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  • Not sure yet...

  • I haven't had breakfast. :?

    What magazines do you read?
  • Modern drummer and guitar world

    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    I read Bon Appetite, Cooks Illustrated, most any foodie mag

    How long do you keep leftovers before eating/ throwing it out?
  • I put them in the fridge and never eat them. I throw them out when they start to smell bad.

    Do you like to eat leftovers?
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    if its the only thing in the fridge. And right now, my fridge is a mirror.

    How many times a week you go food shopping?
  • As few as possible. I stuff my buggy full when I go and then make due until I HAVE to go again.

    Do you mind going to the grocery store?
  • No, I find it cathartic actually...

    Do you make a list before you go?
  • yes I do. And DB I want to shop where you do because I surely do not have the same experience.

    Do you adhere to your list or do you find your cart is double what was on your list?
  • No I stick to it... maybe one extra snack...

    Average weekly bill at the supermarket?
  • $150 every 3 weeks for 2 people.

    How about you?
  • $300 every week for 2 adults and 3 kids :?

    CAn you go down the candy aisle without buying something? :shifty:
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    yes- its hard, but yes

    where do you start when you go to the grocers- the fruit/ veg or the dairy, etc?
  • Fruits/Veg first and Dairy Last...

    Do you stick you hand behind the milks to look for later expiration dates?
  • Yes...

    Do you go threw alot of eggs?
    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    yes, especially if I'm baking something that week

    What kind of milk do you buy, whole, skim, etc?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Skimmed. Don't drink milk on it's own... just to put in coffee, cook with, etc.

    Do you like eggnog?
  • Skim Plus??
    And eh on the eggnog... only if severly doused with alcohol :lol:

    Do you like White Russians?
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    never had one.

    ever have Jamaican Wray and Nephew Rum? Talk about potent...
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Never have.

    When's the last time you got so intoxicated that you don't remember most of the night?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • My 30th birthday... So 14 years ago.

  • Ummm...few weeks ago :oops:

    Favorite mixed drink?
  • Manhattan on the Rocks

  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Vodka and OJ with a splash of Cranberry.

    Is your SO a big drinker?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • yes. More than me but he handles his better.

    Do you drink socially or sometimes at home too?
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    He doesn't drink, so he's the designated driver.

    do you like stripes or pokadots?
  • Only socially, but I might have a glass of wine when I get home on Friday Night if we don't go out...

    Do you have a bar at home?
  • Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,374
    Both :lol: Depends on my mood.

  • Just a cabinet full of booze and a fridge full of beer. It will suffice.

    When you go out to eat, what do you usually order to eat?
  • I have both in tie form... Prefer Stripes...
    And #1 - I don't like the repitition so it will be mixed up but obviously depends on the restaurant..

    Can you tie a tie?
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