Legend Gerry! I know Jason/Jaswah was looking for footage of Light Years, which was dedicated to his son who was stillborn only a few weeks before the gig. Such an emotional dedication.
Thank you
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
Phew....finally I've uploaded all the PJ vids, I've tried to put the last 10 or so vids at the highest quality. Hope you get alot of enjoyment & hope that they help to relive fond memories of a fab PJ Tour. Great to meet so many cool people along the way.
Again, thank you so much for these Gerry. Incredible work! :thumbup:
I'm not sure whether these make me want to laugh or cry... Wow.
G'day everyone, I'd like to introduce myself as the "evil American line-jumper." I'm going to do my best to answer all unresolved questions which seem to exist around this topic:
Anyone Remember those people who tried to push in the 10c line. We had been lining up for hours, then these 2 or 3 Americans, (Not bad mouthing, just putting this out to jog people's mind) tried to push in right up the front, and were turned away. She then gave everyone the finger, and dropped her phone in the one motion. Hilarious.
Yes- the part about flipping someone off then dropping a phone, truly WOULD be hilarious... if it had actually happened that way.
I assure you that no one was flipped off, as I find that to be the most boring and overused obscene gesture in the book. If I had something to express, it would have involved a less frequently used display- the "hand to bicep" is my favorite example.
In this case, however, I distinctly remember waving to everyone and laughing because it was the most good-natured revolt I'd ever witnessed. I didn't hear a single insult, and everyone was smiling as they verbally tossed me to the proverbial curb. It was cute.
As far as dropping my phone- yes. That definitely sounds like something this clutzy girl would do.
Haha, yeah! I was right there. It was an American girl on her own who had just bought a 10c ticket off a guy I met in line and thought that she could just jump in next to him at 4:10 after we'd all been waiting for 4 hours :roll:
Well, this one is about half right... I'm pretty sure it was close to 4:10 when this all went down- that is a fact.
I got there around 4 and bought the 10c ticket from a guy in line for one of the two guys I was traveling with. I then went to the 10C window and picked up my own tickets- for myself and one for my other friend. My friends didn't want to go in that early, and the person who I bought the ticket from had told me that it was ok to come back in line with him.
My friends walked up there with me because they were a bit concerned about leaving me alone on our first day in a new country- they wanted to see who I was going to be with. I had explained that I always travel alone, and that I'd be fine because 10C'ers are the kindest, most protective people on Earth... but my friends had never seen it for themselves, so they didn't understand.
**Needless to say, they laughed at me following the ousting, and didn't leave me alone again until we arrived in Auckland**
Anyway, regarding the "line jumping" everyone's reaction did surprise me. I would have expected it from the general public, but not the 10C. I obviously wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, nor did I think I would need to be.
I wasn't necessarily trying to get in front of everyone, I just didn't want to be by myself. I was going to have to move back when my friends arrived anyway.
No, I guess I wasn't entitled to it or anything, but I try to help others out whenever I can, and I expected people to understand that I was asking for help in return. I wouldn't have thought anything of it- had I seen the same thing happen when I was already in line- but that's just me.
As much as it would help to explain my point, I feel that throwing out a list of my 10C-specific "kind acts" would probably cheapen the spirit in which they were performed.
I'll just say "no hard feelings" and assume the feeling is mutual.
Was that the f'head with the beard, black tshirt?
He kept yelling ''yeah baby'' ''play ____ you pussies'' ''seattle baby''
People were telling him to shut the fk up.
He even said someone ought to chop my legs off as well as the legs of the 2 guys standing next to me because we are tall and blocking his view.
That's only funny because one of my guys actually is a knuckle-dragging barbarian.
I assure you, however, he has never been to Seattle nor would he talk about cutting off anyone's legs off. Ripping them out of their sockets maybe... but he doesn't find weapons to be as much fun as "bare-handed brutality."
I'm joking, of course... you must have seen some different f'heads. Besides, I accidentally jumped on my caveman's toe (with my stiletto boot heel) early in the show- that kinda took the fight right out of him.
Can't recall the guy. The girl was pretty good looking, but wearing long jeans and I think heels.
Uh... thank you?
Yeah, now I know that it was me- there aren't too many people crazy enough to wear high heels at a concert. All I can say is that I'm really short, and I do what I can to see the show- even if it means I can't walk the next day.
I wear the same thing to every PJ concert- jeans, black boots, and a white tank top which I've made specifically for that show. Like I said, I usually go alone, and wearing the same thing every time helps me to meet up with those who I've met in the past. (I'm always the "white tank top girl")
For the Sydney show, my shirt had a winged-heart with the letters: "GTF" inside. The back said "11 years... 9 months... 20 days" with a large 25 in the middle.
I heard Given To Fly for the first time when I was in college- it was the day Yield was released. For some reason, during that song, I decided that someday I WOULD see PJ in Australia and New Zealand. It took me this long to save up the money to make the trip, but almost 12 years later, there I was for my 25th show.
I hope anyone who was bothered by the incident can feel better about the whole thing now. I assure you that the American made it no where near the front of the stage as her guys didn't get done drinking until the end of Ben Harper's show.
Come to think of it, the only time I ever got to enter with the 10C was in Christchurch... I bribed the guys into going early by promising not to tell anyone that they chickened out of jumping from the Skytower in Auckland
I'm going to find you, and when I do, I don't plan on requesting a picture or an autograph. I'm just going redeem that drink you promised to buy all of "us f*#$ers" in New Zealand last year if we ever caught you out somewhere... and I'm going straight for the top-shelf, expensive bottle.
I'm not sure whether these make me want to laugh or cry... Wow.
G'day everyone, I'd like to introduce myself as the "evil American line-jumper." I'm going to do my best to answer all unresolved questions which seem to exist around this topic:
Yes- the part about flipping someone off then dropping a phone, truly WOULD be hilarious... if it had actually happened that way.
I assure you that no one was flipped off, as I find that to be the most boring and overused obscene gesture in the book. If I had something to express, it would have involved a less frequently used display- the "hand to bicep" is my favorite example.
In this case, however, I distinctly remember waving to everyone and laughing because it was the most good-natured revolt I'd ever witnessed. I didn't hear a single insult, and everyone was smiling as they verbally tossed me to the proverbial curb. It was cute.
As far as dropping my phone- yes. That definitely sounds like something this clutzy girl would do.
Well, this one is about half right... I'm pretty sure it was close to 4:10 when this all went down- that is a fact.
I got there around 4 and bought the 10c ticket from a guy in line for one of the two guys I was traveling with. I then went to the 10C window and picked up my own tickets- for myself and one for my other friend. My friends didn't want to go in that early, and the person who I bought the ticket from had told me that it was ok to come back in line with him.
My friends walked up there with me because they were a bit concerned about leaving me alone on our first day in a new country- they wanted to see who I was going to be with. I had explained that I always travel alone, and that I'd be fine because 10C'ers are the kindest, most protective people on Earth... but my friends had never seen it for themselves, so they didn't understand.
**Needless to say, they laughed at me following the ousting, and didn't leave me alone again until we arrived in Auckland**
Anyway, regarding the "line jumping" everyone's reaction did surprise me. I would have expected it from the general public, but not the 10C. I obviously wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, nor did I think I would need to be.
I wasn't necessarily trying to get in front of everyone, I just didn't want to be by myself. I was going to have to move back when my friends arrived anyway.
No, I guess I wasn't entitled to it or anything, but I try to help others out whenever I can, and I expected people to understand that I was asking for help in return. I wouldn't have thought anything of it- had I seen the same thing happen when I was already in line- but that's just me.
As much as it would help to explain my point, I feel that throwing out a list of my 10C-specific "kind acts" would probably cheapen the spirit in which they were performed.
I'll just say "no hard feelings" and assume the feeling is mutual.
Uh... thank you?
Yeah, now I know that it was me- there aren't too many people crazy enough to wear high heels at a concert. All I can say is that I'm really short, and I do what I can to see the show- even if it means I can't walk the next day.
I wear the same thing to every PJ concert- jeans, black boots, and a white tank top which I've made specifically for that show. Like I said, I usually go alone, and wearing the same thing every time helps me to meet up with those who I've met in the past. (I'm always the "white tank top girl")
For the Sydney show, my shirt had a winged-heart with the letters: "GTF" inside. The back said "11 years... 9 months... 20 days" with a large 25 in the middle.
I heard Given To Fly for the first time when I was in college- it was the day Yield was released. For some reason, during that song, I decided that someday I WOULD see PJ in Australia and New Zealand. It took me this long to save up the money to make the trip, but almost 12 years later, there I was for my 25th show.
I hope anyone who was bothered by the incident can feel better about the whole thing now. I assure you that the American made it no where near the front of the stage as her guys didn't get done drinking until the end of Ben Harper's show.
Come to think of it, the only time I ever got to enter with the 10C was in Christchurch... I bribed the guys into going early by promising not to tell anyone that they chickened out of jumping from the Skytower in Auckland
Great reply Keela. People get far too worked up about others at these concerts and well done for explaining yourself. Great idea with the white singlets and its great to hear you managed to come to our great country and see the greatest band in the world live.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
*BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
*QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
*Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
I'm not sure whether these make me want to laugh or cry... Wow.
G'day everyone, I'd like to introduce myself as the "evil American line-jumper." I'm going to do my best to answer all unresolved questions which seem to exist around this topic:
Anyone Remember those people who tried to push in the 10c line. We had been lining up for hours, then these 2 or 3 Americans, (Not bad mouthing, just putting this out to jog people's mind) tried to push in right up the front, and were turned away. She then gave everyone the finger, and dropped her phone in the one motion. Hilarious.
Yes- the part about flipping someone off then dropping a phone, truly WOULD be hilarious... if it had actually happened that way.
I assure you that no one was flipped off, as I find that to be the most boring and overused obscene gesture in the book. If I had something to express, it would have involved a less frequently used display- the "hand to bicep" is my favorite example.
In this case, however, I distinctly remember waving to everyone and laughing because it was the most good-natured revolt I'd ever witnessed. I didn't hear a single insult, and everyone was smiling as they verbally tossed me to the proverbial curb. It was cute.
As far as dropping my phone- yes. That definitely sounds like something this clutzy girl would do.
Haha, yeah! I was right there. It was an American girl on her own who had just bought a 10c ticket off a guy I met in line and thought that she could just jump in next to him at 4:10 after we'd all been waiting for 4 hours :roll:
Well, this one is about half right... I'm pretty sure it was close to 4:10 when this all went down- that is a fact.
I got there around 4 and bought the 10c ticket from a guy in line for one of the two guys I was traveling with. I then went to the 10C window and picked up my own tickets- for myself and one for my other friend. My friends didn't want to go in that early, and the person who I bought the ticket from had told me that it was ok to come back in line with him.
My friends walked up there with me because they were a bit concerned about leaving me alone on our first day in a new country- they wanted to see who I was going to be with. I had explained that I always travel alone, and that I'd be fine because 10C'ers are the kindest, most protective people on Earth... but my friends had never seen it for themselves, so they didn't understand.
**Needless to say, they laughed at me following the ousting, and didn't leave me alone again until we arrived in Auckland**
Anyway, regarding the "line jumping" everyone's reaction did surprise me. I would have expected it from the general public, but not the 10C. I obviously wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, nor did I think I would need to be.
I wasn't necessarily trying to get in front of everyone, I just didn't want to be by myself. I was going to have to move back when my friends arrived anyway.
No, I guess I wasn't entitled to it or anything, but I try to help others out whenever I can, and I expected people to understand that I was asking for help in return. I wouldn't have thought anything of it- had I seen the same thing happen when I was already in line- but that's just me.
As much as it would help to explain my point, I feel that throwing out a list of my 10C-specific "kind acts" would probably cheapen the spirit in which they were performed.
I'll just say "no hard feelings" and assume the feeling is mutual.
Was that the f'head with the beard, black tshirt?
He kept yelling ''yeah baby'' ''play ____ you pussies'' ''seattle baby''
People were telling him to shut the fk up.
He even said someone ought to chop my legs off as well as the legs of the 2 guys standing next to me because we are tall and blocking his view.
That's only funny because one of my guys actually is a knuckle-dragging barbarian.
I assure you, however, he has never been to Seattle nor would he talk about cutting off anyone's legs off. Ripping them out of their sockets maybe... but he doesn't find weapons to be as much fun as "bare-handed brutality."
I'm joking, of course... you must have seen some different f'heads. Besides, I accidentally jumped on my caveman's toe (with my stiletto boot heel) early in the show- that kinda took the fight right out of him.
Can't recall the guy. The girl was pretty good looking, but wearing long jeans and I think heels.
Uh... thank you?
Yeah, now I know that it was me- there aren't too many people crazy enough to wear high heels at a concert. All I can say is that I'm really short, and I do what I can to see the show- even if it means I can't walk the next day.
I wear the same thing to every PJ concert- jeans, black boots, and a white tank top which I've made specifically for that show. Like I said, I usually go alone, and wearing the same thing every time helps me to meet up with those who I've met in the past. (I'm always the "white tank top girl")
For the Sydney show, my shirt had a winged-heart with the letters: "GTF" inside. The back said "11 years... 9 months... 20 days" with a large 25 in the middle.
I heard Given To Fly for the first time when I was in college- it was the day Yield was released. For some reason, during that song, I decided that someday I WOULD see PJ in Australia and New Zealand. It took me this long to save up the money to make the trip, but almost 12 years later, there I was for my 25th show.
I hope anyone who was bothered by the incident can feel better about the whole thing now. I assure you that the American made it no where near the front of the stage as her guys didn't get done drinking until the end of Ben Harper's show.
Come to think of it, the only time I ever got to enter with the 10C was in Christchurch... I bribed the guys into going early by promising not to tell anyone that they chickened out of jumping from the Skytower in Auckland
peace to ya keela - hope you had great tour and don't worry about the ribbing you copped on here. well done on making it to aus!
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
I'm not sure whether these make me want to laugh or cry... Wow.
G'day everyone, I'd like to introduce myself as the "evil American line-jumper." I'm going to do my best to answer all unresolved questions which seem to exist around this topic:
Anyone Remember those people who tried to push in the 10c line. We had been lining up for hours, then these 2 or 3 Americans, (Not bad mouthing, just putting this out to jog people's mind) tried to push in right up the front, and were turned away. She then gave everyone the finger, and dropped her phone in the one motion. Hilarious.
Yes- the part about flipping someone off then dropping a phone, truly WOULD be hilarious... if it had actually happened that way.
I assure you that no one was flipped off, as I find that to be the most boring and overused obscene gesture in the book. If I had something to express, it would have involved a less frequently used display- the "hand to bicep" is my favorite example.
In this case, however, I distinctly remember waving to everyone and laughing because it was the most good-natured revolt I'd ever witnessed. I didn't hear a single insult, and everyone was smiling as they verbally tossed me to the proverbial curb. It was cute.
As far as dropping my phone- yes. That definitely sounds like something this clutzy girl would do.
Haha, yeah! I was right there. It was an American girl on her own who had just bought a 10c ticket off a guy I met in line and thought that she could just jump in next to him at 4:10 after we'd all been waiting for 4 hours :roll:
Well, this one is about half right... I'm pretty sure it was close to 4:10 when this all went down- that is a fact.
I got there around 4 and bought the 10c ticket from a guy in line for one of the two guys I was traveling with. I then went to the 10C window and picked up my own tickets- for myself and one for my other friend. My friends didn't want to go in that early, and the person who I bought the ticket from had told me that it was ok to come back in line with him.
My friends walked up there with me because they were a bit concerned about leaving me alone on our first day in a new country- they wanted to see who I was going to be with. I had explained that I always travel alone, and that I'd be fine because 10C'ers are the kindest, most protective people on Earth... but my friends had never seen it for themselves, so they didn't understand.
**Needless to say, they laughed at me following the ousting, and didn't leave me alone again until we arrived in Auckland**
Anyway, regarding the "line jumping" everyone's reaction did surprise me. I would have expected it from the general public, but not the 10C. I obviously wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, nor did I think I would need to be.
I wasn't necessarily trying to get in front of everyone, I just didn't want to be by myself. I was going to have to move back when my friends arrived anyway.
No, I guess I wasn't entitled to it or anything, but I try to help others out whenever I can, and I expected people to understand that I was asking for help in return. I wouldn't have thought anything of it- had I seen the same thing happen when I was already in line- but that's just me.
As much as it would help to explain my point, I feel that throwing out a list of my 10C-specific "kind acts" would probably cheapen the spirit in which they were performed.
I'll just say "no hard feelings" and assume the feeling is mutual.
Was that the f'head with the beard, black tshirt?
He kept yelling ''yeah baby'' ''play ____ you pussies'' ''seattle baby''
People were telling him to shut the fk up.
He even said someone ought to chop my legs off as well as the legs of the 2 guys standing next to me because we are tall and blocking his view.
That's only funny because one of my guys actually is a knuckle-dragging barbarian.
I assure you, however, he has never been to Seattle nor would he talk about cutting off anyone's legs off. Ripping them out of their sockets maybe... but he doesn't find weapons to be as much fun as "bare-handed brutality."
I'm joking, of course... you must have seen some different f'heads. Besides, I accidentally jumped on my caveman's toe (with my stiletto boot heel) early in the show- that kinda took the fight right out of him.
Can't recall the guy. The girl was pretty good looking, but wearing long jeans and I think heels.
Uh... thank you?
Yeah, now I know that it was me- there aren't too many people crazy enough to wear high heels at a concert. All I can say is that I'm really short, and I do what I can to see the show- even if it means I can't walk the next day.
I wear the same thing to every PJ concert- jeans, black boots, and a white tank top which I've made specifically for that show. Like I said, I usually go alone, and wearing the same thing every time helps me to meet up with those who I've met in the past. (I'm always the "white tank top girl")
For the Sydney show, my shirt had a winged-heart with the letters: "GTF" inside. The back said "11 years... 9 months... 20 days" with a large 25 in the middle.
I heard Given To Fly for the first time when I was in college- it was the day Yield was released. For some reason, during that song, I decided that someday I WOULD see PJ in Australia and New Zealand. It took me this long to save up the money to make the trip, but almost 12 years later, there I was for my 25th show.
I hope anyone who was bothered by the incident can feel better about the whole thing now. I assure you that the American made it no where near the front of the stage as her guys didn't get done drinking until the end of Ben Harper's show.
Come to think of it, the only time I ever got to enter with the 10C was in Christchurch... I bribed the guys into going early by promising not to tell anyone that they chickened out of jumping from the Skytower in Auckland
Well done Keela on your response. However, I am nearly 100% positive that you did flip the bird (Not that I care). I would put my house on it, because you were about 2m away from me when you did it. We jeered, because that is what Aussies do in situations like this.
And I remember one guy in the line saying 'I'm so hot because I'm American" You responded saying "I heard that" Then I think you dropped your phone.
There is certainly no hard feelings here, I hope you enjoyed the tour, sounds like you would of despite never getting to the front of the line.
And well done on the heels,I couldn't imagine being in the Pitt with high heels on. In fact, I couldn't imagine having high heels on at any time.
And if you make it to Aust for another tour, I'll line up with ya.
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Is it just me or have they dropped the happy birthday off the bootleg.
HEYYY Joni, must of been some night for you hey . if you have a look at the photo you took im the one with the rip curl tshirt on lol. So what was it like? were u back stage for the whole show? did you get to talk to ed or the lads much? what other shows did you got too?
Oh yeah Paul..there you are haha. Yep, it was very cool looking out at all those faces. Yep, I was side stage for the rest of the gig..rather than being crushed up against the barrier (which I loved too).
I did all the Aussie and NZ shows except Adelaide. I had a great time with my mates. Ready for the next one
Is it just me or have they dropped the happy birthday off the bootleg.
HEYYY Joni, must of been some night for you hey . if you have a look at the photo you took im the one with the rip curl tshirt on lol. So what was it like? were u back stage for the whole show? did you get to talk to ed or the lads much? what other shows did you got too?
Is it just me or have they dropped the happy birthday off the bootleg.
HEYYY Joni, must of been some night for you hey . if you have a look at the photo you took im the one with the rip curl tshirt on lol. So what was it like? were u back stage for the whole show? did you get to talk to ed or the lads much? what other shows did you got too?
hey joni add me on FB ive got some pics there you might want and id love to see some of your pics from the show
its <!-- e --><a href="mailto:p72s@mail.com">p72s@mail.com</a><!-- e -->
Does anyone know how Eddie got that colourful band on his wrist in that photo of him with the tamborine and the crowd on the barracades? You know the one I mean (I cant work out how to post a picture here) He doesnt have it on in the B&W photo or any other photos taken of the Sydney concert. Its really bugging me. :?
Not sure if it's been mentioned, and sorry for asking if it's been answered here, but did they leave Ed's dedication to Sebastian on the boot? I hope so! That was really incredible...and worth hearing again!
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
Not sure if it's been mentioned, and sorry for asking if it's been answered here, but did they leave Ed's dedication to Sebastian on the boot? I hope so! That was really incredible...and worth hearing again!
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Quick question. I don't think Ed was drinking that night. May of been on cold and flu pills or something, but that would of well and truly helped with the sore throat.
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Quick question. I don't think Ed was drinking that night. May of been on cold and flu pills or something, but that would of well and truly helped with the sore throat.
A fellow member pointed out to me that Ed singing the end part of Garden is missing from the boot. Anyone else have this problem? Just watched youtube and he sings it there. Hmmm
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Thank you
Again, thank you so much for these Gerry. Incredible work! :thumbup:
*Im EdVedHed on there
Poor Ed - didnt realise he was that sick. Apparently was spewing off the back of the stage
Still upset about Sydney concert
I thought I was going to regret not going to Sydney........
But probably was the show to miss if u missed any.....
Btw whats all these pics I keep seeing of u and Zig looking cosy...
Talk about gutted....
As long as Im the only ones with the sno bunny pics of u..
G'day everyone, I'd like to introduce myself as the "evil American line-jumper." I'm going to do my best to answer all unresolved questions which seem to exist around this topic:
Yes- the part about flipping someone off then dropping a phone, truly WOULD be hilarious... if it had actually happened that way.
I assure you that no one was flipped off, as I find that to be the most boring and overused obscene gesture in the book. If I had something to express, it would have involved a less frequently used display- the "hand to bicep" is my favorite example.
In this case, however, I distinctly remember waving to everyone and laughing because it was the most good-natured revolt I'd ever witnessed. I didn't hear a single insult, and everyone was smiling as they verbally tossed me to the proverbial curb. It was cute.
As far as dropping my phone- yes. That definitely sounds like something this clutzy girl would do.
Well, this one is about half right... I'm pretty sure it was close to 4:10 when this all went down- that is a fact.
I got there around 4 and bought the 10c ticket from a guy in line for one of the two guys I was traveling with. I then went to the 10C window and picked up my own tickets- for myself and one for my other friend. My friends didn't want to go in that early, and the person who I bought the ticket from had told me that it was ok to come back in line with him.
My friends walked up there with me because they were a bit concerned about leaving me alone on our first day in a new country- they wanted to see who I was going to be with. I had explained that I always travel alone, and that I'd be fine because 10C'ers are the kindest, most protective people on Earth... but my friends had never seen it for themselves, so they didn't understand.
**Needless to say, they laughed at me following the ousting, and didn't leave me alone again until we arrived in Auckland**
Anyway, regarding the "line jumping" everyone's reaction did surprise me. I would have expected it from the general public, but not the 10C. I obviously wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, nor did I think I would need to be.
I wasn't necessarily trying to get in front of everyone, I just didn't want to be by myself. I was going to have to move back when my friends arrived anyway.
No, I guess I wasn't entitled to it or anything, but I try to help others out whenever I can, and I expected people to understand that I was asking for help in return. I wouldn't have thought anything of it- had I seen the same thing happen when I was already in line- but that's just me.
As much as it would help to explain my point, I feel that throwing out a list of my 10C-specific "kind acts" would probably cheapen the spirit in which they were performed.
I'll just say "no hard feelings" and assume the feeling is mutual.
That's only funny because one of my guys actually is a knuckle-dragging barbarian.
I assure you, however, he has never been to Seattle nor would he talk about cutting off anyone's legs off. Ripping them out of their sockets maybe... but he doesn't find weapons to be as much fun as "bare-handed brutality."
I'm joking, of course... you must have seen some different f'heads. Besides, I accidentally jumped on my caveman's toe (with my stiletto boot heel) early in the show- that kinda took the fight right out of him.
Uh... thank you?
Yeah, now I know that it was me- there aren't too many people crazy enough to wear high heels at a concert. All I can say is that I'm really short, and I do what I can to see the show- even if it means I can't walk the next day.
I wear the same thing to every PJ concert- jeans, black boots, and a white tank top which I've made specifically for that show. Like I said, I usually go alone, and wearing the same thing every time helps me to meet up with those who I've met in the past. (I'm always the "white tank top girl")
For the Sydney show, my shirt had a winged-heart with the letters: "GTF" inside. The back said "11 years... 9 months... 20 days" with a large 25 in the middle.
I heard Given To Fly for the first time when I was in college- it was the day Yield was released. For some reason, during that song, I decided that someday I WOULD see PJ in Australia and New Zealand. It took me this long to save up the money to make the trip, but almost 12 years later, there I was for my 25th show.
I hope anyone who was bothered by the incident can feel better about the whole thing now. I assure you that the American made it no where near the front of the stage as her guys didn't get done drinking until the end of Ben Harper's show.
Come to think of it, the only time I ever got to enter with the 10C was in Christchurch... I bribed the guys into going early by promising not to tell anyone that they chickened out of jumping from the Skytower in Auckland
Great reply Keela. People get far too worked up about others at these concerts and well done for explaining yourself. Great idea with the white singlets and its great to hear you managed to come to our great country and see the greatest band in the world live.
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
*BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
*QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
*Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
Well done Keela on your response. However, I am nearly 100% positive that you did flip the bird (Not that I care). I would put my house on it, because you were about 2m away from me when you did it. We jeered, because that is what Aussies do in situations like this.
And I remember one guy in the line saying 'I'm so hot because I'm American" You responded saying "I heard that" Then I think you dropped your phone.
There is certainly no hard feelings here, I hope you enjoyed the tour, sounds like you would of despite never getting to the front of the line.
And well done on the heels,I couldn't imagine being in the Pitt with high heels on. In fact, I couldn't imagine having high heels on at any time.
And if you make it to Aust for another tour, I'll line up with ya.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
I did all the Aussie and NZ shows except Adelaide. I had a great time with my mates. Ready for the next one
hey joni add me on FB ive got some pics there you might want and id love to see some of your pics from the show
its <!-- e --><a href="mailto:p72s@mail.com">p72s@mail.com</a><!-- e -->
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else, but why did they cut it? :?:
In somebody else's sky, but why, why, why
Can't it be, can't it be mine
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Quick question. I don't think Ed was drinking that night. May of been on cold and flu pills or something, but that would of well and truly helped with the sore throat.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014