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  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Just started becoming close about 3 yrs ago...thanks to PJ :D

    Do your friends listen to PJ?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • When there with me they do! :lol:

    Fav band besides PJ?
    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • Love so many but I will go with Black Crowes...

    Next concert you are seeing?
  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    Ray LaMontagne

    You like him?
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • I've seen a couple of videos people have put up and it's been good...

    First album I should get?
  • Dont know who he is

    Who is he ?
    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    A singer/songwriter ... although for his latest album he has officially made his touring band 'his band' so he is now Ray LaMontagne and the Pariah Dogs ... has THE most amazing voice which when heard live makes the hairs on your neck stand on end. BD I'd start at the beginning with 'Trouble' (he has four albums total and this will be the third time I've seen him) ... PD: look up 'Shelter' or 'Hold You in My Arms' on youtube for an idea of what he is about.

    EDIT: Here you go:

    Shelter -

    Hold You in My Arms -

    Will you go look?
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    I definately will tonight once I get home.

    When is the last time you recieved a speeding ticket?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • 3 years ago... finally off my record.

    You? and how fast were you driving?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    9 years ago when I first got my license...I was going 78 kmh in a 50 kmh zone.

    Ever just get a warning and they let you go?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • No, I am an ugly dude... No warnings :lol:

  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Yeah, once for not stopping at a stop sign.

    Do you consider yourself a good driver?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    yes-but I've had accidents tho

    Have you had any accidents?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Just once someone rear-ended me...not much damage though.

    Do you have to have music on while driving or would you rather it be quiet?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • Just last month... not fun.
    And yeah I am blasting something usually... these days PJ Radio.

    Ever total a car?
  • yes, flipped it.

    Does inclement weather make you nervous to drive in?
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    No, just be careful of the idiots, I mean, other drivers around you.

    Have you ever succumbed to road rage?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    No, I may have said something to myself or honked my horn but that's it.

    Do you have snow tires on your vehicle?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • Ummmm.... Maybe like everyday :shifty:

    Worst thing you said to someone while driving?
  • RYEzupSFRYEzupSF Posts: 6,003
    Can't recall. I'd imagine there were several "you fucking...."

    Favorite winter activity?

    Don't fuck sheep. -EV 7/11/11
    You can never have enough Neil in the mix. -EV 10/24/10
    There's only one commandment: Don't be an asshole. -EV 5/6/10
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    staying inside with some hot chocolate :lol:

    What is the worst weather you have driven in?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    This morning's weather, 40 cm of snow last night, icy and blowing all over...but I made it safe :D

    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • Over 24 inch snow storm...white outs and all... took 4 hours to get home on a normally 30 minute drive.

  • I was up in Maine a few Christmases ago and they got 20 inches of snow one day and 20 then next. I guess that is the worse for me being a girl from TN.

    edit: maybe that was 10 inches one day and 10 the next. It was a lot!

    How about you?
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    Went up to Vermont (hub was snowboarding) and it was total whiteout conditions. He wanted to turn back, but the rest of the crew convinced him to keep going. Not a safe drive at all.

    Do you read the newspaper or listen to the news?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Both, I usually read the paper online and then watch the news at night.

    Ever been in a newspaper?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • Read the papers...
    And yes, a couple of times.

    Favorite Newspaper?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    The Sudbury Star :lol:

    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • NY Times.

    Ever written anything that has been published?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500

    What's for lunch?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
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