Do you mean the ability or the possibility? Sometime ago I could sleep 12 or 16 hours in a row. Now that I started working I always wake up at 9 the latest, no matter when I went to bed :?
I looooove sleeping!
Where do you get all your interesting questions from?
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Do you mean the ability or the possibility? Sometime ago I could sleep 12 or 16 hours in a row. Now that I started working I always wake up at 9 the latest, no matter when I went to bed :?
I looooove sleeping!
Where do you get all your interesting questions from?
Any exciting new years eve plans?
We are having 7 families over (16 adults, 27 kids :shock: )
Can I hide at your place? :?
DB you can come to my house. I won't be here.
Ever heard of them?
and who is DB?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Do you have an alter-ego?
What was your craziest new years eve experience?
Is the donkey still with you?
No, he used to be in my Avatar but has now been replaced by freaky smiley kid...
Do you smile as you post? People in my office think I am weird
it is BD's dyslexic name. The Avett Brothers
Did you look up I did. It is a real site.
Why can't women put on mascara without closing their mouths? (see, I used one)
Have you ever had a blog?
You? (this was in
Are you an avid blog reader?
How do you take your coffee?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
And Boo Boo the Dreidel maker: Creme, 2 Splendas
Good blogs to read?
How many cups do you drink a day?
Favourite kind of pop? or soda as you American's say
Do you use diet sodas to mix with alcohol?
Have you heard of that?
Do you like Jack Hannah? (I've got nothing...)
How do you get rid of sushi breath?
Do you eat the ginger?
Should I not drink coffee and eat sushi simultaneously? :shock:
What do you do for a living?
Do you still want to talk to me? :?
get into the IT Field
And yourself?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
What's your favourite pasta sauce?