I will never give up having the physical item to appreciate the art work,liner notes etc.I haven't even got rid of my vinyl,yet I haven't had a turntable for years.
I am moving to Canada and my partner wants me to consider converting my 2000 c.d collection to digital then sell them.I can't do it so they'll be shipped over.
They'll be got rid of when I'm no longer here .... not before.
Holy shit, 2000? I thought I had it bad! I think I'd like to get down to 150 or so like someone above. That seems a reasonable amount.
i miss spending my sundays making mix tapes.there was a real art to doing that.making sure that each song fit,the gap between was equal,that the gap at the end wasnt to long or to short.making compilation CD's just isnt the same.
it really isn't is it? :(
sometimes i'd spend an entire evening makeweight 1 tape...and this was when i didn't have almost a thousand discs to chose from :shock:
I agree with that. I often wish I still had a tape deck in my car. But since that's out and mix cd's aren't the same... I'm not sure what I'm holding onto!
obviously for you you don't need to keep the physical copies...but it was at about your age that i started to think about getting rid of the physical music and just be digital...and now i regret it
I agree with that. I often wish I still had a tape deck in my car. But since that's out and mix cd's aren't the same... I'm not sure what I'm holding onto!
obviously for you you don't need to keep the physical copies...but it was at about your age that i started to think about getting rid of the physical music and just be digital...and now i regret it
now you just sound old.
in all seriousness tho, i agree. obviously conor does not place the same value as many of us do on the aesthetics of albums and all that encompasses....but even seeing how he sold off some books and now is rebuying some, while different.....similar ideas, and i too agree he may regret it down the road.
and hey, iamsampj.....i have some 'questionable' CDs in my collection, that's part of the fun!
kids today more than likely growing up not buying physical albums of any form, and even on itunes....buying often just a handful of tunes, not really experiencing the full effect of truly listening to an album in it's enitrety. it's a whole new world! i'm glad i had the experiences i did.
How long was that really the case though? I mean, the Beatles become huge by singles... nobody bought albums until the late 1960's. It was just singles like now. And that was if you bought music at all. And I think there may be a lot to be said AGAINST albums... think of all the bloated prog rock indulgences and unnecessarily long heavy metal crap out there. With cd's it's gotten worse... an album used to be under 40 minutes, now people feel compelled to fill them with bloated runtimes and lots of filler (thus why I'm not concerned with PJ's new one being so short). I mean, you can fit Rubber Soul and Revolver onto one cd. Sgt Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour on another. Harvest and After the Goldrush. Don't get me wrong, I love a good album. But I just don't think there's anything necessarily alarming about people not going for albums like they did in the past few decades.
That said, I do find I enjoy listening to an actual album far more than I like an ipod on shuffle or even the greatest hits compilation cd's I have.
obviously for you you don't need to keep the physical copies...but it was at about your age that i started to think about getting rid of the physical music and just be digital...and now i regret it
That's what gives me pause. I've gone through plenty of binge and purge cycles in the past. And I never listen to any of the burned cd's I have (usually greatest hits collections and the like). Thus why I'm still talking about buying stuff online but burning it to cd... to still listen to the album as an album. But I rarely listen to even the albums I have like that.
kids today more than likely growing up not buying physical albums of any form, and even on itunes....buying often just a handful of tunes, not really experiencing the full effect of truly listening to an album in it's enitrety. it's a whole new world! i'm glad i had the experiences i did.
How long was that really the case though? I mean, the Beatles become huge by singles... nobody bought albums until the late 1960's. It was just singles like now. And that was if you bought music at all. And I think there may be a lot to be said AGAINST albums... think of all the bloated prog rock indulgences and unnecessarily long heavy metal crap out there. With cd's it's gotten worse... an album used to be under 40 minutes, now people feel compelled to fill them with bloated runtimes and lots of filler (thus why I'm not concerned with PJ's new one being so short). I mean, you can fit Rubber Soul and Revolver onto one cd. Sgt Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour on another. Harvest and After the Goldrush. Don't get me wrong, I love a good album. But I just don't think there's anything necessarily alarming about people not going for albums like they did in the past few decades.
That said, I do find I enjoy listening to an actual album far more than I like an ipod on shuffle or even the greatest hits compilation cd's I have.
doesn't matter how long, it's simply mine and my husband's personal history, thus why we were discussing it from our own persepective. also, we are both big fans of progressive rock...one of the first albums i have ever owned, and still love and listen to now....yes fragile. also, peter gabriel era genesis, pure genius imo, so yea....i *heart* brilliant albums. also, it has nothing to do with it being 'alarming'....it's simply aknowledging the change.
nope nope nope couldnt do it. wont ever do it. i cant even bring myself to transfer my CDs sans booklets into a more efficient storage system, even if it is so i can house more books.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I'll never get rid of the cd, just the cases. Except for Pearl Jam, I recently bought a CD magazine for my discs and trashed all the jewel cases.. saved a hell of a lot of room.
to the person who responded about being sad over getting rid of tapes
I cleaned out my stuff about a year ago and I kept alot of tapes. I have an old stereo/cassette player/cd player and I listened to a Tonic tape a few days ago.
My cds are taking up alot of room but I'm not getting rid of them.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
nope nope nope couldnt do it. wont ever do it. i cant even bring myself to transfer my CDs sans booklets into a more efficient storage system, even if it is so i can house more books.
those binder books may be more efficient use of space, but i don't think a more efficient storage system, personlly. i like my CDs alphabetized, to me that is the most efficient way of storing them. in those binder books, you would have to constantly rearrange them ALL to keep alphabetized.
what i have done for my burned DVD collection is get those wooden drawer boxes from ikea, and i buy the individual CD/DVD sleeves that have a spot up top to put a small slip in with the title, and then i keep them all alphabetized in the drawers, each drawer has a label such as "A-D" or "music DVDs", etc. i then have a binder with all the titles in it, typed, alphabetized, a page for each letter of the alphabet...and when i add in a new title, i just hand-write in the new title, and at the end of the year i update it on my computer and print it out. whew! :P so yea, i guess i 'could' do the same with my CDs, but i LIKE them on the shelf, with their liner notes intct, etc. all my bought DVDs are stored the same way as my CDs, on shelves. tis only burnt DVDs stored in the drawer system. and yes, i *heart* organization. and sure, just a wee bit anal retentive.
straight-up alphabetical. obviously, if there is something with volumes, such as kill bill volume 1 and 2, or the untitled led zeppelin albums 1 through 4, then add in chronological too.
yes, i am obsessive. i'll tellya tho, i LOVe my CDs and DVDs on their shelves...and i am quite fond of my improvised system for our multitudes of burned discs.
those binder books may be more efficient use of space, but i don't think a more efficient storage system, personlly. i like my CDs alphabetized, to me that is the most efficient way of storing them. in those binder books, you would have to constantly rearrange them ALL to keep alphabetized.
what i have done for my burned DVD collection is get those wooden drawer boxes from ikea, and i buy the individual CD/DVD sleeves that have a spot up top to put a small slip in with the title, and then i keep them all alphabetized in the drawers, each drawer has a label such as "A-D" or "music DVDs", etc. i then have a binder with all the titles in it, typed, alphabetized, a page for each letter of the alphabet...and when i add in a new title, i just hand-write in the new title, and at the end of the year i update it on my computer and print it out. whew! :P so yea, i guess i 'could' do the same with my CDs, but i LIKE them on the shelf, with their liner notes intct, etc. all my bought DVDs are stored the same way as my CDs, on shelves. tis only burnt DVDs stored in the drawer system. and yes, i *heart* organization. and sure, just a wee bit anal retentive.
i'm sort a-c.so the first album by a group is always first.people always tell me i'm being obbsssive,but at any given point i know exactly where on my shelves any album is.i hate it when reissues only have the reissue date and not the original release date.
your system sounds cool,but very time consuming.on the flip side of that i suppose it saves time when trying to find what your looking for.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
i'm sort a-c.so the first album by a group is always first.people always tell me i'm being obbsssive,but at any given point i know exactly where on my shelves any album is.i hate it when reissues only have the reissue date and not the original release date.
your system sounds cool,but very time consuming.on the flip side of that i suppose it saves time when trying to find what your looking for.
for CDs and DVDs on the shelves....it's a breeze. for the DVDs drawers, the intial set-up took sometime simply b/c we already had a LOT of burned discs all over the place, and i hated how disorganized it was, how you had to search thru our entire collection spread thru various books, etc....to find what you want. now, it's easy as pie. also, since the system is in place....it takes no time at all. when i burn a new DVD, i simply slip it in a sleeve, write it's title on the top...and write it's name in the book. easy. and ALL our burned discs are soooo simple to find! i love it. and actually, i even have it divided by colored sleeves. :oops: red for A, blue for B, yellow for C....red for D, etc, etc. of course, now they don't make the colored sleeves anymore :evil: ...which i feared when we first started, so now bought some black (perhaps should've done simply black and white sleeves, but even the white sleeves were hard to find...but anyhoo).....but it's still visually easy to see each letter's category color b/c there are enough of em. just a small peek into my crazy little mind.
I gave away all my 8 track tapes when cassettes came out.
I kept 90% of my record collection. Records are a pain in the ass to store but I still have them. I recently looked at each one and have about 50-60 that are about to be put on Freecycle.
Have a bunch of cassettes but have trashed or worn out a bunch over the years. We recorded and traded early PJ shows. (Happy that is practice in no longer necessary although it was fun to tape EV before the opening act.)
Traded in a bunch of CDs for credit at our local independent music store. That was a good move.
records arent that hard to store.i have hard boxes for my 7" and a couple of DJ style record bags for LP's and albums.i have them stored under furniture.keeps them away from light and heat and they cant be damaged by kids/animals.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
nope nope nope couldnt do it. wont ever do it. i cant even bring myself to transfer my CDs sans booklets into a more efficient storage system, even if it is so i can house more books.
those binder books may be more efficient use of space, but i don't think a more efficient storage system, personlly. i like my CDs alphabetized, to me that is the most efficient way of storing them. in those binder books, you would have to constantly rearrange them ALL to keep alphabetized.
what i have done for my burned DVD collection is get those wooden drawer boxes from ikea, and i buy the individual CD/DVD sleeves that have a spot up top to put a small slip in with the title, and then i keep them all alphabetized in the drawers, each drawer has a label such as "A-D" or "music DVDs", etc. i then have a binder with all the titles in it, typed, alphabetized, a page for each letter of the alphabet...and when i add in a new title, i just hand-write in the new title, and at the end of the year i update it on my computer and print it out. whew! :P so yea, i guess i 'could' do the same with my CDs, but i LIKE them on the shelf, with their liner notes intct, etc. all my bought DVDs are stored the same way as my CDs, on shelves. tis only burnt DVDs stored in the drawer system. and yes, i *heart* organization. and sure, just a wee bit anal retentive.
I'm an organization freak too. And it is a pain to move cd's around in those books like you say. That's something I hadn't really considered.
nope nope nope couldnt do it. wont ever do it. i cant even bring myself to transfer my CDs sans booklets into a more efficient storage system, even if it is so i can house more books.
those binder books may be more efficient use of space, but i don't think a more efficient storage system, personlly. i like my CDs alphabetized, to me that is the most efficient way of storing them. in those binder books, you would have to constantly rearrange them ALL to keep alphabetized.
what i have done for my burned DVD collection is get those wooden drawer boxes from ikea, and i buy the individual CD/DVD sleeves that have a spot up top to put a small slip in with the title, and then i keep them all alphabetized in the drawers, each drawer has a label such as "A-D" or "music DVDs", etc. i then have a binder with all the titles in it, typed, alphabetized, a page for each letter of the alphabet...and when i add in a new title, i just hand-write in the new title, and at the end of the year i update it on my computer and print it out. whew! :P so yea, i guess i 'could' do the same with my CDs, but i LIKE them on the shelf, with their liner notes intct, etc. all my bought DVDs are stored the same way as my CDs, on shelves. tis only burnt DVDs stored in the drawer system. and yes, i *heart* organization. and sure, just a wee bit anal retentive.
im a little buzzed on codeine right now so not everything you said made sense but that seems like way too much trouble to me. i have enough hassle adding new purchases my collection when ive let it slide for a while. which i have done atm and am now needing to add 60 odd CDs to my collection. which means i have to take all my CDs off their shelves, add the newbies in their alphabetical place and then replace them all back on the shelves. and i can tell you that right now that aint gonna be happening anytime soon.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it aint that much hassle to add new CD in alphabetical place though dude.
it is when you have limited shelf space and a shitload of books and let it slide for months. as it is now A-B have no shelfspace. and im not even including EPs and singles. as for boxsets.... they have their own shelf. i cnat begin to think how much thought storing my music chronologically within alphabetical would take. thats way too anal even for me.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i am on overspill too.all the singles and compilations are on top of the albums,but box sets make that look untidy,plus i had to put up another shelf because i buy way to much music.maybe i should stop buying cheap albums for just one song...
on-line buying has made the problem so much worse!before it would take me ages to find what i was looking for.especially things that have been cancelled over here.now all i have to do is type it in and look for the best deal.i miss having good local record shops.
do you sort in alphabetical by artist,by album,or by artist and album?
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
i am on overspill too.all the singles and compilations are on top of the albums,but box sets make that look untidy,plus i had to put up another shelf because i buy way to much music.maybe i should stop buying cheap albums for just one song...
on-line buying has made the problem so much worse!before it would take me ages to find what i was looking for.especially things that have been cancelled over here.now all i have to do is type it in and look for the best deal.i miss having good local record shops.
do you sort in alphabetical by artist,by album,or by artist and album?
A is for ADAMS, ryan
Z is for the ZUTONS.
alphabetically by artist. tis easiest that way.
music feeds the soul... much like books. so there can never be such a thing as too much.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
im a little buzzed on codeine right now so not everything you said made sense but that seems like way too much trouble to me. i have enough hassle adding new purchases my collection when ive let it slide for a while. which i have done atm and am now needing to add 60 odd CDs to my collection. which means i have to take all my CDs off their shelves, add the newbies in their alphabetical place and then replace them all back on the shelves. and i can tell you that right now that aint gonna be happening anytime soon.
my system for bought CDs and DVDs is the same as yours: alphabetized and on shelves. tis only my burnt DVd discs that get the drawer treatment, and as i said in a later post...the initial set-up was a bit time-consuming simply b/c we had soooo many burnt discs all over to organize. nowadays it's a breeze.
when i make new CD or DVd purchases, i always slip them in the proper spot on the shelves from the get-go, so never have that problem. now they burnt DVDs i do usually let build up some, but it's still not too bad when i get around to it.
my biggest issue, eventually...will be space. our CD rack and our DVD rack, both close to capacity. actually, i DO already have too many CDs for the rack, thus i also divide CDs by genre. i only have rock albums on the rack, and then jazz and classical i have in a seperate storage box. DVDs too, i already keep my pearl jam DVDs seperate, as well as some TV series and holiday discs. i foresee eventually having to move all my music DVDs to a seperate spot as well. i don't buy many new CDs or DVDs anymore....so hopefully won;t have this worry for a good long while. and the drawer system for burnt discs, i have 3, 2 drawer units on a shelf and they hold a TON. each drawer probably holds well over 100 discs each. so plenty of room. (also bought 2 or 3 "extra" drawer units for future use)
Holy shit, 2000? I thought I had it bad! I think I'd like to get down to 150 or so like someone above. That seems a reasonable amount.
obviously for you you don't need to keep the physical copies...but it was at about your age that i started to think about getting rid of the physical music and just be digital...and now i regret it
now you just sound old.
in all seriousness tho, i agree. obviously conor does not place the same value as many of us do on the aesthetics of albums and all that encompasses....but even seeing how he sold off some books and now is rebuying some, while different.....similar ideas, and i too agree he may regret it down the road.
and hey, iamsampj.....i have some 'questionable' CDs in my collection, that's part of the fun!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
when don't i?!?!
i've been a crumdgeon since i was 18..ask my friends and they'll tell you the same :P
a crumdgeon?
i always thought you a curmudgeon.
it's ok, i love you anyway........
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i'm too old to spell correctly
How long was that really the case though? I mean, the Beatles become huge by singles... nobody bought albums until the late 1960's. It was just singles like now. And that was if you bought music at all. And I think there may be a lot to be said AGAINST albums... think of all the bloated prog rock indulgences and unnecessarily long heavy metal crap out there. With cd's it's gotten worse... an album used to be under 40 minutes, now people feel compelled to fill them with bloated runtimes and lots of filler (thus why I'm not concerned with PJ's new one being so short). I mean, you can fit Rubber Soul and Revolver onto one cd. Sgt Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour on another. Harvest and After the Goldrush. Don't get me wrong, I love a good album. But I just don't think there's anything necessarily alarming about people not going for albums like they did in the past few decades.
That said, I do find I enjoy listening to an actual album far more than I like an ipod on shuffle or even the greatest hits compilation cd's I have.
That's what gives me pause. I've gone through plenty of binge and purge cycles in the past. And I never listen to any of the burned cd's I have (usually greatest hits collections and the like). Thus why I'm still talking about buying stuff online but burning it to cd... to still listen to the album as an album. But I rarely listen to even the albums I have like that.
doesn't matter how long, it's simply mine and my husband's personal history, thus why we were discussing it from our own persepective. also, we are both big fans of progressive rock...one of the first albums i have ever owned, and still love and listen to now....yes fragile. also, peter gabriel era genesis, pure genius imo, so yea....i *heart* brilliant albums. also, it has nothing to do with it being 'alarming'....it's simply aknowledging the change.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
A joke how? What's the joke?
I cleaned out my stuff about a year ago and I kept alot of tapes. I have an old stereo/cassette player/cd player and I listened to a Tonic tape a few days ago.
My cds are taking up alot of room but I'm not getting rid of them.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
those binder books may be more efficient use of space, but i don't think a more efficient storage system, personlly. i like my CDs alphabetized, to me that is the most efficient way of storing them. in those binder books, you would have to constantly rearrange them ALL to keep alphabetized.
what i have done for my burned DVD collection is get those wooden drawer boxes from ikea, and i buy the individual CD/DVD sleeves that have a spot up top to put a small slip in with the title, and then i keep them all alphabetized in the drawers, each drawer has a label such as "A-D" or "music DVDs", etc. i then have a binder with all the titles in it, typed, alphabetized, a page for each letter of the alphabet...and when i add in a new title, i just hand-write in the new title, and at the end of the year i update it on my computer and print it out. whew! :P so yea, i guess i 'could' do the same with my CDs, but i LIKE them on the shelf, with their liner notes intct, etc. all my bought DVDs are stored the same way as my CDs, on shelves. tis only burnt DVDs stored in the drawer system. and yes, i *heart* organization. and sure, just a wee bit anal retentive.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
straight-up alphabetical. obviously, if there is something with volumes, such as kill bill volume 1 and 2, or the untitled led zeppelin albums 1 through 4, then add in chronological too.
yes, i am obsessive.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
your system sounds cool,but very time consuming.on the flip side of that i suppose it saves time when trying to find what your looking for.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
for CDs and DVDs on the shelves....it's a breeze. for the DVDs drawers, the intial set-up took sometime simply b/c we already had a LOT of burned discs all over the place, and i hated how disorganized it was, how you had to search thru our entire collection spread thru various books, etc....to find what you want. now, it's easy as pie. also, since the system is in place....it takes no time at all. when i burn a new DVD, i simply slip it in a sleeve, write it's title on the top...and write it's name in the book. easy. and ALL our burned discs are soooo simple to find! i love it. and actually, i even have it divided by colored sleeves. :oops: red for A, blue for B, yellow for C....red for D, etc, etc. of course, now they don't make the colored sleeves anymore :evil: ...which i feared when we first started, so now bought some black (perhaps should've done simply black and white sleeves, but even the white sleeves were hard to find...but anyhoo).....but it's still visually easy to see each letter's category color b/c there are enough of em. just a small peek into my crazy little mind.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I kept 90% of my record collection. Records are a pain in the ass to store but I still have them. I recently looked at each one and have about 50-60 that are about to be put on Freecycle.
Have a bunch of cassettes but have trashed or worn out a bunch over the years. We recorded and traded early PJ shows. (Happy that is practice in no longer necessary although it was fun to tape EV before the opening act.)
Traded in a bunch of CDs for credit at our local independent music store. That was a good move.
No Ipod yet.
Old school.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
I'm an organization freak too. And it is a pain to move cd's around in those books like you say. That's something I hadn't really considered.
im a little buzzed on codeine right now so not everything you said made sense but that seems like way too much trouble to me. i have enough hassle adding new purchases my collection when ive let it slide for a while. which i have done atm and am now needing to add 60 odd CDs to my collection. which means i have to take all my CDs off their shelves, add the newbies in their alphabetical place and then replace them all back on the shelves. and i can tell you that right now that aint gonna be happening anytime soon.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it aint that much hassle to add new CD in alphabetical place though dude.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
it is when you have limited shelf space and a shitload of books and let it slide for months. as it is now A-B have no shelfspace. and im not even including EPs and singles. as for boxsets.... they have their own shelf. i cnat begin to think how much thought storing my music chronologically within alphabetical would take. thats way too anal even for me.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
on-line buying has made the problem so much worse!before it would take me ages to find what i was looking for.especially things that have been cancelled over here.now all i have to do is type it in and look for the best deal.i miss having good local record shops.
do you sort in alphabetical by artist,by album,or by artist and album?
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
A is for ADAMS, ryan
Z is for the ZUTONS.
alphabetically by artist. tis easiest that way.
music feeds the soul... much like books. so there can never be such a thing as too much.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
my system for bought CDs and DVDs is the same as yours: alphabetized and on shelves. tis only my burnt DVd discs that get the drawer treatment, and as i said in a later post...the initial set-up was a bit time-consuming simply b/c we had soooo many burnt discs all over to organize. nowadays it's a breeze.
when i make new CD or DVd purchases, i always slip them in the proper spot on the shelves from the get-go, so never have that problem. now they burnt DVDs i do usually let build up some, but it's still not too bad when i get around to it.
my biggest issue, eventually...will be space. our CD rack and our DVD rack, both close to capacity. actually, i DO already have too many CDs for the rack, thus i also divide CDs by genre. i only have rock albums on the rack, and then jazz and classical i have in a seperate storage box. DVDs too, i already keep my pearl jam DVDs seperate, as well as some TV series and holiday discs. i foresee eventually having to move all my music DVDs to a seperate spot as well. i don't buy many new CDs or DVDs anymore....so hopefully won;t have this worry for a good long while. and the drawer system for burnt discs, i have 3, 2 drawer units on a shelf and they hold a TON. each drawer probably holds well over 100 discs each. so plenty of room. (also bought 2 or 3 "extra" drawer units for future use)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow