Glen Beck - whoops!!!!

That Glen Beck - so warm and cuddly.
These dudes just CAN NOT HANDLE a President who doesn't look like them. ... s_ads.html
"He was actually on another Fox show July 28 when he referred to Obama as a racist with "a deep-seated hatred for white people." The network immediately distanced itself from Beck's statement, but Beck didn't. He used his radio show the next day to explain why he believed that."
These dudes just CAN NOT HANDLE a President who doesn't look like them. ... s_ads.html
"He was actually on another Fox show July 28 when he referred to Obama as a racist with "a deep-seated hatred for white people." The network immediately distanced itself from Beck's statement, but Beck didn't. He used his radio show the next day to explain why he believed that."
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Philly I & II, 16
Denver 22
Post edited by Unknown User on
All I know is that if a white politician was the one who wrote a book saying the things that he said they would be labled a racist, and the NAACP would be trying to make sure they never held a job again.
But then again I guess it's a non-issue since there's no such thing as reverse racism :shock: . (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
I'm crying on the inside for how hard you crackers have had it in America. Your own separate bathrooms, schools and facilities right up until just 40 years ago when we finally granted you equality and let you go to school with the black kids.
I guess what happened 40 years ago gives you right to hate us all. I mean even though I wasn't even born 40 years ago since I am white I guess I do owe somebody something. Besides everybody knows that it's alright to hate on whitey because every one of us was born with a silver spoon in our mouth and the password to eventually be "The Man". Just growing up with every roadblock removed from my path makes me deserving of your anger :roll: .
I guess if I had to grow up knowing that I'll never be a Harvard educated President I would hate every white....oh wait, he is that. Now the crackers are gonna make him have to come up with another excuse for hating on them. Damn crackers! (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
So, cool it with the racism bullshit.
Read his book then tell me he is not a racist.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I don't have his book... is there an excerpt you can refer me to?
Hail, Hail!!!
The first part was very well put.
Give me a break with this 40 years ago bullshit. FYI, not ALL whites were apart of that.
40 years ago is a long time in this day and age, live in the fucking now people.
You don't deserve anyting different then I do. I have nice things because I WORK MY ASS OFF!
I dont take hand outs from the goverment. If I need more money I get a second job period!
I can't stand this type of nonsense.
Makes me sick, this Liberal way of thinking.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
"I CEASED TO ADVERISE MY MOTHER'S RACE AT THE AGE OF12 OR 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"
From 'Dreams of my Father', "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the THE OTHER RACE (WHITE) WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN AND APART"
From Dreams Of My Father, "never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. IT WAS INTO MY FATHER'S IMAGE , THE BLACK MAN, THE SON OF AFRICA, THAT I'D PACKED ALL THE ATTRIBUTES I SOUGHT IN MYSELF.
From Dreams Of My Father:
"THAT HATE HADN'T GONE AWAY," he wrote, BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE,- SOME CRUEL, SOME IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."
From Dreams Of My Father;
"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and
2 years ago
Additional Details
These quotes are indeed accurate, google them yourself. Kind of scary if you ask me....
2 years ago
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
What point were you trying to make there? It looks to me like you are saying it's only black people who take hand outs from the government and don't work their asses off.
It's not about handouts. It's about the fact that people like me, with amazing government insurance, are still one illness away from losing everything we've worked for. That's the true crime. Will people abuse the system? Yes. Will the lazy people get insurance? Yes. Why is that more of a crime though than people cheating on their taxes and using loopholes and offshore accounts? Is that okay since they're smart enough to figure it out?
What point were you trying to make there? It looks to me like you are saying it's only black people who take hand outs from the government and don't work their asses off.
LOL not at all, I dont care if you are red black yellow or white. And thats the truth.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I totally agree the system needs inprovment. But more Goverment control is NOT the anwser. The Insurance companies are the devil IMO and they need to be controlled. But I am sure there are many other ways to fix our system, Obamas plan is not the answer.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Can you give me the specific webpage... because I like to read things in their full context... because sometimes it real easy to extract one sentence and create a completely different meaning from it.
and i really don't want to buy his book.
Hail, Hail!!!
if you are going to paste crap from the internet at least get it right. Try not to paste their mistakes too...
if you bothered to search further, you would find that the quotes have been taken out of context, one doesn't exist and some are fabricated.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
It would be a great start, but to completely whipe out our health care system in a matter of months and move to a controlled one is totally ridiculous. And yes, from what I understand the private insurance would be gone in a matter of years.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Gotta run, have a good night people.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Yeah... prove your not racist.... go ahead...
I love people who expect someone to prove a negative.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Have you read the entire book?
If you read that entire book and walk away thinking "hey, that guy is racist", then I have no idea what to tell you, because you'd be out of your mind.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Have you read the book... because I haven't...
Are these thing Barack Obama is saying... or are they quotes attributed to his father as saying? I'm confused and would really like the link to these examples...
Please, don't make me go out a buy the book.
Hail, Hail!!!
hey ag how ya doing? it good to see ya
i decided to use google like you said
Responding to MisQuotes - "Dreams" and "Audacity"
By Thor - May 16th, 2008 at 8:06 am EDT
There have been a series of misquotes going around again recently from Obama's "Dreams of My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" that I think warrant a quality response. I had been wanting to directly fact-check these for some time but it's been tough since none are cited by page number (surprise!) so I finally decided to just download an unabridged copy from to assist in the search and went through each one below. I hope that you find this useful in quickly dealing with these emails and posts.
As a side benefit, and not the intent of the original posters I am sure, was the opportunity to re-read and put into context many of the rites of passage I think many of us can relate to in this well-written account that just so happens to be from a great candidate for President. As for the target audience:
* There are some who have already made up their minds and will see what they choose to see regardless of context. This is not for them except to let the posters know they are found out.
* There are others who are equivocating: Democrats or Independents or new voters or Republicans "on-the-fence" who, although they may not find the source of the original taken-out-of-context sound-bites credible, could be left with an impression that may sit in their minds to come back again on election day. This is for them.
* Finally, for those of us who look forward to voting for Barack Obama in November I hope this is a tiny way to take another look at this very insightful and truly American story. This is for you too.
Following are the six (mis)quotes that you've probably seen lined up in a row in emails and postings - each in bold followed by the actual quote and context with paginated citations so that anyone can check for themselves and/or build on this:
Misleading quote: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites' - claimed to be from "Dreams of My Father"
In the paragraph prior to this quote (Introduction: pp. xiv-xv), Obama talks of his mother's 6 year old cousin who had "already lost" his innocence after reporting to his parents that some of his first grade "classmates had refused to play with him because of his dark skin". As you read further you can see the implications of this on Obama's life growing up and why he felt compelled to bring up his mother's race until "the age of 12 or 13":
Actual quote: "When people who don't know me well, black or white, discover my background (and it is usually a discovery, for I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites) I see the the split-second adjustments they have to make, the searching of my eyes for some telltale sign." (Introduction: Page xv)
Fake quote: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race.' - claimed to be from "Dreams of My Father"
I cannot locate this anywhere in "Dreams of My Father" after searching on each key word through an unabridged copy downloaded from We can simply shoot this one quote down and rightfully attack the credibility of the entire post.
Fake quote: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.' - claimed to be from "Dreams of My Father"
When Obama was still in New York (after graduating Columbia) and at the point of almost giving up on organizing, he gets a call from Marty Kaufman who had "started an organizing drive in Chicago and was looking to hire a trainee." (Story begin on page 140). After talking about Chicago, the Cubs, his organizing efforts, Harold Washington, the South Side community, etc... he offers Obama the job with a small salary and travel expense. When Marty leaves, Obama walks home and thinks about this man and the offer (starting his community organizing days in Chicago):
Actual quote: "He was smart, I decided. He seemed committed to his work. Still, there was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white - he'd said himself that was a problem." (Page 142).
Later, Obama sits down on a bench to consider his options. A "black woman and her young son approach" and the boy asks him why the East River goes one way and the other. Obama explains the tides. "The answer seemed to satisfy the boy..." "As I watched the two of them disappear into dusk, I realized I had never noticed which way the river ran. A week later, I loaded up my car and drove to Chicago." (Page 143). Obama quickly recognizes that his back and forth on Marty, the situation, etc... is like the East River - it's going to go back and forth no matter what - it's time to act and he does.
Misleading quote: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names' - from "Dreams of My Father" (Page 101)
Obama is IN COLLEGE not running through the riot-strewn city streets. He is posing, finding his identity.
How do we know? Prior to this quote he explains the early pressure of fitting in with the so-called campus "radicals" to "avoid being mistaken for a sellout." (page 100). Starting on page 101 right after the quote, he goes through an incident where he is "called out" on this attitude. Thinking back, he realizes that "the whole year seemed like one big lie..." as he then matures beyond this perspective (Page 102).
I am sure none of us copped similar attitudes while in college or in our late teens/early twenties.
Fake quote: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.' - claimed to be from "Dreams of My Father"
Actual quote: (in context, he is specifically addressing his earlier attitude towards his stepfather and grandfather): " I might love but never emulate, white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela." (Page 220).
In the very next paragraph Obama writes, "Now...that image had suddenly vanished." " To think all my life I had been wrestling with nothing more than a ghost!" as Obama comes to terms with the image versus the reality of his father.
Anyone out there not go through a similar process with their father?
Fake quote: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.' - claimed to be from "The Audacity of Hope"
Actual quote: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." (page 261).
If someone requires further context on this last, actual quote, heaven help them.
But wait - there's more:
Fake quote: "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the THE OTHER RACE (WHITE) WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN AND APART" - taken from "Dreams from My Father"
To assist them in "helping" us understand that Obama meant "WHITE", the libelist leaves out several key parts phrases such as "Whether WE sought..." and "...missing in OURselves" to avoid the messy reality that Obama is, in fact, talking about all of us - not just whites. Also conveniently left out is that he had just transferred to Columbia and, when his idealism hit the reality of New York, Obama began to acknowledge the challenges of living an authentic, integrated life in such a reality without finding "yourself on the side of the line that you'd never intended to be on." (page 122)
When his mother and sister visit, they find him in the midst of "this humorless mood". (page 122) There are some moments during that visit followed by similar memories (pp 123-4) that cause Obama's over-idealistic image of black community and racial harmony to plunge into an equally over-pessimistic view as he realizes:
Actual quote: The emotions between the races could never be pure; even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in our selves. Whether we sought our demons or our salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien and apart." (page 124)
Sounds like a young guy getting hit with life's realities - no?? Given the context, this is one step on that journey - not the end. ... sen/gGBfQV
never been a supporter of obama's but that doesn't mean his quotes should be taken out of context and used to scare sheeple
Yea.... whoever just accepts those stupid e-mails going around about Obama and doesn't do their research is really an idiot.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
Some are flat out fake, and yes some are taken out of context.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
Way to use facts to debunk a perfectly good concocted pile of shit from being consumed and regurgitated by those of us whom wish to prolong this ridiculous, Red State vs. Blue State imaginary war that the politically motivated use to fuel their small minded armies.
You should take your stupid facts.. and you stupid books... and your... words and stuff and go live in Iran or something if you hate America so much... you elitist.
God bless America... land that i love... stand beside her and bite her... from the life of the life from above... from the mountains... to the prairies... to the oceans ripe with gold... **everybody** GOD bless America... my home sweet home... GOD bless America... my home... sweet... home.
Hail, Hail!!!
every friday he'd have a special guest on like billy ray cyrus or some other country musician or actor or larry king or was sad, he would kiss their ass and bring up all these similarities between them and say something like the only difference between them is their belt. poor guy, he seems to have some personal issues
he would also call ron paul 'the mayor of crazy town' for weeks then had paul on his show and completely kissed paul's ass and acted like he agreed with him but the next week was back to calling him the mayor of crazy town
he also had some guy on who wrote a book about liberals being fascists and devoted at least 1 entire show to this clown. they went through how the push to ban trans fats was just a cover to get their socialist foot in the door towards socialized health care, nothing more.
AND when they had that food shortage he kept saying it was because of having to use that food for ethanol, he said this for at least a month. 1 night he had some guy on that told him ethanol came from corn and the shortage was over wheat so ethanol had nothing to do with it. he accepted it for that night but the very next night he was back to saying the food shortage was caused because of ethanol.
i remember one night he had on bobby kennedy jr on to refute some guy he had on a previous night and kennedy claimed it was misleading to not disclose the 'expert' he had on previously was being funded by the oil industry and glenn got all mad saying why doesn't kennedy dislcose he works with the NRDC, which was actually listed in the graphic with his name. it's not like Kennedy's involvement with the NRDC is some big secret, his name is all over their mailings, plus i don't think he's receiving money from them, he's just supporting them.
glenn beck is one of the ones helping push that the health care bill is just like a Nazi policy and cries all the time :roll: :roll: :roll:
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
While Beck maybe a little looney, I don't see a problem with what you are referring to above. Higher food prices/shortage can in part be attributed to increased production of ethanol, which is produced from corn. The increased production of ethanol caused a shift in demand for corn which drove prices of corn up, therefore more farmers plant corn, therefore less farmers plant wheat. This causes an increase in price in corn products/wheat products/and meat products, as more corn is used for fuel and less for human consumption and animal feed...or you can call me crazy too
09/12/05 - London, ON
05/19/06 - Grand Rapids, MI
06/27/08 - Hartford, CT; 06/28/08 - Mansfield, MA
08/21/08 - Chicago, IL (EV); 08/22/08 - Chicago, IL (EV)
10/07/09 - Los Angeles, CA; 10/09/09 - San Diego, CA
05/06/10 - Columbus, OH; 05/07/10 - Noblesville, IN
06/26/11 - Detroit, MI (EV)
10/12/13 - Buffalo, NY
10/16/14 - Detroit, MI
08/20/16 - Chicago, IL; 08/22/16 - Chicago, IL
08/13/18 - Missoula, MT
09/02/23 - St. Paul, MN
08/26/24 - Noblesville, IN; 8/31/24 - Chicago, IL
My only point with this was to point out one of many (Glen Beck) who just can't seem to handle a black president. They talk about patriots and taking back our country, etc. when all I really see is sour grapes that "their" country is being taken from them. And it's not. Obama is not racist; he's not a socialist and he's not Hitler. He's our President. By all means, engage in a meaningful discussion but I just wish the false bullshit would cease. It's nothing more than propaganda being fed to the willing by the powerful and monied right wing (just like "Obama's gonna take your guns" and the "death panel" story). I truly don't believe that MSNBC, New York Times, etc. has such a blatant disregard for truth as do the right-leaning news outlets.
Kinda like what Fox News, etc. is doing now?
There isn't - racism is racism. Many blacks are racist but I don't believe Obama to be among them.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14