Federal employee found hanged...



  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Jasunmark wrote:
    Quote to look for..

    "Take this into consideration. If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the Census Bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations at the request of President Roosevelt, and that's how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps"
    She skewed the dates incorrectly.....the government began keeping tabs on "aliens" in the late 1930s as the war clouds began to form in Asia and Europe.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    know1 wrote:
    know1 wrote:
    Ok - you win. I can't compete with all the subtle twists and turns that take the original comment that I had and get to this point...which by the way still doesn't equate to a statement that the government is going door to door and searching for gay sex. This was one incident 10 years ago. The government has apparently gotten smaller on this issue since then and for that I'm thankful. The left-wing likely pushed for these changes and I support them on that. Getting back to my original point I just don't understand why the left-wing wants the government out of their private lives on one issue and then back in on another.

    For the exact same reasons the right-wing wants the government out of their private lives on one inssue and then back in on another.

    The left criticizes the government but recognizes its value in certain areas. They feel the government is equipped to administer a large program like health care, even if they don't trust its intrusions into what they do in their home. The right feels the government would bungle a big program like health care, even if they think the government is perfectly able to regulate our private lifestyle decisions for public safety (or whatever they fear will happen if gay people start getting married and so on). They're not the different or incredible.

    OK - so now we're back on track. I see your points and there is some truth to them in my opinion.

    Where we differ is that the example you mentioned of the right wanting bigger government regarding people's private lives don't really seem like bigger government to me in some cases, nor do they feel like government regulation in others.

    Here were some I remember:
    Abstinence Education - That's not regulation
    10 Commandments in buildings - Is government calling for that, or is it individuals? In either case, it doesn't make government bigger
    Gay Marriage Ban - I disagree with it, but it's not creating a government agency to regulate anything. It's a law that was passed. Furthermore, in the states in which it passed, it was far more than just the right voting for it.
    Creationism - Haven't really seen the government doing lots of teaching that, but even if they are it doesn't make the government bigger. It's also not regulating people's lives.
    Anti-Sodomy laws - Apparently those are still on the books sadly. Are they being enforced, though?
    Drug Laws - one area where the government is bigger and regulating. The right is hypocritical to some degree on those, but then again the reason a lot of those laws are in place is to prevent one person's drug use from hurting or killing someone else i.e. driving under the influence.

    I'll agree that there is a lot of hypocrisy on both sides, though.

    Actually, we're not back on track because government spending was not the topic of this thread, we just derailed it to that ;)

    But anyway, this post is why I say you're blinded by your ideology if you don't think that equals bigger government interference in your life. It's all based on YOUR concerns and perspective. You think only money matters when talking big government. Those on the left think big government means a lot more than sheer size or funding. It means the scope of regulation and what it is appropriate for government to regulate. The right views big government in a very narrow definitional sense... how many people work for ti and how much it spends. The left views big government in a much broader sense that encompasses things like Big Brother type regulation of private lives. The right is concerned about the former, the left the latter. Neither is wrong, right, better, or worse, just different. And I don't think you can say the left is more hypocritical or less sensible for considering things like scope of influence when discussing their concerns with big government instead of just narrowing it to talk of spending.

    But this is beside the point of this thread. This thread is about the frightening uptick of violence coming from the right. Even IF we accept as true your claim the the left is more hypocritical and less sensible than the right... what has that got to do with this issue? Does it make it ok for the right to stir up crazies and encourage them to violence because at least they're not as hypocritical about it? And even if the left is more hypocritical and less sensible than the right in their talk about government, is it somehow worse than if they were coldly logical and killing people over it?
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    Update: Sounds worse than originally thought.


    A part-time Census worker found hanging in a rural Kentucky cemetery was naked, gagged and had his hands and feet bound with duct tape, said an Ohio man who discovered the body two weeks ago.

    Jerry Weaver of Fairfield, Ohio, told The Associated Press on Friday that he was among a group of relatives who discovered 51-year-old Bill Sparkman on Sept. 12.

    "The only thing he had on was a pair of socks," Weaver said. "And they had duct-taped his hands, his wrists. He had duct tape over his eyes, and they gagged him with a red rag or something.

    "And they even had duct tape around his neck. And they had like his identification tag on his neck. They had it duct-taped to the side of his neck, on the right side, almost on his right shoulder."

    Weaver said he couldn't tell if the tag was a Census Bureau I.D. He said he didn't get close enough to read it.

    State police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski would not confirm Weaver's description of the crime scene. Two people briefed on the investigation said various details of Weaver's account matched the details of the crime scene, though both people said they were not informed who found the body. The two spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.

    Both of the people briefed on the investigation said, for instance, that a Census identification badge, which Census workers are instructed to wear when they go on door to door work, was found taped to his head and shoulder area.

    Authorities have released very few details on the death. Coroner Jim Trosper has said the word "fed" was written on Sparkman's chest with what was likely a felt-tip pen. Weaver said he was not close enough to see anything written on the body's chest.

    State police had announced the cause of death was asphyxiation, then clarified Friday that was a preliminary determination pending a full medical examination of the body. Rudzinsky said investigators hadn't yet determined whether the death was a homicide, suicide or accidental.

    Weaver, who works for a family topsoil business in Fairfield, said he was in town for a family reunion and was visiting family graves when he and relatives came across the body.

    The scene left Weaver without a doubt how Sparkman died.

    "He was murdered," he said. "There's no doubt."

    Weaver said the body was about 50 yards from a 2003 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck. He said Sparkman's clothes were in the bed of the truck.

    "His tailgate was down," Weaver said. "I thought he could have been killed somewhere else and brought there and hanged up for display, or they actually could have killed him right there. It was a bad, bad scene."

    "It took me three or four good nights to sleep. My 20-year-old daughter ended up sleeping in the floor in our bedroom." he said.

    Clay County Sheriff Kevin Johnson declined to comment on the investigation because the department is playing only a supporting role but said patrols have increased in the Daniel Boone National Forest since the body was found.

    The Census Bureau has suspended door-to-door interviews in the rural county pending the investigation.

    Trooper Trosper said it was clear this wasn't a natural death but said all other possibilities were being considered.

    "This case has many facets," he said. "To investigate cases, you have to rule out different scenarios. We are not able to rule out many scenarios at this time, and that's what makes this a difficult case."
  • __ Posts: 6,651

    Investigators: Ky. Census Worker Committed Suicide
    by The Associated Press

    November 24, 2009
    A Kentucky census worker found naked, bound with duct tape and hanging from a tree with "fed" scrawled on his chest killed himself but staged his death to make it look like a homicide, authorities said Tuesday.

    Bill Sparkman, 51, was found strangled Sept. 12 with a rope around his neck near a cemetery in a heavily wooded area of the Daniel Boone National Forest in southeastern Kentucky. Authorities said his wrists were loosely bound, his glasses were taped to his head and he was gagged.

    Kentucky State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said an analysis found that "fed" was written "from the bottom up." He was touching the ground, and to survive "all Mr. Sparkman had to do at any time was stand up," she said.

    "Our investigation, based on evidence and witness testimony, has concluded that Mr. Sparkman died during an intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide," Rudzinski said.

    Sparkman's mother, Henrie Sparkman of Inverness, Fla., bristled at the conclusion: "I disagree!" she wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

    Authorities said Sparkman alone manipulated the suicide scene. Rudzinski said he "told a credible witness that he planned to commit suicide and provided details on how and when."

    Authorities wouldn't say who Sparkman told of his plan, but said Sparkman talked about it a week before his suicide and the person did not take him seriously. He told the person he believed his lymphoma, which he had previously been treated for, had recurred, police said.

    Sparkman had recently taken out two accidental life insurance policies totaling $600,000 that would not pay out for suicide, authorities said. If Sparkman had been killed on the job, his family also would have been be eligible for up to $10,000 in death gratuity payments from the government.

    Sparkman's son, Josh, previously told The Associated Press that his father had named him as his life insurance beneficiary. Josh Sparkman said earlier this month he found paperwork for the private life insurance policy among his father's personal files but wasn't sure of the amount. Police wouldn't say who the beneficiary was.

    The Census Bureau suspended door-to-door interviews in the rural area after Sparkman's body was found, but a spokesman said normal operations would resume in Clay County next month.

    Anti-government sentiment was initially one possibility in the death. Authorities said Sparkman had discussed perceived negative views of the federal government in the county.

    A friend of Sparkman's, Gilbert Acciardo, previously told AP that he warned Sparkman to be careful when he did his census work. Acciardo, a retired Kentucky state trooper, said he told Sparkman people in the rural area would perceive him differently because he worked for the federal government.

    "The death of our co-worker, William Sparkman, was a tragedy and remains a loss for the Census Bureau family. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends," said census spokesman Stephen Buckner.

    Sparkman's mother has said her son was an Eagle scout who moved to the area to be a local director for the Boy Scouts of America. He later became a substitute teacher in Laurel County and supplemented that income as a census worker.

    Friends and co-workers have said that even while undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, Sparkman would show up for work smiling with a toboggan cap to cover his balding head. They said he was punctual and dependable.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    scb wrote:

    Investigators: Ky. Census Worker Committed Suicide
    by The Associated Press

    November 24, 2009

    no fucking way! that's a trip... story just gets stranger. i guess that's kinda reassuring though!
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    Smellyman wrote:
    With Fed scrawled on his chest in Kentucky woods.....May turn out to be suicide, but I doubt it. So let me be first to say "Thank You Glenn Beck and Fox" :(


    MANCHESTER, Ky. -- A U.S. Census worker found hanged from a tree near a Kentucky cemetery had the word "fed" scrawled on his chest, a law enforcement official said Wednesday, and the FBI is investigating whether he was a victim of anti-government sentiment.

    The law enforcement official, who was not authorized to discuss the case and requested anonymity, did not say what type of instrument was used to write the word on the chest of Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old part-time Census field worker and teacher. He was found Sept. 12 in a remote patch of the Daniel Boone National Forest in rural southeast Kentucky.
    Geez, my son lives IN the Daniel Boone National Forest. Its not all rural and it has cities, towns, at least one University, and many homes within it. It isn't rural in my eyes. It just has some woodsy areas. I have other family who live within the forest.
    I didn't hear about this though. I will say that this coming from that area can mean a host of things. That area had all dry counties just a few years back. That means no beer, wine, or alcohol, could be sold in the county. They sold alcohol from little shacks, some built behind churches. I remember getting beer from these shacks. I would say the area is not as advanced as most other areas of the country. Therefore, this hanging can be anything. Maybe someone got a ticket.
    Save room for dessert!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    looks like the guy's life insurance is not going to pay off. suicide exclusions are usually expired after one year. too bad his beneficiaries are going to get nothing now...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    know1 wrote:
    One idiot saying something that's stupid does not mean the whole right wing is in favor of the government going door-to-door checking for gay sex.

    But of course it does...just like one crazy bastard in Kentucky killing a census worker shows that all republicans and right-wingers are murdering bastards...and Fox News is to blame.

    There's more than one crazy bastard. There are 3, in 9 months. And those are only the ones killing people. Maybe you believe it's just coincidence that since Limbaugh and Beck have ramped up their inflammatory statements, dead threats to Obama skyrocketed past anything Bush ever saw and people have started killing people over the 'values' espoused by these talking heads... but the talking heads did the same thing to Bush and nobody on the left started killing people that I recall. Can you steer me to any remotely similar acts of violence from the left under Bush? I'm being very serious here. I can think of nothing. And I don't know how you can claim there's not a difference between right and left on this. One side is basically calling for armed resistance and then trying to act like they have nothing to do with it when their listeners respond to and act on those calls, the other was organizing lame marches and whining all the time.

    Look who is so damned smart now! You people want to blame Beck and Fox for all the evil in the world...Why is that?....afraid of what just might be the truth! :lol:
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    There are many anti-government quacks, but Fox tends to cater to the ones more likely to get violent and does its best to stir them up. Even at the height of anti-Bush sentiment, can you recall any remotely similar incidents where left wing quacks started killing people?

    Anyway, at least now we know why Drifting disappeared... he must be on the run

    It has finally hit me you and gimmetruth must work for the Obama administration......with that statement you posted your fitting well into Lawyer stereo type.....That has to be the craziest, if not the biggest lie I have read on here so far!
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Heatherj43 wrote:
    Geez, my son lives IN the Daniel Boone National Forest. Its not all rural and it has cities, towns, at least one University, and many homes within it. It isn't rural in my eyes. It just has some woodsy areas. I have other family who live within the forest.
    I didn't hear about this though. I will say that this coming from that area can mean a host of things. That area had all dry counties just a few years back. That means no beer, wine, or alcohol, could be sold in the county. They sold alcohol from little shacks, some built behind churches. I remember getting beer from these shacks. I would say the area is not as advanced as most other areas of the country. Therefore, this hanging can be anything. Maybe someone got a ticket.

    Did you see the update about how this has now been confirmed as a suicide?
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    scb wrote:
    Heatherj43 wrote:
    Geez, my son lives IN the Daniel Boone National Forest. Its not all rural and it has cities, towns, at least one University, and many homes within it. It isn't rural in my eyes. It just has some woodsy areas. I have other family who live within the forest.
    I didn't hear about this though. I will say that this coming from that area can mean a host of things. That area had all dry counties just a few years back. That means no beer, wine, or alcohol, could be sold in the county. They sold alcohol from little shacks, some built behind churches. I remember getting beer from these shacks. I would say the area is not as advanced as most other areas of the country. Therefore, this hanging can be anything. Maybe someone got a ticket.

    Did you see the update about how this has now been confirmed as a suicide?
    NO. I haven't heard anything about this. My ex and son are down there right now. Oh and amost of my grandkids. They live at I-64 and Flemingsburg Road in Morehead.
    I can't believe he scrawled "FED" in his chest.
    Save room for dessert!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    aerial wrote:
    There are many anti-government quacks, but Fox tends to cater to the ones more likely to get violent and does its best to stir them up. Even at the height of anti-Bush sentiment, can you recall any remotely similar incidents where left wing quacks started killing people?

    Anyway, at least now we know why Drifting disappeared... he must be on the run

    It has finally hit me you and gimmetruth must work for the Obama administration......with that statement you posted your fitting well into Lawyer stereo type.....That has to be the craziest, if not the biggest lie I have read on here so far!

    how is it a lie? it's a question... do you have an answer?
  • crazy in a word

    to ask an off topic question is their any real diference between left and right views? They both if push comes to shove defend their point of view, possibly to the death.
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
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  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:
    There are many anti-government quacks, but Fox tends to cater to the ones more likely to get violent and does its best to stir them up. Even at the height of anti-Bush sentiment, can you recall any remotely similar incidents where left wing quacks started killing people?

    Anyway, at least now we know why Drifting disappeared... he must be on the run

    It has finally hit me you and gimmetruth must work for the Obama administration......with that statement you posted your fitting well into Lawyer stereo type.....That has to be the craziest, if not the biggest lie I have read on here so far!
    hey aerial have you NOT seen me criticizing obama in other threads this week?????? apparently not or you would not have called me out in this thread....no i do not work for obama, but you still watch fox and are content in your ignorance. so it makes no difference........
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:
    Look who is so damned smart now! You people want to blame Beck and Fox for all the evil in the world...Why is that?....afraid of what just might be the truth! :lol:

    when is the last time you saw a liberal, with the blessing of an entire "news" network inciting violence against the government and people that work for the government??? it is much more believable for some quack fox news viewer to take up arms against government workers than some avid nbc viewer, especially in the last 9 months since obama took office. since that happened hate groups have multiplied and completely baseless anti government groups have surfaced. it looks like this dude killed himself, but i would much easier believe that some inbred stupid anti government virginia mountain man fox viewer killed this guy than some educated, critical thinking, boston liberal.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Back to the suicide-staged-to-look-like-a-homicide, I've gotta give this guy two thumbs up for effort!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    aerial wrote:
    Look who is so damned smart now! You people want to blame Beck and Fox for all the evil in the world...Why is that?....afraid of what just might be the truth! :lol:

    when is the last time you saw a liberal, with the blessing of an entire "news" network inciting violence against the government and people that work for the government??? it is much more believable for some quack fox news viewer to take up arms against government workers than some avid nbc viewer, especially in the last 9 months since obama took office. since that happened hate groups have multiplied and completely baseless anti government groups have surfaced. it looks like this dude killed himself, but i would much easier believe that some inbred stupid anti government virginia mountain man fox viewer killed this guy than some educated, critical thinking, boston liberal.
    Because you are a liberal (I ‘m guessing by your stance on issues.) How would you like to be described as someone that believes killing babies is okay? That would not be fair to you at all.... Why do you disrespect others with your denigrating descriptions.......and the only reason you come to this conclusion is because you don’t like Fox News......do you feel that is the least bit logical
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:
    Because you are a liberal (I ‘m guessing by your stance on issues.) How would you like to be described as someone that believes killing babies is okay? That would not be fair to you at all.... Why do you disrespect others with your denigrating descriptions.......and the only reason you come to this conclusion is because you don’t like Fox News......do you feel that is the least bit logical

    it does not matter to me how people define me. it does not matter to me. i am pro CHOICE, ie, the woman's right to control what happens with her body. i am a man, and can never get pregnant, therefore i can not say what a woman has to do with that collection of cells that some call a child. it is her body and if she wants to have an abortion, more power to her. it is legal by the way. the right believes they have a momopoly on right and wrong, but that is a discussion for another day...

    that said, i am not denigrating you, i do not know you. i only know you from what you post on here. your love and devotion to beck and all of of fox news has nothing to do with anything except for when you come here and always say the same things said on that network. it makes you seem incapable of an original thought, brainwashed, and that is where my frustration comes from because i know that you are smarter than that. you are smarter than what glenn beck and all of fox gives you credit for. that is a compliment by the way.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • scb wrote:
    Back to the suicide-staged-to-look-like-a-homicide, I've gotta give this guy two thumbs up for effort!

    fatal flaw was telling someone he was going to do it! :lol:
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
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    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • heard he was well hung...
    I'll be back
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