Annoying girlfriends..

So my best friend and room mate is dating a 20 year girl. He is 31. She acts like she's 13 and she never stops talking. She's ok to hang out with in small sessions, but its better when alcohol is involved because you have to act pretty retarded to be at her level. His brothers both hate her and keep begging me to break them up. Thats not my job. I don't want to get involved. He asked me early on in their relationship if I though she was annoying. I said sort of, but that she was ok.. I now regret being so light about it.
He is also on a VERY short lease. She lives about 45 minutes away, so she spends the weekend at our place and he spends half the week at hers with her parents. On the one or two days a week they aren't with each other, she is on constant webcam chat with him. It's really scary, I've been living with him for almost two months and haven't had five minutes to talk to him with out her being present in person or cyberly. If I text him, she uses his phone to respond and she is always wailing in the background when I call him.
She always talks about marriage and the kids they are going to have and how she hopes he doesn't die first because she doesn't want to be a lonely old lady *gags*. She always asks him if he loves her. She is a constant attention whore. If me and him are having a conversation she will just walk between us and start making out with him.
Now here's the really annoying part, and tell me if I'm wrong for thinking so.. they have sex easily 5 or 6 times a day and obnoxiously so. She moans and screams on the top of her lungs.. More power to him, my best friend is dating a much younger girl who likes to bang, but I have to hear it all the time! It wakes me up in the morning.. and again not even an hour later again.. after lunch, dinner.. On my days off I'm trying to do whatever I can to leave the house. It's like a constant porno.
Is this normal? Rent here is cheap and I'm saving a lot of money rooming with him. I can't complain, but does anyone else think this is out of the ordinary?
She also has no job and no desire to find one. Winter break from school is a month for her, so she will be pretty much living with us, doing nothing but watching movies and having sex for the next month, and next summer.. I can't wait.
He is also on a VERY short lease. She lives about 45 minutes away, so she spends the weekend at our place and he spends half the week at hers with her parents. On the one or two days a week they aren't with each other, she is on constant webcam chat with him. It's really scary, I've been living with him for almost two months and haven't had five minutes to talk to him with out her being present in person or cyberly. If I text him, she uses his phone to respond and she is always wailing in the background when I call him.
She always talks about marriage and the kids they are going to have and how she hopes he doesn't die first because she doesn't want to be a lonely old lady *gags*. She always asks him if he loves her. She is a constant attention whore. If me and him are having a conversation she will just walk between us and start making out with him.
Now here's the really annoying part, and tell me if I'm wrong for thinking so.. they have sex easily 5 or 6 times a day and obnoxiously so. She moans and screams on the top of her lungs.. More power to him, my best friend is dating a much younger girl who likes to bang, but I have to hear it all the time! It wakes me up in the morning.. and again not even an hour later again.. after lunch, dinner.. On my days off I'm trying to do whatever I can to leave the house. It's like a constant porno.
Is this normal? Rent here is cheap and I'm saving a lot of money rooming with him. I can't complain, but does anyone else think this is out of the ordinary?
She also has no job and no desire to find one. Winter break from school is a month for her, so she will be pretty much living with us, doing nothing but watching movies and having sex for the next month, and next summer.. I can't wait.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I'm a little curious. Did you know him before he started dating her?
How long have they been together?
Has he always dated girls so much younger than himself?
:eh: :problem: :shifty: :think:
2010: Newark, MSG I
2011: EV Philly
2012: Philly MIA
2013: Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Philly 1 & 2, Baltimore
But what do I know? :?
I asked about other girlfriends because I was wondering if he was a little immature himself. Sometimes that's the case when you see that much age difference. It doesn't sound like it's because she's so mature.
That is more togetherness than I could handle in a relationship and more than I could take in a roommate's. Have you ever tried to let him know that you could stand a little privacy? After all, you live there too. You could tell him without saying that she's obnoxious.
Or, you could record them and play it back at some really embarrassing moment. :twisted:
But whatever you do, subtlety is NOT going to work on these people. :lolno:
I'd try talking to your roommate alone first. :problem: :think:
All she does is get drunk and get laid 6-7 times a day?????
Your friend just hit the fucking jackpot!!!!!
I just hope you are hitting on/banging all her 20 year old friends...........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
you could always join in
start moaning aswell
make her feel real uncomfortable
SCREAM his name
and then next time you see them give em a wink
My point was that you live there too.
It sounds like nothing is going to get through to him without you just saying that the noise is a problem and they need to do something about it.
Or you need to get some really good earplugs.
I had though about it.. maybe I'll give subtle loud moans.. see if they get quiet. If not, it will still be funny and make the situation less awkward for me.. lol
Dude. You sound like you're in your 70's or something! :?
I would say something to your friend about them being loud during sex. Tell him its distracting, although its fucking crazy, because 5 times a day would make me chaffe, and I don't think the "boys" would have it in them.
Shes just a dumb 20 year old, nothing should surprise you. I would just let him go and forget about you guys as friends. Hes got the P going right now, and hes not level headed.
when they ask what the hell is going on, tell them you were having a wank and act as if all is normal.
maybe that will get the point across.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Pull a Forrest Gump and make noises everytime they walk by like he did when the principal left the house!
I am sure that will make it stop.
nowadays hits you when you're young
^^^^ Love this :twisted:
This won't last. I'm sure your friend thinks she's crazy too - he already asked if you thought she was annoying - sounds like he already thinks she is. He's having fun getting laid...but he'll move on soon enough.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
I get what he's saying. Once in a while, no big deal.
All day, every day, enough already! :crazy:
My DSL crapped out last night so I didn't get to find out anything else but it sounds like the dudes here have some good suggestions. :thumbup:
imo - you're screwed (pun intended) ... griping to your male roomate that he's having too much sex is not the coolest thing to do although i totally think it sux ...
i would say you have 1 of 2 choices:
1. move out
2. wait it out - he'll dump her when he finally gets over the sex thing