Ever wish you could magically be a kid again?



  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    Yes, sometimes I wish i were a kid again. Things were simpler.
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • Not really...but I wouldn't mind being 22 again.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • LauriLauri Posts: 748
    Oddly enough, I don't remember childhood being anymore "carefree" than adulthood really. I sort of think adulthood, though extremely stressful, has a bit more freedom than childhood. Like for example, if you're a kid and you don't want to go to school one day, you have all the reasons why should go to school anyway, but even if you were to decide that your need to stay home were greater than the benefits of going to school, you're still pretty much gonna have to go, because you're parents would make you. Or if you wanted to relax on a day off, you'd still have your parents nagging you to do chores or homework or whatever, and there's no real power you have to retaliate.

    I wish I could do like ages 16-25 over again.
  • no way.
    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    No Way x 2
    When I was 26, I took a small step backwards so that I could progess more in my field. I made sure that I had a marketable skill (CPA), and luckily, I am able to apply my expertise in an industry that I love (music/entertainment).

    To the OP, some people discover their proper career/lifestyle later in life. People on a message board will always give advice or question you, so maybe its best to ignore them if you are always going to be on the defensive, and use your energy towards trying to find your place in life. Or, you can look for the truth in what people say in their responses to your posts.
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    some people discover their proper career/lifestyle later in life

    With me the work stuff became secondary to the rest of my life. I enjoy my work because of the people I work with, plus I enjoy meeting people and get to do that too. But it's a means to an end.

    I did think that I would decide what to do with the rest of my life when I hit 40, but it's been and gone and still no nearer. Oh well, maybe I'll set my sights on 50 instead! :)
    Claireack wrote:
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    some people discover their proper career/lifestyle later in life

    With me the work stuff became secondary to the rest of my life. I enjoy my work because of the people I work with, plus I enjoy meeting people and get to do that too. But it's a means to an end.

    I did think that I would decide what to do with the rest of my life when I hit 40, but it's been and gone and still no nearer. Oh well, maybe I'll set my sights on 50 instead! :)

    Maybe you have decided, and this IS the rest of your life!
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Maybe you have decided, and this IS the rest of your life!

    Yep guess it is. Just as well I enjoy my life! Mind a lottery win wouldn't go amiss! :D
  • BrezBrez Posts: 570
    And before his first step... He's off again...
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    I wish I could be 21 and in college again.

    Those were some good days!!! :D
  • I used to, before I became a teacher.

    I teach first grade... 6 and 7 year olds. Some of the best times us adults can remember.

    Then I realize how scared they are of everything. They cry if their brothers forget to pick them up at the bus stop, they get upset if they can't write their name, they have to ask to go to the bathroom (not in my class... but in a lot of them).

    I am much happier as an adult. I appreciate more then I did as a kid. I feel more in control and through watching kids, I realize that they really have more worries then we do (sadly). On that note, I still love watching the world unfold through them.
  • covered in blisscovered in bliss chi-caw-go Posts: 1,332
    I used to, before I became a teacher.

    I teach first grade... 6 and 7 year olds. Some of the best times us adults can remember.

    Then I realize how scared they are of everything. They cry if their brothers forget to pick them up at the bus stop, they get upset if they can't write their name, they have to ask to go to the bathroom (not in my class... but in a lot of them).

    I am much happier as an adult. I appreciate more then I did as a kid. I feel more in control and through watching kids, I realize that they really have more worries then we do (sadly). On that note, I still love watching the world unfold through them.

    I don't think of it as having more worries... they just don't have the confidence yet. They don't have the confidence but they have the innocence.

    And to the OP-- you CAN be a kid again if you try. Not quite the same as the spontaneity of youth but it's better than the alternative (middle aged shit). My daughter and I are going to the PJ show in San Diego and then spending a few days on the ocean and visiting Sea World. I'm more excited about Sea World than PJ! Daughter emailed me a link about a roller coaster ride at Sea World... I'm already pooping. -that- is being a kid and taking advantage of the innocent things.
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    being a kid seems great in retrospect but at the time i remember it sucking. I do miss not knowing what fucktards other people really are and how vile the world can be at times though... Ignorance really is bliss...
  • stargirl69stargirl69 Posts: 6,387
    I wouldn't like to be a kid now.Everyone is so paranoid and scared I never see kids out playing now it's all computer games,extra curricular classes and being watched every waking moment.
    I don't believe the streets around where kids could play and gain skills are any more dangerous now that they have ever been.
    I think what has changed is the speed of information of and reporting of events.When I was a kid it took weeks to find out what went on in the next village now people can find out what is going on on the other side of the world before some of the people in that country know.
    The speed on information creates hysteria and the media reporting of it maintains that hysteria for weeks and weeks on end.In turn we are fed that the world is a dangerous evil place so keep your kids indoors over indulge them in computer games and food and nothing will ever harm them.
    Then when they go out into the real world they have little knowledge of how to look after themselves,interact socially and get on in the world.

    When I was growing up in the 70's Scotland was a hard place to grow up in but I and my friends were still put outside after breakfast,told to come home when we were hungry or tired and before it got really dark.
    We roamed the woods,played in rivers,rode the bus to the next town,made gang huts out of disused sheds,fished,fell out of trees,jumped the train tracks.Adults were never there to sort out fights and arguments and we all survived and went home filthy and hungry.
    I would sometimes like to be a kid again but not in 2009.
    “There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen”
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    No. Not reading the rest of the replies but childhood sucked. Didn't enjoy much of it. Glad its over forever.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • Sometimes I wish I could be a 3 yr old, just so I could see the world like my daughter sees it right now. I also wouldn't mind living the way she does. She has no worries and is the happiest person I know.

    Luckily, since I spend every day playing with her and talking to her, I get to see it through her eyes. Plus, I get to color and watch cartoons and play with toys all day. Not too shabby. :D:lol:
  • bigbadbillbigbadbill Posts: 1,758
    I think about time travel all the time to right all the wrongs in my life. If I did, I would have to wait over 20 years to hear Backspacer. I would know all 9+ Pearl Jam albums before Pearl Jam did. I would know who Pearl Jam was before they were. That would be torture. Well, I would be one of the first members of Ten Club (I think the numbers go back during the Mother Love Bone era).
    11/6/95, 11/18/97, 7/13/98, 7/14/98, 10/24/00, 10/25/00, 10/28/00, 6/2/03, 6/3/03, 6/5/03, 7/6/06, 7/7/06, 7/9/06, 7/10/06, 7/13/06, 7/15/06, 7/16/06, 7/18/06, 10/21/06, 4/10/08, 4/13/08, 9/30/09, 10/1/09, 10/6/09, 10/7/09, 10/9/09
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