Then people who are out of work, and drug free, can take those positons.....
And the rest of you can sit and home and continue to get stoned....
You will be out of work, and wont be able to afford your weed.
this just isn't true.
i smoked my share of pot after college while working my first job. i was promoted twice, never late (unless traffic or my car screwed up). never failed a drug test, but only because they didn't test the office people. i left that job for a higher level job and while i don't smoke as much as i used to, i still enjoy a good joint every now and then.
i worked with a guy, he was a director in IT dept and smoked daily.
you can be a stoner and still hold a good job. it's all about priorities and getting stoned can't be number one on that list.
81 is now off the air
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
isn't eyeclarred supported by his gf? at least that is what i have garnered from his posts. maybe i missed something
You missed more than something, obviously.
perhaps i did miss something. not that it matters
just becasue somebody is a trucker doesn't make them dumb. my mom was a factory worker, but she was pretty bright, well read. i have an uncle that is a trucker. he also owned his own bar for some time. my uncle is a farmer and also runs a couple of other business's on the side.
just because a person didn't go to college or work a white collar job doesn't make them educated.
isn't eyeclarred supported by his gf? at least that is what i have garnered from his posts. maybe i missed something
You missed more than something, obviously.
perhaps i did miss something. not that it matters
just becasue somebody is a trucker doesn't make them dumb. my mom was a factory worker, but she was pretty bright, well read. i have an uncle that is a trucker. he also owned his own bar for some time. my uncle is a farmer and also runs a couple of other business's on the side.
just because a person didn't go to college or work a white collar job doesn't make them educated.
I know truckers aren't dumb. I was just showing Speedy how easy it is to stereotype people, like he obviously does with pot smokers. I have smoked literally every day for 20 years and like I said, I won't hesitate to match wits with anyone. I've also held high level government jobs serving veterans for that duration.
I'm also the most psychotic gun-toting liberal you will ever meet. For the record, I'm married and nobody has ever supported me.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
The reason I'm glad the Republicans won... is the Dems enacted the "no successor" law to fuck with the Republicans in the first place. Now it's come back to bite them. I'm one who enjoys poetic justice, on either side.
"The current state law was enacted in 2004 in a effort by state Democrats to prevent then-Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican, from naming a successor if Democratic Senator John Kerry won his bid for the U.S. presidency."
...ooops, they forgot to change the law back to suit the Dems desire for exclusive power. Oh well.
To quote Bart Simpson... "The ironing is delicious"
ADD 5,200 to the post count you see, thank you.
*NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
*MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
*Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
*Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
*Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
*VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
*EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
*Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
if you boys are done, i'll get back on topic...which was...what are we talking about?
*looks for bong*
i swing both ways of the political spectrum depending upon the topic, but as a Mass resident, i will say that Brown didn't win this election so much as Coakley lost it (hopefully that makes sense). Just weeks ago, she had this thing in the bag by just sticking with issues and getting her name out there in positive tv ads. But a couple weeks ago the MA Dem party threw some negative Scott Brown ads in there and they absolutely blew it. Why they focused on rapists I'll never know. All Brown had to do was say he had daughters, but he didn't...his daughters spoke up in his place.
thank goodness for this...I bet brown has all the answers to fix our ills...he and all his sweet hotness to "take our country in the right direction..." and to "take our country back"...
But the liberals will let ya smoke all the weed you can handle!!!!
Hell, it seems to be first and foremost on their agenda.....
as it should be. the whole war on drugs is an absolute failure. we spend billions of $'s to keep them out of the country, to arrest, house, prosecute "criminals", yet every day of the week, more comes into the country and people continue to get high.
at the minimum, they should legalize pot, tax it (at a reasonalble level). this would create farm jobs, distribution jobs, retail jobs. it would save billions that we are wasting chasing our tail, increase taxs and decrease violence.
now the arguement for coke, crack, herion etc is a little more tricky because that shit can really fuck up your life, although, you could argue that it's no differnet that beer wine and spririts which can also be addicting and cause major health issues.
Sorry, I disagree.
You think that the 'war on drugs' has been successful?
You don't think, despite the 'war on drugs', more drugs continually come into the country at high rates?
You don't think legalizing marijuana and regulating would create revenue and jobs?
I'm confused at what exactly you don't agree with. Those points are pretty rock solid. The only reason I could see for someone disagreeing with that is if they were blindly following the dogmatic opinions of some agenda driven talking head. Who is it? Beck? Limbaugh? Hannity?
24 years old, mid-life crisis
nowadays hits you when you're young
Well to bring things back to the thread topic as close as possible, if weed was to get legalized I'd be willing to bet a libertarian leaning republican will do the deed before any liberal.
I agree that marijuana is harmless, which is why it works so great as an illegal/black market import. If marijuana was legalized, yeah it would get taxed and create a short term spike in revenues and jobs (although I haven't heard any long term plans of how the tobacco and alcohol industries has brought us out of the recession).
But what will that do to the drug wars on the borders? Latin American druglords will shift from marijuana being their number one export to meth and coke...which are real drugs with real problems. Creating a drug war centered around highly addictive drugs will create a serious threat that will escalate the drug war and bring it deeper into US borders and create major problems for the US. Anyone recall the opiate wars in China?
If there's going to be a drug war keep it a harmless drug and don't criminalize small amounts of possesion. Keep the corruption/cartels/and over-ran government outside of the US borders. We've got enough problems here as it is.
I say we illegallize Teddy Bears and declare that a drug as well to make the wars further outside of the US.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
liberal is just anouther word for taking away my rights and my money.
Really? Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years of the Patriot Act and putting our tax money in the hands of the wealthy elite????
Bush is just anouther word for an idiot becoming president. I despised him from day one.
the government system is so far from where it should be. it's all about money grabbing. the .gov grabs our money, china's money and when in doubt, prints money. then all the politians, business, states, city's towns, schools, you name it, try and grab money for their business or issue or what not.
liberal is just anouther word for taking away my rights and my money.
Really? Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years of the Patriot Act and putting our tax money in the hands of the wealthy elite????
Bush is just anouther word for an idiot becoming president. I despised him from day one.
the government system is so far from where it should be. it's all about money grabbing. the .gov grabs our money, china's money and when in doubt, prints money. then all the politians, business, states, city's towns, schools, you name it, try and grab money for their business or issue or what not.
it's all one massive sham
so why do people tend to vote for the guy who wants it to be larger and more powerful?
liberal is just anouther word for taking away my rights and my money.
Really? Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years of the Patriot Act and putting our tax money in the hands of the wealthy elite????
Bush is just anouther word for an idiot becoming president. I despised him from day one.
the government system is so far from where it should be. it's all about money grabbing. the .gov grabs our money, china's money and when in doubt, prints money. then all the politians, business, states, city's towns, schools, you name it, try and grab money for their business or issue or what not.
it's all one massive sham
ha ha ha...
I love the specific solutions in your post...
grrrr..the grab our money...grrrr...they print money...grrrrr...we need to fix it....grrrr....
PRESTO CHANGO....our problems are now solved....!!!
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
grrrr..the grab our money...grrrr...they print money...grrrrr...we need to fix it....grrrr....
PRESTO CHANGO....our problems are now solved....!!!
cut the military. we don't need to be fighting wars all the time. yes we need to be stong to defend ourselves
cut the bs bailout programs. we don't need to be in the banking or auto business.
cut the bs $8k tax credit for buying a house
don't blow $4,500 on car buyers
end the war on drugs
tax pot how bout $10 per ounce. that seems fair enough
go look thru the budget sometime, it doesn't take but a minute to find hundreds of thousands of dollars that are going to pet projects of politians.
while we are at it, as a country we need to stop being so damn greedy. i'm ok with capitalism, but i'm not ok with greed (Bernie ring a bell?).
81 is now off the air
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
go look thru the budget sometime, it doesn't take but a minute to find hundreds of thousands of dollars that are going to pet projects of politians.
while we are at it, as a country we need to stop being so damn greedy. i'm ok with capitalism, but i'm not ok with greed (Bernie ring a bell?).
whether its pure free market capitalism or pure socialism; greed, corruption, and deceit will always be around as long as we're dealing with human nature.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
go look thru the budget sometime, it doesn't take but a minute to find hundreds of thousands of dollars that are going to pet projects of politians.
while we are at it, as a country we need to stop being so damn greedy. i'm ok with capitalism, but i'm not ok with greed (Bernie ring a bell?).
whether its pure free market capitalism or pure socialism; greed, corruption, and deceit will always be around as long as we're dealing with human nature.
and that's sad. if we could remove that element from hte population, the world would be a better place.
60 minutes did a report not to long ago on phoney medicaid payments. i forget how much the US pays out in fradulent claims, but it was alot. now if you could remove that from the system, you could also remove the expense of fighting the fraudsters which would be a positive for all of us.
perhaps we should reallocate the funds from the war on drugs and apply them to the war on fraud.
81 is now off the air
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
if anyone gets bored, here is a good place to see where some of your money is going
grrrr..the grab our money...grrrr...they print money...grrrrr...we need to fix it....grrrr....
PRESTO CHANGO....our problems are now solved....!!!
cut the military. we don't need to be fighting wars all the time. yes we need to be stong to defend ourselves
cut the bs bailout programs. we don't need to be in the banking or auto business.
cut the bs $8k tax credit for buying a house
don't blow $4,500 on car buyers
end the war on drugs
tax pot how bout $10 per ounce. that seems fair enough
go look thru the budget sometime, it doesn't take but a minute to find hundreds of thousands of dollars that are going to pet projects of politians.
while we are at it, as a country we need to stop being so damn greedy. i'm ok with capitalism, but i'm not ok with greed (Bernie ring a bell?).
military: yeah, that sounds easy enough...If memory serves me right, Obama did cut the budget and the repubs went bat shit....
bailout: bush and company should have never did this...
tax credit: I suppose...I'd be willing to bet this is a drop in the bucket...but hey, what ever...
cash for clunkers: short, targeted and successful...it worked...it's done...time to move on...
war on drugs: sounds good...
as for the pet projects....I agree or disagree....some are just stupid and wasteful...some are pretty good...I get emails from my jackass congressman touting projects like Veterans Assistance...and Beach Re-nourishment...and Helping the Elderly Pay there Heating Bills...
as for Greed and Capitalism...I hate to break to you...they go hand in hand...
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
the CD and DVD industryies are in the crapper. should we give everyone that buys a dvd or cd $2 back?
i hear restraunt sales are down. perhaps we should give everyone that eats out 10 times a gift certificate for a free meal.
what other industries are hurting? i've got money from them as well. come and get it.
the CD and DVD industryies are in the crapper. should we give everyone that buys a dvd or cd $2 back?
i hear restraunt sales are down. perhaps we should give everyone that eats out 10 times a gift certificate for a free meal.
what other industries are hurting? i've got money from them as well. come and get it.
How about a spelling class? Just saying it might do you some good since there are lots of mistakes in your posts.
perhaps the .gov will pay for it.
but for the record, i suck at spelling, if the forum had an F7 fuction, i'd be happy to use it. until then, i apologize in advance for any further issues.
I'll trade barbs with a half-wit any day. Like I said, how about you actually educate yourself on a subject before speaking about it. All sorts of crazy information can be found in books and whatnot.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
You missed more than something, obviously.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
this just isn't true.
i smoked my share of pot after college while working my first job. i was promoted twice, never late (unless traffic or my car screwed up). never failed a drug test, but only because they didn't test the office people. i left that job for a higher level job and while i don't smoke as much as i used to, i still enjoy a good joint every now and then.
i worked with a guy, he was a director in IT dept and smoked daily.
you can be a stoner and still hold a good job. it's all about priorities and getting stoned can't be number one on that list.
perhaps i did miss something. not that it matters
just becasue somebody is a trucker doesn't make them dumb. my mom was a factory worker, but she was pretty bright, well read. i have an uncle that is a trucker. he also owned his own bar for some time. my uncle is a farmer and also runs a couple of other business's on the side.
just because a person didn't go to college or work a white collar job doesn't make them educated.
I know truckers aren't dumb. I was just showing Speedy how easy it is to stereotype people, like he obviously does with pot smokers. I have smoked literally every day for 20 years and like I said, I won't hesitate to match wits with anyone. I've also held high level government jobs serving veterans for that duration.
I'm also the most psychotic gun-toting liberal you will ever meet. For the record, I'm married and nobody has ever supported me.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
"The current state law was enacted in 2004 in a effort by state Democrats to prevent then-Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican, from naming a successor if Democratic Senator John Kerry won his bid for the U.S. presidency."
...ooops, they forgot to change the law back to suit the Dems desire for exclusive power. Oh well.
To quote Bart Simpson... "The ironing is delicious"
*NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
*MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
*Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
*Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
*Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
*VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
*EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
*Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
*looks for bong*
i swing both ways of the political spectrum depending upon the topic, but as a Mass resident, i will say that Brown didn't win this election so much as Coakley lost it (hopefully that makes sense). Just weeks ago, she had this thing in the bag by just sticking with issues and getting her name out there in positive tv ads. But a couple weeks ago the MA Dem party threw some negative Scott Brown ads in there and they absolutely blew it. Why they focused on rapists I'll never know. All Brown had to do was say he had daughters, but he didn't...his daughters spoke up in his place.
hooray...we are all saved...!!!
thank goodness for this...I bet brown has all the answers to fix our ills...he and all his sweet hotness to "take our country in the right direction..." and to "take our country back"...
whatever the hell that means...
Mass is not republican just because of one election where the "republican" nominee wouldn't campaign as a republican. Take it over to a moving train.
if anything its independent
Really? Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years of the Patriot Act and putting our tax money in the hands of the wealthy elite????
nowadays hits you when you're young
You think that the 'war on drugs' has been successful?
You don't think, despite the 'war on drugs', more drugs continually come into the country at high rates?
You don't think legalizing marijuana and regulating would create revenue and jobs?
I'm confused at what exactly you don't agree with. Those points are pretty rock solid. The only reason I could see for someone disagreeing with that is if they were blindly following the dogmatic opinions of some agenda driven talking head. Who is it? Beck? Limbaugh? Hannity?
nowadays hits you when you're young
I agree that marijuana is harmless, which is why it works so great as an illegal/black market import. If marijuana was legalized, yeah it would get taxed and create a short term spike in revenues and jobs (although I haven't heard any long term plans of how the tobacco and alcohol industries has brought us out of the recession).
But what will that do to the drug wars on the borders? Latin American druglords will shift from marijuana being their number one export to meth and coke...which are real drugs with real problems. Creating a drug war centered around highly addictive drugs will create a serious threat that will escalate the drug war and bring it deeper into US borders and create major problems for the US. Anyone recall the opiate wars in China?
If there's going to be a drug war keep it a harmless drug and don't criminalize small amounts of possesion. Keep the corruption/cartels/and over-ran government outside of the US borders. We've got enough problems here as it is.
I say we illegallize Teddy Bears and declare that a drug as well to make the wars further outside of the US.
Bush is just anouther word for an idiot becoming president. I despised him from day one.
the government system is so far from where it should be. it's all about money grabbing. the .gov grabs our money, china's money and when in doubt, prints money. then all the politians, business, states, city's towns, schools, you name it, try and grab money for their business or issue or what not.
it's all one massive sham
so why do people tend to vote for the guy who wants it to be larger and more powerful?
ha ha ha...
I love the specific solutions in your post...
grrrr..the grab our money...grrrr...they print money...grrrrr...we need to fix it....grrrr....
PRESTO CHANGO....our problems are now solved....!!!
i didn't
i voted for the green party as a protest vote. i couldn't vote for either obama or mccain
woops, that was suppose to be rhetoric rather than personal, doesn't come off that way now that i reread it.
alot changes in a year
cut the military. we don't need to be fighting wars all the time. yes we need to be stong to defend ourselves
cut the bs bailout programs. we don't need to be in the banking or auto business.
cut the bs $8k tax credit for buying a house
don't blow $4,500 on car buyers
end the war on drugs
tax pot
go look thru the budget sometime, it doesn't take but a minute to find hundreds of thousands of dollars that are going to pet projects of politians.
while we are at it, as a country we need to stop being so damn greedy. i'm ok with capitalism, but i'm not ok with greed (Bernie ring a bell?).
you didn't offend me.
whether its pure free market capitalism or pure socialism; greed, corruption, and deceit will always be around as long as we're dealing with human nature.
and that's sad. if we could remove that element from hte population, the world would be a better place.
60 minutes did a report not to long ago on phoney medicaid payments. i forget how much the US pays out in fradulent claims, but it was alot. now if you could remove that from the system, you could also remove the expense of fighting the fraudsters which would be a positive for all of us.
perhaps we should reallocate the funds from the war on drugs and apply them to the war on fraud.
military: yeah, that sounds easy enough...If memory serves me right, Obama did cut the budget and the repubs went bat shit....
bailout: bush and company should have never did this...
tax credit: I suppose...I'd be willing to bet this is a drop in the bucket...but hey, what ever...
cash for clunkers: short, targeted and successful...it worked...it's done...time to move on...
war on drugs: sounds good...
as for the pet projects....I agree or disagree....some are just stupid and wasteful...some are pretty good...I get emails from my jackass congressman touting projects like Veterans Assistance...and Beach Re-nourishment...and Helping the Elderly Pay there Heating Bills...
as for Greed and Capitalism...I hate to break to you...they go hand in hand...
i hear restraunt sales are down. perhaps we should give everyone that eats out 10 times a gift certificate for a free meal.
what other industries are hurting? i've got money from them as well. come and get it.
How about a spelling class? Just saying it might do you some good since there are lots of mistakes in your posts.
perhaps the .gov will pay for it.
but for the record, i suck at spelling, if the forum had an F7 fuction, i'd be happy to use it. until then, i apologize in advance for any further issues.
random.... :?
as for spellun...use the Firefox browser...it has spell check...
http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ ... 304893.jpg
Not to Shabby
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad