you people are're missing the point...PJ could most likely live off of the 1st 3 albums for a long time & from touring all these years. So it's like keep rewarding people who've been successful for good amount of time then we watch 'em all ca$h in, yah!! What about people who work their ass off, have little to no luck at all in life...aahhh fuck ' talent, no place in anything special..
im not sure it's completely about money..
also... "you people are retarded" Nice! You're awesome!!! That was so WITTY!! You need to write a book.
Full of witty remarks like that!
you sound like you're a struggling artist in a garage somewhere jealous over everyone else who is successful.
That's like asking a pro baseball player to hang up the cleats and stop playing after 5 years to make room for other players who are working to make it in the league.
When the fact is... the PEOPLE and the FANS want to see that player play until he is done.
This is the music industry.
You make it sound like Pearl Jam should resort to making albums and releasing them by themselves because they already had success... when the reality is that when you do that.... your music doesn't reach out as far. Pearl Jam, I believe, want their music to reach out. They want their music to be attainable. Not just to fans who are on the website... but fans who might go to a store not knowing what to get... and pick out Pearl Jam from an assortment of albums. Pearl Jam want success. Like anyone. Like everyone. With success often comes money... but I highly doubt it's all about money. I think it's more about success.
Imagine making an album. It's one thing to be proud of what you've done and be admired by a small group of people. But it's something different to see how your album measures up. If I was in a band.... be my 1st album, or my 15th... I want to see how well it will do. I want to see how well it will stand up against other albums.
It's the fucking way things are. These guys went to court to fight TicketMaster and you're here calling them greedy.
Toronto 2000
Buffalo, Phoenix, Toronto 2003
Boston I&II 2004
Kitchener, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2005
Toronto I&II, Las Vegas 2006
Chicago Lollapalooza 2007
Toronto, Seattle I&II, Vancouver, Philly I,II,III,IV 2009
Cleveland, Buffalo 2010
Toronto I&II 2011
Buffalo 2013 Toronto I&II 2016 10C: 220xxx
you people are're missing the point...PJ could most likely live off of the 1st 3 albums for a long time & from touring all these years. So it's like keep rewarding people who've been successful for good amount of time then we watch 'em all ca$h in, yah!! What about people who work their ass off, have little to no luck at all in life...aahhh fuck ' talent, no place in anything special..
these people have worked DAMN HARD to get where they are today! it's not like success and money fell into their laps, it's not like their last names are Hilton or Trump! and if it was, WHO CARES!!! we are rewarding them for making us feel good, for giving us entertainment, i can't tell you how many people are alive today because of their music! and i have to disagree, we do need entertainment for survival. everyone needs something to believe in, even if it's the fact that someone else has the same views, ideals, etc as you do. i'm sorry if your life or if someone else's isn't great because of a lost job or something, but you shouldn't punish someone who has worked their ASSES off for themselves, their family, their fans, and for charities.
punish? who am I punishing? I'm simply stating a fact. My right to express my thoughts as anyone. I have no say in what goes on w/ any filthy rich people or CEOs or whatever you wanna call it. I have influence & neither does anyone on this forum..they think they do for some crazy "pearl jam" reason..
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
First of all, dont be rude. I offered my perspective that does not agree with you. You should not be posting if you only want agreement. I dont agree with you at all. You are infact wrong. Short sighted and you come across as somewhat jeolous of others success. I have no problem with ppl being rich. They give back and that is fine by me[/quote]
of course you don't have problem w/ people getting rich! you live in a country w/ stuck up snobs & fucking royalty! Your royal can kiss my ass! Only want agreement? What, are you some moderator here?!? You gotta be a bitch, only a bitch would post something like that...rules? ha! rules get broken everyday..typical bitch..british bitch to be exact[/quote]
First of all, dont be rude. I offered my perspective that does not agree with you. You should not be posting if you only want agreement. I dont agree with you at all. You are infact wrong. Short sighted and you come across as somewhat jeolous of others success. I have no problem with ppl being rich. They give back and that is fine by me
of course you don't have problem w/ people getting rich! you live in a country w/ stuck up snobs & fucking royalty! Your royal can kiss my ass! Only want agreement? What, are you some moderator here?!? You gotta be a bitch, only a bitch would post something like that...rules? ha! rules get broken everyday..typical bitch..british bitch to be exact[/quote]
You sad tosser[/quote]
man dont waste your time on this ignorant prick[/quote]
I know, very sad man. Im a bloke by the way lol 6ft6 and 17stone. I might have to pay him a visit lol
getting paid? are you slow? there's a difference between getting paid & being fucking millionaires for years on end then flaunting it w/ your deal on a new album. Wake up! nearly 1 in 10 Americans is out of work but hey at least the rockstars & movie stars are doing good! they've always done good, always will cuz we all buy into it. We're born into it, human beings don't need entertainment to survive . If they all died tomorrow, it would have no effect on the common person has always outnumbered the higher ups & "more blessed beautiful people" so I'm wondering when will it all tip over
First of all, dont be rude. I offered my perspective that does not agree with you. You should not be posting if you only want agreement. I dont agree with you at all. You are infact wrong. Short sighted and you come across as somewhat jeolous of others success. I have no problem with ppl being rich. They give back and that is fine by me
of course you don't have problem w/ people getting rich! you live in a country w/ stuck up snobs & fucking royalty! Your royal can kiss my ass! Only want agreement? What, are you some moderator here?!? You gotta be a bitch, only a bitch would post something like that...rules? ha! rules get broken everyday..typical bitch..british bitch to be exact
You need to relax a little bit. If you don't like what they're doing then go to the Fugazi message board and praise them for doing everything right. Arguments like yours are getting tiring and old very quick, everything you have said has been said before.
how many bands donate portions of the proceeds from every single show? What compels people to whine so much about pointless shit, people should be happy they still make great music, im glad they are making good cash, they definitely handle it better than most.
you people are're missing the point...PJ could most likely live off of the 1st 3 albums for a long time & from touring all these years. So it's like keep rewarding people who've been successful for good amount of time then we watch 'em all ca$h in, yah!! What about people who work their ass off, have little to no luck at all in life...aahhh fuck ' talent, no place in anything special..
im not sure it's completely about money..
also... "you people are retarded" Nice! You're awesome!!! That was so WITTY!! You need to write a book.
Full of witty remarks like that!
you sound like you're a struggling artist in a garage somewhere jealous over everyone else who is successful.
That's like asking a pro baseball player to hang up the cleats and stop playing after 5 years to make room for other players who are working to make it in the league.
When the fact is... the PEOPLE and the FANS want to see that player play until he is done.
This is the music industry.
You make it sound like Pearl Jam should resort to making albums and releasing them by themselves because they already had success... when the reality is that when you do that.... your music doesn't reach out as far. Pearl Jam, I believe, want their music to reach out. They want their music to be attainable. Not just to fans who are on the website... but fans who might go to a store not knowing what to get... and pick out Pearl Jam from an assortment of albums. Pearl Jam want success. Like anyone. Like everyone. With success often comes money... but I highly doubt it's all about money. I think it's more about success.
Imagine making an album. It's one thing to be proud of what you've done and be admired by a small group of people. But it's something different to see how your album measures up. If I was in a band.... be my 1st album, or my 15th... I want to see how well it will do. I want to see how well it will stand up against other albums.
It's the fucking way things are. These guys went to court to fight TicketMaster and you're here calling them greedy.
um, yeah they went to Ticketmaster & lost...nothing happened..but I give props to them for trying but that was 14 years ago? The fact is when you're rich & u remain rich year after year it changes you..I don't care what anyone is the root of all evil. So PJ, yes gives to charities yet only to ones they admire..I mean if Bill Gates & every other wealthy fuck came together & really wanted to help the world & change it, they would. But they give a little here, give a litte there...go on vacation, make some more millions, have the public suck their dicks what a life!
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
'Pearl Jam' get more money for each record because they are doing the service that the record company would do in a normal deal. That they would be paid for.
You want a independent band? try FUGAZI, turned down major label offers years ago & made a real impact w/ original DIY mentality...everyone should be thanking Dischord Records
I've never heard a Fugazi song in my life. I would have never heard of the band name unless I hadn't read Eddie Vedder quotes. Maybe that's why Pearl Jam uses Sony and Target. They actually want people to hear their music.
We're still really talking about this? :oops: :oops: :oops:
I think you guys should just agree to disagree...
Toronto - 2009
Hartford - 2010
Ed Solo - Hartford - 2011
Toronto X 2, Ottawa & Hamilton - 2011
Ed Solo - Jacksonville - 2012
London, Pittsburgh & Buffalo - 2013
No shows in 2014 :-(
you people are're missing the point...PJ could most likely live off of the 1st 3 albums for a long time & from touring all these years. So it's like keep rewarding people who've been successful for good amount of time then we watch 'em all ca$h in, yah!! What about people who work their ass off, have little to no luck at all in life...aahhh fuck ' talent, no place in anything special..
im not sure it's completely about money..
also... "you people are retarded" Nice! You're awesome!!! That was so WITTY!! You need to write a book.
Full of witty remarks like that!
you sound like you're a struggling artist in a garage somewhere jealous over everyone else who is successful.
That's like asking a pro baseball player to hang up the cleats and stop playing after 5 years to make room for other players who are working to make it in the league.
When the fact is... the PEOPLE and the FANS want to see that player play until he is done.
This is the music industry.
You make it sound like Pearl Jam should resort to making albums and releasing them by themselves because they already had success... when the reality is that when you do that.... your music doesn't reach out as far. Pearl Jam, I believe, want their music to reach out. They want their music to be attainable. Not just to fans who are on the website... but fans who might go to a store not knowing what to get... and pick out Pearl Jam from an assortment of albums. Pearl Jam want success. Like anyone. Like everyone. With success often comes money... but I highly doubt it's all about money. I think it's more about success.
Imagine making an album. It's one thing to be proud of what you've done and be admired by a small group of people. But it's something different to see how your album measures up. If I was in a band.... be my 1st album, or my 15th... I want to see how well it will do. I want to see how well it will stand up against other albums.
It's the fucking way things are. These guys went to court to fight TicketMaster and you're here calling them greedy.
um, yeah they went to Ticketmaster & lost...nothing happened..but I give props to them for trying but that was 14 years ago? The fact is when you're rich & u remain rich year after year it changes you..I don't care what anyone is the root of all evil. So PJ, yes gives to charities yet only to ones they admire..I mean if Bill Gates & every other wealthy fuck came together & really wanted to help the world & change it, they would. But they give a little here, give a litte there...go on vacation, make some more millions, have the public suck their dicks what a life!
why? i think it funny to watch this poor delusional person drown in his own ignorance
yeah it was funny at first, but it reminds me of one of my friends who resents me because my parents make more money than she does. it's soooo annoying. my parents used to get food stamps and worked their asses off to get to the point where they can get BMWs. same thing with pearl jam.
ah well... i'll try and find the humor again. i'll just wait for another post
We're still really talking about this? :oops: :oops: :oops:
I think you guys should just agree to disagree...
I do agree... altho theres a way to do that...calling people retards, you must be a bitch and a british bitch at that really angers me...
That did annoy me. I can cope with the bitch comment but bringing our poor old Queen into it lol. She was getting ready for my ass kssing when all this kicked off
although now that the queen has been brought in to this im not sure whose side im on
but seriously the first poster really hasnt a clue, yeah they cut a deal, a deal that will save the people who are buying it a few quid, make pearl jam a bit, then theyll give a bit away, and theyll keep touring making them more money, money which some of it will find its way into charitys hands so really its win win
although now that the queen has been brought in to this im not sure whose side im on
but seriously the first poster really hasnt a clue, yeah they cut a deal, a deal that will save the people who are buying it a few quid, make pearl jam a bit, then theyll give a bit away, and theyll keep touring making them more money, money which some of it will find its way into charitys hands so really its win win
Thanks dude. He is soooo funny. Hope your well man. I got a load of boots here for ya so text me your add and I will send them on to you
im not sure it's completely about money..
also... "you people are retarded" Nice! You're awesome!!! That was so WITTY!! You need to write a book.
Full of witty remarks like that!
you sound like you're a struggling artist in a garage somewhere jealous over everyone else who is successful.
That's like asking a pro baseball player to hang up the cleats and stop playing after 5 years to make room for other players who are working to make it in the league.
When the fact is... the PEOPLE and the FANS want to see that player play until he is done.
This is the music industry.
You make it sound like Pearl Jam should resort to making albums and releasing them by themselves because they already had success... when the reality is that when you do that.... your music doesn't reach out as far. Pearl Jam, I believe, want their music to reach out. They want their music to be attainable. Not just to fans who are on the website... but fans who might go to a store not knowing what to get... and pick out Pearl Jam from an assortment of albums. Pearl Jam want success. Like anyone. Like everyone. With success often comes money... but I highly doubt it's all about money. I think it's more about success.
Imagine making an album. It's one thing to be proud of what you've done and be admired by a small group of people. But it's something different to see how your album measures up. If I was in a band.... be my 1st album, or my 15th... I want to see how well it will do. I want to see how well it will stand up against other albums.
It's the fucking way things are. These guys went to court to fight TicketMaster and you're here calling them greedy.
Buffalo, Phoenix, Toronto 2003
Boston I&II 2004
Kitchener, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2005
Toronto I&II, Las Vegas 2006
Chicago Lollapalooza 2007
Toronto, Seattle I&II, Vancouver, Philly I,II,III,IV 2009
Cleveland, Buffalo 2010
Toronto I&II 2011
Buffalo 2013
Toronto I&II 2016
10C: 220xxx
punish? who am I punishing? I'm simply stating a fact. My right to express my thoughts as anyone. I have no say in what goes on w/ any filthy rich people or CEOs or whatever you wanna call it. I have influence & neither does anyone on this forum..they think they do for some crazy "pearl jam" reason..
of course you don't have problem w/ people getting rich! you live in a country w/ stuck up snobs & fucking royalty! Your royal can kiss my ass! Only want agreement? What, are you some moderator here?!? You gotta be a bitch, only a bitch would post something like that...rules? ha! rules get broken everyday..typical bitch..british bitch to be exact[/quote]
You sad tosser[/quote]
man dont waste your time on this ignorant prick
of course you don't have problem w/ people getting rich! you live in a country w/ stuck up snobs & fucking royalty! Your royal can kiss my ass! Only want agreement? What, are you some moderator here?!? You gotta be a bitch, only a bitch would post something like that...rules? ha! rules get broken everyday..typical bitch..british bitch to be exact[/quote]
You sad tosser[/quote]
man dont waste your time on this ignorant prick[/quote]
I know, very sad man. Im a bloke by the way lol 6ft6 and 17stone. I might have to pay him a visit lol
You need to relax a little bit. If you don't like what they're doing then go to the Fugazi message board and praise them for doing everything right. Arguments like yours are getting tiring and old very quick, everything you have said has been said before.
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
He probably still has a Pamela Anderson poster on his wall from 1994
You could call us all retards :-) it seems to be OK
um, yeah they went to Ticketmaster & lost...nothing happened..but I give props to them for trying but that was 14 years ago? The fact is when you're rich & u remain rich year after year it changes you..I don't care what anyone is the root of all evil. So PJ, yes gives to charities yet only to ones they admire..I mean if Bill Gates & every other wealthy fuck came together & really wanted to help the world & change it, they would. But they give a little here, give a litte there...go on vacation, make some more millions, have the public suck their dicks what a life!
Yep the good ol'days when the music was free and Baywatch ruled the earth.
Fact you say?
I've never heard a Fugazi song in my life. I would have never heard of the band name unless I hadn't read Eddie Vedder quotes. Maybe that's why Pearl Jam uses Sony and Target. They actually want people to hear their music.
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
I think you guys should just agree to disagree...
Hartford - 2010
Ed Solo - Hartford - 2011
Toronto X 2, Ottawa & Hamilton - 2011
Ed Solo - Jacksonville - 2012
London, Pittsburgh & Buffalo - 2013
No shows in 2014 :-(
Kurt? Is it you?
why? i think it funny to watch this poor delusional person drown in his own ignorance
I didnt think ppl this stupid existed. He must be on crack or something stronger
I do agree... altho theres a way to do that...calling people retards, you must be a bitch and a british bitch at that really angers me...
ah well... i'll try and find the humor again. i'll just wait for another post
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
That did annoy me. I can cope with the bitch comment but bringing our poor old Queen into it lol. She was getting ready for my ass kssing when all this kicked off
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
although now that the queen has been brought in to this im not sure whose side im on
but seriously the first poster really hasnt a clue, yeah they cut a deal, a deal that will save the people who are buying it a few quid, make pearl jam a bit, then theyll give a bit away, and theyll keep touring making them more money, money which some of it will find its way into charitys hands so really its win win
Thanks dude. He is soooo funny. Hope your well man. I got a load of boots here for ya so text me your add and I will send them on to you