


  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758

    i never said kerry would have ended the wars, i said we'd never have been in the wars in the first place if gore had been elected in 2000 instead of bush. you seem to think that is a trivial consideration.

    you're talking about the election in which i voted for Gore, right?
    What I take issue with is you acting all high and mighty about how your vote won't compromise. I couldn't care less if you vote third party, but quit acting like you're a better man than those of us who take other things into account.

    how did i act better? i said i think those people who made ridiculous claims about what Obama would do and how he'd end the wars in less than a year no longer say things like that and no longer call people names because they are feeling foolish about the claims they helped push....i still stand behind that!
    Gore vs Bush was a major difference. And McCain-Obama was too (esp if you throw in that McCain was in poor health and had Palin behind him).

    i voted and campaigned for nader in 2000 in ohio... and i see now that if not for those efforts, gore would have won and we would have avoided an 8-year nightmare.

    right, it had nothing to do with the 2000 election being stolen. all those people wrongly prevented from voting were meaningless in the bigger picture of Nader :roll: if Nader hadn't run they would've only come close to stealing the election, i get it now
    that's worth thinking about. maybe it doesn't sway you in the end, but it doesn't make those of us who do account for that lesser people as you imply.

    and where did i imply that????
    i'm not voting out of fear of republicans, i'm voting based on what i think is best for my country. and i think obama in office over mccain is best for my country.

    fine, however, i'm still a little confused how that ties in with the individual demographic of obama supporters i referenced?
    I'm happy for you that you got to vote for Kucinich, but don't tell me I'm wrong for voting Obama.

    it doesn't seem like it, it seems you and Commy are saying had i not voted for Kucinich Kerry would've won and it's all my fault. still not connecting the dots over my original post and telling you you were wrong for voting for Obama.....
    I gave you a list of things he has done... he pledged to close Gitmo and said when he made the pledge that it would take time... I'm willing to wait a bit and if he doesn't deliver, I'll see how important that is to me in 2012. He reversed the global gag rule, lifted stem cell research restrictions... all good things.

    ok, but the intitial list i was given of things Bush did, that wouldn't have happened if Gore won and it's my fault he didn't because i voted for......Gore....? none of that was mentioned....the list were mainly of things Bush did but Obama has continued to support.

    sure, i know Gitmo would take time, i'm cool with that. i can even understand we can't just pack up and leave Iraq and Afghanistan tomorrow (although, i will be starting a thread after this of a withdrawl plan which was voted down but made perfect sense) and yeah, stem cell research and the gag rule ARE positive steps, however the things he has gone back on are just as big or more, especially when added up. don't promise to pay me $100 then hand me $5 and say 'at least it's something!!!!'

    im just saying you can't really complain about we wouldn't have this or that when you're helping support someone who supports those same things. it should be just as wrong regardless of who is supporting it.
    he reversed Bush's policies on pre-emption and handles Iran and Korea a helluva lot better than Dubya would have.

    not sure what difference there is with Korea but Iran is iffy....if he goes through his whole term without bombing another country....oh wait, isn't he bombing parts of Pakistan? well at least we're not invading another country just yet.
    and he drew a line in the sand on financial reform to ensure that we get a consumer protection agency, which i think is crucial.

    and he's also helping reduce consumer protection and what financial reform was that????
    has he fallen short elsewhere? sure. he wilted on israel, but what american president has ever stood up to them?

    oh, i thought Obama campaigned on a promise of change, not 'well, everyone else did the same!!'
    i'm curious what you think nader and kucinich would have done,

    i think they would actually push Israel to stop violating international law, the Geneva Conventions and UN resolutions or they would cut back their aid, especially their military aid. i also don't think Nader or Kucinich would've dismissed the Goldstone and call it 1 sided when it stated both sides committed war crimes and need to be investigated....
    becos i suspect your vision of their presidency is a bit delusional and based as much on wishful thinking as the obama supporters you've been trying to criticize.

    i don't, i think those 2 would follow through on their promises or at least not just roll over as easily as Obama has

    the naive and idealistic are always disappointed by political reality, and even nader and dennis would be bowing to that before you knew it.

    maybe but i think different, however if they did i would be just as vocal
    yes, we still have wars. yes, the current health care bills leave something to be desired, but i think he's playing it smart thus far and we may end up with something better than anticipated in the end. yes, financial regs aren't firm enough, but he is doing a helluva lot more than dubya or mccain would have to rein in wall street.

    i think he has done actually very little to do this.

    i dont expect perfection from my elected officials. obama got handed a country in worse shape than it has been in 100 years and so far he's been doing a fair job. it's a huge impvroment on the past admin and his chief challenger, and i truly think he's more effective than kucinich or nader would have been in his position.

    i don't expect perfection either, just an honest effort to live up to their campaign promises and promises of change we could believe far i have seen very little. of course he's more effective, they would've fought for actual change, despite everything i say Obama is great at doing nothing to very little.
    what bothers me is the way you criticize obama supporters as somehow delusional for thinking he'd change everything overnight (which he never claimed, it's their delusion not his lies)

    no, i never thought change would come 'overnight' just that an honest effort would be made. and the claims he DID make, like saying how secretive the past administration was and any time the white house met with a lobbyist or exec it would be broadcast on the internet and CSPAN and then had secret meetings with pharmaceutical and insurance lobbyists and execs and fights to not reveal who all he met with....and many other things. and with his do nothing attitude to Israel's crimes against humanity you just can't blame it on 'not enough time' when he never even makes the effort to begin with
    yet you sit there and act like if we just got nader or kucinich elected, everything would change overnight. do you not see the absurd contradiction in that?

    yeah, there would certainly be an absurd contradiction....had that been anywhere close to what i said or believed......however, it has no resemblance to reality. i never said or thought either of them would create change overnight, i just think they would actually make an effort and fight for change.

    i know simply voting either of those people into the presidency would be far from the end of the struggle, it's not just who is president, it's our entire system. if a president got elected who actually pushed for change of course they'd get fights from the corporate duopoly just as health care reform was attacked by some democrats.

    also, you said Nader and Kucinich have done nothing to qualify themselves as president, i must've missed it but i asked what Obama has accomplished that makes him qualified or moreso than Nader and Kucinich?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    What I take issue with is you acting all high and mighty about how your vote won't compromise. I couldn't care less if you vote third party, but quit acting like you're a better man than those of us who take other things into account.

    how did i act better? i said i think those people who made ridiculous claims about what Obama would do and how he'd end the wars in less than a year no longer say things like that and no longer call people names because they are feeling foolish about the claims they helped push....i still stand behind that!
    that's worth thinking about. maybe it doesn't sway you in the end, but it doesn't make those of us who do account for that lesser people as you imply.

    and where did i imply that????

    from page 7 or so:

    "i respect your right to trap yourself into keeping the corporate duopoly going, i just choose to not take a part in that anymore."

    dripping with condescension, smug superiority, and self-righteousness.

    nader's never done shit to put himself on the line. he's never even attempted to run for an office where he might be put in the position of actually having to put his money where his mouth is and live up to his ideals, because he knows he'd fare no better than the guys he makes a living taking shots at. kucinich is another story. i like him and would vote for him in a heartbeat if he ever get's the democratic nod or runs as an independent. but i would be shocked if he proves any more effective than obama has thus far. and i'd prefer the small victories obama's diplomacy have gotten us to a guy standing firm and getting absolutely nothing done to move things in the right direction, which is what i suspect kucinich would amount to if he ever occupied the oval office.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Obama admits delay on Guantanamo
    Wednesday, 18 November 2009

    US President Barack Obama has for the first time admitted that the US will miss the January 2010 deadline he set for closing the Guantanamo Bay prison.

    Mr Obama made the admission in interviews with US networks during his tour of Asia.

    He said he was "not disappointed" that the deadline had slipped, saying he "knew this was going to be hard".

    Officials are trying to determine what to do with some 220 detainees still held at the US prison on Cuba.

    The questions remaining over the fate of those assessed as dangerous but who for legal reasons could not be prosecuted in a US court had already prompted much speculation that the deadline would slip.

    Mr Obama did not set a specific new deadline for closing the camp, but said it would probably be later in 2010.

    "We had a specific deadline that was missed," he told NBC television.

    Mr Obama told Fox News: "People, I think understandably, are fearful after a lot of years where they were told that Guantanamo was critical to keep terrorists out."

    Closing the facility was "also just technically hard," he added.
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    What I take issue with is you acting all high and mighty about how your vote won't compromise. I couldn't care less if you vote third party, but quit acting like you're a better man than those of us who take other things into account.

    how did i act better? i said i think those people who made ridiculous claims about what Obama would do and how he'd end the wars in less than a year no longer say things like that and no longer call people names because they are feeling foolish about the claims they helped push....i still stand behind that!
    that's worth thinking about. maybe it doesn't sway you in the end, but it doesn't make those of us who do account for that lesser people as you imply.

    and where did i imply that????

    from page 7 or so:

    "i respect your right to trap yourself into keeping the corporate duopoly going, i just choose to not take a part in that anymore."

    dripping with condescension, smug superiority, and self-righteousness.

    nader's never done shit to put himself on the line. he's never even attempted to run for an office where he might be put in the position of actually having to put his money where his mouth is and live up to his ideals, because he knows he'd fare no better than the guys he makes a living taking shots at. kucinich is another story. i like him and would vote for him in a heartbeat if he ever get's the democratic nod or runs as an independent. but i would be shocked if he proves any more effective than obama has thus far. and i'd prefer the small victories obama's diplomacy have gotten us to a guy standing firm and getting absolutely nothing done to move things in the right direction, which is what i suspect kucinich would amount to if he ever occupied the oval office.

    actually from page 9, but i love how you leave out the post that mine was in reply to, just 2 posts above mine....

    "you can play the third party bullshit game all you want"

    "what we do here affects the world. so fuck off if i'm wasting a vote on the working family party or the green party again, we have to face a reality."

    i suppose those quotes weren't 'dripping with condescension, smug superiority, and self-righteousness.'? :roll:

    also, while i was sick and had just worked a long set of hours and therefor was a little more snappy than i should have been i think my comment you quoted, '"i respect your right to trap yourself into keeping the corporate duopoly going, i just choose to not take a part in that anymore."' was perfectly in line given i was replying to remarks like:

    'that we trade a militant capitalist for a militant capitalist every 4 or 8 years. the structure is set/ voting does very little.'

    'just one fundamental shift in the way power operates, without general upheaval and popular protests and strikes. we're not changing anything fundamental with a vote.'

    apparently many of you didn't read my initial post and thought i was referring to 100% of Obama supporters when i was only referring to 1 segment and he felt i was attacking him but with that post of his i replied to i still stand behind my statement of trapping yourself into supporting the corporate duopoly as he had just stated voting didn't change anything fundamental and we just trade 1 militant capitalist for another militant capitalist every 4-8 years. if you think something is wrong don't take a part in it, don't help strengthen what you think needs to be replaced just because you are too scared the other guy will win.

    it really is like that old simpson's halloween episode where the 2 aliens impersonate Clinton and Dole and even though the american public discovers this before election day they have to vote for 1 of them because who else would we vote for, a third party?

    also, your comments were pretty smug and condescending and all those other things as well. so will you be the pot or the kettle? the main difference is i never claimed 100% or even a majority of Obama supporters were like anything yet you know how every single Nader supporter is and you know exactly why everyone who voted republican recently did so....and yet i'm the smug one acting superior? :roll: i guess somehow you saying Nader supporters were just like Glenn Beck supporters isn't condescending or anything on some uncharted universe....

    'we gave the world W last time we voted 3rd party!' bullshit! we gave the world W because he stole the election in 2000 and got away with it, he would've stolen that election regardless if Nader had run or not, only difference is now you guys would be blaming Pat Buchanon or some other 3rd party candidate, instead.

    oh, and by the way, you still haven't told me what Obama has done to qualify him as president. he was elected to the senate once and then missed 1/2 the votes because he was out campaigning for 3 or 4 years. did he 'put himself on the line' with any of the votes he actually voted on? or did he give in like the war funding bills, the patriot act, rewriting FISA to make what the last administration did legal....? Nader might not have held a public office but he has still created actual change, not just empty promises of it
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    "you can play the third party bullshit game all you want"

    "what we do here affects the world. so fuck off if i'm wasting a vote on the working family party or the green party again, we have to face a reality."

    'that we trade a militant capitalist for a militant capitalist every 4 or 8 years. the structure is set/ voting does very little.'

    'just one fundamental shift in the way power operates, without general upheaval and popular protests and strikes. we're not changing anything fundamental with a vote.'

    i don't believe any of those quotes were mine.
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317



    Mystery clears as Target unveils new store locations

    Andrew McKay, On Friday May 27, 2011, 9:29 am EDT

    The Canadian retail industry and shoppers alike have been waiting with bated breath to find out what's going on with Target. Ever since news broke earlier this year that the darling of the American budget big box shopping world would be moving into Canada, the two words on everyone's minds have been "when?" and "where?"

    On Thursday, Minneapolis-based Target Corporation started shedding some light on the move that could significantly shift Canada's retail landscape. The company announced that beginning in 2013, when it formally takes ownership of the existing Zellers chain, it will set up the Target brand in 105 locations across Canada. In fact, the first rollout includes stores in every province, in almost every major centre (the only big city left off the list is Halifax). ... 7.html?x=0

    Target expects to finalize the acquisition of these initial sites in the coming days and pay half of the C$1.825 billion purchase price. A full list of the sites in this initial selection, including the 22 property owners and landlords with whom Target has reached lease agreements, accompanies this release. In accordance with its real estate transaction to acquire up to 220 leaseholds from Zellers Inc. announced earlier this year, Target has the right to select up to 110 sites in conjunction with the first payment and will continue to select additional leases in advance of the second payment this fall.

    Target also announced today that, pending approval by its Board of Directors next month, it has selected the location of its Canadian headquarters. Target will occupy about 180,000 square-feet of space at 5570 Explorer Dr., Mississauga, ON in AeroCentre V. The building was built to LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) gold standard and is owned by Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP). After some remodeling, the majority of Target's Canadian headquarters team will begin occupying the space in early 2012.

    "We are thrilled to share these first details about our planned entry into Canada," said Tony Fisher, president, Target Canada. "We are excited that these initial store sites ensure Target will be represented throughout the country. We look forward to completing our selection process during the next several months, moving us one step closer to delivering the Target brand shopping experience to our Canadian guests." ... l?x=0&.v=6 :ugeek:
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    GITMO??? Didn't Obama shut that down already? Oh, that's right, just another broken promise. :roll:
  • brandon10brandon10 Posts: 1,114
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    GITMO??? Didn't Obama shut that down already? Oh, that's right, just another broken promise. :roll:

    I guess he was too busy shooting Bin Laden in the face......
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    brandon10 wrote:
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    GITMO??? Didn't Obama shut that down already? Oh, that's right, just another broken promise. :roll:

    I guess he was too busy shooting Bin Laden in the face......
    and defending himself against stupid nonsensical "issues" like his birth certificate...

    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    brandon10 wrote:
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    GITMO??? Didn't Obama shut that down already? Oh, that's right, just another broken promise. :roll:

    I guess he was too busy shooting Bin Laden in the face......
    and defending himself against stupid nonsensical "issues" like his birth certificate...


    :lol::lol::lol: . Again with the birth certificate. You should join the MSNBC clan. Or Trump, but I don't see that happening.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    :lol::lol::lol: . Again with the birth certificate. You should join the MSNBC clan. Or Trump, but I don't see that happening.
    my post was a shot at the teabaggers, fox news, and right wing radio who have made such an issue out of his birth certificate which was really never an issue at all...they made it so much of an issue to distract their audience from realizing how badly they are getting cornholed by the system...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    :lol::lol::lol: . Again with the birth certificate. You should join the MSNBC clan. Or Trump, but I don't see that happening.
    my post was a shot at the teabaggers, fox news, and right wing radio who have made such an issue out of his birth certificate which was really never an issue at all...they made it so much of an issue to distract their audience from realizing how badly they are getting cornholed by the system...

    :lol: And the left wing media has yet another sheep. My point is, the left has brought up the certificate issue alot more often then Fox. Beck has actually defended Obama on the certificate issue. You say "they have made it so much of an issue, when in reality, it's just the opposite. The left loves the certificate issue, because then it makes people, like you, think we're getting cornholed by the system.

    Here's Becks take on the certificate issue.

    And here's Msnbc's spin.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    :lol: And the left wing media has yet another sheep. My point is, the left has brought up the certificate issue alot more often then Fox. Beck has actually defended Obama on the certificate issue. You say "they have made it so much of an issue, when in reality, it's just the opposite. The left loves the certificate issue, because then it makes people, like you, think we're getting cornholed by the system.

    Here's Becks take on the certificate issue.

    And here's Msnbc's spin.
    now, every one of us on here, including you, knows that the large font is an out and out lie.

    and the only reason the left cares about the certificate issue is because the morons in this country believe that he is not a citizen and it just goes to perpetuate that lie to make him look illegitimate.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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