Pearl Jam Parenting Thread

I looked around and didn't see any other threads out there like this, so I'm not sure if it's because there are none or if there just aren't many Pearl Jam mommies around in general, but I figured I would give it a try...
I will soon be among the rocker moms over here... I'm due to have my first child November 19th
I wanted to start a thread where a bunch of new moms, old moms, or expecting parents can gather and talk about all of their hopes and dreams with their new additions
And in general we can exchange pregnancy/parenthood questions/obvervations and whatnot as well. So come, gather around fellow parents and let's celebrate the new little jammers' arrivals 
Start off by saying if you have a kid, when they're due if you're expecting, how old they are... you know, the basics!
I will soon be among the rocker moms over here... I'm due to have my first child November 19th

I wanted to start a thread where a bunch of new moms, old moms, or expecting parents can gather and talk about all of their hopes and dreams with their new additions

Start off by saying if you have a kid, when they're due if you're expecting, how old they are... you know, the basics!
~Eyes are the windows to the soul~
~Wild is my love~
~Wild is my love~
Post edited by Unknown User on
My daughter turned 13 on Friday so I'll be drinking heavily for the next few years.
holy christ man! how many diapers do you change a day???
congrats on a great family!
Thanks. I don't know. I don't stop to think about things like that otherwise I'd realize how crazy it all is.
The fact that you're still alive is an inspiration to us all...
I'm not a parent, but just wanted to take up one posts space and say Congratulations Cateeto!!!
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
There are plenty of dad's on here too if you want our advice as well.
My kids are 8 and 11.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Dads are welcome too for sure! It's nice to hear from both parents. Seems as though we have quite a few of you in the crowd...
Any interesting birth stories out there? I'm going to be 8 months pregnant on Wednesday so my child's arrival is very soon. Needless to say, I'm quite freaked out about the labor and birth, but also fascinated by the story is may provide. Maybe I'll have a Thanksgiving baby or something
~Wild is my love~
I have two sons: seventeen and twelve.
I love having two boys (plus their dad) around the house!
I too am a relatively new Mommy. My son just turned 1 in August. I had an awesome pregnancy. Pretty text book actually. Gained the "appropriate" amount of weight, was sick a bit in the beginning, but that passed in my second trimester, and felt all together great. Until the last 3 weeks, when I was just ready for it to be over. Oh the achy hips! As for labor and delivery, that was hard. I'm not going to lie, 20 hrs of labor, with the last 3 being pushing. Super trying, felt like it was never going to end, but hooray it did. And when everyone says you forget about that pain the minute they hand you your baby...they are right. This past year has been the most amazing year of my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm tired, like ALL the time, and I definitely had moments where I wasn't sure if my boyfriend and I would make it. But we stuck it out, and things just keep getting better and better! Somebody told me when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, that the first year will be the hardest year of your relationship with your partner. I didn't really believe that. But it turns out they were right. Hormones getting back in check, lack of sleep, and all around feeling like you don't have a hot clue wtf is going on, can reek havoc on your relationship. It gets better. I promise!
Good luck with everything, I look forward to hearing about how things are going for you and also hearing news of you little ones arrival. By the way this was a great idea. It's always nice to hear advice and helpful hints from other parents.
Oh yeah, and if I can make one suggestion, read a book on how to figure out a sleep schedule for your baby. I read the Sleep Sense Program when my son was about 10 months old. Sure as hell wish I would have read it earlier!! Get some sleep will need it
now to learn how to swaddle correctly...
And the labor- don't scare yourself too much. I don't know if your going to go natural or an epidural- but I would take the epidural. For me, my water broke and I did not have any contractions for a 4 or so hours and they had to induce. It was not until hour 12 that the contractions became unbearable- and yes, its painful. I don't know how those ladies who go natural do it. I was of a mind to ride it out, but... Once the epidural was in, what a difference. When I was ready to push, they told me when to push, pushed for 1 hr 30 min. ( I had them turn the epi off half way- could not feel my legs- it was still relatively less painful)
What an experience. I was totally worried about the labor and birth. You will definitely make it through. You can pm me for more details if you want. The memory is VERY fresh!
I have a 3 year old girl and we're gonna start working on baby #2 pretty soon...probably around Christmas! I can't wait!
Don't worry too much about labor. By the time the baby arrives, you'll be so excited to meet your kiddo, and so DONE with being pregnant, you will welcome those contractions!
Oh I definitely know that an epidural can be a realistic option for me. I'm not so good with pain and know that it's going to be a whole lot of it, so I'm reading up on it as much as possible! Today I actually watched some videos on aiding a baby with sleep, so I'm hoping that I can get a nice routine with my child sooner rather than later. I will definitely try to check that book that was suggested out too. Thanks! Tons of good suggestions and advice already!
Well, I have an interesting thing to say about my pregnancy so far. My husband and I have always wanted to be parents. Over the last year or so, we've been trying to have kids, but unsuccessfully. You see, my body has been doing some strange things for the last couple of years and basically I did not have a regular menstrual cycle and the ability to ovulate, I guess, just wasn't there. We decided to just try and see how things would go though... After a series of negative pregnancy tests, we realized that we'd have to wait and see what the doctor said was up with me and faced the fact that we'd have to probably wait a little longer to start our family. At that point we were just waiting for my husband's better insurance to kick in (he just started a new job that had Union benefits).
So anyway, we went a couple of months and waited for the insurance. Literally, the waiting drove us mad, as you can imagine... And during that time my body started to do crazier things. I started to have random spells of dizziness. That was scary. We had no idea what was wrong with me... And my tolerance of alcohol vanished entirely. I was unable to even SMELL any trace of alcohol without getting physically sick. We took that as my stomach having issues, since I've always had stomach problems. But when I started to see and feel movement in my stomach, we immediately realized that maybe this was not just my body playing tricks on me... We took a pregnancy test and I discovered I was pregnant. So in a sense, it was a planned pregnancy, but more of a planned surprise pregnancy. We were ecstatic! And lucky enough, we got our insurance just in time...
Our first doctor visit was shocking... to say the least. Not only was I feeling guilty about not knowing I was pregnant for so long, but finding out from your FIRST doctor visit that you are 28 weeks pregnant is QUITE the shocker. I nearly passed out during the ultrasound from the news... But after settling down and taking the time to realize that we had planned this from the start and that this was truly a miracle and what we've wanted, I came to and felt lucky more than anything. I have a healthy baby in me and the doctor says things couldn't be better. It was just a lot of news at once... But my husband and I have always had strange scenarios like this in life. We never really play by the rules or do the expected things... Things with us are just always entirely random, so our baby is no exception
Anyway, now you wonder, aside from my weird history with strange issues with my body, how did I NOT know I was pregnant? Well, I literally had no symptoms. The dizziness used to come to me a lot when I was a teenanger, so I never thought that could be linked to pregnancy. The inability to drink? My stomach has always rejected foods and drinks over the years... Those were literally the only signs. Nothing else. Feeling movement in my stomach was my first pregnancy sign, and actually, I didn't start showing until I was 28 weeks along. Throughout the pregnancy I actually lose weight in most of my body... Most people thought we were joking when we told them I was pregnant actually because they noticed my weight loss! But despite all of that, the baby has managed to gain the proper amount of weight and is at the ideal place she needs to be. I'm very happy about that.
Now I'm starting to get a baby belly and I'm documenting each day since I found out with photographs which I display on my facebook and in a livejournal for my friends. I also took up journaling a bit of a journal for my baby addressed entirely to her about everything I experience through pregnancy. I plan to give it to her when she's a teenager.
I haven't gone through labor yet, but I definitely have quite the tale to tell her about her beginning. You always hear about those women on those shows who never knew they were pregnant until the last minute... I was almost one of them! It's very crazy... But apparently more common than you'd think. I have another friend who found out she was pregnant at 6 months due to the same reasons as me. It's a small world, huh?
Anyway, just thought I'd share my tale with a few random strangers
~Wild is my love~
I have a feeling that those feelings will continue on after she's born though. I'll just miss being pregnant. It feels nice.
~Wild is my love~
Myself - I have three daughters, Mikayla (7), Lauren (5) and Julia (1.5).
My little boy's just 7 months old and is indeed the apple of my eye.
When people say that babies are life-changing, they don't even go halfway to explaining just what impact they have on your life. Of course there are some times when things aren't so good, but in the main - life is fantastic. In economic times such as those we have right now, having a baby makes you realise that when all's said and done, money isn't everything.
Congratulations, and welcome to the club of empty wallets, and full hearts.
Now, enough of that mushy stuff - you wait until you change your first nappy.....
~Wild is my love~
Wow!!! That is a crazy story! A friend of my family's experienced the same thing, but didn't know she was pregnant until she was in labor!
That's really cool that you are documenting the pregnancy so much. I regret that I didn't do that for my daughter. She loves looking at pictures of me while I was pregnant with her, and hearing about how she "lived in my belly", so I know your daughter will appreciate this. She will especially love it when she's about to become a mom herself.
I had a few problems with blood pressure during pregnancy which caused me to worry a little, but other than that I felt pretty good the whole time, so I really enjoyed being pregnant. I would sit there and watch her wiggle around all day. I truly missed that right after she was born, and I can't wait to go through it all again! It really is amazing to know that there is a little person growing in there.
I had a very colicky baby and she pretty much got over that by 16 weeks. It will get MUCH easier once he's about 4 months old, I promise.
Do you have a swing? That made a huge difference in my life. My daughter took her naps in it for about the first 8 or 9 months. That can be very soothing for a colicky baby.
We have a 20 month old son that amazes me everyday... We're starting to think about #2 now.
It's amazing how every step of their development seems like the best ever... I remember when he was a few months old not really doing anything how special it seemed... Looking back on those times now, he seemed so boring lol.
Enjoy every step and every stage, they are gone before you know it.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
We did the colicky thing... after giving up on breast milk, and a couple different formulas, we eventually changed to nutramigen formula. Within a few days it was like we had a whole different baby.
It probably cost twice as much as regular formula, but it was well worth it for us... Plus our pediatrician loaded us up with any free sample cans she got.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
A friend lent me her's when Jack was about 6 weeks old. It was the best thing to happen to my life
My husband and I tell everyone we know that's even THINKING about having a baby to get a swing before you even buy anything else! It seriously changed my life. Up until we got it, I was holding the baby nonstop...could hardly put her down to go to the bathroom or take a drink. There were seriously days where I would realize at 3 pm that I hadn't had a drink or any food...