Now when it's morning here I've read all your posts and some of it are,... well let's leave it unwritten... If you don't want to talk about sound quality, then just leave it. The album is great anyway and i'm glad the mastering is better this time.
The title of the thread was just another guys opinion from the SH audio forum, and not my opinion. I just put the title to draw some attention, but some of you obviously got pissed because someone's talking about the audio quality of Pearl Jam's recordings...
You're on a musical artist's message board, because you allegedly love their music (and other music, I would assume). A website dedicated to and based on the artist's music. So music is the central focus, here.
And you don't care how well music is recorded or how it's produced; in terms of sound quality?
Oh man, too funny. Without a doubt the educational system is a trainwreck.
That's like saying ....You love food, but you eat Burger King, Chinese Take Out and Subway all day and all week
Dude, it's produced and mixed by Brendan O'Brien. You don't question that shit. This guy knows exactly what he's doing. You can question it if you want, but trying to bring the education system into it is just moronic. If you like yield, shut the fuck up.
I do respect Brendan O'Brien as a producer/mixer and I think he's really great on keyboards, too. Far better than Boom. I'm really glad they took him back, but if you know anything what we're talking about you should question Bob Ludwig who mastered the CD. The vinyl mastering was done buy John Golden, and it's way better, according to the people at the SH forum (see first post of the thread for the link).
O'Brien produced Bruce Springsteen's Magic and it was mastered by Bob Ludwig and that album has got big complaints of the way too loud mastering. Maybe that was Ludwig's fault, who mastered it and not Brendan's fault.
I can't believe the ignorant little children in this thread. "It's just rock and roll!!11! Go get laid! You're a nerd! You're a loser if you can't take it loud!" Spoken like a true music lover :roll:
It's not about how loud you turn up the CD.
It's the difference between this
and this
At least look this topic up on wikipedia before you start throwing insults around. You don't think Pearl Jam would feel the same way? How about we wait for Who's Next or Quadrophenia to be brickwalled, and then you can go ask Ed all about it. I'm sure he'll just say "If it's too loud you're too old" or something ridiculous like that, right? :roll:
I don't understand some of the people giving the OP (and the people who want to discuss this sort of thing) a hard time. Everyone has the right to discuss the album in whatever capacity they want. If you don't understand or care about what they have to say, then don't read/post in this thread.
I personally don't have such a fine tuned, or maybe just not properly trained, ear to be able to hear the difference (most of the time), but I do find reading about it very interesting. Especially the idea that these overly compressed (is that right?) albums might affect my enjoyment, even if I don't consciously hear the difference.
If anyone who is knowledgeable about this could point me in the direction of two albums that are very different (one good - one bad) I'd very much appreciate trying to hear this for myself.
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane
Congrats to the op on the way he has handled this thread
I don't give a damn about this issue mainly because I fall into the iPod or cd type listener and still enjoy the music but I believe the guy makes some valid points and got some abuse.
Hey Op, ignore all the childish shit people are throwing at you, it's a totally valid point you are making.
It's not about over-analysing things, it's about the difference of being able to hear all the instruments how the artists intended, and just hearing all the instruments blurred into one. I'm no expert on this stuff, but it's not difficult to hear the difference if you know what you are listening for. Try listening to Soundgarden's Superunknown, then play something by any modern rock band from the last five years, and the difference should be pretty obvious. I guess most people are used to it so it just doesn't bother them.
In terms of Backspacer, I don't think it's too bad at all, I think the production suits the style of the music.
The reaction was predictable. We've seen this before.
Little cheerleaders wearing little skirts and waving their fluffy pom-poms.
Then, you get the standard........
."Like...uh ma' gawd, they're like....totally..saying bad .....about Pearl Jam. Do you believe it? Like....Oh ma' gawd. Like....How totally rude! Totally! C'mon, let' go call them nerds....and stuff. Like....lets make fun of them......and stuff. Like......totally!"
It's like tiny, little fruit flies.....flying around your head ...who need a good swat
I think that backspacer sounds much better than s/t. The one album I can barely listen to is REM's latest....Accelerate. Completely ridiculous. I truly think this shit is important. Of course it is just rock and roll. Hopefully classical and jazz doesn't go the same way since they have both embraced the sacd/dvd-a format and rock/pop shunned it.
The Ten Club Community forum is an all-ages, topical and moderated forum. We'll be talking about Pearl Jam's music, new albums and tours and all Pearl Jam and Ten Club activities. Most of all...please be kind and take care of each other and we hope you have lots of FUN!!
Posting Guidelines
1. Be nice. We're very big on RESPECT here. Respect for each other, the band and the Ten Club Community forum environment. Please think of it as if you are as a guest in someone else's home. Please do not put your posting privileges at risk.
2. Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive, and it's a requirement here. This includes abusive Private Messages.
a. We operate on the "I'm rubber, you're glue" philosophy so if you make a wonderful, thoughtful post with good points and call the other guy a moron while you're at it, it'll be removed. See #3.
3. There are people bashing and insulting each other all over the internet. We feel it can be better here.
4. Please respect topic integrity by not derailing discussions from the original poster’s intent (OP). You can begin a new topic of your own in the appropriate forum.
See the rest at the top of the page.
This is a good place to start for the people who ruined this thread. Please do not choose to be banned...
That was good.
The title of the thread was just another guys opinion from the SH audio forum, and not my opinion. I just put the title to draw some attention, but some of you obviously got pissed because someone's talking about the audio quality of Pearl Jam's recordings...
I do respect Brendan O'Brien as a producer/mixer and I think he's really great on keyboards, too. Far better than Boom. I'm really glad they took him back, but if you know anything what we're talking about you should question Bob Ludwig who mastered the CD. The vinyl mastering was done buy John Golden, and it's way better, according to the people at the SH forum (see first post of the thread for the link).
O'Brien produced Bruce Springsteen's Magic and it was mastered by Bob Ludwig and that album has got big complaints of the way too loud mastering. Maybe that was Ludwig's fault, who mastered it and not Brendan's fault.
It's not about how loud you turn up the CD.
It's the difference between this
and this
At least look this topic up on wikipedia before you start throwing insults around. You don't think Pearl Jam would feel the same way? How about we wait for Who's Next or Quadrophenia to be brickwalled, and then you can go ask Ed all about it. I'm sure he'll just say "If it's too loud you're too old" or something ridiculous like that, right? :roll:
I personally don't have such a fine tuned, or maybe just not properly trained, ear to be able to hear the difference (most of the time), but I do find reading about it very interesting. Especially the idea that these overly compressed (is that right?) albums might affect my enjoyment, even if I don't consciously hear the difference.
If anyone who is knowledgeable about this could point me in the direction of two albums that are very different (one good - one bad) I'd very much appreciate trying to hear this for myself.
I don't give a damn about this issue mainly because I fall into the iPod or cd type listener and still enjoy the music but I believe the guy makes some valid points and got some abuse.
Good on him for keeping it civilized
It's not about over-analysing things, it's about the difference of being able to hear all the instruments how the artists intended, and just hearing all the instruments blurred into one. I'm no expert on this stuff, but it's not difficult to hear the difference if you know what you are listening for. Try listening to Soundgarden's Superunknown, then play something by any modern rock band from the last five years, and the difference should be pretty obvious. I guess most people are used to it so it just doesn't bother them.
In terms of Backspacer, I don't think it's too bad at all, I think the production suits the style of the music.
Little cheerleaders wearing little skirts and waving their fluffy pom-poms.
Then, you get the standard........
."Like...uh ma' gawd, they're like....totally..saying bad .....about Pearl Jam. Do you believe it? Like....Oh ma' gawd. Like....How totally rude! Totally! C'mon, let' go call them nerds....and stuff. Like....lets make fun of them......and stuff. Like......totally!"
It's like tiny, little fruit flies.....flying around your head ...who need a good swat
The Ten Club Community forum is an all-ages, topical and moderated forum. We'll be talking about Pearl Jam's music, new albums and tours and all Pearl Jam and Ten Club activities. Most of all...please be kind and take care of each other and we hope you have lots of FUN!!
Posting Guidelines
1. Be nice. We're very big on RESPECT here. Respect for each other, the band and the Ten Club Community forum environment. Please think of it as if you are as a guest in someone else's home. Please do not put your posting privileges at risk.
2. Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive, and it's a requirement here. This includes abusive Private Messages.
a. We operate on the "I'm rubber, you're glue" philosophy so if you make a wonderful, thoughtful post with good points and call the other guy a moron while you're at it, it'll be removed. See #3.
3. There are people bashing and insulting each other all over the internet. We feel it can be better here.
4. Please respect topic integrity by not derailing discussions from the original poster’s intent (OP). You can begin a new topic of your own in the appropriate forum.
See the rest at the top of the page.
This is a good place to start for the people who ruined this thread. Please do not choose to be banned...