Anyone gotten rid of all their CD's?
Posts: 13,202
It seems more and more that bands are releasing music digitally, not just as an option, but as the only means of getting it. Case in point, the new Soulsavers album. Before that, NIN and Radiohead released albums exclusively online and then later offered a hard copy (which I'm not entirely sure why I bought, hehe). I also recall an interview with PJ talking about their being conflicted about digital releases... on the one hand, they grew up on vinyl and having a hard copy feels natural, but on the other, there's a lot to be said from a green standpoint for dispensing with plastic and paper packaging.
Anyway, I kinda like having a nice cd shelf to display them all, but as a guy who moves often, it gets less appealing every year Plus, I almost never look at artwork or anything. I'm starting to wonder if I should just make the switch to buying my music online and burning it myself at home. I could even get rid of a ton of my CD's, get a little $, and make my life a bit easier in terms of moving.
Anyone made the move to a completely digital music collection? I mostly listen to music in my car (throw some CD's in a case and go) or on an ipod at the gym... what am I holding onto here?
Anyway, I kinda like having a nice cd shelf to display them all, but as a guy who moves often, it gets less appealing every year Plus, I almost never look at artwork or anything. I'm starting to wonder if I should just make the switch to buying my music online and burning it myself at home. I could even get rid of a ton of my CD's, get a little $, and make my life a bit easier in terms of moving.
Anyone made the move to a completely digital music collection? I mostly listen to music in my car (throw some CD's in a case and go) or on an ipod at the gym... what am I holding onto here?
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but i did get rid of all my tapes not so long back and am still beating myself up over it.
i like CD's.i like cool packaging and artwork,and notes.i like having a wall of them in my front room.i love going into a shop,or opening the door to the potman,and having a brand new CD in my hand.downloads dont feel like anything.they just seem kinda souless.
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Selling your cd collection won't give you much cash, if any, just headaches trying to sell them. Used cd shops the world over are going out of business. No one's buying used cd's anymore (with the exception of audiophiles such as myself). All those shops either close up or switch entirely to DVD's.
I, also, get so excited when I see a new cd has arrived in my mailbox. Downloading just isn't the same.
But hey, to each their own. If you don't care about the booklet, then switching to all-digital seems like a good way to for you. Just back up your files, cause if it crashes, all your music will be lost!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I still have all my tapes and I'll still buy tapes at the Goodwill/yard sales
If anything, I am keeping them for my kids to listen to, like I did with my parent's vinyl.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
hell, i still have cassette tapes and vinyls collecting dust in boxes in the basement and attic. :P i probably 'should' sell those, but yea....unlike you, i don't plan on moving anytime soon. when we did move into our house, i found ALL my books far more a pain in the ass to move than our CD collection. that said, i'd never get rid of my books either. i love books, CDs, DVDs, makes a place feel like *home*....and i think it says a lot about a person, adds their personality to the space. i will always buy CDs for bands like pearl jam. other bands, not so much....tho still buy some. i really don't buy all that much new music period, tho i do go thru stages. i just can't see letting go of our CD collection.
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I am myself like you somehow
No doubt, books are worse. But I've already thinned my book collection considerably. I'm thinking of reinvesting, because for some reason having a physical copy of a book means more to me than a CD. And I buy way too many CD's... I buy stuff on a whim and sell it back to a used store a week later. I have maybe 400 CD's, but that's only because I've sold probably another 700 back to various places over the last decade. Maybe if I download I could get off that rat race, lol.
If you do go completely digital, I recommend keeping a good back up in place. My computer did a massive dump once, lost almost all music files. I had a handy tech person at the time who was able to recover most of it, but now I'd be screwed. Guess I need to follow my own advice.
That's kinda what I was thinking... keeping the CD's by a few favorite bands that I'll want to buy new stuff from as it's released but letting a lot of the rest go. I have a ton of random single CD's that I feel like I could easily do without.
Well, I like listening to stuff on a CD player, so I'd likely end up burning most of it anyway and just keeping the music in blank discs in those big book cases. I'm not overly worried about losing stuff.
While I rarely play my CDs, they won't be going anywhere.
I have ripped them all to my computer/Ipod so I rarely touch them. Also a nice little digital feature is the ability to stream all of my music to my PS3. It outputs through my receiver so it's like I have my entire CD/music collection on my TV that I can play through a kickass sound system.
But, despite this fact I rarely purchase digital media. Unless it comes in a high quality recording or flac, I am not going to bother.
And like the poster ^^ said, if you go to all digital, be sure to get a backup/external harddrive to copy them all to.
If your computer or harddrive goes, you have also just lost your entire collection of music (photos, videos, etc. too).
At that point you will kick yourself repeatedly for giving up or selling your CDs!
For the same price more or less i could actually get artwork, the actual crispy cd quality and everything. And like you say, its great to see a massive cd collection.
I don't have too many cd's. Mainly bootlegs that I'll probably keep.
I agree.
I like having a physical copy.
Don't get me wrong, I have an Ipod and I copy all of my CDs onto my I definitely like the technology!
That said, I also like the "control" I have over MY music. When you buy a digital copy, you pay pretty much the same as you would for the CD and you're stuck with whatever they give you. I like the option of encoding my digital copies at a higher bit rate, etc. If more higher quality digital files (flac) were available I'd be more likely to consider it...I guess I just like the freedom I have with a CD.
As someone who actually LIKES having a CD, I can say the same.
I cannot remember what CD it was I got last! Guess that just shows my interest in this quality music that has been coming out lately!
I do know the next CD that I will purchase though...
It'll be around Sept. 20th.
well said!
i love the technology, i love that i can carry around 80g of my music on a tiny little ipod......but i just love seeing all my CDs lined up on shelves, and sure, the 'safety' of knowing i still have em gawd forbid anything happened to my itunes library!
also reminds me, while we DO have an external hard drive that we save all our music and photos to, if that crapped out :shock: .....thus why i usually burn my photos (or my husband does ) to discs each year. i have all of my photos from 2009 just sitting in a temp file waiting to be 'organized'....and even the end of 2008....i need to get to that soon and burn some discs! i LOVe having all my pics on the computer, but you bet, i am paranoid of ever losing them!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
if you ever decide to get rid of that vinyl, let me know
i embraced downloads early on...i loved the convenience and still do somewhat....but a few years ago i realized something...i don't listen to music the way i used to...i used to go buy a cd(s) and listen to it, read the liner notes etc...then i started to d/l every thing (itunes) and i'd listen to it on an ipod but the experience wasn't the same
i also used to make mix tapes...i even bought minidiscs because i loved making mixes (this was before cd-r's took off)...but with mp3 players i stopped making mixes...i just shuffled and still do but that has led to a bit of a disconnect with music and less appreciation of it
so i decided with the resurgence of vinyl i'd buy a turntable and start reinvesting in music both monetarily and mentally...i haven't organized my cd's yet but i will get around to it and combined with vinyl, start actively listening to music instead of passively
so to answer your question conor, no i haven't got rid of my discs and don't plan to
Actually reminds me of this kid maybe around 15 at the airport (was coming back for the uk shows) and he had a black t-shirt with big white bold writing on it saying - 'Legal downloads are killing piracy'. Made me facepalm, why not just buy a frickin' cd.
Yeah, because I have my CDs if my harddrive crashed it would more or less be an inconvenience to rip all of my music again.
Photos are a different story...
As far as I'm concerned, you cannot have enough backup copies of photos. If you lose those, you will regret that the rest of your life.
I obviously have my photos on my laptop, but I also burn a updated copy onto CD, and have a backup 4GB flashdrive I have copies on as well.
hahaha...ya' never know!
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it really isn't is it? :(
sometimes i'd spend an entire evening makeweight 1 tape...and this was when i didn't have almost a thousand discs to chose from :shock:
However, from the standpoint of a music fan, I like having the physical copy in my hand. I love record stores. I once heard an audio documentary type thing about the grunge period, and the guy's position was that one of the reasons we'll never have a big "rock revolution" thing like that again was that there is no physical thing to bond over, like with digital music you're not in the record store and the guy behind the counter is like "hey new Pearl Jam album, awesome choice" or you're not at your friend's house looking at his collection going, "dude, can I borrow that new Pearl Jam album?" The argument does make sense. Of course there's the argument that you can share more easily online, but I think there's a lot to say for having both media available to work with each other.
In Chicago the other night before Spin the Black Circle, Eddie said, "does anyone remember records?" It's getting to the point where he could have said "does anyone remember CDs?"
but if your CDs aren't too much of a burden when you move, keep them if not get rid of them, that's my friend is my humble opinion :geek:
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Yup! I like my hard copies. I have an ipod and an ipod connection in my car so I never actually listen to the CD itself. It gets ripped the minute I buy it but I still want the hard copy. About a year ago, I upgraded my version of iTunes and it lost all my music. Took it to the Apple store to see if they could recover it and I got about 1/3 of it back. It was a pain in the ass to upload that much music again but at least I didn't lose it. I now have a 1TB external harddrive to back everything up but I still want the hard copy. I'll even buy the imports versus just buying the digital releases.
I think the upside to the digital releases is there have been newer / lesser known artist that are able to get their music out there a little cheaper.
there isnt one thing in my collection i dont remember where i bought,how much it cost etc. :oops:
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I don't believe that anyone but the most obsessive audiophiles with high end systems can actually hear a difference between a 256k mp3 and flac/wav. Besides, if you're harping on quality, shouldn't you be bemoaning cd's in favor of vinyl? I thought that was the quality thing?
As to artwork... I couldn't care less. I never look at it!
But then I have the case laying around uselessly... bad for the environment, pain in the ass to move when I switch apartments, etc. The whole point of going digital is to avoid that. I can download it and then burn it to cd and stick it in a book... 200 cd's in a book the size of a college biology text instead of a wall rack.
I agree with that. I often wish I still had a tape deck in my car. But since that's out and mix cd's aren't the same... I'm not sure what I'm holding onto!
I am moving to Canada and my partner wants me to consider converting my 2000 c.d collection to digital then sell them.I can't do it so they'll be shipped over.
They'll be got rid of when I'm no longer here .... not before.
great post......and yea, that last statement, *sighs*.........i am no vinyl afficinado, but i did grow up on vinyl, so there is nostalgia.....and still some albums flaoting about my home, even sans turntable nowadays. that said, my husband and i have had quite a few discussions about this topic, about kids today more than likely growing up not buying physical albums of any form, and even on itunes....buying often just a handful of tunes, not really experiencing the full effect of truly listening to an album in it's enitrety. it's a whole new world! i'm glad i had the experiences i did.
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I am myself like you somehow