Johnny Guitar
just breathe
gonna see my friend
the end
got some
force of nature
amongst the waves
the fixer
unthought unknown
speed of sound
I've been listening to this album non-stop for a couple of weeks now, so i'm starting to feel like the immediate euphoria is wearing off and i can actually get a handle on this tracks. As a whole, this is, IMO, the bands best album since Yield.
1. The End *****
2. Unthought Known **** 1/2
3. Force of Nature **** 1/2
4. Amongst the Waves **** 1/2
5. Just Breathe ****
6. Gonna See My Friend ****
7. Got Some ****
8. Johnny Guitar ****
9. Speed of Sound ****
10. The Fixer *** 1/2
11. Supersonic ***
The End, for me, the best Pearl Jam track since Do the Evolution. I still get chills listening to that one.
I was familiar with Unthought Known from the Ed shows last year, but the band takes this one to a whole other level here. Force of Nature and Amongst the Waves are, to me, totally new yet classic Pearl Jam all at the same time.
I would say that Speed of Sound has probably grown on me like no other song in the last few days. Like many i listened to the demo version many times before hearing the full band. Initially i didn't like it at all, but now i love the full band version. I could see this one climbing even higher up the list.
Supersonic is definitely the worst track on the album, but as far as worst tracks on a Pearl Jam album go, this might just be their best since the very early days.
All in all, i think this is just stunning work by the band.
Shows: Montreal 98, Barrie 98, Montreal 00, Montreal 03, Montreal 05, Ottawa 05, Toronto 06, Vancouver Night 1 08 (EV), Vancouver Night 2 08 (EV), MSG1 08, MSG2 08, Montreal Night 2 08 (EV), Toronto Night 1 08 (EV), Toronto 09, Hartford 11 (EV), Ottawa 11, Ottawa 16, Ottawa 22.
the album is growing on me, thankfully....but still not full-out love, and idk if that will ever happen. still pretty solid, but we shall see...
that said, first and foremost, and a definite LOVE...
Just Breathe
and then the rest...
Unthought Known
Got Some
Amongst the Waves
Gonna See My Friend
The End
Speed of Sound
Force of Nature
The Fixer
Johnny Guitar
and this is quote odd for me, especially for pearl jam...but while the songs i really like the lyrics are strong, for a lot of the other tunes, i find the lyrics and the lyrical delivery/phrasing is what holds me back a lot more than the music. not at all usual...
1) The Fixer - yeah, that's right...I picked the single. I just love it.
2) Just Breathe
3) Got Some
4) Unthought Known
5) Amongst the Waves
6) Speed of Sound
7) Gonna See My Friend
8) Supersonic
9) Force of Nature
10) Johnny Guitar
11) The End - I know a lot of people love this song, but I'm just not feeling it for some reason. I think it's just so incredibly sad that I can't get into it. There are other sad songs (or parts of songs) on this record but it's all tinged with hope and optimism, but the heart of this song is death, sadness, and hopelessness. I can see how it could be considered a great song, but it's uncomfortable to me.
"Darkness comes in waves, tell me, why invite it to stay?"
Despite The Fixer kind of setting me up for the sound of this one, I have to say that it's over all floored me in just how different it is. Not to say that's bad, I'm just still adjusting to some of the sound of this album. That said there's some great tracks on here.. one or two I'm not so keen on.
1) Got Some (great rocker and is killer live)
2) Just Breathe (best of a new direction that is being taken)
3) Unthought Known (great sprawling number in the vein of No Code or Binaural)
4) The End (This is Eddie's 'The Long And Winding Road' as far as I'm concerned. I got kind of misty eyed listening to this while reading it in my office just now)
5) Amongst the Waves (great build up and flowing number and loving the solo!)
At the moment sorting out the positions of the top five as I absorb them, but my favorite tracks of the album so far.
6) Supersonic (Great fun and I love the middle break down. I want a shirt that says 'I Wanna Live My Life with the Volume Full'... it's pretty much how I feel )
7) Gonna See My Friends (bad ass riff.. but does the volumn drop off for anyone else in like the last minute?)
8) The Fixer (Good fun, and translates really well live)
I'm still working with the next three tracks
9) Speed of Sound (It's growing on me little by little, but a few detracting elements)
10) Johnny Guitar (interesting story line, but musically not really there for me)
11) Force of Nature (Hmmmm, yeah, this one will take a while to grow on me. It sounds too much the theme song for an 80s action film.)
I wanna live my life with the volume full!
2000 Toronto
2003 Montreal
2005 Ottawa
2009 Berlin
1) Amongst The Waves
2) Unthough Known
3) Got Some
4) Force of Nature
5) Johnny Guitar
6) Just Breathe
7) Gonna See My Friend
8) Supersonic
9) The Fixer
10) The End
11) Speed of Sound
...something like that
"I've got things to do and things to say in my own way..."
This is tough so early, and will change a lot once i really dig into the lyrics and meanings, but here goes...
1. Just Breathe - The best lyrics in a PJ song in a long, long, long time. I can't get enough of this song. Ironically, this "Into the Wild"ish song is my favorite, and I never really got into Into the Wild at all.
2. Force of Nature - Thought it was a throwaway at first, and i'm not into the guitar that starts the song, but it goes striaght up from there. The chorus is perfectly catchy, and the guitar solo at the end sounds very Ten-ish.
3. Gonna See My Friend - Sure, Pearl Jam had some great aggressive songs on the last album, but this is as ferocious as they've sounded since Vitalogy.
4. Got Some - This could easily be number 2, but I think its a tad over-produced. Could just be I really got into the Conan performance and the "making of" video, but I'm not into the background harmonies. Other than that, though, I love it, especially the way it builds more and more energy towards the end. Really love the "Let's Go!" at the end.
5. Unthought Known - This one could raise or fall dramatically, it hasn't sunk in enough yet. But the "gems and rhinestones" and "rival" lines are just so epically awesome that it needs to be up here. I like the piano in this song, whereas on a song like LBC, i thought it seemed overly dramatic.
6. The Fixer - Its tough to rate this and "Supersonic" against the rest of the album, because I've heard them so much. But I like this song even better in the context of the album, and its just a great pick-me-up song.
7. Amongst the Waves - Love the guitar in the last minute or so. Not a huge fan of the first verse. Like the chorus.
8. Supersonic - Similar to The Fixer - just a good pick-me-up. Not a thing wrong with the song - not deep, but quick and fun.
9. Johnny Guitar - This one could move up too...don't have a problem with it at all, just think some of the others are better. I appreciate the diversity in this song though, and I think they hit what they are going for. The fact that this is so low speaks to how solid I think this album is....
10. The End - From a critical point of view, this may very well be the 2nd best song on the album...but I have a feeling I won't want to listen to it that much simply because its so sad (i'm having the same problem with the new "Antlers" album as well).
11. Speed of Sound - Not a fan of the slow "Gone"-ish build (one Gone is enough) but it diversifies it enough to not be a straight copy. I do like the "but this night has been a long one" lyric. I do like what it builds to and that it doesn't try to go overboard with the pay-off.
It would be fun to do this 2 months from now to see how everything has changed....
1-Amongst the Waves
2-Got Some
3-Johnny Guitar
4-The Fixer
5-gonna see my friend
6-Just Breathe
7-Force of Nature
9-Speed of sound
10-Unthought known
11-the end
1. Amongst The Waves
2. Just Breathe
3. Unthought Known
4. Got Some
5. Force of Nature
6. The End
7. Gonna See My Friend
8. Supersonic
9. Speed Of Sound
10. Johnny Guitar
11. The Fixer
1. Unthought Known
2. Force of Nature
3. Got Some
4. Just Breathe
5. Amongst The Waves
6. Supersonic
7. Gonna See My Friend
8. Speed of Sound
9. The End
10. Johnny Guitar
11. The Fixer
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Amongst the Waves
Got Some
Johnny Guitar
Gonna See My Friend
Just Breathe
The Fixer
The End
Spaces represent a drop off, but I must say this album is really good. Every song has its good parts, although I am just not into the Fixer or the End much. Unthought Known, Speed of Sound, and Force of Nature are just terriffic in my opinion.
Preliminary Listing as these lists Never stay the same.
1. Amongst the Waves
2. Force of Nature
3. Unthought Known
4. Just Breathe
5. Got Some
6. The Fixer
7. Gonna See My Friend
8. Supersonic
9. Johnny Guitar
10. The End
11. Speed of Sound
1. Got Some
2. Force of Nature
3. Just Breathe
4. Amongst the Waves
5. The End
6. Unthought Known
7. The Fixer
8. Supersonic
9. Gonna See My Friend
10. Johnny Guitar
11. Speed of Sound
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
1. Unthought Known
2. The End
3. Got Some
4. Force of Nature
5. Amongst The Waves
6. Just Breathe
7. The Fixer
8. Gonna See My Friend
9. Supersonic
10. Johnny Guitar
11. Speed of Sound
1. Force of Nature
2. Unthought Known
3. Just Breathe
4. Got Some
5. Amongst the Waves
6. Johnny Guitar
7. Supersonic
8. Gonna See My Friend
9. Fixer
10. Speed of Sound - Demo
11. The End
12. Speed of Sound - album
Want to hear Leaving Here connected to Gonna See My Friend live.
And I'm not living this life without you, I'm selfish and clear
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
1. Unthought Known
2. Just Breathe
(1 and 2 are interchangeable in rankings....and 1, 2 and 5 are such an amazing trio!)
3. Got Some
4. Gonna See My Friend
( 3and 4 are interchangeable in rankings as well)
5. Amongst the Waves
Really LIKE, for very different reasons exclusive of each other:
6. Supersonic - fun!
7. The End - heart-wrenching!
OK to dislike:
8. Speed of Sound - just doesn't 'grab' me really
9. Force of Nature - don't think the music/lyrics jive well somehow
10. The Fixer - dislike lyrics, music is good
11. Johnny Guitar - dislike vocal phrasings more than anything
Unthought Known-Slimply "perfect" Pearl Jam song. You will be no ones rival!
Force of Nature- Great Groove
Got Some- Great rocker
Just Breathe- I can see why Eddie played it on the solo tour
Amongst the Waves- Beautiful song
The Fixer- Radio Staple
Johnny Guitar-Love the changes in the song. I dont know why people hate it
Gonna see my Friends- Awesome way to start the album
The End-Actually dig the song!
Speed of Sound- I cannot get into this song at all! I wish I could. Maybe in Time!
Got Some
Just Breathe
Amongst the Waves
Force of Nature
Gonna See my Friend
Johnny Guitar
The End
Unthought Known
The Fixer
Speed of Sound
~ Chicago 5/16/06 ~ Chicago 8/23/09 ~ Chicago 8/24/09 ~ ~ Kansas City 5/3/10 ~ Alpine Valley 9/3/11 ~ Alpine Valley 9/4/11 ~ ~ Wrigley Field 7/19/13 ~ Oklahoma City 11/16/13 ~ St. Louis 10/3/14 ~ ~ Wrigley Field 8/20/16 ~ Wrigley Field 8/18/18 ~ Wrigley Field 8/20/18 ~ ~ Fenway Park 9/4/18 ~ Denver 9/22/22 ~ Ft. Worth 9/12/23 ~ Wrigley Field 8/29/24 ~
Force of Nature
Johnny Guitar
Unthought Known
Amongst The Waves
Just Breathe
The Fixer
Gonna See My Friend
Got Some
The End
Speed Of Sound (wtf! demo is soooo much better!)
1. Unthought Known
2. Got Some
3. Just Breathe
4. Amongst the Waves
Really Like 'Em
5. Force of Nature
6. Supersonic
7. The End
8. Gonna See My Friend
9. Speed of Sound
10. The Fixer
11. Johnny Guitar (Clashy and growing on Me)
just breathe
gonna see my friend
the end
got some
force of nature
amongst the waves
the fixer
unthought unknown
speed of sound
1. The End *****
2. Unthought Known **** 1/2
3. Force of Nature **** 1/2
4. Amongst the Waves **** 1/2
5. Just Breathe ****
6. Gonna See My Friend ****
7. Got Some ****
8. Johnny Guitar ****
9. Speed of Sound ****
10. The Fixer *** 1/2
11. Supersonic ***
The End, for me, the best Pearl Jam track since Do the Evolution. I still get chills listening to that one.
I was familiar with Unthought Known from the Ed shows last year, but the band takes this one to a whole other level here. Force of Nature and Amongst the Waves are, to me, totally new yet classic Pearl Jam all at the same time.
I would say that Speed of Sound has probably grown on me like no other song in the last few days. Like many i listened to the demo version many times before hearing the full band. Initially i didn't like it at all, but now i love the full band version. I could see this one climbing even higher up the list.
Supersonic is definitely the worst track on the album, but as far as worst tracks on a Pearl Jam album go, this might just be their best since the very early days.
All in all, i think this is just stunning work by the band.
Force of Nature 5/5
The End 5/5
Johnny Guitar 4.5/5
Just Breathe 4/5
Gonna See My Friend 4/5
Amongst The Waves 4/5
The Fixer 4/5
Speed Of Sound 4/5
Supersonic 3.5/5
Unknown Thought 3/5
Force of Nature
Just breathe
Gonna See My Friends
Got Some
Johnny Guitar
The Fixer
The End
Amongst The Waves
Speed of Sound
force of nature
amongst the waves
johnny guitar
the end
just breathe
the fixer
got some
gonna see my friend
speed of sound
1. Unthought Known
2. Amongst the Waves
3. Just Breathe
4. The End
5. Got Some
6. Force of Nature
7. Speed of Sound
Don't Mind:
8. Supersonic
9. The Fixer
Not really into (yet):
10. Gonna See My Friend
11. Johnny Guitar
that said, first and foremost, and a definite LOVE...
Just Breathe
and then the rest...
Unthought Known
Got Some
Amongst the Waves
Gonna See My Friend
The End
Speed of Sound
Force of Nature
The Fixer
Johnny Guitar
and this is quote odd for me, especially for pearl jam...but while the songs i really like the lyrics are strong, for a lot of the other tunes, i find the lyrics and the lyrical delivery/phrasing is what holds me back a lot more than the music. not at all usual...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
2) Just Breathe
3) Got Some
4) Unthought Known
5) Amongst the Waves
6) Speed of Sound
7) Gonna See My Friend
8) Supersonic
9) Force of Nature
10) Johnny Guitar
11) The End - I know a lot of people love this song, but I'm just not feeling it for some reason. I think it's just so incredibly sad that I can't get into it. There are other sad songs (or parts of songs) on this record but it's all tinged with hope and optimism, but the heart of this song is death, sadness, and hopelessness. I can see how it could be considered a great song, but it's uncomfortable to me.
1) Got Some (great rocker and is killer live)
2) Just Breathe (best of a new direction that is being taken)
3) Unthought Known (great sprawling number in the vein of No Code or Binaural)
4) The End (This is Eddie's 'The Long And Winding Road' as far as I'm concerned. I got kind of misty eyed listening to this while reading it in my office just now)
5) Amongst the Waves (great build up and flowing number and loving the solo!)
At the moment sorting out the positions of the top five as I absorb them, but my favorite tracks of the album so far.
6) Supersonic (Great fun and I love the middle break down. I want a shirt that says 'I Wanna Live My Life with the Volume Full'... it's pretty much how I feel
7) Gonna See My Friends (bad ass riff.. but does the volumn drop off for anyone else in like the last minute?)
8) The Fixer (Good fun, and translates really well live)
I'm still working with the next three tracks
9) Speed of Sound (It's growing on me little by little, but a few detracting elements)
10) Johnny Guitar (interesting story line, but musically not really there for me)
11) Force of Nature (Hmmmm, yeah, this one will take a while to grow on me. It sounds too much the theme song for an 80s action film.)
2000 Toronto
2003 Montreal
2005 Ottawa
2009 Berlin
2) Unthough Known
3) Got Some
4) Force of Nature
5) Johnny Guitar
6) Just Breathe
7) Gonna See My Friend
8) Supersonic
9) The Fixer
10) The End
11) Speed of Sound
...something like that
Amongst the Waves
Just Breathe
Got Some
The End
Gonna See My Friend
Speed of Sound
Force of Nature
The Fixer
Johnny Guitar
Just Breath
The End
The Fixer
Gonna See My Friend
Got Some
Johnny guitar
Amongst The Waves
Force Of Nature
Speed Of Sound - Only track i don't like (No i never listened to the demo)
1. Just Breathe - The best lyrics in a PJ song in a long, long, long time. I can't get enough of this song. Ironically, this "Into the Wild"ish song is my favorite, and I never really got into Into the Wild at all.
2. Force of Nature - Thought it was a throwaway at first, and i'm not into the guitar that starts the song, but it goes striaght up from there. The chorus is perfectly catchy, and the guitar solo at the end sounds very Ten-ish.
3. Gonna See My Friend - Sure, Pearl Jam had some great aggressive songs on the last album, but this is as ferocious as they've sounded since Vitalogy.
4. Got Some - This could easily be number 2, but I think its a tad over-produced. Could just be I really got into the Conan performance and the "making of" video, but I'm not into the background harmonies. Other than that, though, I love it, especially the way it builds more and more energy towards the end. Really love the "Let's Go!" at the end.
5. Unthought Known - This one could raise or fall dramatically, it hasn't sunk in enough yet. But the "gems and rhinestones" and "rival" lines are just so epically awesome that it needs to be up here. I like the piano in this song, whereas on a song like LBC, i thought it seemed overly dramatic.
6. The Fixer - Its tough to rate this and "Supersonic" against the rest of the album, because I've heard them so much. But I like this song even better in the context of the album, and its just a great pick-me-up song.
7. Amongst the Waves - Love the guitar in the last minute or so. Not a huge fan of the first verse. Like the chorus.
8. Supersonic - Similar to The Fixer - just a good pick-me-up. Not a thing wrong with the song - not deep, but quick and fun.
9. Johnny Guitar - This one could move up too...don't have a problem with it at all, just think some of the others are better. I appreciate the diversity in this song though, and I think they hit what they are going for. The fact that this is so low speaks to how solid I think this album is....
10. The End - From a critical point of view, this may very well be the 2nd best song on the album...but I have a feeling I won't want to listen to it that much simply because its so sad (i'm having the same problem with the new "Antlers" album as well).
11. Speed of Sound - Not a fan of the slow "Gone"-ish build (one Gone is enough) but it diversifies it enough to not be a straight copy. I do like the "but this night has been a long one" lyric. I do like what it builds to and that it doesn't try to go overboard with the pay-off.
It would be fun to do this 2 months from now to see how everything has changed....
Just Breathe
Force of Nature
Unthought Known
Amongst the Waves
The Fixer
Gonna See my Friend
Johnny Guitar
The End
Speed of Sound
Force of nature, Unthought Known, and Amongst the Waves are all very close in my ranking...gave me the hardest time trying to rank this album.
2-Got Some
3-Johnny Guitar
4-The Fixer
5-gonna see my friend
6-Just Breathe
7-Force of Nature
9-Speed of sound
10-Unthought known
11-the end
so far...
Report this postReply with quote Re: Rank the Backspacer Tracks
by Black Diamond » 21 Sep 2009 09:35
Hmmm, tough
1. Unthought Known
2. Got Some
3. Just Breathe
4. Amongst the Waves
Really Like 'Em
5. Force of Nature
6. Supersonic
7. The End
8. Gonna See My Friend
9. Speed of Sound
10. The Fixer
11. Johnny Guitar (Clashy and growing on Me)
exactly right..although Fixer grabs in the "pop" generation!!!
• 2003-07-05• 2004-10-01
• 2005-10-03• 2006-05-27
• 2008-06-19• 2009-10-27 2009-10-28 •2009-10-30
• 2009-10-31
*Tres Mts 2011-03-23
*Eddie Vedder 2011-06-25
- 2013-10-21
- 2013=10-22
-2016 -04-28
-2016 -04-29
2. Just Breathe
3. Unthought Known
4. Got Some
5. Force of Nature
6. The End
7. Gonna See My Friend
8. Supersonic
9. Speed Of Sound
10. Johnny Guitar
11. The Fixer
2. Force of Nature
3. Got Some
4. Just Breathe
5. Amongst The Waves
6. Supersonic
7. Gonna See My Friend
8. Speed of Sound
9. The End
10. Johnny Guitar
11. The Fixer
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Speed of Sound
Force of Nature
Amongst the Waves
Got Some
Johnny Guitar
Gonna See My Friend
Just Breathe
The Fixer
The End
Spaces represent a drop off, but I must say this album is really good. Every song has its good parts, although I am just not into the Fixer or the End much. Unthought Known, Speed of Sound, and Force of Nature are just terriffic in my opinion.
The order will probably change by tomorrow!
Unthought Known
Force of Nature
Gonna See My Friend
Just Breathe
Amongst the Waves
The End
The Fixer
Johnny Guitar
Speed of Sound
1. Amongst the Waves
2. Force of Nature
3. Unthought Known
4. Just Breathe
5. Got Some
6. The Fixer
7. Gonna See My Friend
8. Supersonic
9. Johnny Guitar
10. The End
11. Speed of Sound
2. Force of Nature
3. Just Breathe
4. Amongst the Waves
5. The End
6. Unthought Known
7. The Fixer
8. Supersonic
9. Gonna See My Friend
10. Johnny Guitar
11. Speed of Sound
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
1. Unthought Known
2. The End
3. Got Some
4. Force of Nature
5. Amongst The Waves
6. Just Breathe
7. The Fixer
8. Gonna See My Friend
9. Supersonic
10. Johnny Guitar
11. Speed of Sound
2. Unthought Known
3. Just Breathe
4. Got Some
5. Amongst the Waves
6. Johnny Guitar
7. Supersonic
8. Gonna See My Friend
9. Fixer
10. Speed of Sound - Demo
11. The End
12. Speed of Sound - album
Want to hear Leaving Here connected to Gonna See My Friend live.
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
1. Unthought Known
2. Just Breathe
(1 and 2 are interchangeable in rankings....and 1, 2 and 5 are such an amazing trio!)
3. Got Some
4. Gonna See My Friend
( 3and 4 are interchangeable in rankings as well)
5. Amongst the Waves
Really LIKE, for very different reasons exclusive of each other:
6. Supersonic - fun!
7. The End - heart-wrenching!
OK to dislike:
8. Speed of Sound - just doesn't 'grab' me really
9. Force of Nature - don't think the music/lyrics jive well somehow
10. The Fixer - dislike lyrics, music is good
11. Johnny Guitar - dislike vocal phrasings more than anything
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Force of Nature- Great Groove
Got Some- Great rocker
Just Breathe- I can see why Eddie played it on the solo tour
Amongst the Waves- Beautiful song
The Fixer- Radio Staple
Johnny Guitar-Love the changes in the song. I dont know why people hate it
Gonna see my Friends- Awesome way to start the album
The End-Actually dig the song!
Speed of Sound- I cannot get into this song at all! I wish I could. Maybe in Time!
Got Some
Force of Nature
Amongst the Waves
Gonna see me friend
Just Breathe
Johnny Guitar
The Fixer
The End
Speed of Sound
Just Breathe
Amongst the Waves
Force of Nature
Gonna See my Friend
Johnny Guitar
The End
Unthought Known
The Fixer
Speed of Sound
~ Kansas City 5/3/10 ~ Alpine Valley 9/3/11 ~ Alpine Valley 9/4/11 ~
~ Wrigley Field 7/19/13 ~ Oklahoma City 11/16/13 ~ St. Louis 10/3/14 ~
~ Wrigley Field 8/20/16 ~ Wrigley Field 8/18/18 ~ Wrigley Field 8/20/18 ~
~ Fenway Park 9/4/18 ~ Denver 9/22/22 ~ Ft. Worth 9/12/23 ~ Wrigley Field 8/29/24 ~
Johnny Guitar
Unthought Known
Amongst The Waves
Just Breathe
The Fixer
Gonna See My Friend
Got Some
The End
Speed Of Sound (wtf! demo is soooo much better!)