No need to be sorry. I think yours might be similar to a problem I have. I live in the countryside. It's very quiet all day, except for first thing in the a.m, approx. 7:30, the field across my road has a bunch of machinery in it that the guy hires out. So every morning on weekdays there's a huge commotion that wakes me up. Good thing I'm an early riser anyway!
I already work for the organisation I am interviewing for. A lot of these jobs that are internally advertised, it doesn't matter what you say sometimes, they just have it decided already who they want for the job. However, still have to try!
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
No need to be sorry. I think yours might be similar to a problem I have. I live in the countryside. It's very quiet all day, except for first thing in the a.m, approx. 7:30, the field across my road has a bunch of machinery in it that the guy hires out. So every morning on weekdays there's a huge commotion that wakes me up. Good thing I'm an early riser anyway!
I already work for the organisation I am interviewing for. A lot of these jobs that are internally advertised, it doesn't matter what you say sometimes, they just have it decided already who they want for the job. However, still have to try!
It's great that you already work for the company!
I do not live in the country. I live in the suburban part of a city. City blocks. Postage stamp sized lots. Dead end block. Quiet neighborhood-- generally. (It is in the flight path of a small airport with our property the beginning of final descent.) Someone let off a few fireworks at 3 AM. Just a few and they were done. Homeowner old dude on the back lot either has the table saw, the impact drill or has been hammering something this morning. Only more annoying is when the Army decides to do take off and landing practice of the giant helicopters in the morning and overnight. That is maybe twice a year though. My whole house shakes.
Wow. I actually couldn't handle that at all. If you're studying/working during the regular 9 - 5 time cycle, you absolutely need to get your sleep at night. I work unsocial hours, but I still get to sleep most nights shortly after midnight, because otherwise my mind will start to play tricks on me. So all around you there's just people everywhere?
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
There are, but while we socialize, it's not like we're close enough to knock on the window from our home and ask for a cup of sugar. We help each other, laugh at and with each other and in a few cases, choose to ignore a neighbor. (Mine next door. He is some sort of special. We put up a fence. I did a bit of painting on it last year. I admit that the painting is not so great and an incredible FUCK YOU to him, but this year I will do some painting to fix the mess I created. I ended up with terrible bronchitis most of last summer, so it had to wait until better weather came along to be finished anyhow. I did plant 40' of fence line in perennials though. Some *may* have the habit to reseed plentifully, especially when winds come through. Botanical warfare. ) If you zoom in, you can see how close the houses are.
No need to be sorry. I think yours might be similar to a problem I have. I live in the countryside. It's very quiet all day, except for first thing in the a.m, approx. 7:30, the field across my road has a bunch of machinery in it that the guy hires out. So every morning on weekdays there's a huge commotion that wakes me up. Good thing I'm an early riser anyway!
I already work for the organisation I am interviewing for. A lot of these jobs that are internally advertised, it doesn't matter what you say sometimes, they just have it decided already who they want for the job. However, still have to try!
It's great that you already work for the company!
I do not live in the country. I live in the suburban part of a city. City blocks. Postage stamp sized lots. Dead end block. Quiet neighborhood-- generally. (It is in the flight path of a small airport with our property the beginning of final descent.) Someone let off a few fireworks at 3 AM. Just a few and they were done. Homeowner old dude on the back lot either has the table saw, the impact drill or has been hammering something this morning. Only more annoying is when the Army decides to do take off and landing practice of the giant helicopters in the morning and overnight. That is maybe twice a year though. My whole house shakes.
It’s funny what you can learn to tune out. Living in NYC I hardly pay attention to the loud street noises anymore - cars honking, street cleaners going by early in the morning, drunk people screaming at 4:00am outside after the bars close. This barely catches my attention. However, if my upstairs neighbor just even taps on my ceiling it drives me nuts. Luckily it doesn’t happen that often.
That looks like a nice neighbourhood @deadendp.... provided everyone is on the same page! I guess the most important thing is, as I learned in A.A, to keep your side of the street clean! That way trouble will be slower to find you. Is that a badminton net or something?
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
That looks like a nice neighbourhood @deadendp.... provided everyone is on the same page! I guess the most important thing is, as I learned in A.A, to keep your side of the street clean! That way trouble will be slower to find you. Is that a badminton net or something?
Volleyball net. (Probably the same thing.) We have it folded in half because we don't have the room for a full net.
It's a very wise saying. Dude has been a pain since we moved in. He thinks he can either schmooze you, bully you or just take over and get whatever he wants. Um, no. We stopped taking his shit and then we are the bad guys. Oh, well. I wish him well, but it doesn't mean I wish to be friends with him. If he were injured, I wouldn't hesitate to help. If he were hot, I'm not going to go offer him a cold glass of lemonade.
How Pearl Jam helped bring professional soccer to Missoula: The article can't be accessed from an EU country...
MISSOULA — A Pearl Jam concert in August of 2018 at Washington-Grizzly Stadium helped bring professional soccer to Missoula.
The OL Reign of the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) has descended on the Garden City as it prepares for a single-site end of season tournament, the NWSL Challenge Cup, which will be held in Salt Lake City. COVID-19 forced the Tacoma-based team to look for alternative places to practice when a stay-at-home order in Washington did not allow them to get on the field.
It just so happens that around $180,000 from the Pearl Jam concert went straight into the University of Montana's soccer field, which was updated during the summer of 2019. The Reign would likely never have picked South Campus Stadium as their training site had those updates not taken place.
Fans cheer the band after the third song during a Pearl Jam concert in 2018 at Washington-Grizzly Stadium. KURT WILSON, Missoulian▲
“The money that athletics was able to make off of that Pearl Jam concert, we said we’ve got to get this field done and get it done well and little did we know a year later a professional team would come here,” Montana athletic director Kent Haslam told on Monday. “They saw the story about us redoing the field and we meet their standards.”
An email from the Reign was sent to senior associate athletic directors Chuck Maes and Ryan Martin. Maes works deals with facilities and events, while Martin serves as the Chief Financial Officer.
They thought the idea might have some legs and forwarded it along to Chris Citowicki, the head coach for the Montana women’s soccer team. He was absolutely thrilled, but was not sure they had enough time to get everything ready.
“It happened extremely quickly,” Citowicki said. “To be honest, and this might be the only time I said this, but I felt like, I don’t know if we’re going to be able to pull this off.”
The Reign sent the feelers out on Tuesday. By Saturday representatives from the team were in town to give the facility a closer look. The next day, Reign players started to get into Missoula.
A contract was hammered out and to rent the field, the Reign are paying UM $500 a day, according to Haslam. The Reign are also paying an hourly charge to use the Champions Center. If any turf is damaged, there is a stipulation the Reign will pay for it.
“I sent an email to the University of Montana, who just installed their grass pitch a year ago and it’s in pristine condition,” assistant general manager Brynn Sebring said in an OL Reign release. “We asked them if they would be willing to work on an absolutely crazy idea with me and within 48 hours of that first email, we had every single aspect of our trip nailed down: our lodging, our medical providers, our field, our gym, rental cars, everything. It came together really quickly with a ton of incredible support from the University of Montana.”
The field itself was the focus of the $180,000 upgrades and zeroed in on two complaints that had arisen: the irrigation system and how bumpy the field was.
The first problem was fairly simple. UM had around six sprinklers in the field, Citowicki said, and they did not do a good enough job of keeping the grass watered.
The system was overhauled, with new sprinklers and an irrigation system installed. It is advanced to the point where Maes can turn the individual sprinklers on and off with an application on his phone.
The field, though, was eventually leveled off and finished, giving the Grizzlies a tremendous new field.
“The field of play has to be top-notch,” said Haslam, who mentioned he learned much about this topic working on the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games. “All the surrounding things, the stands, the concessions, the scoreboard, those are all great. Those are absolutely critical. But field of play is really where the student-athlete training, safety, all of those things are where the really important focus has to be, so that’s what we did, we invested in that field of play.”
It has truly been a team effort by the UM athletic department, to the point where Citowicki has even been out seeding grass on occasion. Grizzly assistant soccer coach J. Landham is even learning how to paint lines.
They are happy to be doing it, however, because hosting a professional soccer team is about as high level of recruiting as a coach possibly could have. It also isn’t a bad compliment to the Grizzly facilities staff.
And all because of a Pearl Jam concert.
“Everybody’s here and they’re playing their part right now and I can’t believe we pulled it off,” Citowicki said. “But they’re here, they’re loving it and life is good.”
Jordan Hansen covers a bunch of stuff for the Missoulian and 406 Sports. Shout at him on Twitter @jordyhansen or shoot him an email at
All of them, I say!
(make a “get off my lawn” comment and I’ll cut ya
Sophomore year is officially done.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
and the truth..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
I'm on a day-long self-imposed hiatus from all things political and covidical...well, as much as possible
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Have you researched the company you will be interviewing with? Maybe have a list of questions for them if asked?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I already work for the organisation I am interviewing for. A lot of these jobs that are internally advertised, it doesn't matter what you say sometimes, they just have it decided already who they want for the job. However, still have to try!
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
I do not live in the country. I live in the suburban part of a city. City blocks. Postage stamp sized lots. Dead end block. Quiet neighborhood-- generally. (It is in the flight path of a small airport with our property the beginning of final descent.) Someone let off a few fireworks at 3 AM. Just a few and they were done. Homeowner old dude on the back lot either has the table saw, the impact drill or has been hammering something this morning. Only more annoying is when the Army decides to do take off and landing practice of the giant helicopters in the morning and overnight. That is maybe twice a year though. My whole house shakes.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
If you zoom in, you can see how close the houses are.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
It's a very wise saying. Dude has been a pain since we moved in. He thinks he can either schmooze you, bully you or just take over and get whatever he wants. Um, no. We stopped taking his shit and then we are the bad guys. Oh, well. I wish him well, but it doesn't mean I wish to be friends with him. If he were injured, I wouldn't hesitate to help. If he were hot, I'm not going to go offer him a cold glass of lemonade.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
MISSOULA — A Pearl Jam concert in August of 2018 at Washington-Grizzly Stadium helped bring professional soccer to Missoula.
The OL Reign of the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) has descended on the Garden City as it prepares for a single-site end of season tournament, the NWSL Challenge Cup, which will be held in Salt Lake City. COVID-19 forced the Tacoma-based team to look for alternative places to practice when a stay-at-home order in Washington did not allow them to get on the field.
It just so happens that around $180,000 from the Pearl Jam concert went straight into the University of Montana's soccer field, which was updated during the summer of 2019. The Reign would likely never have picked South Campus Stadium as their training site had those updates not taken place.
“The money that athletics was able to make off of that Pearl Jam concert, we said we’ve got to get this field done and get it done well and little did we know a year later a professional team would come here,” Montana athletic director Kent Haslam told on Monday. “They saw the story about us redoing the field and we meet their standards.”
An email from the Reign was sent to senior associate athletic directors Chuck Maes and Ryan Martin. Maes works deals with facilities and events, while Martin serves as the Chief Financial Officer.
They thought the idea might have some legs and forwarded it along to Chris Citowicki, the head coach for the Montana women’s soccer team. He was absolutely thrilled, but was not sure they had enough time to get everything ready.
“It happened extremely quickly,” Citowicki said. “To be honest, and this might be the only time I said this, but I felt like, I don’t know if we’re going to be able to pull this off.”
The Reign sent the feelers out on Tuesday. By Saturday representatives from the team were in town to give the facility a closer look. The next day, Reign players started to get into Missoula.
A contract was hammered out and to rent the field, the Reign are paying UM $500 a day, according to Haslam. The Reign are also paying an hourly charge to use the Champions Center. If any turf is damaged, there is a stipulation the Reign will pay for it.
“I sent an email to the University of Montana, who just installed their grass pitch a year ago and it’s in pristine condition,” assistant general manager Brynn Sebring said in an OL Reign release. “We asked them if they would be willing to work on an absolutely crazy idea with me and within 48 hours of that first email, we had every single aspect of our trip nailed down: our lodging, our medical providers, our field, our gym, rental cars, everything. It came together really quickly with a ton of incredible support from the University of Montana.”
The field itself was the focus of the $180,000 upgrades and zeroed in on two complaints that had arisen: the irrigation system and how bumpy the field was.
The first problem was fairly simple. UM had around six sprinklers in the field, Citowicki said, and they did not do a good enough job of keeping the grass watered.
The system was overhauled, with new sprinklers and an irrigation system installed. It is advanced to the point where Maes can turn the individual sprinklers on and off with an application on his phone.
The field, though, was eventually leveled off and finished, giving the Grizzlies a tremendous new field.
“The field of play has to be top-notch,” said Haslam, who mentioned he learned much about this topic working on the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games. “All the surrounding things, the stands, the concessions, the scoreboard, those are all great. Those are absolutely critical. But field of play is really where the student-athlete training, safety, all of those things are where the really important focus has to be, so that’s what we did, we invested in that field of play.”
It has truly been a team effort by the UM athletic department, to the point where Citowicki has even been out seeding grass on occasion. Grizzly assistant soccer coach J. Landham is even learning how to paint lines.
They are happy to be doing it, however, because hosting a professional soccer team is about as high level of recruiting as a coach possibly could have. It also isn’t a bad compliment to the Grizzly facilities staff.
And all because of a Pearl Jam concert.
“Everybody’s here and they’re playing their part right now and I can’t believe we pulled it off,” Citowicki said. “But they’re here, they’re loving it and life is good.”
Jordan Hansen covers a bunch of stuff for the Missoulian and 406 Sports. Shout at him on Twitter @jordyhansen or shoot him an email at
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
That's the best I could do.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..