I tried the food processor/ice cube tray thing and in the end, it was too hard to keep up with it. Cooking special meals for individual family members is not something that happens around here. In the beginning, when they didn't eat that much, we did the store baby food. When they get older and your pediatrician gives the go ahead, switch to real, healthy food... all different varieties and textures.
YOU should also be eating lots of fruit and veggies every day so cooking some for everyone and grinding/mashing baby's helping isn't a big deal. You are basically teaching them eating habits... things that will be with them for the rest of their lives.
As for diapers, the hospital usually gives you some and whatever you do, don't go to Costco and buy a huge box until you figure out which ones work for you and baby.. which brand doesn't leak or rub the wrong way and leave marks. We went through a lot of different brands in the beginning until we settled on Pampers. I had big bundles leftover.. I'm STILL using them to dry paint brushes and put in the bottom of flower containers!
Okay mommies, and some daddies who might also remember...
I'm having a difficult time deciding on what I should bring to the hospital. I have to pack a bag relatively soon, but I have no freaking clue on what to bring. How many clothes, what type of clothes, baby things... Anything! What all did you have packed?
Also, I feel kind of like a freak. I'm just over 8 months pregnant now and I'm still unable to wear maternity clothing. I'm wondering if I'll ever need to. Is that normal for some women? :?
Bring enough clothes and supplies for three days because you never know if you will need to have an emergency C-section or something. That's what happened to us the first time. Thought it was going to be a normal birth, then turned out to be a C-section.
Okay mommies, and some daddies who might also remember...
I'm having a difficult time deciding on what I should bring to the hospital. I have to pack a bag relatively soon, but I have no freaking clue on what to bring. How many clothes, what type of clothes, baby things... Anything! What all did you have packed?
Also, I feel kind of like a freak. I'm just over 8 months pregnant now and I'm still unable to wear maternity clothing. I'm wondering if I'll ever need to. Is that normal for some women? :?
Diapers, blankets, onesies, towels and all the baby paraphenalia(sp?) will be provided by the hospital. Bring a onesie and an outfit based on weather conditions to take you're little one home in. Make sure you have the carseat installed prior to because it will be a hassle to do at the last minute. If you are unsure how or a little nervous about getting it right, you're local police or fire station will have someone on staff to install it correctly. Also, bring 3-4 days of comfortable clothes for yourself. A radio or an ipod might help during delivery or after. The hospital nurses do a good job of giving you a crash course while you're there on how to take care of your bundle of joy. They have breastfeeding, bathing, diaper changing and any other type of class you will need. All are optional but a good idea to peek in and see what's up. I was a first time dad 2 years ago and I sure learned a lot. Just don't pack too much. You don't need a weeks worth of stuff. If you happen to forget something, I'm sure you're hubby will be more than happy to go home and get it if you're going to be there a few extra days. You will have a ton of people, family and friends, willing to help you. TAKE IT ALL!!!!!! Trust me, you will be grateful you had a few minutes to breathe. Good Luck.
Also, I feel kind of like a freak. I'm just over 8 months pregnant now and I'm still unable to wear maternity clothing. I'm wondering if I'll ever need to. Is that normal for some women?
Don't worry, I wasn't big with Hal (actually I'm probably bigger now). From the back you couldn't tell I was pregnant. I got away with just wearing leggings and T-shirts which was a bit disapointing as I'd bought/borrowed some maternity stuff, I really thought I'd be floating round in tent like clothing. My bump did get bigger the last couple of weeks and it was only then that I got any stretch marks and then only a few. Within a couple of weeks I was back to wearing my usual clothes.
For anyone who thinks 'what a cow!', I'm a lot older now and I probably weigh more than when I was at the end of my pregnancy. So mother nature had the last laugh!
I looked around and didn't see any other threads out there like this, so I'm not sure if it's because there are none or if there just aren't many Pearl Jam mommies around in general, but I figured I would give it a try...
I will soon be among the rocker moms over here... I'm due to have my first child November 19th
I wanted to start a thread where a bunch of new moms, old moms, or expecting parents can gather and talk about all of their hopes and dreams with their new additions And in general we can exchange pregnancy/parenthood questions/obvervations and whatnot as well. So come, gather around fellow parents and let's celebrate the new little jammers' arrivals
Start off by saying if you have a kid, when they're due if you're expecting, how old they are... you know, the basics!
Congrats. Hold that baby often they grow too fast.
I am a dad to 6 & 4 year old boys. I have been very fortunate to be a full time at home dad since my 1st son was 3 months old.
My wife works full time, so for the 1st 2 years I made video tape of each of the boys. I would take 1-2 minute snipets of them and was able to fit an whole year on 2 tapes. It was cool watching the huge changes over such a short period of time.
Also I am keeping a journal for each boy. It started as a single entery recapping the year before each birthday but soon switched to periodic enteries as big events occured.
Each one of my boys know Pearl Jam well, my oldest at the age of 2 had Cropduster memorized and would sign it as he played the drums.
My younger son seems to be more musically incline and enjoys it even more. One day I was lugging the vacuum up the stairs he began singing "Put me in a vaucum".
Their favorite PJ tunes are Lukin and MFC, due to my obession with No Code and Yield.
One product I didn't see mentioned is a infant carrier car seat cover. Great for the fall and winter months when you are out and about.
As for getting your baby on a schedule, you might want to look into the book 'The Baby Wisperer'. My wife used it for all four of our children and swears by it. She picked it up after a difficult first month and half with our first. Had him on a schedule and sleeping through the night within a week.
My son also asked (when he got to the box of clothes on Christmas morning after opening toys, "What the HELL is this?!?!?!" AND HE RIVERDANCES TO HEAVY METAL.....IN PUBLIC!!! :oops:
If I had known then...what I know now...
the vic ~ 8.2.07
eV at The Ryman ~ 6.18.09
st. louis ~ 5.4.10
If we all did a little, together we could make a BIG difference....wanna help us?
Then visit http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
Okay mommies, and some daddies who might also remember...
I'm having a difficult time deciding on what I should bring to the hospital. I have to pack a bag relatively soon, but I have no freaking clue on what to bring. How many clothes, what type of clothes, baby things... Anything! What all did you have packed?
I took a lot more than I actually ended up using. For the baby, all you really need is clothes/blankets to dress her in to take her home. They will provide everything that she wears/poops in while you're there.
Check with your hospital, but at most of them, you put on a gown as soon as you get there. I ended up wearing a gown the whole time I was there. (Along with some lovely mesh underwear that they provide for you... ) I had a c-section and they were constantly checking the incision; I'm not sure if they would let you change into real clothes if you have a vaginal birth. I definitely used my toothbrush/soap/shampoo...all the kinds of toiletries that I normally used at home. I was happy to have that stuff with me.
I never used the ipod or to any cd's that we brought along with us. I didn't play any games or look at magazines or read books. I was too excited while I was laboring to focus on anything else, and then after the baby got there, I was too tired/groggy/busy. We just watched tv and talked a lot. Obviously, that is a personal preference, but I definitely took WAY too much with me.
My son also asked (when he got to the box of clothes on Christmas morning after opening toys, "What the HELL is this?!?!?!" AND HE RIVERDANCES TO HEAVY METAL.....IN PUBLIC!!! :oops:
So True about the loony bin- keeping your sense of humor is most important because someday most things can be looked back on as being funny- even the scary stuff
I'm a Mom of 2 in their 20's now and they just make me so proud!
I got married this year and my wife has a 3 year old girl whom I love as my own. She is amazing and currently have her running around saying "Pearl Jam Rocks" We are having our 2nd girl within the next few weeks. Due on Halloween (which is awesome since I LOVE Halloween). I have been a "father" now for 2 years and I absolutely love it. Watching her learn things and do things on her own that we do daily just makes you so proud. Congrats!
Hey guys! I only have a month to go until the baby is here and I had a couple more questions for the parents out there...
Mr. Cateeto and I are finishing up our last minute baby shopping and have only a few more things to buy, but we're unsure of the amount of things to buy.
How many newborn outfits does a person really need? Is it necessary to have a handful of newborn things or do newborn baby generally fit in the 0-3 month clothing okay? We have plenty of 0-3 month, just unsure as to how many newborn outfits are needed.
Also, how long do babies usually go through the newborn size diapers? I'm also trying to figure out how many of these to buy. We have a couple boxes of the 1st size up, but have held off on buying too many newborn diapers. I know babies grow fast so I don't want to have a bunch of diapers we'll never be able to use, you know?
We have a 17 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I enjoyed the baby years, loved the toddler years, relished the childhood of each of them to no end.
In the last 17 years, I have learned far more than if I would have lived to be 150 and been childless. Enjoy the ride.
I didn't really worry about newborn clothes, on everyone elses kids they only seemed to last about five minutes. I wouldn't go overboard on newborn nappies either, in fact I don't think I used them at all. Hal was 6 pound 7 1/2 ounces, so not massive and he was fine with 0-3 months stuff.
I did get given a lot of second hand stuff, so there might have been some newborn stuff there, I can't really remember now.
Hey guys! I only have a month to go until the baby is here and I had a couple more questions for the parents out there...
Mr. Cateeto and I are finishing up our last minute baby shopping and have only a few more things to buy, but we're unsure of the amount of things to buy.
How many newborn outfits does a person really need? Is it necessary to have a handful of newborn things or do newborn baby generally fit in the 0-3 month clothing okay? We have plenty of 0-3 month, just unsure as to how many newborn outfits are needed.
Also, how long do babies usually go through the newborn size diapers? I'm also trying to figure out how many of these to buy. We have a couple boxes of the 1st size up, but have held off on buying too many newborn diapers. I know babies grow fast so I don't want to have a bunch of diapers we'll never be able to use, you know?
Any input would be helpful!
I think that we got a box or two of newborn diapers as a shower gift, and then went to the next size. We never actually bought any newborn ones.
As far as outfits, besides something cute to take him/her home from the hospital in or for a few pictures, you don't need them... Maybe a couple of packs of newborn onesies, but ours spent most of his newborn days in onesies and swaddled in a blanket.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Hey guys! I only have a month to go until the baby is here and I had a couple more questions for the parents out there...
Mr. Cateeto and I are finishing up our last minute baby shopping and have only a few more things to buy, but we're unsure of the amount of things to buy.
How many newborn outfits does a person really need? Is it necessary to have a handful of newborn things or do newborn baby generally fit in the 0-3 month clothing okay? We have plenty of 0-3 month, just unsure as to how many newborn outfits are needed.
Also, how long do babies usually go through the newborn size diapers? I'm also trying to figure out how many of these to buy. We have a couple boxes of the 1st size up, but have held off on buying too many newborn diapers. I know babies grow fast so I don't want to have a bunch of diapers we'll never be able to use, you know?
Any input would be helpful!
I would just hold off on buying too many outfits until you see how big she is when she's born. Some babies never wear the newborn sizes, and then you have ones like my daughter that wore them forever. She was/is very petite and she honestly wore newborn and/or 0-3 months clothes until she was about 6 months old. We had a lot of 3-6 months clothes that were for warm weather that she never got to wear, because by the time she fit into them, it was winter.
She wore newborn diapers for longer than most kids, too. Definitely wait on buying tons of diapers until you know which ones you like best. You'd be surprised at how differently one brand fits from another, and some kids have sensitivities to one kind or another. My daughter got rashes every time we switched away from Pampers, and they always fit her a lot better (thus allowing for less leaks!) than the other ones did, too.
I tried the food processor/ice cube tray thing and in the end, it was too hard to keep up with it. Cooking special meals for individual family members is not something that happens around here. In the beginning, when they didn't eat that much, we did the store baby food. When they get older and your pediatrician gives the go ahead, switch to real, healthy food... all different varieties and textures.
YOU should also be eating lots of fruit and veggies every day so cooking some for everyone and grinding/mashing baby's helping isn't a big deal. You are basically teaching them eating habits... things that will be with them for the rest of their lives.
As for diapers, the hospital usually gives you some and whatever you do, don't go to Costco and buy a huge box until you figure out which ones work for you and baby.. which brand doesn't leak or rub the wrong way and leave marks. We went through a lot of different brands in the beginning until we settled on Pampers. I had big bundles leftover.. I'm STILL using them to dry paint brushes and put in the bottom of flower containers!
btw-congrats and good luck!
I'm having a difficult time deciding on what I should bring to the hospital. I have to pack a bag relatively soon, but I have no freaking clue on what to bring. How many clothes, what type of clothes, baby things... Anything! What all did you have packed?
Also, I feel kind of like a freak. I'm just over 8 months pregnant now and I'm still unable to wear maternity clothing. I'm wondering if I'll ever need to. Is that normal for some women? :?
~Wild is my love~
It gets harder and more expensive!!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Diapers, blankets, onesies, towels and all the baby paraphenalia(sp?) will be provided by the hospital. Bring a onesie and an outfit based on weather conditions to take you're little one home in. Make sure you have the carseat installed prior to because it will be a hassle to do at the last minute. If you are unsure how or a little nervous about getting it right, you're local police or fire station will have someone on staff to install it correctly. Also, bring 3-4 days of comfortable clothes for yourself. A radio or an ipod might help during delivery or after. The hospital nurses do a good job of giving you a crash course while you're there on how to take care of your bundle of joy. They have breastfeeding, bathing, diaper changing and any other type of class you will need. All are optional but a good idea to peek in and see what's up. I was a first time dad 2 years ago and I sure learned a lot. Just don't pack too much. You don't need a weeks worth of stuff. If you happen to forget something, I'm sure you're hubby will be more than happy to go home and get it if you're going to be there a few extra days. You will have a ton of people, family and friends, willing to help you. TAKE IT ALL!!!!!! Trust me, you will be grateful you had a few minutes to breathe. Good Luck.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
Don't worry, I wasn't big with Hal (actually I'm probably bigger now). From the back you couldn't tell I was pregnant. I got away with just wearing leggings and T-shirts which was a bit disapointing as I'd bought/borrowed some maternity stuff, I really thought I'd be floating round in tent like clothing. My bump did get bigger the last couple of weeks and it was only then that I got any stretch marks and then only a few. Within a couple of weeks I was back to wearing my usual clothes.
For anyone who thinks 'what a cow!', I'm a lot older now and I probably weigh more than when I was at the end of my pregnancy. So mother nature had the last laugh!
Congrats. Hold that baby often they grow too fast.
I am a dad to 6 & 4 year old boys. I have been very fortunate to be a full time at home dad since my 1st son was 3 months old.
My wife works full time, so for the 1st 2 years I made video tape of each of the boys. I would take 1-2 minute snipets of them and was able to fit an whole year on 2 tapes. It was cool watching the huge changes over such a short period of time.
Also I am keeping a journal for each boy. It started as a single entery recapping the year before each birthday but soon switched to periodic enteries as big events occured.
Each one of my boys know Pearl Jam well, my oldest at the age of 2 had Cropduster memorized and would sign it as he played the drums.
My younger son seems to be more musically incline and enjoys it even more. One day I was lugging the vacuum up the stairs he began singing "Put me in a vaucum".
Their favorite PJ tunes are Lukin and MFC, due to my obession with No Code and Yield.
One product I didn't see mentioned is a infant carrier car seat cover. Great for the fall and winter months when you are out and about.
As for getting your baby on a schedule, you might want to look into the book 'The Baby Wisperer'. My wife used it for all four of our children and swears by it. She picked it up after a difficult first month and half with our first. Had him on a schedule and sleeping through the night within a week.
Parenting is like being the only sane one in the loony-bin...at least as far as MY KIDS go...
example: http://s204.photobucket.com/albums/bb26 ... My%20Kids/
My son also asked (when he got to the box of clothes on Christmas morning after opening toys, "What the HELL is this?!?!?!" AND HE RIVERDANCES TO HEAVY METAL.....IN PUBLIC!!! :oops:
the vic ~ 8.2.07
eV at The Ryman ~ 6.18.09
st. louis ~ 5.4.10
If we all did a little, together we could make a BIG difference....wanna help us?
Then visit http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
I took a lot more than I actually ended up using. For the baby, all you really need is clothes/blankets to dress her in to take her home. They will provide everything that she wears/poops in while you're there.
Check with your hospital, but at most of them, you put on a gown as soon as you get there. I ended up wearing a gown the whole time I was there. (Along with some lovely mesh underwear that they provide for you...
I never used the ipod or to any cd's that we brought along with us. I didn't play any games or look at magazines or read books. I was too excited while I was laboring to focus on anything else, and then after the baby got there, I was too tired/groggy/busy. We just watched tv and talked a lot. Obviously, that is a personal preference, but I definitely took WAY too much with me.
I'm a Mom of 2 in their 20's now and they just make me so proud!
Mr. Cateeto and I are finishing up our last minute baby shopping and have only a few more things to buy, but we're unsure of the amount of things to buy.
How many newborn outfits does a person really need? Is it necessary to have a handful of newborn things or do newborn baby generally fit in the 0-3 month clothing okay? We have plenty of 0-3 month, just unsure as to how many newborn outfits are needed.
Also, how long do babies usually go through the newborn size diapers? I'm also trying to figure out how many of these to buy. We have a couple boxes of the 1st size up, but have held off on buying too many newborn diapers. I know babies grow fast so I don't want to have a bunch of diapers we'll never be able to use, you know?
Any input would be helpful!
~Wild is my love~
We have a 17 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I enjoyed the baby years, loved the toddler years, relished the childhood of each of them to no end.
In the last 17 years, I have learned far more than if I would have lived to be 150 and been childless. Enjoy the ride.
I did get given a lot of second hand stuff, so there might have been some newborn stuff there, I can't really remember now.
How exciting - 1 month to go!!!
I think that we got a box or two of newborn diapers as a shower gift, and then went to the next size. We never actually bought any newborn ones.
As far as outfits, besides something cute to take him/her home from the hospital in or for a few pictures, you don't need them... Maybe a couple of packs of newborn onesies, but ours spent most of his newborn days in onesies and swaddled in a blanket.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I would just hold off on buying too many outfits until you see how big she is when she's born. Some babies never wear the newborn sizes, and then you have ones like my daughter that wore them forever. She was/is very petite and she honestly wore newborn and/or 0-3 months clothes until she was about 6 months old. We had a lot of 3-6 months clothes that were for warm weather that she never got to wear, because by the time she fit into them, it was winter.
She wore newborn diapers for longer than most kids, too. Definitely wait on buying tons of diapers until you know which ones you like best. You'd be surprised at how differently one brand fits from another, and some kids have sensitivities to one kind or another. My daughter got rashes every time we switched away from Pampers, and they always fit her a lot better (thus allowing for less leaks!) than the other ones did, too.