New wave of fans/members this month?
Right then, we better do some hovering, put a bit of bleach down the loo and hide the porn because I'm expecting a lot of new visitors once Backspacer drops. With this album shaping up to be be their most chart friendly so far, Rockband content from day one and a high profile video the door bell will be ringing any minute, right?
I hope we've all stopped this bickering before then and make them feel at home here...
What are the chances?
I hope we've all stopped this bickering before then and make them feel at home here...
What are the chances?
Nature drunk and High
Post edited by Unknown User on
Pretty low. :?
21 Shows and counting... Finally met Ed @ Zellerbach night 1!!!
More likely to get the Christmas single before Easter.
But seriously, I don't see a big influx of new fans. Maybe some people that have been around already, some that just got old enough to discover PJ, or some that just caught a tune on the radio and had no idea their favorite band from HS is still around.
Way too much has been made of the so-called poppiness of The Fixer.
Immagine some of the people it could drag in here.
We think we have our differences of opinion now, just wait..
Just think of how much it would get on on nerves with people claiming to have been big fans all along who have never listened to the band or haven't since the mid 90s..
There would be bitterness.. its all hypothetical though.
i didn't really see any new members in 06 so hopefully that trend stays. i don't know why anyone would join the 10c since the numbers are in the 440 range by now.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I just joined a month ago. I care not what my number is. I just want the benefits besides the good tickets; 10C only specials, the xmas single, Deep, etc. It's worth the $25 (CDN) even without the possibility of good seats to me. Especially since they only come here once every decade and a half anyway.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Please feel free to walk around with your hand in your pants, fart, whatever. I may do the same.
Beware what you wish.....
Cool - because I will be signing up my 14 yr old daughter for her b-day on Sept 14th.
I wonder if I can filter through some info... although I think 14 yr old is a bit too old for that... not like she hasn't already been exposed to that at her school. :roll:
I'd better watch my language here. She'd be shocked to see a few of my cursing. I don't do that.
Maybe that'll be errm.... a good way for me to quit posting! Heheh!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
-TV: "All-star Boxing was brought to you by Doctor Marvin Monroe's Family Therapy Center".
Wife: "Honey, aren't you going to work today?"
Husband: "No-o-o... I don't think so."
Wife: "Honey, you have a problem, and it won't get better until you admit it."
Husband: "I admit this... You better shut your big yap!"
Wife: "Oh you shut up."
Husband: "No, you shut up!"
Wife: "No you shut up!"
Husband: "Oh shut up!"
Wife: "Shut up!"
Husband: "Shut up!"
Kid: "Why don't you both shut up!"
well said! i only joined in 07 so my number is really rubbish, but ive just been to two amazing pearl jam shows thank u tenclub! worth every penny!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Yes it is! I was wondering if anyone would ask. I am very proud of my new scar so I was sharing (just below my belly button and a bit inside).
I had keyhole surgery 2 1/2 months ago to remove my gall bladder, that's the hole the camera went through and I think it's where the gall bladder popped out.
I did hope for slightly larger scars so that I could get tattoos to hide them (hubby doesn't like tattoos so I needed an excuse), but I only have 4 tiny little ones.
Enjoy my belly button! I may change it at some point for a picture of one of my toes without a toenail (I've had 2 removed) or maybe stretch marks or one of my other scars, maybe it could be a gallery of my imperfections? Maybe I'll just leave it as it is.
screw you, and screw them and the bandwagon they will attempt to roll in on!!
(hey...what did you see my avatar right?!
man when i saw your avatar i thought i had logged on to the George Michael fan site some how!! :?
- Why the name "Pearl Jam"?
- Why do everybody hates Boom? They all "BOOOO" him at the concerts...
- Are there any Pearl Jam Bootlegs?
- Do you suggest to go to see this band live?
- Probably a poll regarding what's your fav record, with everything between Vs. and Riot Act missing
... but they're welcome anyway it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
Hopefully my belly button doesn't look like what you're suggesting!!! Maybe it does? LOL, keeping it on anyway.
you are a BIGGER BETTER fan because you have a lower 10c number. You have
no way of knowing how music affects someone who just listened for the first
time today, or someone that saw them in 1991. None of us own the rights to
the fan club, nor can we claim to be a bigger fan than anyone else just
because we recognize a song half a second before the person sitting next to
you, or because you did the "appropriate" hand gestures during Given to Fly
And, some of you may not believe this, but Pearl Jam loves 10c member #1 as
much as 10c #450000 all the same because no matter your number, you are
their paycheck.
it's a memorable avatar, that's for sure!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
then we should see how many we can scare away by Christmas!!
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)